UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #8

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strange thing reading this as I watched one of those documentaries tonight and it did make me think it was about a youn guy who had hooked up with a girl but had doubts and asked for a video call for proof she did and it was infact a girl and she planned tomeet him at her so called aunties in end it wasn't her aunties and he was shot in the car James Rodrigues I think the name was true story and ended up being a jealousy thing it made me think about this case
In terms of Grindr/tinder it could even be they had an argument and Corrie tried to walk home from Barton mills, or that they didn't argue and he walked opposed to getting a lift home.

Someone not openly gay may not want to come forward in either of those situations also.
Does this mean that there are two rewards, the grandparents reward and now this £50,000? Am I missing something. My goodness, the family and friends manning phones. Surprised.

Yes there's two rewards. <modsnip>
I understand the frustrations I really do, but I don't think this is the right way to go about finding him. Why are they not putting more money into sulsar to help search more areas? Surely that would be more constructive?

Sulsar does seem to have gone quiet lately. Maybe the family will coordinate searches on their own once they start running the show. Hopefully Sulsar steps back in as they seem to really know the area and terrain. Jmo
this reward thing just feels like forgive me if it sounds awful but my cash reward is better then your cash reward :(
In terms of Grindr/tinder it could even be they had an argument and Corrie tried to walk home from Barton mills, or that they didn't argue and he walked opposed to getting a lift home.

Someone not openly gay may not want to come forward in either of those situations also.

You have a great point! I hadn't thought of that.

Do do we know if police questioned people at the Barton Mills dogging site to see if they saw anything unusual?
Murder Theory

One that is entirely possible but a lot of the same questions arise as the accident theory. Where is the body, even if it had been hidden/buried surely someone would have noticed something by now. Particularly as it's not easy to dispose of a body without attracting attention to yourself. Again, why pick Bury town centre to snatch someone or commit the act, if you don't know the victim surely as with the abduction theory you would be lucky to have someone that matches your criteria land in your lap, if you do know the victim surely there's easier places to pick them up without being seen. How common is it for someone to just randomly pick someone and kill them? (Genuine question - I always thought there was some kind of type the killer has i.e. Women/Prostitutes/Gay men)

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Would someone notice a body?

I think that depends on where and how it's hidden. Some murderers display bodies, some hide them. I think sometimes what they do with a body can tell profilers something about the murderer.

There are people missing presumed dead whose bodies have not yet been found. That's not because all of them are actually alive.

So I think there's no hard and fast answer to that question.

Disposing of a body:

Under cover of darkness, in a rural place, by not moving the body too far from the site of death and having a site of death which is fortuitous for not finding a body/somewhere easy to cover it up....yes I think it can be done, because it's been done before. People have gone missing and died of natural causes and no one covered up their bodies yet it's taken ages to find them...the main thing that helps find those people is that they don't usually manage to travel far from the last place they were seen. If we add in the assistance of a murderer for transport and covering up, then yes it can be done.

Saying that it can technically be done feels uncomfortable to me. People do get caught. But some have taken time to get caught, some get luckier than others, and sometimes that luck runs out.

Victim criteria:

I think there often is victim criteria but I also think it depends a lot on the context of crime. I believe most serial killers do have a preferred 'type' of victim, but they can also vary from that to an extent, and the more comfortable they get with killing then the easier it is to do things like take out someone who's in the way but nothing to do with type, or they might get so desperate with the urge to kill and not immediately find someone of the true type that they look for the closest thing they can get.

Not all murders are serial murders though. Most murder and manslaughter is not the sort of thing that would make it into an Agatha Christie's more about getting angry with someone and having a weapon to hand. So something like a bar brawl would have a general most likely 'type' of victim but it's all about context, not about serial killers. This is why, earlier on in the thread, I was asking about crimes against men...

