UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Yeah all of the vehicles have been ruled out, there was 4 vehicles. The Superdrug lorry, Superdrug managers car, the one they refereed to as "the american car" and the bin lorry. 3 of the 4 had legitimate reason of being there (work) and the while the american car didn't have a legit reason (he likely just parked up for whatever reason and was in the wrong place at the wrong time) has been checked out thoroughly and eliminated. It was forensically checked and the driver was more than willing to assist, and N was apparently provided with evidence as to why it was in the area as well. I think its safe to say it was not involved.

That brings us back to the bin lorry - and that's been talked about enough, and even though the weight suggests a person was in it and the phone pings went in the same direction, I find it hard to believe he was in there if absolutely no DNA or forensic evidence has been found in the bin. He would have been crushed in the bin, there would have been blood all over it, and even if the crusher wasnt on he would have been thrown with some force into it which will have caused some kind of damage, there would be SOME kind of DNA in that bin if he was in it, and for people saying it was probably long gone by the time it was seized is rubbish, with the science of today they can recover DNA from years and years ago. I cant even believe that if it was a cover up and the bin was cleaned that it would have gotten rid of every single bit of DNA.

Also if you read any similar stories where people have been crushed in bins, they have been found when they have arrived at the site of deposit. I cant see any stories of anyone actually going from the bin to the landfill. So the driver will have eventually noticed. (Is he telling the truth of course? Who knows?)

I have thought about the whole "going back to a party" theory too, and while it could have happened, parties have several people present and I just find it hard to believe a group of people could have stayed quiet so long in covering something up, someone will have had to crack or at least give/hint at something

Here are the timings as well by the way, and the Superdrug lorry driver was sat in the van for the 25 minutes he waited for the manager to arrive and saw nothing at all.

Corrie walks into the horseshoe area at 03:24
The Biffa Bin Lorry goes into the area at 04:16
The American Vehicle is in the area at 04:22
The Superdrug Lorry is in the area at 04:35
The super drug manager is in the area at 04:57
I have followed this case right from the beginning. Until now I have never commented my opinion. The only theory that seems plausible to me is the following... Corrie walked into the horseshoe area and got talking to someone in a vehicle that invited him to a party in the Barton mills area. Corrie had slept some of his alcohol off and was not ready to go home so he accepted. He got into the strangers car and left all undetected by cameras. This would explain why his phone pinged when it did. I think that Corrie came into danger at the party. Either an argument or some kind of violent situation broke out and Corrie came into danger and lost his life. There are many thing's that they could have done to hide his body. I think that people at the party know what happened but the wall of silence is down to fear for their own and their families lives because of the person/people involved. Maybe they have been threatened or paid to keep quiet. I think the only thing that could have solved the case was an anonymous tip from someone about where the body is. Maybe that will happen in the future but whilr the investigation continues to look into his private life, the landfill and the awol theory the person/people that know the truth are keeping under the radar. I hope this case gets solved for poor Corrie and his family. Does anyone agree with this theory or have slightly different opinions?

No vehicles were seen in the HS until about 40 minutes after C was last seen on camera there. But he could have crossed into Short Brackland while the camera was rotated in the other direction, walked up there and possibly got a lift. I doubt he went to a party though; as the previous posters have said, someone would have mentioned seeing him.

If he got a lift he may have got into some sort of altercation with the driver, but I do think it's more likely that he was struck by a vehicle well away from the HS, and that the driver panicked and dumped his body because he was over the limit, had no license or insurance or was doing something else illegal.
Also a party is likely to have people coming and going, which means people could have seen Corrie but necessarily been there when something happened to him, and those witnesses would have come forth, even if Corrie was at a party that whittled down to one or two people and he has fallen foul of that those people, the other people that had been there would have come forward surely.
No vehicles were seen in the HS until about 40 minutes after C was last seen on camera there. But he could have crossed into Short Brackland while the camera was rotated in the other direction, walked up there and possibly got a lift. I doubt he went to a party though; as the previous posters have said, someone would have mentioned seeing him.

If he got a lift he may have got into some sort of altercation with the driver, but I do think it's more likely that he was struck by a vehicle well away from the HS, and that the driver panicked and dumped his body because he was over the limit, had no license or insurance or was doing something else illegal.

I don't believe he was hit by a vehicle as people normaly just drive off as in a hit and run, they wouldn't take the body with them and get blood and DNA all over them and the vehicle then go to all the trouble of disposing of a body !
Yeah all of the vehicles have been ruled out, there was 4 vehicles. The Superdrug lorry, Superdrug managers car, the one they refereed to as "the american car" and the bin lorry. 3 of the 4 had legitimate reason of being there (work) and the while the american car didn't have a legit reason (he likely just parked up for whatever reason and was in the wrong place at the wrong time) has been checked out thoroughly and eliminated. It was forensically checked and the driver was more than willing to assist, and N was apparently provided with evidence as to why it was in the area as well. I think its safe to say it was not involved.

