Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

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I believe the company house link is not Jeremy Lawton - Jeremy was born 1953 and he is at an address in North London but not the one on company house, I will also say the area where he does live has a well established Jewish community. The change of name to Lawton makes perfect sense as the original surname was probably pronounced "Law-Ten-Berg" and I'm assuming that the Lautenberg's were probably Jewish - I'm putting together a family tree and may well write a biography on this fella so if there are any Journo's out there reading through the thread, I'm the sleuth you'll need ;)
A German pronunciation would be L-out-enburg.

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Okay, having had a quick look at the family tree and I am not giving away too much here, but very much looks like David’s father, Hyman Lautenberg was also known as Harry Lawton, he passed away a few years ago. He and his siblings were all born in Marylebone London but the family do not appear on any census returns. His mother, Jane Lautenberg nee Rosen, was a widow by 1939 and his sister was still living at the Oxford Gardens house until her death in 2004 –

As far as David’s maternal family go, I will not share anything regarding them for privacy reasons except to say they are Jewish and of Russian origin. Both maternal and paternal families underwent several name changes over the decades so there seems to be a theme with changing names - The Lautenbergs were originally "Loutenberg" then "Lautenberg" and the david's father introduced the name "Lawton"
Okay, having had a quick look at the family tree and I am not giving away too much here, but very much looks like David’s father, Hyman Lautenberg was also known as Harry Lawton, he passed away a few years ago. He and his siblings were all born in Marylebone London but the family do not appear on any census returns. His mother, Jane Lautenberg nee Rosen, was a widow by 1939 and his sister was still living at the Oxford Gardens house until her death in 2004 –

As far as David’s maternal family go, I will not share anything regarding them for privacy reasons except to say they are Jewish and of Russian origin. Both maternal and paternal families underwent several name changes over the decades so there seems to be a theme with changing names - The Lautenbergs were originally "Loutenberg" then "Lautenberg" and the david's father introduced the name "Lawton"
Okay so possible explanation here as to what the family dispute might have been - David's father died the same year he left the UK it took almost 2 years to complete probate so maybe there was a dispute with his father's will - Also his brother is not married and still lives with their mother so it could be that he inherited more then David as by that point David was all set up in his own house and seeing someone
It does seem they have been reading here, or maybe they actually ARE here lol! I'd mentioned Lawton before as I saw it listed as an alternative name for one of the Lautenbergs, makes more sense than Lytton. I'm really surprised his mum is still alive, who'd have thunk?

The absolute nosy-parker in me can't wait for the documentary!

Spongey/Spydey, you guys still around?

Im not gonna lie, I want to see this documentary too! I feel an insane amount of sadness when I read this thread... theres a really sad story that explains all this underlying weirdness... and its not gonna be pretty jmo

I wish david peace, whoever he is, wherever he went, whatever he may or may not have done.

p.s ive had wine, just ignore me!!!
Okay so possible explanation here as to what the family dispute might have been - David's father died the same year he left the UK it took almost 2 years to complete probate so maybe there was a dispute with his father's will - Also his brother is not married and still lives with their mother so it could be that he inherited more then David as by that point David was all set up in his own house and seeing someone

Ooh interesting! I really hope it wasnt all about an inheritance... but it does cause a craziness amongst some families.
I believe the company house link is not Jeremy Lawton - Jeremy was born 1953 and he is at an address in North London but not the one on company house, I will also say the area where he does live has a well established Jewish community. The change of name to Lawton makes perfect sense as the original surname was probably pronounced "Law-Ten-Berg" and I'm assuming that the Lautenberg's were probably Jewish - I'm putting together a family tree and may well write a biography on this fella so if there are any Journo's out there reading through the thread, I'm the sleuth you'll need ;)

Are you talking about Golders Green?

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There was a short piece about DL on the north west edition of BBC 1's Inside Out programme last night.

I've supplied a link - as far as I know this will only work for UK viewers. The link is only playable for another 29 days from today. If anyone wants to watch it on Catch Up on their smart TV etc, just search 'Inside Out' and click on the north west edition.

The piece is very near the beginning of the programme, it lasts about 10 minutes and it's a summary of the case so far.
I think it's worth a watch for anyone who's been following the case.
There was a short piece about DL on the north west edition of BBC 1's Inside Out programme last night.

I've supplied a link - as far as I know this will only work for UK viewers. The link is only playable for another 29 days from today. If anyone wants to watch it on Catch Up on their smart TV etc, just search 'Inside Out' and click on the north west edition.

The piece is very near the beginning of the programme, it lasts about 10 minutes and it's a summary of the case so far.
I think it's worth a watch for anyone who's been following the case.

Wish I was in the UK. And not just to watch the video, I love your beautiful country!
There was a short piece about DL on the north west edition of BBC 1's Inside Out programme last night.

I've supplied a link - as far as I know this will only work for UK viewers. The link is only playable for another 29 days from today. If anyone wants to watch it on Catch Up on their smart TV etc, just search 'Inside Out' and click on the north west edition.