I think if we go on generalities there are probably a lot of things we can put right at the bottom of a list...something like street crime is likely to leave a body in situ. But we don't have a body, nor know it was manslaughter or murder. We don't know if a body has been moved and hidden or if it happened to fall in a place that's rarely visited. I think it might be interesting to delve into this subject a little, but I think it would mostly be about eliminating things (like street crime). We are not privy to police investigation so at the end of the day I think it would be impossible for us to determine if the most likely thing is someone he knows or a total stranger or someone from a dating app, or whether it might be manslaughter, murder, or accidental death in the presence of another person who's uncomfortable being connected to this death.
Actually, and this has nothing to do with Corrie, but my cousin is gay - and he's one of three boys. My aunt was absolutely stunned when he "came out". Speaking as a parent myself, I can say definitely that whatever our jobs or whatever number of children we may have, or whichever gender parent we are, our nearest and dearest blood kin can hide things from us for whatever reasons - and I know this from personal experience. Once again, nothing to do with Corrie, I'm inferring nothing about him at all, but as a general point it's worth bearing in mind.

(see further posting with relevant quote - sorry I meant to reply with quote from previous poster)
Hello all -first time poster here. Firstly, many thanks to everyone for all of the posts thus far -have read all the way through. What a frustrating case!
I remembered hearing Nicola had spoken at a college and searched for the link.
I'll post a summary of what Nicola stated, along with the link-in case it doesn't work for some people.Apologies if this has been posted before-I don't remember seeing it -but it maybe beneficial to other newbies!
The talk was on Nov 8th and is 5 mins, with another brief clip below it from local radio RWSFM.

23 SEPT. Evening; Corrie's mates leave Honington base in 2 cars -each group mistakenly thinking Corrie is in the other vehicle. They only realise he isn't with them when they reach Bury.
Corrie is seeing to the puppy in the 'toilet'. Upon finding his mates had already left, Corrie drives himself alone into Bury.
22.00 CCTV shows Corrie parking in a disabled space in Robert Boby Way, behind Waitrose. He spends an hour in the car, drinking, on the phone to his brother, making arrangements (presumably for the following weekend's visit by Daroch) and was waiting to meet up with his mates.

23.00: CCTV shows Corrie walking to So Bar. CCTV shows Corrie inside with his mates.
CCTV shows Corrie going onto Wetherspoons and then onto Flex.

Nicola points out that the WHOLE of Corries' night upto his going into the back of Greggs, is on CCTV-Including inside the pubs/club. EVERYTHING recorded.
No incident in Flex - bouncer , who knew him, taps Corrie on shoulder to leave as he'd had too much to drink. Corrie "in good humour" tries to jokingly stay in. I can't make out the word Nicola uses next-sorry-sounds like bouncer huddles/cuddles?? Corrie leaves.

Corrie goes onto Pizza Mama Mia. Buys 2 burgers, kebab and box of chips.
US Marine (aka black t-shirt man), never a suspect. Offers Corrie a lift, which he refuses as the Marine is returning to Mildenhall, which is in the wrong direction for Corrie.
Marine only came forward 3 weeks later due to mass email around his base-knew nothing about it. The mass emailing was entirely due to a woman who worked at Mildenhall base, meeting Nicola, whilst out leafleting who then arranged the emailing

Corrie walks past The Grapes pub to Hughes doorway and sits down to eat. He falls asleep -Nicola thinks due to the amount he has had to eat. Says it's "not usual" for him to do that but neither is it something that she would consider to be out-of-character for him. Points out he has done this whilst out drinking with his brother at home.

03.00 : Corrie wakes up and receives a picture message from WhatsApp, which was a response to an earlier message asking for a pic of a previous night out in London. Corrie forwards photo on via Facebook. Nicola sees this is evidence Corrie was alert etc
States that Corrie had slept for 2 hours.

The last CCTV footage: Nicola asserts that Corrie isn't running/tripping (I personally disagree, he appears to be 'jogging').Also, if he sees someone, he would not have his hands in his pockets. Family certain that Corrie isn't looking 'concerned'.

