UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #8

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Also like to add. No one is that clever these days, unless its a premeditated capture. To be able to avoid everything they have with this investigation so far. If he meet with a normal person for a bit of this and that through a dating app this would have been outed by now. We don't live in the dark ages. Unless they got very lucky in evading everything going in this 21st century.
@ DC Flag, A mainstream channel would want executive editorial input. When they commission from independent companies, they have executive producers involved before commissioning, during filming and viewing after a first cut post production. My source for this is my previous career with a Broadcaster and as an Independent TV Producer.
@ DC Flag, A mainstream channel would want executive editorial input. When they commission from independent companies, they have executive producers involved before commissioning, during filming and viewing after a first cut post production. My source for this is my previous career with a Broadcaster and as an Independent TV Producer.

That's interesting to know. We know that msm will pick up on the docu anyhow.
Please do not attempt to moderate the thread yourselves.

That is what moderators are for.

Just alert on the post and move on.

Haha, nice one! Thanks for that. I made a boo-boo and gave you bad info though sorry, I think it's actually 30 seconds from every 2 mins 30.

Angle 1: St John's (30 secs)
Angle 2: Brentgrovel towards the Grapes (30 secs, 1 min tot)
Angle 3: Ground beneath Greenwoods camera (shot #7 in CCTV identification footage) (30 secs, 1 min 30 tot)
Angle 4: Gregg's Alley (I call it that because you can't see the Horseshoe in this angle) (30 secs, 2 min tot)
Angle 5: Horseshoe (30 secs, 2 min 30 tot)

Angle 3 is not fully validated, but we can deduce from the way the footage is cut (one clip shows Angle 1 to 2, another clip shows angle 4 to 5, and at end of footage we see angle 3 and there's only the Greenwoods camera in that location to see that angle).

Additional footage could come from the Grapes camera (Corrie eating kebab CCTV) but we know nothing about that one as far as I'm aware, because it may also be on an auto-rotation, so unclear how many angles/time has lapsed between each. It wouldn't get great images though, being so far away.

And personally still maintain it may never have started in the Horseshoe at all (ie a car, so never entered any shot ever). What if Corrie looked into the Horseshoe but the car was actually parked in that OTHER horseshoe that's literally round the corner in Short Brackland (another rear of shops, with lots of cars parked in it on Street View, not far from the 'open door' of the back of a pub/kitchen). If that "other" horseshoe was fairly empty at night, perfect place for a car to do a 3 point turn, park up, etc. From the moments we see Corrie walk to the bins, assuming the CCTV moves to Angle 1 seconds later, he then has 2 mins to walk 10 metres out of shot in the Short Brack direction to not be seen on CCTV again.
Even worse than I thought. Only a 1 in 5 (20%) chance of being seen 80% chance of evading it. Nothing close to 100% then.
Pretty telling that it says Corrie's dad doesn't have a problem with the Police investigation. Just what is going on? I look forward to Nicola's explanation tomorrow as this is all really surreal to me.

Has there been any information as to where or how Nicola will give her explanation tomorrow? TIA
Watching the CCTV of him going behind the wall again and I just can't shake the feeling that there's someone there. He's running at first then stops suddenly when he comes into the opening as if he was running to meet someone but didn't realise the opening was there so suddenly stopped like you would if you were trying to look cool. Then he look around and something catches his eye. Then he checks if anyone is coming and walks across sheepishly as if he is meeting someone who he doesn't know (doesn't mean he doesn't recognise).

The more i watch that video the more I'm convinced that he is meeting someone off a dating app and the more I consider why you would look around as if you don't want to be seen the more I'm convinced that it was another man or a female that he shouldn't be meeting.

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Pretty telling that it says Corrie's dad doesn't have a problem with the Police investigation. Just what is going on? I look forward to Nicola's explanation tomorrow as this is all really surreal to me.
I' think it is quite common for couples who have split up to argue publicly over their missing child and their various family members then take "sides". Off the top of my head I can think of several cases where this has happened. I don't believe it helps matters much but it is an emotional time for all involved.
I' think it is quite common for couples who have split up to argue publicly over their missing child and their various family members then take "sides". Off the top of my head I can think of several cases where this has happened. I don't believe it helps matters much but it is an emotional time for all involved.
Plus there could be verg good reasons why they don't get on. I wouldn't share breathing space with my ex regardless of the circumstances!!!
But why not then search? Unless it's been eliminated from the docu. Surely they don't rule out one line of enquiry as it being lost in the waste disposal system?
they were searching towards honington I think. I don't know who has made the decisions where to search out of the family, police and the RAF. I don't know who made the decision that he had been separated from his phone in the first place. I have read that 15 square miles have been searched but would like to see a map of that but haven't been able to find one so far.
What struck me in that documentary as being somewhat strange is:

Nicola - Corrie went out on Friday and it's now Monday, I knew instantly this was really bad.
If that's what Nicola did think at that time, then why leave it to the Police for 5 days before travelling down?