That brings us back to the bin lorry - and that's been talked about enough, and even though the weight suggests a person was in it and the phone pings went in the same direction, I find it hard to believe he was in there if absolutely no DNA or forensic evidence has been found in the bin. He would have been crushed in the bin, there would have been blood all over it, and even if the crusher wasnt on he would have been thrown with some force into it which will have caused some kind of damage, there would be SOME kind of DNA in that bin if he was in it, and for people saying it was probably long gone by the time it was seized is rubbish, with the science of today they can recover DNA from years and years ago. I cant even believe that if it was a cover up and the bin was cleaned that it would have gotten rid of every single bit of DNA.

Also if you read any similar stories where people have been crushed in bins, they have been found when they have arrived at the site of deposit. I cant see any stories of anyone actually going from the bin to the landfill. So the driver will have eventually noticed. (Is he telling the truth of course? Who knows?)

I have thought about the whole "going back to a party" theory too, and while it could have happened, parties have several people present and I just find it hard to believe a group of people could have stayed quiet so long in covering something up, someone will have had to crack or at least give/hint at something

Here are the timings as well by the way, and the Superdrug lorry driver was sat in the van for the 25 minutes he waited for the manager to arrive and saw nothing at all.

Corrie walks into the horseshoe area at 03:24
The Biffa Bin Lorry goes into the area at 04:16
The American Vehicle is in the area at 04:22
The Superdrug Lorry is in the area at 04:35
The super drug manager is in the area at 04:57

I have never thought he is in the landfill but am not sure that money always makes tongues wag.
Fear is pretty good to induce a wall of silence. Whilst I do not want to seem melodramatic it could happen.
I don't believe he was hit by a vehicle as people normaly just drive off as in a hit and run, they wouldn't take the body with them and get blood and DNA all over them and the vehicle then go to all the trouble of disposing of a body !

Not if they were thinking straight, but people don't always behave logically, especially if drunk or in shock.
True! I agree with what you are saying and you would like to think that someone would have come forward for the reward but maybe it wasn't a party party with comings and goings maybe it was just a drink with one or 2 other people and all parties were involved. In regards to the vehicles if he got in the vehicle of his own accord and got out in Barton mills there would be no dna and the driver could tell the police anything to be ruled out. The other option is that he walked out of the horseshoe without getting seen on camera and he got into a vehicle somewhere else. If something happened in or close to the horseshoe someone would have seen something.
Hello. I'm new to this page and have been reading pages and pages of the posts on here. There are literally thousands and thousands of posts on here so please excuse me if someone else has already commented along these lines.

What I find strange about this is what happened before Corrie went clubbing. One thing I cannot resolve in my head is how Corrie drove himself into town if he had been drinking already. It has been stated that Corrie was drinking with the group back at base before heading in to town. The group left in two cars left and accidentally left Corrie behind. Now, I am making assumptions here, but i am guessing that Corrie would have been partaking of an alcoholic beverage or two especially if the intention was always to go into town with the rest of the group and not drive himself there. It is then believed that Corrie drove into the town. Now...if he had been drinking would he not have been prevented from driving by the guards on duty? I am assuming he would need to drive past them to leave. Would a member of the armed forces risk being caught drink driving? This makes me think that some other sober person could possibly have driven Corrie into the town in Corrie's own car and that is was this person, this driver or escort, that Corrie was waiting for at the end of the night to drive him home or elsewhere in Corrie's own car. There is a time lag between the group leaving the base and Corrie catching up with the group. Did he want to be apart from the group on the base for any reason? Was there a non -drinker in the group that Corrie had arranged to meet up with to drive him home in his car? This could explain the waiting around till the pubs closed, or perhaps that was a pre-arranged time for the theoretical person from the base who drove him there to come back and get him. It would also explain why Corrie would have seemingly refused an offer of a lift earlier in the evening as has been suggested on these pages.As to what happened in the horseshoe or afterward or what happened to Corrie or his phone I have no clue, but something just doesn't feel right to me in respect of events earlier on in the evening. I feel for his colleagues, friends and families and wish for a resolution soon.
Well I've said that whatever happened has happened far away from the horseshoe, but the mystery of him walking into a dead end and the statement of him not being able to leave without being seen on camera has put too much focus on the HS and hampered the investigation. Had the last CCTV of him not been specific in that particular area I think the investigation may be a whole different ball game. May not have had a solution to it, but the focus would have been different.
. It is then believed that Corrie drove into the town. Now...if he had been drinking would he not have been prevented from driving by the guards on duty? I am assuming he would need to drive past them to leave. Would a member of the armed forces risk being caught drink driving? .
Hi, I’ve driven out of Honington many a time and never been stopped or checked. The guards would not have noticed if someone was drunk on the way out but they would have if someone drove in drunk as that is a window down and show your pass/ID affair.
Hi, I’ve driven out of Honington many a time and never been stopped or checked. The guards would not have noticed if someone was drunk on the way out but they would have if someone drove in drunk as that is a window down and show your pass/ID affair.

