UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #8

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Hello all -first time poster here. Firstly, many thanks to everyone for all of the posts thus far -have read all the way through. What a frustrating case!
I remembered hearing Nicola had spoken at a college and searched for the link.
I'll post a summary of what Nicola stated, along with the link-in case it doesn't work for some people.Apologies if this has been posted before-I don't remember seeing it -but it maybe beneficial to other newbies!
The talk was on Nov 8th and is 5 mins, with another brief clip below it from local radio RWSFM.

23 SEPT. Evening; Corrie's mates leave Honington base in 2 cars -each group mistakenly thinking Corrie is in the other vehicle. They only realise he isn't with them when they reach Bury.
Corrie is seeing to the puppy in the 'toilet'. Upon finding his mates had already left, Corrie drives himself alone into Bury.
22.00 CCTV shows Corrie parking in a disabled space in Robert Boby Way, behind Waitrose. He spends an hour in the car, drinking, on the phone to his brother, making arrangements (presumably for the following weekend's visit by Daroch) and was waiting to meet up with his mates.

23.00: CCTV shows Corrie walking to So Bar. CCTV shows Corrie inside with his mates.
CCTV shows Corrie going onto Wetherspoons and then onto Flex.

Nicola points out that the WHOLE of Corries' night upto his going into the back of Greggs, is on CCTV-Including inside the pubs/club. EVERYTHING recorded.
No incident in Flex - bouncer , who knew him, taps Corrie on shoulder to leave as he'd had too much to drink. Corrie "in good humour" tries to jokingly stay in. I can't make out the word Nicola uses next-sorry-sounds like bouncer huddles/cuddles?? Corrie leaves.

Corrie goes onto Pizza Mama Mia. Buys 2 burgers, kebab and box of chips.
US Marine (aka black t-shirt man), never a suspect. Offers Corrie a lift, which he refuses as the Marine is returning to Mildenhall, which is in the wrong direction for Corrie.
Marine only came forward 3 weeks later due to mass email around his base-knew nothing about it. The mass emailing was entirely due to a woman who worked at Mildenhall base, meeting Nicola, whilst out leafleting who then arranged the emailing

Corrie walks past The Grapes pub to Hughes doorway and sits down to eat. He falls asleep -Nicola thinks due to the amount he has had to eat. Says it's "not usual" for him to do that but neither is it something that she would consider to be out-of-character for him. Points out he has done this whilst out drinking with his brother at home.

03.00 : Corrie wakes up and receives a picture message from WhatsApp, which was a response to an earlier message asking for a pic of a previous night out in London. Corrie forwards photo on via Facebook. Nicola sees this is evidence Corrie was alert etc
States that Corrie had slept for 2 hours.

The last CCTV footage: Nicola asserts that Corrie isn't running/tripping (I personally disagree, he appears to be 'jogging').Also, if he sees someone, he would not have his hands in his pockets. Family certain that Corrie isn't looking 'concerned'.

There is then another clip from 3/11, where Nicola states that they are certain Corrie was taken against his will.

Welcome, CodaRosa! Wow, what a great post! Thank you!
Yeah that is true. Perhaps just wanting to keep the lid on speculation. I don't know, I've been told I think strangely compared to other people sometimes haha

Lol - me too!
Hello all -first time poster here. Firstly, many thanks to everyone for all of the posts thus far -have read all the way through. What a frustrating case!
I remembered hearing Nicola had spoken at a college and searched for the link.
I'll post a summary of what Nicola stated, along with the link-in case it doesn't work for some people.Apologies if this has been posted before-I don't remember seeing it -but it maybe beneficial to other newbies!
The talk was on Nov 8th and is 5 mins, with another brief clip below it from local radio RWSFM.

23 SEPT. Evening; Corrie's mates leave Honington base in 2 cars -each group mistakenly thinking Corrie is in the other vehicle. They only realise he isn't with them when they reach Bury.
Corrie is seeing to the puppy in the 'toilet'. Upon finding his mates had already left, Corrie drives himself alone into Bury.
22.00 CCTV shows Corrie parking in a disabled space in Robert Boby Way, behind Waitrose. He spends an hour in the car, drinking, on the phone to his brother, making arrangements (presumably for the following weekend's visit by Daroch) and was waiting to meet up with his mates.

