UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #4

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I genuinely see it as being his phone in my theories. Screen cracked, sends a picture image at 0308 to someone (brother, Tinder? Who knows) and chucking it in the bin. MTO.

Thanks MidsummersDay, I know that with all the other unknowns it really isn't important but one of those things that niggles me.
I genuinely see it as being his phone in my theories. Screen cracked, sends a picture image at 0308 to someone (brother, Tinder? Who knows) and chucking it in the bin. MTO.

Why would his mum be so sure it was a chip then? I assume they have managed to zoom right in and can see it's not a phone or wallet. It does kind of look like like he's putting something in a pocket though. I think if it was his phone he'd have looked a it for more than a nanosecond.

Also, just watched CCTV2 again. I don't think anyone called him over as he looks around in several different directions rather than at one point/person. He looks furtive. I still think he might have been going for a wee, or considering nicking a bike. If there was someone there or he heard a voice I reckon he'd have been focused in one direction, I also he'd have stopped. Odd that he looks more unsteady on his feet than on the previous footage, but to me he just looks cold and tired, like he's just slept in a doorway for a couple of hours and just wants to get home.

I can't wait until this new CCTV footage comes out, I hope it gives a better idea of timings for the passers-by and vehicles.
I think it may of been something a lot smaller than that.. She is only guessing it was a chip.

But how do you know she's guessing? She said, and I quote, "it's a chip". She knows more than we do.

I'm playing devil's advocate and I'm not saying she is 100% right, but I'm not sure why she'd answer so definitely if she wasn't sure. Surely she's learned by now that everything she says will be nitpicked over.
I know it's silly to get attached to a theory, especially when we don't have the facilities to look into it. But the assignation with a married woman who Corrie already knows seems like the best fit. So he waits 15 to 20 minutes in the doorway for her to arrive in a car, meets her in the horseshoe and gets picked up and driven away. Maybe they stop somewhere in the car for a little while before she drives him back to her place (Barton Mills/Mildenhall area) and on the drive there they go through one of the phone blackspots and Corrie just doesn't want to have his phone ringing at her place so he turns it off and the mast never gets the 'off' message? Then the phone never gets turned back on again because hubby comes home and finds Corrie in his house.

You see, I go along with this.... but the division is, where the phone may have gone. With him or without him.

# Attacked in the car park, the phone dumped in the nearest place.

# Got into a vehicle and was driven with phone towards Barton.
the only thing I don't get about picking food up is why would you if you bought that huge amount what Corrie bought one chip ???
I'll look for Nicolas comments, but it's definately the police accessing them. I am a member of the Facebook group, if I go on corries profile and click group we have one mutual group "find corrie"

I didn't just randomly make it up you know.
RSBM. Corrie hasn't joined the group - he was added by another member, It is a very subtle difference but a difference all the same.
Still think if he was knocking a married woman off his mates would know they would tell police when my son went missing AWOL his mates dropped him into lots of things lol and he was only gone 8 days from barracks
But how do you know she's guessing? She said, and I quote, "it's a chip". She knows more than we do.

I'm playing devil's advocate and I'm not saying she is 100% right, but I'm not sure why she'd answer so definitely if she wasn't sure. Surely she's learned by now that everything she says will be nitpicked over.
Because she can only see what we can see..Maybe it was a chip, I'm not saying 100% it wasn't, I just 'think' it may of been something else.
Still think if he was knocking a married woman off his mates would know they would tell police when my son went missing AWOL his mates dropped him into lots of things lol and he was only gone 8 days from barracks

Unless he has a reason to keep it quiet from them, too? It's not only single guys in the RAF, Corrie might work with the husband.

ETA I do agree that it's a massive leap of speculation. But is it really any worse than hypothesizing Corrie's secretly gay and having a hookup on Grindr with some lunatic he's never met before?

If, and it's a big if, this had happened, the police should be able to match the car to the owner, and they'd obviously want to question them. But if the person denies picking up Corrie and says they were there for some other reason, is that enough for police to get search warrants, or would the police just hang back for a while and see if they can actually find Corrie, and if it did turn into a murder investigation, then they'd have more leeway for warrants and taking someone in for questioning. I hope it's not a murder investigation, but sadly if we're realistic, that has to be accepted as a possible outcome.
RSBM. Corrie hasn't joined the group - he was added by another member, It is a very subtle difference but a difference all the same.

