UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #4

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Fact is: either they do or they don't. And the easiest way to find out is to ask the relevant authorities.

I have asked. I pointed out the characteristics and probably capabilities of both Cam 09 and Cam 34 and with this im mind, there is a possibility you could depart that area unseen.

The reply....
My statement was not accurate.
I had based my question on one camera.

Work than one out !
You know James, perhaps Tony's implying of the 100% cctv is his way of also implying they have Corrie leaving the area on cctv (in a vehicle whether willingly or in the boot) but he can't come outright and say that. Hence why he is sure Corrie didn't leave on foot 100%

We all know they're under restrictions on the information they can give out.
Corrie is a very handsome guy and I'm sure the ladies in the clubs have noticed. If he (or any of his friends) separate from their group as the night progresses, they've most likely met up with someone who wants to go to another bar or back to their place. Could explain why Corrie has walked back to base in the past, if the friend who drove there that night left with someone else. But on Sep 24th, Corrie drove himself and his mom said that his car was only about 3 minutes' walk from the place he was last seen. Looks like he was trying to sober up to drive home, not walk. If he was vomiting in the alley, could explain why he would still be there when the lorry driver appeared some time later. Maybe sat down to wait for the nausea to pass?

Corrie has never walked from bse to honington in the past. His mother meant he walked home in the past on nights out in Scotland
You know James, perhaps Tony's implying of the 100% cctv is his way of also implying they have Corrie leaving the area on cctv (in a vehicle whether willingly or in the boot) but he can't come outright and say that. Hence why he is sure Corrie didn't leave on foot 100%

We all know they're under restrictions on the information they can give out.

Which goes back to my point above somewhere.

A "Missing Persons Enquiry" is a good way to collect information that maybe a "Murder Enquiry" couldn't (or a "homicide without a body investigation" to give it the proper term)
Which goes back to my point above somewhere.

A "Missing Persons Enquiry" is a good way to collect information that maybe a "Murder Enquiry" couldn't (or a "homicide without a body investigation" to give it the proper term)

Seems very logical, especially as the family updates contain very little information of use, because they can't give out relevant details of a homicide. I spoke to my mum today about my thoughts and how I felt it seems the family know more about where he is than we do. It would tie in nicely with the random information we're getting.

If it's suspected honicide more than anything they'll want to play by the book and get the information they need to gain the evidence. After all Nicola is a police officer and tony ex mil. This isn't a normal civvy family.

Perhaps the blaming of the police and investigation is part of that.

This news article states that the lorry arrived in Barton a few minutes after Corrie's cell phone did. Are they implying that the cell phone was in a separate vehicle? And does anyone know if the UK employs those "black hawk" type towers that are put in place to capture cell phone traffic in just one area when they have a terrorist threat? After the botched kidnapping of the US soldier in that area a few months earlier, these towers might still be in place and could have captured something useful?
In this instance (in my opinion) the Facebook group is the perfect way to publicise how little they know to reach the right people, as being a missing persons case it's not going to make top news every night.
Corrie is a very handsome guy and I'm sure the ladies in the clubs have noticed. If he (or any of his friends) separate from their group as the night progresses, they've most likely met up with someone who wants to go to another bar or back to their place. Could explain why Corrie has walked back to base in the past, if the friend who drove there that night left with someone else. But on Sep 24th, Corrie drove himself and his mom said that his car was only about 3 minutes' walk from the place he was last seen. Looks like he was trying to sober up to drive home, not walk. If he was vomiting in the alley, could explain why he would still be there when the lorry driver appeared some time later. Maybe sat down to wait for the nausea to pass?

Corrie is nice-looking, but there's lots of nice-looking men about, and not all girls are going to chase him. Everyone has their own individual taste.

it could be the Facebook group is playing a purpose in publicising the lack of leads and info they have (while not lying, just omitting facts) to get the reach to the relevant people (i.e. The people involved) because lets face it, missing persons cases do not dominate the news military or not.

It could be a way of trying to generate the evidence they need.
There was also this hooded person who was seen leaving bin area 4 minutes after Corrie arrived there.... did he render Corrie unconscious, hide him then go get a vehicle to remove him?

I just feel that some of these possibilities are too complicated. This would entail the hooded person walking out, driving back in and driving out again. I think the fact that they seem to have so little to go on suggests it all happened quickly and without a struggle.

Apologies for for all of these questions, but I just can't find answers to them anywhere - but do we know why they chose to search just this 1.5 mile stretch of road?

It's been a few years since I was last in that area, but remember it being very rural and without street lights. Roads connecting the towns were just spans of farmland though bicyclists were not uncommon. It would have been a brutal walk, though, even in daylight.
I just feel that some of these possibilities are too complicated. This would entail the hooded person walking out, driving back in and driving out again. I think the fact that they seem to have so little to go on suggests it all happened quickly and without a struggle.

But what if the hooded man is the lorry driver?