The piece is very near the beginning of the programme, it lasts about 10 minutes and it's a summary of the case so far.
I think it's worth a watch for anyone who's been following the case.

Thanks for this, will have a watch in the morning

The Manchester Evening news drawing parallels to David here. Personally can't see any parallels apart from the deceased only had a bus ticket on him. The article is very much lacking in tangible information too. Was wondering if anyone knows of a thread already running on this John Doe

The Manchester Evening news drawing parallels to David here. Personally can't see any parallels apart from the deceased only had a bus ticket on him. The article is very much lacking in tangible information too. Was wondering if anyone knows of a thread already running on this John Doe

Started thread for him.
[h=2]White Male, 5'8'',br hair, Ince-in-Makerfield, Wigan,January 15, 2013.[/h]
glad to be here as a newbie . does anyone know if and how long it will be before the coroners report will be made public. ive read about the PFD ( prevent future deaths) ammendment to the coroners and justice act 2009 which should make the report accessable. thanks
glad to be here as a newbie . does anyone know if and how long it will be before the coroners report will be made public. ive read about the PFD ( prevent future deaths) ammendment to the coroners and justice act 2009 which should make the report accessable. thanks

:welcome: HOBB1!

The inquest is scheduled for mid March and there is apparently a documentary being made so I think we'll find out more soon. I don't think it will answer the big question (for me) of Why Saddleworth?
thanks CMC . The why is a big question i agree , in answer to your question about why saddlworth my humble opinion is that he wanted to suffer at the point of death.
1. rat poison as a method of suicide( i wonder how much was in his system, high doses will lead to rapid death but lower doses will make his departure very painfull.
2. the historical weather data for that area was crazy windy and cold. and his clothing (lack of proper clothing) would have been harsh to say the least.
3. possible family fued that was never reconciled. with possible bouts of depression he might feel he had suffered for years and that " ill show them suffering " thoughts in the act itself

which ever the reason i hope he is at peace not a good way to go.
[FONT=&amp]Hi Everyone,

I am David's brother Jeremy, I have read this thread obviously with great interest. There are some truly good posts on here and I am seriously impressed with your ideas and thoughts of what happened.

The inquest is next week Tuesday 14th March, 14.00.

There is a 1 hour TV program (Mystery Of The Man On The Moor) is being made by C4 Dispatches and will be aired shortly after the inquest, probably the following day after what will almost certainly be an all nighter with the makers editing the final bits. Although I have only seen a snippet this program is being brilliantly made and I for one hope it will be put up for an award.

Most of what I have read in the press is just made up, and the family argument / change of name timeline just doesn't add up. (Lazy journo's) The neighbours in Streatham had little or no idea who he was or what he did but hey ho, when has that stopped anyone from talking to the press, however I am sure that they were only trying to help.

As you can imagine this has for me been an extremely lengthy and difficult period but I will come back in hopefully later next week. I will not be able to answer all you may want to ask but I will answer what I feel I can do. This whole episode reminds me of religion, the more you ask the less you understand! However knowing my brother as I did much of it does make a certain amount of sense.

At this point in time no one we know really knows what happened.

Jeremy Lawton

[FONT=&amp]Hi Everyone,

I am David's brother Jeremy, I have read this thread obviously with great interest. There are some truly good posts on here and I am seriously impressed with your ideas and thoughts of what happened.

The inquest is next week Tuesday 14th March, 14.00.

There is a 1 hour TV program (Mystery Of The Man On The Moor) is being made by C4 Dispatches and will be aired shortly after the inquest, probably the following day after what will almost certainly be an all nighter with the makers editing the final bits. Although I have only seen a snippet this program is being brilliantly made and I for one hope it will be put up for an award.

Most of what I have read in the press is just made up, and the family argument / change of name timeline just doesn't add up. (Lazy journo's) The neighbours in Streatham had little or no idea who he was or what he did but hey ho, when has that stopped anyone from talking to the press, however I am sure that they were only trying to help.

As you can imagine this has for me been an extremely lengthy and difficult period but I will come back in hopefully later next week. I will not be able to answer all you may want to ask but I will answer what I feel I can do. This whole episode reminds me of religion, the more you ask the less you understand! However knowing my brother as I did much of it does make a certain amount of sense.

At this point in time no one we know really knows what happened.

Jeremy Lawton


Welcome to Ws David's Brother, absolutely delighted to have you join us!
Very sorry about your brother, as you can see, he touched many hearts here and around the globe.
Welcome @david's brother. So sorry for your loss.

I think the main puzzle for me is something other posters have raised. Why Saddleworth?

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Wow, thanks for dropping in, David's Brother!

I think I speak for all of us that we're looking forward to the inquest and documentary in anticipation of some answers, not that we feel we are owed an explanation, but something about David's life and story kept us all here.

I suppose my main question to you (for now!) is will the Mystery Of The Man On The Moor clarify some of the questions we've been mulling over?

I hope you'll pop back here soon, and maybe answer a few questions once the program has aired. Thanks again for taking the time to join us and thoughts are with all the family, it must be a sad and surreal time for you.

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