There is then another clip from 3/11, where Nicola states that they are certain Corrie was taken against his will.
You honestly think IF Corrie was Gay his mother wouldn't have any idea what so ever ??? a Mum of 3 boys who is a police liason officer ? Not buying it I think she would say No to protect her boy but if and I mean IF he was she would have an idea believe me

Actually, and this has nothing to do with Corrie, but my cousin is gay - and he's one of three boys. My aunt was absolutely stunned when he "came out". Speaking as a parent myself, I can say definitely that whatever our jobs or whatever number of children we may have, or whichever gender parent we are, our nearest and dearest blood kin can hide things from us for whatever reasons - and I know this from personal experience. Once again, nothing to do with Corrie, I'm inferring nothing about him at all, but as a general point it's worth bearing in mind.
You maybe right Henry I'm talking as a mum of 3 boys and a girl but I'm a very open mum and we discuss things like this I also have friend who have sons that are gay and we have the convo wow did you no??? Of course I did she would tell me he was still putting my heels and lippy on at 14 :) I just find it hide that this day and age you wouldn't have an inkling unless your dead against it which yes that happens still

New poster advertising £50,000 reward and new phone hotlines is linked to in the sidebar on this page of the website (the right side of the page).

I'm not sure if the poster needs copying to this thread, but it can now be downloaded from that webpage.

Quoting myself to add the image of the poster and the link to the zoomable version on the website.



  • Reward_Find_Corrie_McKeague-e1481148356286.jpg
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You maybe right Henry I'm talking as a mum of 3 boys and a girl but I'm a very open mum and we discuss things like this I also have friend who have sons that are gay and we have the convo wow did you no??? Of course I did she would tell me he was still putting my heels and lippy on at 14 :) I just find it hide that this day and age you wouldn't have an inkling unless your dead against it which yes that happens still

Yes, it's good to be open and in this day and age I would expect it, but in the teens and early twenties sexuality can be quite a fluid thing and it's sometimes an era of experimentation - and uncertainty, which can lead a youngster into feeling inhibited about discussing things. As for Corrie, I really don't know and, as I say, I wouldn't like to gainsay what Nicola has said because I don't know the family at all and, having seen her in BSE recently, I wouldn't want to add to her burdens with conjecture on Corrie. If she rules it out, then it's ruled out as far as I'm concerned. I'm just making a general point.
The thing is, even if she's open about him being gay and knows etc etc, if he hasn't come out on his own terms and she feels it isn't relevant to the case (which to the public it really isn't. He could be meeting either sex if he was meeting someone) then why would she out him so publicly? If he comes home alive she's told the whole world something he considers private and and he doesn't come home alive then it's really no ones business you know?
Dcflag well put this is why in another post I wrote that you would protect the good name of your boy to. If my boy was gay but hadn't made it official was say experimenting and when he went missing I would clearly deny it to the press unless I really thought it was necessary for the case and thought it would help investigation. Anyway goodnight lets hope tomo brings fresh ideas xx
The thing is, even if she's open about him being gay and knows etc etc, if he hasn't come out on his own terms and she feels it isn't relevant to the case (which to the public it really isn't. He could be meeting either sex if he was meeting someone) then why would she out him so publicly? If he comes home alive she's told the whole world something he considers private and and he doesn't come home alive then it's really no ones business you know?

If he were gay or experimenting and the family found out, I can see them trying to keep it private for those reasons. But instead of emphatically denying it, I would say something like, "my child is straight as far as I know, but anything is possible and we are not discounting anything at this point." Jmo
We just know so little. I was in Bury yesterday and wanted to shout at the dustbins in the "horseshoe" area. If only inanimate objects could talk.
If he were gay or experimenting and the family found out, I can see them trying to keep it private for those reasons. But instead of emphatically denying it, I would say something like, "my child is straight as far as I know, but anything is possible and we are not discounting anything at this point." Jmo

Yeah that is true. Perhaps just wanting to keep the lid on speculation. I don't know, I've been told I think strangely compared to other people sometimes haha
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