GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #3

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Other than the brother, is there anyone else in Sheffield that places the boyfriend there by 9 PM?
Other than the brother, is there anyone else in Sheffield that places the boyfriend there by 9 PM?

It seems to have become fact that credit card receipts and CCTV footage has ruled GR being en route to Sheffield at the time that Joanna went missing. However the rumour has originated in a tabloid which went along the lines of ' is believed that'.

However, this was the LE's response when asked at a press conference on 28th December whether GR was a suspect:

He replied: “No, he’s a witness in this investigation. There are a number of inquiries we are pursuing and at this stage, I am not prepared to speculate whether there are any suspects or what those lines of inquiry might be.”
RE: phil B

White van with a man in a woolly hat. Sounds rather like a builder to me.
I guess the entrance to a quarry is an unusual place to see someone like that.

A lot of strange things go off in that lane. First the mysterious 4X4. Then the two rain soaked men running out of the woods at 6 a.m last week. Now the nervous white van man.

It sounds rather odd that he speeds off as soon as the dog walker spotted him.

On another note one of the Detectives that wrote a piece in the Daily Mirror said he would not overlook the hotel (Redwood Hotel) that is just one minute from longwood lane. The Perp could have had a room there/worked there. Anyone fleeing Longwood Lane or running by foot from the scene would not have far to go.
Quite the mixed message ... he's set up a webpage for donations, but in the same breath says that he has lost faith in those that spend their time fixed to the internet. I suppose we could look at him as courteous in wishing people a happy future ... and his mention of his memory of the woman he was so devoted to that he didn't notice that the love of his life had not really been in the apartment since he left - and that didn't bother him.

""If you feel you'd like to give something back in Jo's name, I have set up a donation web page - This will allow you to show support and appreciation for the Missing People charity that were so helpful in the campaign to find Jo following her disappearance. Missing People help reunite broken families with loved ones who run away or are snatched from the arms of those dearest by tragedy or social problems. Missing People offer a lifeline for the 250,000 people who run away and go missing each year. For those left behind, they search and provide specialised support to end the heartache and confusion at such difficult times.

Jo's life was cut short tragically but the finger-pointing and character assassination by social and news media of as yet innocent men has been shameful.

"It has made me lose a lot of faith in the morality of the British press and those that spend their time fixed to the internet in this modern age. I hope in the future they will show a more sensitive and impartial view to those involved in such heart-breaking events and especially in the lead-up to potentially high profile court cases.

"I hope you all have a happy new year. We look out into 2011 with a fresh approach to life in Jo's memory and hope that, for her sake, justice is found swiftly."
Re: Otto

Quite the mixed message ... he's set up a webpage for donations, but in the same breath says that he has lost faith in those that spend their time fixed to the internet. I suppose we could look at him as courteous in wishing people a happy future ... and his mention of his memory of the woman he was so devoted to that he didn't notice that his wife had not really been in the apartment since he left - and that didn't bother him.

It all seems quite clinical... maybe this guy was not emotionally in tune, or just in a great state of shock/under meds? Maybe when he returned to the Flat 12/19 he assumed the worse and thought she was having an affair?

It just seems odd too that he states he will never return to Bristol, It seems that it is all about him and not about poor Joanna. If I were in hi shoes this was not even cross my mind... I would be assisting wherever I could to help solve the crime. I have my doubts that it was the B/F, just some of his behaviors are hard to fathom? Also him comments about people wasting their time on line involved in the case is somewhat shocking to me. Either he is more concerned about the rights of C/J and P/S, or maybe it is the fact that a lot of people speculated he was the culprit?
It seems to have become fact that credit card receipts and CCTV footage has ruled GR being en route to Sheffield at the time that Joanna went missing. However the rumour has originated in a tabloid which went along the lines of ' is believed that'.

However, this was the LE's response when asked at a press conference on 28th December whether GR was a suspect:

I am curious about the credit card receipt. Has the timestamp for the receipt been published? I also read that the time stamp on many of the cameras is off, so police have to walk the route that Joanna took to get home to verify camera times.
Quite the mixed message ... he's set up a webpage for donations, but in the same breath says that he has lost faith in those that spend their time fixed to the internet. I suppose we could look at him as courteous in wishing people a happy future ... and his mention of his memory of the woman he was so devoted to that he didn't notice that his wife had not really been in the apartment since he left - and that didn't bother him.