23.00: CCTV shows Corrie walking to So Bar. CCTV shows Corrie inside with his mates.
CCTV shows Corrie going onto Wetherspoons and then onto Flex.

Nicola points out that the WHOLE of Corries' night upto his going into the back of Greggs, is on CCTV-Including inside the pubs/club. EVERYTHING recorded.
No incident in Flex - bouncer , who knew him, taps Corrie on shoulder to leave as he'd had too much to drink. Corrie "in good humour" tries to jokingly stay in. I can't make out the word Nicola uses next-sorry-sounds like bouncer huddles/cuddles?? Corrie leaves.

Corrie goes onto Pizza Mama Mia. Buys 2 burgers, kebab and box of chips.
US Marine (aka black t-shirt man), never a suspect. Offers Corrie a lift, which he refuses as the Marine is returning to Mildenhall, which is in the wrong direction for Corrie.
Marine only came forward 3 weeks later due to mass email around his base-knew nothing about it. The mass emailing was entirely due to a woman who worked at Mildenhall base, meeting Nicola, whilst out leafleting who then arranged the emailing

Corrie walks past The Grapes pub to Hughes doorway and sits down to eat. He falls asleep -Nicola thinks due to the amount he has had to eat. Says it's "not usual" for him to do that but neither is it something that she would consider to be out-of-character for him. Points out he has done this whilst out drinking with his brother at home.

03.00 : Corrie wakes up and receives a picture message from WhatsApp, which was a response to an earlier message asking for a pic of a previous night out in London. Corrie forwards photo on via Facebook. Nicola sees this is evidence Corrie was alert etc
States that Corrie had slept for 2 hours.

The last CCTV footage: Nicola asserts that Corrie isn't running/tripping (I personally disagree, he appears to be 'jogging').Also, if he sees someone, he would not have his hands in his pockets. Family certain that Corrie isn't looking 'concerned'.

There is then another clip from 3/11, where Nicola states that they are certain Corrie was taken against his will.

:goodpost: Welcome CodaRosa.
Welcome codarosa, you've just confirmed Corrie did meet his mates which is great as we'd been wondering whether he caught up with them!

I have to thank CodaRosa again! I just went to the link in your message (link copied and pasted here, above) and had to push my eyeballs back into my head after hearing Nicola's interviews. I had never heard these before - incredibly informative, as is the second audio clip saying police have not followed up on leads or processed evidence they have. What???
I think Corrie was picked up in a car, perhaps after arranging to meet someone (maybe from a dating app?). They go back to her/his place (and I am think it is a couple) and then it's maybe a sex game gone wrong. All forensic evidence will be at this house, there will be nothing to find at the horseshoe area because he got into a car. The body will be buried somewhere near to their home. All speculation, of course. Just what I think may have happened.
Lets say he did get Murdered. It makes my stomach turn to say that.

I think the investigation needs to start focusing on possible characters who would have been likely to have carried this out.

Disposing of a body is not easy. Someone would see something suspicious unless your in the country side in a stand alone house or well out of the way of anyone seeing anything odd.

I think whoever took him will be older and not living with parents. They would have their own place. Maybe out the way of preying eyes. This person/s will be private.

They would be on dating app site and would be local. They more than likely live with the radius of the last phone ping. They may already be on the police radar for committing a crime regarding sexual assault. The know the area well. They drive. They have a job to afford things like accommodation, car etc. I would age range between 20-40 years of age, purely based on the fact that I don't think Corrie would go with anyone older than 40. This person will not have kids that stay with them or have any at all. This person was most likely following Corrie on instagram, facebook, tinder etc.

If this wasn't an organised meeting. Then this person is a predator. Knows the area well. This was premeditated and this person was laying in wait for anyone in the horseshoe area they could take.

I could go on and on...
When I watch the video of him going into the horseshoe I just want it to keep playing, like there must be more to see!,,,
Isn't a Nokia Lumia an odd phone for a young fella in his 20s who has a nice car & clothes etc to own?

I don't know many people who don't own an iPhone or a Samsung.

Also, do we know what apps he used? Did he have Uber?
I'm staggered as to how the police have appeared to get it all so wrong, sulsar seem to have done the majority of the searching with some support from the RAF.

The parents have been in to watch the cctv, so that must be completed.

