UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #8

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Local news were on today reporting Corrie as missing from 24th November....

:gaah: There has been a distinct lack of coverage in MSM and general news so far. Let's hope
others can get their dates right.
And don't forget, I'd have thought Nicola would be referring back to her friends in her local force, and comparing notes in what they'd do versus the reality of what Suffolk police are doing

And Tony?
That's very true. My family would die of shock if they knew half of the things I did when I was in my 20s...they wouldn't believe me if I told them myself, I have many secrets my family know absolutely nothing about

I'm 26 and every now and then I hade discussions with my parents and completely forget they don't know half of the stuff I was up to. I'd have got a mouthful and probably more if they knew I was getting into clubs, drinking and going to parties and staying there all night when I didn't even know the person. Not much they can do about it now mind you.

Wen you're younger sometimes you do just do stupid things. You forget that you're not invincible and the old age way of thinking "it will never happen to me" is always in your mind. You do put yourself in vulnerable situations.

If Corrie has found himself in such a vunerable situation, whether third party, accident walking home or the decision to exit his life in whatever way I can bet money he never expected to find himself in that situation.

Some of the ways the family have described him suggests to me that going "missing" for want of a better word wasn't unusual for him. That he did stay at other people's houses, that he was happy to be the kind of person who would go back to a dates house, accept a lift off strangers etc.
I'm 26 and every now and then I hade discussions with my parents and completely forget they don't know half of the stuff I was up to. I'd have got a mouthful and probably more if they knew I was getting into clubs, drinking and going to parties and staying there all night when I didn't even know the person. Not much they can do about it now mind you.

Wen you're younger sometimes you do just do stupid things. You forget that you're not invincible and the old age way of thinking "it will never happen to me" is always in your mind. You do put yourself in vulnerable situations.

If Corrie has found himself in such a vunerable situation, whether third party, accident walking home or the decision to exit his life in whatever way I can bet money he never expected to find himself in that situation.

Some of the ways the family have described him suggests to me that going "missing" for want of a better word wasn't unusual for him. That he did stay at other people's houses, that he was happy to be the kind of person who would go back to a dates house, accept a lift off strangers etc.

Exactly! ... been there and done that.
This is the biggest mess of an investigation I can ever recall. It doesn't help that the family are obviously divided.<modsnip> The documentary was incredibly sad and I'm gutted for the family that this appears to be a long way from being solved.
My hearts breaks for Purplewitch it must be so very hard when you know Corrie personally take all the time you need we are here when and if you need support also. Bad night for me so will be pottering on here and trying to keep my brain from not thinking overload :( (personal overload) Anyway I didn't think much of the interview / documentary I am thinking much on the lines of others he has walked out the area and public searches will find him cant say much more got to me a bit
I would agree with an AWOL situation but I can't see how without money or a place to stay he could have managed for all this time. Would it really be possible to sucessfully totally disappear and if you could what sort of life would you have away from family and friends?

You're right about the social media pressure, there's be no way to reappear now

Suzy, I gave an absolutely brilliant answer to this conundrum in an earlier post and nearly all the military or ex military types agreed with me:
If Corrie was collected by someone living in married quarters as a singleton and had just been sent abroad (I'm purposefully being ambiguous you understand) either that day or the day after....then Corrie would effectively have the run of a house for 4-6 months as well as a car. The groceries are delivered by the supermarket and the bills go out as usual. This is of course speculation but I've done it and no doubt many others here have too. Why live in the block when your mate has just offered you his pad whilst he/she is away?!
The only deviation from my thought process is if he's injured whilst onroute from BM mast area to somewhere outside of there which is possible but doubtful in my mind.
On the REWARD poster, have you noticed next to the phone numbers is a comment about lack of resources at the police level so Corrie's family and friends will be manning phone lines.
I understand the frustrations I really do, but I don't think this is the right way to go about finding him. Why are they not putting more money into sulsar to help search more areas? Surely that would be more constructive?
I find it very sad that no matter how two people have split up its time to put everything aside because your son is missing and come together it does make me think wether Corrie could turn to his family about things
The two people walking on the cctv video clip that was played during the documentary today, does anyone know if they have been identified yet?
Does this mean that there are two rewards, the grandparents reward and now this £50,000? Am I missing something. My goodness, the family and friends manning phones. Surprised.
I understand the frustrations I really do, but I don't think this is the right way to go about finding him. Why are they not putting more money into sulsar to help search more areas? Surely that would be more constructive?

