GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #5

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Oooh my old bf just messaged me, turns out he's in court for this one LOL. I'm getting the low down off him now ;)
"Helen had a phobia of sewage"

“It was £120 a year to get rid of your sewage.

“We had it emptied every year. Helen had a major sewage problem in her house in Highgate.

“There ended up being sewage right outside her back door. Helen had a phobia of sewage.”

I'm quite sure she did not have a "phobia" of sewage! Very few people are not revolted and nauseated by sewage, and everyone would take all steps to avoid potential overflows. She'd be no different from anybody else.
I wonder if it there was ever any cctv to corroborate a) Helens disaster trip to the shop and b) IS walk around Royston?

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must have been after this photo was taken

And Helen only has John's rings on her right hand .. no sign of Diane's eternity ring.
From the lovely old BF:

IS's reaction to the other one is interesting. The only time he came alive in the trial so far really was when he bragged he was the only one on his course who got a First, and that he went to Cambridge. He really thinks he is cleverer than he is.
He also said that IS made a mistake when he said he went back upstairs for a nap on the Monday morning. Apparently Russell Flint groaned lol. IS had to apologise and say he'd got it wrong haha.
From the lovely old BF:

OOoo, get more NetEd - do what you have to to! take one for the team ;


Ps. I know he said "“Helen was half considering doing a degree course the following year”. and it was her Ipad that Notts Trent Uni logged but I wouldn't have put it past him to be planning to go do a Masters once he had murdered Helen.
I'm just back from work where I've been following the live updates so sorry if these are repeated questions. What I fail to understand is if Joe and Nick were so very dangerous and whisked Helen away why didn't they take Big Bean as well? Hardened gangsters don't leave witnesses. Also if Joe and Nick turned up to intimidate Helen why on earth did they help out with the cesspit lid? It seems far too friendly a gesture when you're turning up to put the pressure on.

Another also how did the terrible duo get back into the property to dump her body in the cesspit if the gate was alarmed? I guess it must have broken that day also.
Still catching up so apologies if it's already been commented on but...

We are expected to believe that two individuals who are so hellbent on getting this lever arch file from Helen that they would go to such lengths as kidnapping get and Boris (although why? If Helen is with them how can she find the file) would wait x amount of years after her first husbands death and incredibly until they saw Helen on Sky News before thinking "ooh that reminds me I need that file".

And following that they were also able to find out where she was living despite having moved, the code to her gate, IS mobile number and the blog identity she used for him not to mention concocting this kidnapping whilst fitting in a bit of help (cess pit) to the very people they are hounding down...and yet despite finding out all of the above they still couldn't find the file....the mind boggles

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The Joe and Nick thing didn't happen so I don't know why I'm thinking about this.

But isn't this kidnapping a bit ar$e about face? If they wanted something from Helen, surely they would be kidnapping IS or Boris to get her to hand it over.
Good spot Snoopy. I particularly like the way Nick not only came back to explain the plot but to verbally confirm he had the correct contact details for IS. No wonder he didn't want to hand over his phone to police later!

You get such a polite class of Crims these days

I meant to say earlier that I agree that IS infantilised his sons to use them as pawns in his game with Helen. I'm sure some teenagers would be shattered by the death of their mother but O and J were clearly emotionally well enough to go to university, have hobbies and start careers - I'm not saying they weren't devastated, I'm sure they were, but they did seem to cope OK. I think IS took advantage of Helen not being a parent in exaggerating the emotional needs of "the boys" and making her feel that it would be unkind to deprive them of a home with their dad, thus getting her to leave London. In that Life After London piece she said that soon after moving it became apparent that the sons were quite independent and that they would have been fine to share a flat together. I'm sure that had actually been the case for years.

I know of two people ( friends of friends ) who both lost partners when their children were teenagers. In both cases ( 4 children in all ) these children grew up much faster than their peers, because of having to deal with the tragedy.
I have no doubt the sons would have coped perfectly on their own with a small cash injection from IS....and also no doubt it was IS, wanting to be - as my late father would have said - The Big I Am - who persuaded them with the lure of a luxury mansion and swimming pool. I mean we can hardly think the pool was Helen's choice can we, I doubt swimming was top of her list of fun activities.
OOoo, get more NetEd - do what you have to to! take one for the team ;


Ps. I know he said "“Helen was half considering doing a degree course the following year”. and it was her Ipad that Notts Trent Uni logged but I wouldn't have put it past him to be planning to go do a Masters once he had murdered Helen.

Hahaha he would absolutely love that idea, must tell him lmao.
and I think the sons were his life Alyce, as he had virtually no friends for obvious reasons. Who could put up with this self-obsessed Walter Mitty?
He's also not thought about why he would be looking into POA and cancelling a holiday. If joe and nick wanted something done they could have got Helen to do it. It's just so Stupid. If they kidnapped the dog to get helen to do stuff that would make more sense. IS saying one of them had read her book is hilarious, can't get over that one

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AS you no doibt all realise, the press scurries around trying to get background info on people which is all publishable after the person has been convicted. The OBF says they have not been able to find a single person with a bad word to say about IS.

Also the "I'm in GGHW" appears to have been a mishearing by the reporter. My friend checked his notes and he's got this:

I looked after Boris. As he went into the study he said to me are you GGHW? I smiled and said yes.

ETA: And now he says I have to take one for the team PMSL.
AS you no doibt all realise, the press scurries around trying to get background info on people which is all publishable after the person has been convicted. The OBF says they have not been able to find a single person with a bad word to say about IS.

Also the "I'm in GGHW" appears to have been a mishearing by the reporter. My friend checked his notes and he's got this:

ETA: And now he says I have to take one for the team PMSL.


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AS you no doibt all realise, the press scurries around trying to get background info on people which is all publishable after the person has been convicted. The OBF says they have not been able to find a single person with a bad word to say about IS.

Also the "I'm in GGHW" appears to have been a mishearing by the reporter. My friend checked his notes and he's got this:

ETA: And now he says I have to take one for the team PMSL.

hahaha, you're worth more than that NetEd, tell him to keep 'em coming and you'll see what it's worth. ;)

Wonder if your old boyf is going to do a "special" on the case, post-conviction? We've got plenty of scurrilous sound bites on WS if he needs any!

That "As he went into the study he said to me are you GGHW? I smiled and said yes." has cleared that point up nicely.
I thought that was a bit odd. Helen, who loves London and is within reach of many good Universities, is thinking of going to Nottingham Trent ??

Which brings into question the timings again and when exactly was Helen killed
Nottingham Trent - I have just had a google search of their Forensic Department - following an idea that IS may have carried out that search for information relating to Forensics, which may prove useful to him in relation to his murder of Helen. AND there was a book recommendation for all Students - a Resource Book on Forensics ... and this was available to download (or to purchase hard copy). Perhaps a shot in the dark - but he is devious and it may make it possible.
hahaha, you're worth more than that NetEd, tell him to keep 'em coming and you'll see what it's worth. ;)

Wonder if your old boyf is going to do a "special" on the case, post-conviction? We've got plenty of scurrilous sound bites on WS if he needs any!

That "As he went into the study he said to me are you GGHW? I smiled and said yes." has cleared that point up nicely.

But I thought he said he doesn't always know if he was smiling because of the (non car) MG?
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