Darroch - on the last call when speaking to Corrie, they were making plans to go out the following week, London or Cambridge maybe. Darroch said we'll speak to each other on Sunday. He also said that Corrie was more happy than usual.
With this in mind, you would have thought that Darroch would be somewhat concerned that he and Corrie had not been in touch with each other surely?

Pizza Man - When asked how Corrie was behaving that night, his reply was 'No idea'
i just found it really strange!

Police - A number of people saw Corrie in Hughes doorway and some checked on him.
I thought it was only reported that 'one person' checked on him?

Reporter - His family say it's not possible to leave the area without being caught on CCTV.
Again, there is no mention of Police or RAF having said this, still only family!

Just a few things that stood out!
One other thing to add that is probably nothing Polo is that when talking about the bin lorry/recycling centre it showed a recycling sign outside Sainbury's in Mildenhall which I thought odd so had a look on Google maps. I can't find any recycling centre? Besides that we are led to believe it is the HWRC just off the fiveways roundabout where the bin lorry went so why film in Mildenhall?


jessie said:
Has there been any information as to where or how Nicola will give her explanation tomorrow? TIA

Not that I've seen. I think we could guess, though...
Corrie was more happy than usual - excited/nervous about meeting up with someone new?

i think Nicola just thought he was going to turn up,
Darroch - on the last call when speaking to Corrie, they were making plans to go out the following week, London or Cambridge maybe. Darroch said we'll speak to each other on Sunday. He also said that Corrie was more happy than usual.
With this in mind, you would have thought that Darroch would be somewhat concerned that he and Corrie had not been in touch with each other surely?

I don't really find it odd. I think the main thing is that Corrie had plans for the following weekend, and for Halloween, and he'd made firm arrangements for them, and there was to be a follow-up call between Corrie and his brother to arrange his brother's visit.

I don't panic when people say they'll call me on Sunday and I don't hear anything, I just figure they've got busy and they'll get back to me in a few days? Also, if someone's living away from home in military quarters or at uni or something, then you'd really expect it to be the people physically closest to them to be the first to notice that they've not been around, while the family who are physically separated will just expect a call back the next day. But for Darroch the next day instead brought the news that Corrie was missing.
Arrrgh, I'm trying to read the thread working backwards while getting interrupted by kids / husband / washing machine etc... I haven't seen the documentary. Can anyone give me a quick summary for today please?
What struck me in that documentary as being somewhat strange is:

Nicola - Corrie went out on Friday and it's now Monday, I knew instantly this was really bad.
If that's what Nicola did think at that time, then why leave it to the Police for 5 days before travelling down?

Darroch - on the last call when speaking to Corrie, they were making plans to go out the following week, London or Cambridge maybe. Darroch said we'll speak to each other on Sunday. He also said that Corrie was more happy than usual.
With this in mind, you would have thought that Darroch would be somewhat concerned that he and Corrie had not been in touch with each other surely?

Pizza Man - When asked how Corrie was behaving that night, his reply was 'No idea'
i just found it really strange!

Police - A number of people saw Corrie in Hughes doorway and some checked on him.
I thought it was only reported that 'one person' checked on him?

Reporter - His family say it's not possible to leave the area without being caught on CCTV.
Again, there is no mention of Police or RAF having said this, still only family!

Just a few things that stood out!

To be fair that could be the reason why she feels betrayed by the Police, perhaps the Police didn't want certain information coming out in the press and were holding it back to play the long game but because she didn't agree/felt that it was hindering rather than helping the investigation, she went ahead and told the media anyway. Knowing that this was ruining their play and preventing them in proceeding in the way that they wanted to they decided to hold back some information from her to keep it out of the public domain, she has now found out and feels like the police have been lying to her as well as not doing their jobs properly.

Would explain her recent comments and why the only tidbits of info have come from the family

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I was travelling to Norfolk on 8th November and when I got to the 5 ways roundabout (from the A11) I wasn't able to go my preferred route on the A1065 to Brandon as it was closed and I had to detour on the A11 towards Thetford. I could see it was closed for searches as I could see the police vehicles and people.

'This was supposed to include a previous post re where the searches have been- sorry- not got the hang of this yet
Just back home now and only catching up. Haven't read everyone's comments yet so il catch up on those when I've posted this. Watched the doc on forces. A few things...
1. Brother talking about Corrie in past tense "WAS"
2.Police woman's answer to Corries social media activity.

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