I get the feeling that the family want to take over this investigation so that they can start following up on the many leads that have sat unanswered for the past 11 weeks, due to police resource issues.
AWOL Theory

It seems far fetched given that he didn't have any of his belongings with him so if anyone was to search for him he would have had the same clothes on that he was last seen in. Throwing away your phone is overkill, the Armed Forces don't take absconders that seriously that they bring CSI in. It doesn't seem right that you'd plan to go AWOL on a whim after a night out and then not come back when you've sobered up even if it was to get your stuff and plan it properly. You'd still need to use your bank account or have some form of currency. You could still speak to your family, probably even stay at a mates across the road from your mums house and not be found by the MP. Someone would have spotted him now he's gone national.

Accident Theory

It is plausible he has left the area and fallen victim to some kind of accident whether on his own or at someone else's hands (hiding a body takes it beyond being an accident to becoming manslaughter at least). However, where could he have gotten to so remote that no one would have found him injured or dead in the last 10 weeks? In this day and age with local news spreading so fast even the slightest sighting of something untoward would most probably make someone connect the dots (you'd think).

Abduction Theory

Again, it seems plausible that he could have been abducted for purposes unknown. If there was a terrorist connection then surely there would have been contact by now by someone trying to claim the crime for the notoriety and praise it would generate from sympathisers. If an abduction was carried out by someone without terrorist links then it would presumably need at least minimal planning, I can't see why Bury town centre would be considered a reasonable abduction point amongst weekend police presence and CCTV everywhere. Even with knowing where the CCTV cameras were it would still be incredibly risky and arguably unnecessary. If you are going to abduct someone it's not likely you'd just pick anyone, you'd be incredibly lucky if a person that matches your criteria just stumbles upon you in the dark. That being said, it's possible he could have been abducted by someone he knew. If the abduction didn't end with a murder then where is he being held, surely there can't be that many discreet places to keep a man where you aren't going to be rumbled in 10 weeks.

Murder Theory

One that is entirely possible but a lot of the same questions arise as the accident theory. Where is the body, even if it had been hidden/buried surely someone would have noticed something by now. Particularly as it's not easy to dispose of a body without attracting attention to yourself. Again, why pick Bury town centre to snatch someone or commit the act, if you don't know the victim surely as with the abduction theory you would be lucky to have someone that matches your criteria land in your lap, if you do know the victim surely there's easier places to pick them up without being seen. How common is it for someone to just randomly pick someone and kill them? (Genuine question - I always thought there was some kind of type the killer has i.e. Women/Prostitutes/Gay men)

Tinder/Grindr Theory

This is the one that best fits what we already know, or more specifically what we don't. The fact that no one has come forward to say they saw him that night after he was last seen on CCTV actually fits with this theory in that if he was meeting a random for some no strings attached frolics then that person is highly unlikely to come forward if they are embarrassed about it, particularly if that person is a closet homosexual. It's my personal opinion that in the last episode of CCTV footage he looked like he spotted someone behind that wall, someone he was sheepish in meeting. Perhaps they had a car there or close by were they then drove in the direction of Barton Mills either to were they lived or just somewhere out of the way so they could have some uninterrupted fun. Now up until this point the lack of information fits theory pretty well. Here is where the twist comes, it could be that either that person was a murderer and killed poor Corrie, it could be that they had a disagreement and in a heated exchange Corrie was killed or it could be that in a heated exchange Corrie killed someone else. Feeling that he can't come forward because a) he would need to explain why he was in a car with a strange man at that time of night and b) scared of going to prison and branded a murderer he decides to hide the evidence and disappear until everything dies down. This would explain the phone being discarded and the police not disclosing whether or not they can gain access to the information on dating apps. It also fits Corries mum saying she felt betrayed and the sudden reward being offered, perhaps the police mentioned the possibility of Corrie being gay and his mum was so offended by the suggestion (not in a homophobic way, just in a 'I think I'd know if my son was gay' way) that they told her they wouldn't pursue it any more, they have and in disclosing the information and subsequently the reason why they believe no one has come forward, the dads side of the family have decided to offer the reward in the hope the cash overrides someone's need for anonymity.

Looking at the options it's hard to discount there not being some kind of rendezvous with someone male or female that doesn't have some kind of vested interest in not becoming known to be the last person to see him or be with him. Sorry for the long post, I just keep going through all the possible scenarios and the CCTV video takes me back to the Tinder/Grindr theory each time.

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