Agree wholeheartedly. Could he have thought she'd simply left him? But then again, if their relationship really was so solid, why would he? I read somewhere she was his first 'serious girlfriend' (ouch ouch ouch, he was 24 or 25 when they met). I don't mean this in a nasty way, but looking at the photos of him and Jo (especially the ones he took - note the extended arm; also, the cutesy 'photo' face) I thought this is a guy who strikes me as someone who popular, successful, pretty girls would date as a 'filler' or immediately after a breakdown. Maybe Jo was the first one to take him seriously or stay with him longer than other ones.

If this is offensive, Mods, please remove, and I apologize.
Sorry if this has already been posted.

Dog walker Marilyn Stevens saw the “strange” man in a woolly hat sitting alone in a small left-hand drive van before he spotted her and sped off.

Firstly, the number of small LHD vans in the Bristol area can't be large, the DVLA can give the Police a list in 5 minutes. So this should be easy to eliminate.

Secondly, as I posted on the previous thread, there is no way that the body lay on that verge for more than one night without being discovered by dog walkers. It was not what I would call an isolated spot. It seems to have been on the regular route of several dog walkers, for a start.
Re: Otto

Quite the mixed message ... he's set up a webpage for donations, but in the same breath says that he has lost faith in those that spend their time fixed to the internet. I suppose we could look at him as courteous in wishing people a happy future ... and his mention of his memory of the woman he was so devoted to that he didn't notice that his wife had not really been in the apartment since he left - and that didn't bother him.

It all seems quite clinical... maybe this guy was not emotionally in tune, or just in a great state of shock/under meds? Maybe when he returned to the Flat 12/19 he assumed the worse and thought she was having an affair?

It just seems odd too that he states he will never return to Bristol, It seems that it is all about him and not about poor Joanna. If I were in hi shoes this was not even cross my mind... I would be assisting wherever I could to help solve the crime. I have my doubts that it was the B/F, just some of his behaviors are hard to fathom? Also him comments about people wasting their time on line involved in the case is somewhat shocking to me. Either he is more concerned about the rights of C/J and P/S, or maybe it is the fact that a lot of people speculated he was the culprit?

Why would he think that she was having an affair only because she wasn't home. That would not be consitent with a devoted relationship, that would be a distrustful one. That doesn't fit with what we have been told.

Has he said that he will not return to Bristol? Where is he now? Please don't tell me he's staying with his parents, quitting his job, and liquidating his life in Bristol.
Dog walker Marilyn Stevens saw the “strange” man in a woolly hat sitting alone in a small left-hand drive van before he spotted her and sped off.

Firstly, the number of small LHD vans in the Bristol area can't be large, the DVLA can give the Police a list in 5 minutes. So this should be easy to eliminate.

Secondly, as I posted on the previous thread, there is no way that the body lay on that verge for more than one night without being discovered by dog walkers. It was not what I would call an isolated spot. It seems to have been on the regular route of several dog walkers, for a start.

Wasn't there snow on the body from the night she disappeared, and wasn't her body still frozen stiff for about 24 hours after she was removed from the scene? Is it possible that a frozen body under the snow wouldn't attract even a dog's attention?

The guy in the van could be just someone that is curious and doesn't have the internet, someone that took a drive to see what was going on.
re Otto

Why would he think that she was having an affair only because she wasn't home. That would not be consitent with a devoted relationship, that would be a distrustful one. That doesn't fit with what we have been told.

Has he said that he will not return to Bristol? Where is he now? Please don't tell me he's staying with his parents, quitting his job, and liquidating his life in Bristol.

I am just saying anything is possible regarding what went through his mind when he returned home and she was not there. Their relationship could have been solid but based on the fact he did not call L/E right away it is a possibility that this crossed his mind. I read that his friends stated he would never live in Bristol again and that he would ask his company for a transfer. Not sure where he is staying now... it was with her Parents then Friends then Parents.
Has he said that he will not return to Bristol? Where is he now? Please don't tell me he's staying with his parents, quitting his job, and liquidating his life in Bristol.


(Looks like another reliable source [not]; scroll down past all the 'PS-who-lives-in-a-prosaic', whatever that means.)

I remember reading somewhere that he might ask his employer for a transfer - but they didn't know.
re Otto

Why would he think that she was having an affair only because she wasn't home. That would not be consitent with a devoted relationship, that would be a distrustful one. That doesn't fit with what we have been told.

Has he said that he will not return to Bristol? Where is he now? Please don't tell me he's staying with his parents, quitting his job, and liquidating his life in Bristol.

I am just saying anything is possible regarding what went through his mind when he returned home and she was not there. Their relationship could have been solid but based on the fact he did not call L/E right away it is a possibility that this crossed his mind. I read that his friends stated he would never live in Bristol again and that he would ask his company for a transfer. Not sure where he is staying now... it was with her Parents then Friends then Parents.