The police have appeared to sit on/ignore/lack of resources/belief in another theory where the evidence is concerned and felt uncompelled/unmotivated/lack resources to act on information provided by witnesses/observers. So basically as I'm to under stand it, they've done bugger all really in 11 weeks,

Not only that, quite clearly on the website, only the reward advertised on the mums side is being displayed. In fact, the only reason we know the father/grandparents have put a reward up and volunteered any info is down to msm!!! Very sad state of affairs.
Isn't a Nokia Lumia an odd phone for a young fella in his 20s who has a nice car & clothes etc to own?

I don't know many people who don't own an iPhone or a Samsung.

Also, do we know what apps he used? Did he have Uber?
Apparently he was well known for losing/ breaking phones (I know this is hearsay and speculation but I can't find the link).
We know he used Facebook and whatsapp at least just from the post by Codarosa above (welcome btw).
You can discount uber because if he used it then generaly you have to pay beforehand from a credit card / paypal account (for at least a £5 charge if you cancel or don't turn up) so the Police would have found evidence of that.

Does anyone know do you have to pay to use Tinder or grindr? I would imagine they are like most apps where the basic is free but to actually be of use you have to pay. Also I wonder if the Police have looked at his app account? i.e google play or windows live (if thats what is used for a windows phone) to see what apps he has downloaded.
Wouldn't tinder be free? Since cheating marrieds seem to use it and you assume you wouldn't want a record of that anywhere on a credit card!!?
I think the basic thing is free, but if you want a boost - make yourself available for 30 mins (marie Claire source) then you pay, it's all inapp purchases these days
Tinder and Grindr are both free. There is an option where you can pay but there's really no need to boost your account

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Oh my goodness. I don't know what to think. It is so sad. Praying for the family - both sides - that their torment will come to an end soon.

Corrie I wish you were on a beach in Thailand somewhere growing a beard but I don't think that's the case 😭

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Grindr is free. I think you can probably pay for certain add ons but it's certainly free to browse, send messages and arrange to meet people.

Someone (sorry I can't recall who) made an interesting point earlier. What if it was simply a hookup (male or female) and they've driven somewhere and there has been an argument so Corrie has left or he's even just volunteered to walk home afterwards. His phone battery could have died long before he began his walk hence no further movement or pings. Whoever he was meeting may not have come forward because it looks bad on them that they were the last sighting in the middle of nowhere or because they are cheating/in the closet/married/much older or younger than Corrie.
If it wasn't light yet and he had no phone to use as a torch it's quite easy to get lost, disorientated or have an accident because you can't clearly see where you are going. The searches could have been in completely the wrong direction. Perhaps they need to go from the last pings on all routes back to base.
Grindr is free. I think you can probably pay for certain add ons but it's certainly free to browse, send messages and arrange to meet people.

Someone (sorry I can't recall who) made an interesting point earlier. What if it was simply a hookup (male or female) and they've driven somewhere and there has been an argument so Corrie has left or he's even just volunteered to walk home afterwards. His phone battery could have died long before he began his walk hence no further movement or pings. Whoever he was meeting may not have come forward because it looks bad on them that they were the last sighting in the middle of nowhere or because they are cheating/in the closet/married/much older or younger than Corrie.
If it wasn't light yet and he had no phone to use as a torch it's quite easy to get lost, disorientated or have an accident because you can't clearly see where you are going. The searches could have been in completely the wrong direction. Perhaps they need to go from the last pings on all routes back to base.

To be honest I don't understand why they haven't done that search already
Just watching the documentary (thanks to whoever it was above who said it's now available on

1. No mention of the claim that it is impossible to leave the horseshoe without being seen on cctv.

2. The area has been searched forensically and no trace - but that doesn't mean he wasn't ever there.

What if Corrie wasn't ever there? Is there any way whatsoever that he never entered the horseshoe? Or does the cctv preclude that? I am useless at understanding where the cameras point. I need a reenactment.

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Midsummer, could you please repost your mast map showing the times and also your map showing the red route out of BSE to BM via the A1101 alongside the cctv route which I think was in blue? I discussed this on a previous thread but with so many closures have lost the thread of that in my mind and now cannot even find my post where I mentioned walking then hitching via the A1101.


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That's the 10-ish mile north west/north east semi- radius out from BSE that I was talking about on here recently.

No idea what to think about this whole thing today but reading everyone's posts with interest.
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