This news article states that the lorry arrived in Barton a few minutes after Corrie's cell phone did. Are they implying that the cell phone was in a separate vehicle? And does anyone know if the UK employs those "black hawk" type towers that are put in place to capture cell phone traffic in just one area when they have a terrorist threat? After the botched kidnapping of the US soldier in that area a few months earlier, these towers might still be in place and could have captured something useful?

I don't know about the black towers. As for the phone they've confirmed nothing, just exactly the info you have there, the phone appears to by fairly in sync with the lorry.

Apologies for for all of these questions, but I just can't find answers to them anywhere - but do we know why they chose to search just this 1.5 mile stretch of road?

It's been a few years since I was last in that area, but remember it being very rural and without street lights. Roads connecting the towns were just spans of farmland though bicyclists were not uncommon. It would have been a brutal walk, though, even in daylight.

Nope they've given no reason. I guess the article says new information so perhaps that's why? Who knows. All we know if the area was searched and the family confirmed nothing was found.
It's not uncommon for young guys to make "your gay" or "gay" comments on one another's facebook pages.... it's called banter

I agree - and Corrie seems like a confident guy. I don't think he'd have any problems admitting his sexuality one way or another, based on comments from his family and his "happy go lucky" personality. Jmo

I'm glad to have found some intelligent people and I'm grateful for everyone's contributions as having wide open thinking and input always helps round an opinion, have to say though James you're an excellent sparring partner
"Cag's Theories" in no particular order:

Corrie got into the car of someone he knew, drove away and something bad happened that night. So we are looking for a method of contact and a vehicle. The police have his phone records and presumably would be able to track people down. But Whatsapp is encrypted, does this mean the police couldn't find out if Corrie sent any messages that night? And why ca't the car be traced?

Corrie either willingly or unwillingly got into the cab of the bin lorry. Willingly - cadging a lift somewhere? Mildenhall? Near the USAF base? Unwillingly - a fight, an accident? No blood (if the right vehicle was searched) and no definitive scent of Corrie.

Corrie has his wee, headed up Short B and fell in a river/ditch or got hit by a vehicle.. Wish someone would clarify whether he definitely would have been caught on camera

Corrie went into one of the flats and didn't come out alive Driven away at some point over the next couple of days, before the alarm was raised. Send cadavers up there I say.

Things that make me go hmmmmmmm - the search near Mildenhall USAF. The "Corrie often came in with his American friend" from the first Mamma Mia interview. Possible waste plant at Rougham near to where the A14 was closed and searched this week. The fact that nobody reported Corrie missing until Monday despite living with friends / colleagues / puppy. Did anyone try and contact him? Tony's insistence Corrie could NOT have left the bin area. Why not? If there were permanent cameras recording the comings and goings of the area, why have they caught nothing?

Think that's all my thoughts and ramblings for today. I have no idea what happened, but none of us do. We can speculate and pontificate for all we like but so many things could have happened. Hope this gets resolved, we're at that funny time when no new info comes out and things start naturally slowing down. Let's home we #FindCorrie before the first "bumping" post :(

The CCTV camera which caught Corrie's last known movements is not a fixed camera. It revolves and turns to face the opposite direction. This is why there is a gap in cctv footage. I believe there are no other cameras from that area leaving out of town. I am sure he was meeting someone as when he appears in view he was running and was clearly surveillance aware before walking into the horseshoe area. Looking right, left and right again before disappearing. He definitely had the demeanour that he was about to meet up with someone.
Perhaps the hooded person was Corrie! Unless height and build would rule the person out. Could have had a change of clothes.

I'm glad to have found some intelligent people and I'm grateful for everyone's contributions as having wide open thinking and input always helps round an opinion, have to say though James you're an excellent sparring partner

Thanks for that. And to you to.

It worthwhile remembering that some relevant info has come from the facebook group. Local people are on there who have been approached by the police and have been asked question.

This is where the fact that the police were seeking to find the "Black Sweat Top wearing USAF guy" came from. And the fact the Silver Car was unidentified. And possibly the "hoody in the alley".

So, whilst it may not work "perfectly well", it works "well enough" for what it may have been designed for.

It has always been said from the get go, "somebody knows something" ...and Social Media maybe away of finding that somebody. Or just "something about that somebody".

But as it's likely a "live murder enquiry", I doubt we'll officially hear much more....unless some information needs to be released.
Thanks for that. And to you to.

It worthwhile remembering that some relevant info has come from the facebook group. Local people are on there who have been approached by the police and have been asked question.

This is where the fact that the police were seeking to find the "Black Sweat Top wearing USAF guy" came from. And the fact the Silver Car was unidentified. And possibly the "hoody in the alley".

So, whilst it may not work "perfectly well", it works "well enough" for what it may have been designed for.

It has always been said from the get go, "somebody knows something" ...and Social Media maybe away of finding that somebody. Or just "something about that somebody".

But as it's likely a "live murder enquiry", I doubt we'll officially hear much more....unless some information needs to be released.

I agree, the next thing we will hear of relevance (if anything at all) will be an object found or an arrest.
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