Found Deceased UK - Gaia Pope, 19, Swanage, Dorset, 7 Nov 2017 #1

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Can someone explain the route she took to me. Because the map- if she was running from her aunts house to go see NE or RD - why would the cctv catch her where it did???

This is the route Gaia would likely have taken from Argyle Road to Manor Gardens - from the cctv footage we can see that she comes into Morrison Road at the bottom and runs/jogs uphill towards Manor Gardens which is at the top end of Morrison Rd, on the left side.!2m2!1d-1.9723757!2d50.6104028!3e2
If she was over-hot I would have thought she would have at least unzipped her jacket from around her neck.
Alyce you're a star thanks- I always presumed she would have gone down High Street.

Do we know what direction she headed in or what friend she was going to meet after RD?

If she ran half a mile and was on meds or withdrawing from meds, and was distressed, and not in her right mind, and stripping off- there are a lot of open spaces and bodies of water close by.

HOWEVER in my own experience- the terror brought on by severe anxiety/ PTSD I'd want to go somewhere to hide and feel SAFE. Not somewhere open.But who knows what was going through her head? It's a quaint small enough street and area- you'd think someone would have seen her leaving the house. Or CCTV or people walking about being neighbourly.

If she was murdered I wonder what possible motive they are looking at? Nothing at all about this is straight forward. Do the police know absolutely everything like Becky Watts and the forensics moving in- or do they have nothing at all and hence the releasing under investigation.

And PE- is he missing as one article suggested or around? Wonder what vehicle was taken and who it belongs to. And who else lives in the block of flats? And why RD and NE were taken in but not PE or DE? And that one neighbour who said they try and 'avoid' the people in the flats- what on earth was that about???

More questions than answers- what is everyone thinking??? Honestly??
The thing is that the police definitely seem to think something happened in RD's house. That's where most of the forensic activity seems to be taking place. Is that why there's no cctv of Gaia after she went to RD's?

If it wasn't for that, then I think it could be possible that Gaia ran out and maybe someone picked her up in a car and took advantage of her/attacked her while she was already in a vulnerable state, pretending that they were going to help her.

But from what they're doing, that doesn't seem to be what the police think happened.
The thing is that the police definitely seem to think something happened in RD's house. That's where most of the forensic activity seems to be taking place. Is that why there's no cctv of Gaia after she went to RD's?

If it wasn't for that, then I think it could be possible that Gaia ran out and maybe someone picked her up in a car and took advantage of her/attacked her while she was already in a vulnerable state, pretending that they were going to help her.

But from what they're doing, that doesn't seem to be what the police think happened.
Yeah, tearing out the plumbing with no cause doesn't make sense.
It's nice to see them at work!
They take missing girls seriously!!

Hi Everyone, these are just a few thoughts I had.

I watched the video of R. Dinch. I thought she seemed pretty genuinely concerned but then mentioning she 'slumped to the floor' and the 'cuddling' are a little bit alarming. Cuddling sounds to me like something you would do to soothe a child or comfort someone. If you thought someone was ill and a danger to themselves why not phone the police and ask for an ambulance?

She said she didn't think she had a seizure but epilepsy is not just the seizures themselves, you can have strange states before a seizure occurs called Auras....they are similar to Auras before migraines. These Auras can cause changes in perception, hallucinations, feelings of paranoia and physical sensations such as overheating.
I'm aware of this because a family member had them and ran out of the house and around the local area convinced someone was after them! You may end up having a seizure after the aura, if this is somewhere the person has ended up alone obviously this could be dangerous as they might not regain consciousness.

Most people wouldn't be aware of these auras so might not recognise the person is in danger but then again if someone seemed so out of it and panicked and taking their clothes, wouldn't you call an ambulance.

The other things that spring to mind are the possible boyfriend/friend living close to his grandmothers so they could have had an argument or something happened and she ran there? Maybe he followed her.

Some recreational drugs can make you feel over heated too. It could be one of these things or a combination. A bad mental state and drugs could make a seizure more likely.
PLUS she just ran half a mile- I'd be fairly warm and in a state of severe anxiety I would automatically strip off and not think rationally about it. Herself and RD were close. I see no motive for her murder there!

Cuddle is something you do to kids. She is 71- this is her grandson's friend- Gaia is 19- still a child when you are 71- still a child to me and I am not quite 40 yet! The word 'cuddle' doesn't strike me as odd. The sliding back does. Slumping forward I would get- when the energy leaves you and you collapse in on yourself.

The only thing I can think of that could fit is when small kids are so frustrated and so wound up and can't get it out they throw themselves backwards.

Excellent points about the Auras. I think a lot of what some people will think is really odd behaviour is actually understandable when you are familiar with PTSD, bipolar, epilepsy etc.
What we're missing in all this is an account of who saw her last before she ran to Manor Gardens and what she said about where she was going and what her plans were. Someone seems to know she left from her aunt's address.
i had a first hand experience where a friend had an epileptic fit , then ran off , he made it about two miles to a pub and said he was delivering furniture , he of course wasnt and eventually turned up about two hours later in a confused state, this could be the scenario for GP, just that shes not stuck or someone took advantage.

i must admit the RD interview is intriguing at best and a cover story for her boy at worst, extraction of pipes from the house says something went down the toilet or bath.....
Guys- her instagram- she was all dressed up with her friend for Halloween- her friend commented on her FB that they got loads of looks. I am sure they did- they looked pretty good.