The guards would only notice if someone was driving erratically as they were leaving camp, but what they can do depends on when it happens. They could keep the exit barrier down to stop someone who is approaching the guard point, but after that it's call the civvy police.

It's only a short road off Honington camp, so perfectly possible to drive after drinking. C couldn't have been too bad or was going veeeerrry sloooowly if he then managed to negotiate the nasty bends up to the main road to BSE.
Latest update is it's not going to be handed over to the cold case team yet until details of the investigation have been given to the family and their questions answered. Don't know if I'm allowed to copy and paste it over but this is the gist of it
to be honest my opinion hasent realy changed since the start ,IV always thort a strong possibility of AWOL, I'm still to be convinced otherwise , maybe things just got to much for him, baby and family pressures that he could not live up to, that double look around before he last went out of CCTV view just to check that no one was around makes me think that he wasn't that drunk and knew what he was doing, I'm sure that he wouldn't be short of people to help him disappear, a few little white lies hear and their maybe to put the fox of the scent, just my humble opinion,
to be honest my opinion hasent realy changed since the start ,IV always thort a strong possibility of AWOL, I'm still to be convinced otherwise , maybe things just got to much for him, baby and family pressures that he could not live up to, that double look around before he last went out of CCTV view just to check that no one was around makes me think that he wasn't that drunk and knew what he was doing, I'm sure that he wouldn't be short of people to help him disappear, a few little white lies hear and their maybe to put the fox of the scent, just my humble opinion,

If that is the case do you think a family member is raising money for him?

Unless he had a huge amount of money saved up and some level of logistical support then he would have been spotted by now, so there would be others involved that are keeping quiet.
to be honest my opinion hasent realy changed since the start ,IV always thort a strong possibility of AWOL, I'm still to be convinced otherwise , maybe things just got to much for him, baby and family pressures that he could not live up to, that double look around before he last went out of CCTV view just to check that no one was around makes me think that he wasn't that drunk and knew what he was doing, I'm sure that he wouldn't be short of people to help him disappear, a few little white lies hear and their maybe to put the fox of the scent, just my humble opinion,

Lots of things are possible but the reason I've never been convinced of AWOL is that it would take a lot of planning, resources and a huge amount of good luck to be able to totally disappear. I don't see that any ordinary Joe could pull of something like that, if the pregnancy was a factor it would also have to have been planned is a very short space of time, for many practical reasons imo there is no chance of this being what happened
Lots of things are possible but the reason I've never been convinced of AWOL is that it would take a lot of planning, resources and a huge amount of good luck to be able to totally disappear. I don't see that any ordinary Joe could pull of something like that, if the pregnancy was a factor it would also have to have been planned is a very short space of time, for many practical reasons imo there is no chance of this being what happened

Indeed, and they have said there was no planning of any kind to indicate that. He would need logistical support to get away, remain hidden, and have a place to stay, food to eat etc.

He would have been spotted by now somewhere in the country.
Latest update is it's not going to be handed over to the cold case team yet until details of the investigation have been given to the family and their questions answered. Don't know if I'm allowed to copy and paste it over but this is the gist of it

@ MorganRB It has now made MSM so here is a link to what you speak of in your post ;)

'TOO SOON' Mum of missing RAF airman Corrie McKeague says disappearance WON’T be passed to cold case team
Jeez, what a fiasco

RAINBOW TROUT?? I’ve learnt a heap of stuff today. No wonder mum seemed flustered at times.

to be honest my opinion hasent realy changed since the start ,IV always thort a strong possibility of AWOL, I'm still to be convinced otherwise , maybe things just got to much for him, baby and family pressures that he could not live up to, that double look around before he last went out of CCTV view just to check that no one was around makes me think that he wasn't that drunk and knew what he was doing, I'm sure that he wouldn't be short of people to help him disappear, a few little white lies hear and their maybe to put the fox of the scent, just my humble opinion,

I hear you, and I’m still of the same thoughts today as I was at the start.

Admittedly he would need a support network, but come on guys, it doesn’t have to take months/weeks to plan a getaway. It became urgent, aphonecall or two to “get me out of here”. A very good friend could in theory get yòu picked up and gone. Once out of area, time to start putting a plan in place.

Finances? That I do not have a clue.
@ MorganRB It has now made MSM so here is a link to what you speak of in your post ;)

'TOO SOON' Mum of missing RAF airman Corrie McKeague says disappearance WON’T be passed to cold case team

Well, that's not going to make any difference, is it? The decision has been made.

She says “I can’t change what’s happened or how it’s happened over the last week, but I can try to stay positive knowing that I will not have to suddenly start at the beginning again with someone else new to try and get answers. For that I am incredibly grateful."

I'd have thought she'd welcome the chance to have some new eyes looking at the case.
I agree Cherwell. As she didn’t think this Team worked for her, as you say “new eyes” may see something that N wants to see.

suffolk Police have spent a massive amount of man hours on this case. I look back and often think of the Luke Durbin case. 11 years he’s been missing and Police didn’t spend this amount of time looking for him. That’s another missing lad from my region.
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