I didn't think of it like that. However Nicola has still confirmed many times they have accessed his social media accounts.
The thing with the "an affair with a married woman" is...
....where would she say she was from 3.30am onwards, had nothing happened.

There has to be a reason for "3.30am"
And there has to be "what would have normally happened"
The thing with the "an affair with a married woman" is...
....where would she say she was from 3.30am onwards, had nothing happened.

There has to be a reason for "3.30am"
And there has to be "what would have normally happened"

I've edited my post above to say a little more about that. We can't possibly come up with 'all' the answers even if we come close to what actually happened. And we probably won't come close and it'll turn out to be something none of us ever considered.

As I suggested before, 3.30am is simply that that's driving time for her to get to BSE after Corrie wakes up and messages her. Why this hypothetical woman would be awake at 3.30am I don't know. Or she might work in a club in BSE, but because it's an illicit affair she doesn't want Corrie to come and wait for her outside the doors, so they arrange to meet just far enough away for her workmates to not see her picking up a bloke on her way home from work.
But how do you know she's guessing? She said, and I quote, "it's a chip". She knows more than we do.

I'm playing devil's advocate and I'm not saying she is 100% right, but I'm not sure why she'd answer so definitely if she wasn't sure. Surely she's learned by now that everything she says will be nitpicked over.

If a person can decide through the 'fog of war' that Corrie saw him drop a chip, apply the two second rule and then pick up a 'chip' (which is usually three inches long), then that proves to me that the system can not only read number plates at a decent distance but identify the plate stamp on the bottom of it also.
My point being that if she is stating it's a chip, what else can they see in such detail?
To be honest, I appreciate a mothers love is closer to an offspring that most but I'm taking everything that she says respectfully with a pinch of salt. Nicola is shell shocked, demoralised, living in different and awkward accommodation, tired and in between a rock and a hard place.
A chip, from a grainy CCTV camera that 100 foot away....really?
The thing with the "an affair with a married woman" is...
....where would she say she was from 3.30am onwards, had nothing happened.

There has to be a reason for "3.30am"
And there has to be "what would have normally happened"
re: the married woman theory.
If for example she regulary leaves a club after a night out/working her husband would expect her home at x time, meetings could of been taking place for a length of time enough to rouse suspicion with her arriving home later than what would be normally expected and the partner got wise to it and decided to investigate for himself??
Is this where this is leading?
I myself take a lot of convincing .
However I am open minded as my latest theory is just as nuts.
Perhaps he messaged her and she was asleep. Wouldn't take two seconds for someone to reply and delete the messages I don't doubt. Going along that theory of course
Unless he has a reason to keep it quiet from them, too? It's not only single guys in the RAF, Corrie might work with the husband.

ETA I do agree that it's a massive leap of speculation. But is it really any worse than hypothesizing Corrie's secretly gay and having a hookup on Grindr with some lunatic he's never met before?

If, and it's a big if, this had happened, the police should be able to match the car to the owner, and they'd obviously want to question them. But if the person denies picking up Corrie and says they were there for some other reason, is that enough for police to get search warrants, or would the police just hang back for a while and see if they can actually find Corrie, and if it did turn into a murder investigation, then they'd have more leeway for warrants and taking someone in for questioning. I hope it's not a murder investigation, but sadly if we're realistic, that has to be accepted as a possible outcome.

This IS a massive thing that we're talking about here. It is just as massive as the 'gay' angle or the Grinder/Tinder' angle.
If Corrie has been having an affair with a married women who's partner is in the military I can guarantee that a 24hr posting would quickly ensue. I'm not saying that this has happened. I'm suggesting that if it has happened and Corrie befell a tragic set of circumstances like I prophesied several weeks ago, then a 24hr posting would be the next step. Let's not get fluffy about this. If you're caught having an affair with a married person you're not only austracised but shifted quickly!
The thing with the "an affair with a married woman" is...
....where would she say she was from 3.30am onwards, had nothing happened.