Her next instagram post:

'blondi3_98I seriously don't have a problem with sexy men and one night stands but I would really like to be told the next day it is a one night stand. Ya get me screwed up straight girls
JESUSSS with a one time PENUSSSS 'go away gaia' would be appreciated but i just get blanked like a *advertiser censored* ������'

I DO wonder who she was referring to and if it was from the night before and if that is an angle / motive / point to note.
I found that interesting too. She could have been referring to NE, perhaps she went to confront him?

Re: confusion about who is related to who, her sister posted a since related status ranting about the Sun which also said they had the facts completely wrong about family ties.

I don't think anyone related to RD or NE is to Gaia
I find it very odd that there is so much forensic activity at the grandmother's house, even taking the plumbing out, which seems pretty serious to me, yet both suspects were let go and not held, which would indicate they don't have enough to hold them for longer than 24 hours?

So is LE fairly sure that a crime was committed in that house but still have no definite proof? :thinking:

I also wonder whether they have spoken to the old friend Gaia said she had to go and see. If she left the house as reported (rather than die there) the direction of where that friend lives might give an indication where to search for her. Her mom seems to believe that she did leave RD's house and is now being held somewhere.

Her mental anguish and paranoia had been going on for at least a few days judging by that odd IG post alluring to sexual assault and fears that police were in her phone. Why would they if she is/was a victim?

Could Gaia have known something about RD and confronted her about it (the screaming reported by neighbors) and something happened because of that?

Idk. Sorry rambling post. This case is very confusing and I'm sure there's lots being withheld from the media.

At this point I'm on the fence but lean towards no crime was committed but Gaia had some type of mental breakdown and died as a result from it.
I don't know if this has been mentioned, Greg Elsley's account of what he was told happened.

"Reporting Rosemary’s account of the incident, Greg said: "On Tuesday, Rosemary was at home on her own. She gets a bang on her door at 3pm.
"She goes downstairs and Gaia is there crying her eyes out, screaming and talking all sorts of broken biscuits.

"Rosemary won't tell anyone what she was saying. She doesn't think it's right because the girl was in a neurotic state.
"Gaia ran out the front door with no coat on, on a freezing night and disappeared into fresh air.
"If she had an epileptic fit on a night like that, she would not have survived.
"There's only two possible scenarios. Either she went voluntarily with somebody or somebody pulled her into a car."

I did wonder if R.D's interview seemed guarded because there are things she has said to the police but does not feel comfortable repeating to the press. I still can't understand the not calling an ambulance bit though.

Interesting that they claom to have contacted Gaia's mom to inform her of Gaias behaviour. I've not seen that mentioned before.

PE has also been questioned but could prove he was working in Weymouth when Gaia disappeared

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I don't know if this has been mentioned, Greg Elsley's account of what he was told happened.

"Reporting Rosemary’s account of the incident, Greg said: "On Tuesday, Rosemary was at home on her own. She gets a bang on her door at 3pm.
"She goes downstairs and Gaia is there crying her eyes out, screaming and talking all sorts of broken biscuits.

"Rosemary won't tell anyone what she was saying. She doesn't think it's right because the girl was in a neurotic state.
"Gaia ran out the front door with no coat on, on a freezing night and disappeared into fresh air.
"If she had an epileptic fit on a night like that, she would not have survived.
"There's only two possible scenarios. Either she went voluntarily with somebody or somebody pulled her into a car."

I did wonder if R.D's interview seemed guarded because there are things she has said to the police but does not feel comfortable repeating to the press. I still can't understand the not calling an ambulance bit though.

bbm - I find this an odd thing to say. It was a cold day, yes, but it's not like it was freezing outside. Usually tonic-clonic seizures last only a couple of minutes, absence seizures are even shorter. The only danger is when they last longer than 5 minutes (status epilepticus) which can cause brain damage, but these happen rarely. It's also rare that people remain unconscious after a seizure. Most of the time when the seizure is over, they are confused for a while, but then get back to normal. Why would he assume that she would certainly die if she had a fit "on a night like that"? It's almost like he tries to set up an explanation for when they find her dead.
bbm - I find this an odd thing to say. It was a cold day, yes, but it's not like it was freezing outside. Usually tonic-clonic seizures last only a couple of minutes, absence seizures are even shorter. The only danger is when they last longer than 5 minutes (status epilepticus) which can cause brain damage, but these happen rarely. It's also rare that people remain unconscious after a seizure. Most of the time when the seizure is over, they are confused for a while, but then get back to normal. Why would he assume that she would certainly die if she had a fit "on a night like that"? It's almost like he tries to set up an explanation for when they find her dead.

Did they not say she ran off without her coat? Might be wrong.

Edit - assuming she did run off due to a distressed mental state without her coat and medication, had a seizure someplace and hit her head or something? Could be an elaborate cover story though.
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