There has to be a reason for "3.30am"
And there has to be "what would have normally happened"
Does it matter if he's on a tour or detachment? It only matters if he's back early!
Corrie was seeing or had arranged to meet up with a married/attached woman, possibly why he drove into Bury.
The woman's partner gets her phone and figures out what's been going on.
I am not convinced Corrie was waiting. I theorise that the woman's partner realises, from reading her messages that Corrie is in BSE that night. He messages Corrie pretending to be that woman and offers to either give him a lift back to base or a bed for the night.
Alternatively, Corrie had been hitting on the guys girlfriend in the club and the guy just happened to see Corrie later that evening and wanted to rough him up or worse.
The guy waits for/saw Corrie in the shadows of the Horseshoe, punches him and either accidentally or purposely kills him and then dumps his body in Thetford Forest or Moreton. The guy leaving the Horseshoe on foot is the attacker going to get his car to put Corrie in.
There will be no forensics in the Horseshoe as the weather has eliminated any traces. It wasn't a violent attack, one or two carefully placed punches can kill.
The picture message could be either the guy realising he doesn't know what Corrie looks like or wants to verify he has the right guy, so asks for a "picture message", continuing a conversation Corrie had previously with the woman about family, Corrie sends the picture of him & his brother so the guy has now confirmed who he's looking for.
Alternatively the picture message was sent after the woman was asleep and her partner saw it and it triggered him going to find Corrie.
The phone could have been put in the bin after Corrie was attacked in the Horseshoe, travelled with Corrie in the car or it was thrown out of the vehicle at some point.
Possibly as Amonet says, the woman picked Corrie up and then they went to her place, the husband/boyfriend walks in and kicks off at Corrie. However, this would require the wife/girlfriend to keep quiet all this time. However, how do we know that she is not also missing?! Alternatively, if she is a victim of domestic violence/manipulative partner, she may just be terrified...utterly, completely terrified.
Things have been deleted from Corries social media because the police/family are protecting her or she is missing too.
The police know this, they have possibly already interviewed the guy, he may have a record of violence or maybe they know who he is but have no positive visual identification. The car has gone, possibly scrapped at a yard, possibly burnt out somewhere. The police have no car as evidence, no body as evidence and on CCTV all they have is that car driving into the Horseshoe then back out again.
There isn't any proof or evidence of foul play so the police can't even upgrade the Missing Person status to Murder enquiry, which if they could, would unlock more doors & resources to them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

BBM - this is all possible but would mean leaving the body in the horseshoe area for however long it took to get the car and risk being seen on the CCTV returning to pick it up. If this was what happened IMO it's easier just to leave the body and hope no one links you to it. Getting a body into a car isn't an easy task, too risky IMO
For what it's worth and based on my own interpretation of his actions, my experiences and attitudes...
I would plump for one of my original theories of an affair with an American Serviceman's wife who possibly works locally in a pub, club (or not) and has access to a car. He's been seeing her on and off and when he can. She's stuck in a US base with limited interaction and needs a buzz. Corrie is that buzz. They met on neutral soil originally (night out/weekend social function on US base?) He's been sending her messages after leaving the club to meet her whilst her husband is away. The husband has intercepted the phone and messages, gone to meet him, hard punched him into the back of the car, phone fallen out of shirt pocket, phone goes into the bin and Corrie is driven away.

Its right that we've discussed Corrie having possible involvement with Tinder AND Grinder AND drugs AND awol AND....that is what this forum is designed to do. To address difficult topics with a view to finding a near perfect answer to a problem. As unsavoury as they are, we HAVE to discuss them to solve issues.

The last theory of mine is that he was a secret Harry Potter fan and he'd just found Platform 9 3/4!!
For what it's worth and based on my own interpretation of his actions, my experiences and attitudes...
I would plump for one of my original theories of an affair with an American Serviceman's wife who possibly works locally in a pub, club (or not) and has access to a car. He's been seeing her on and off and when he can. She's stuck in a US base with limited interaction and needs a buzz. Corrie is that buzz. They met on neutral soil originally (night out/weekend social function on US base?) He's been sending her messages after leaving the club to meet her whilst her husband is away. The husband has intercepted the phone and messages, gone to meet him, hard punched him into the back of the car, phone fallen out of shirt pocket, phone goes into the bin and Corrie is driven away.

Its right that we've discussed Corrie having possible involvement with Tinder AND Grinder AND drugs AND awol AND....that is what this forum is designed to do. To address difficult topics with a view to finding a near perfect answer to a problem. As unsavoury as they are, we HAVE to discuss them to solve issues.

The last theory of mine is that he was a secret Harry Potter fan and he'd just found Platform 9 3/4!!

This is certainly plausible. A crime of passion isn't exactly unheard of. I could also get behind an accidental death. After all, if there is a seriously dangerous person out there surely it would be a matter of time before them strike again.
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