Sometimes, more often than not, it seems that when the significant other is involved in the murder of a partner, he quits his job, leaves town, and moves a lot closer to his parents. Neil entwistle, and many others, have done exactly this. Those murders are usually related to overwhelming financial strain in the relationship. I read somewhere that the apartment was not that expensive ... has anyone else come across the rent ... something like 1100 pounds/mo? Two independent professionals should have been able to afford that ... depending on how successful they were ... shouldn't they?
I am curious about the credit card receipt. Has the timestamp for the receipt been published? I also read that the time stamp on many of the cameras is off, so police have to walk the route that Joanna took to get home to verify camera times.

We don't even know whether the credit card receipt exists, it is just assumed so due to a throwaway line in the Sun which some people have chosen to take as gospel due to the fact that GR has not been arrested yet (as in: "he MUST have been checked out thoroughly....mustn't he?")

I found the Tear, Lies and Videotape programme I mentioned yesterday. This one has Paul Dyson in it I think, the nightclub bouncer who murdered his girlfriend and told police they exchanged Valentines card that morning. I'm from a similar area to Joanne Nelson and have met plenty of 'Paul' types in my time, my sister in fact dated one and he did used to assault her on a regular basis :( Anyway, programme is here:

I found the article under the programme interesting, by Professor David Canter. He says that the words they speak at an appeal may not be too hard because they reflect the truth, but we choose to interpret them in a different way. What I then thought of were GR's words of:

I desperately want her back – I thought we would be together for ever.

You may have thought that GR....but did Joanna? Was that the catalyst?:waitasec:
Why would he think that she was having an affair only because she wasn't home. That would not be consitent with a devoted relationship, that would be a distrustful one. That doesn't fit with what we have been told.

Has he said that he will not return to Bristol? Where is he now? Please don't tell me he's staying with his parents, quitting his job, and liquidating his life in Bristol.



"Jo Yeates’s boyfriend has vowed never to return to Bristol, friends say.

Architect Greg Reardon, 27, cannot face the ‘pain’ of being in the city because of the memories he had with her there.

He has also indicated that he is hoping for a transfer to another location within his company.

Mr Reardon is staying with his parents in Ilfracombe, North Devon, after spells with friends and with Miss Yeates’s parents in Ampfield, Hampshire."

Read more:

E.T.A. From the same article.


"Police are trying to trace the owner of a light-coloured car seen on the night Jo disappeared in the remote area where her body was dumped.

Two members of Long Ashton Golf Club in Failand were about to drive home when they saw the car pull into the entrance at 11.20pm on December 17.

The driver noticed the key-code operated barriers and hastily did a U-turn.
It then sped off towards Longwood Lane.

The witnesses reported the incident after Miss Yeates’s body was found on a grass verge beside the lane on Christmas Day. Around 30 of the guests are believed to have driven down the lane between 11pm and midnight before heavy snow fell in the early hours."

Read more:
Wasn't there snow on the body from the night she disappeared, and wasn't her body still frozen stiff for about 24 hours after she was removed from the scene? Is it possible that a frozen body under the snow wouldn't attract even a dog's attention?

The guy in the van could be just someone that is curious and doesn't have the internet, someone that took a drive to see what was going on.

The man was seen on 23/12 - what was going on on that day, Jo's body was discovered on xmas day wasn't it?
I completely agree with you on this. I expect telephone contact with my family, and anyone I'm devoted to, especially when anyone is alone for the weekend. If I was trying to contact someone (family, or devoted to) and the messages went unanswered Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I'd phone and leave a message expecting a reponse as soon as they they received the message.

Similar sentiments have been mentioned many times over the threads. I don't know if GR is involved, I don't know the ins and outs of their relationship, and I don't know about JY's communication habits, so this may not apply to this case. I am not good with phones and texts. Either my phone is off, I forget to charge the battery, I turn the ringer off and forget about it (so when I hear no beeps I assume I haven't gotten any messages and don't think to check), or I check voicemail/texts and mean to get around to responding and forget.

Some are like me and accept this easily, but it can be frustrating to others who expect communication. If I don't answer a call or text it's probably for one or more of the above reasons. The thing is, after a week, or a month, or several months, or a year, people get used to it. If JY was a regular communicator this is probably irrelevant.

I'm also not sure how telling it necessarily is that he waited four hours before alerting anyone. If JY was a person who always followed through with plans, like baking or other preparations for a party, I'd expect GR to wonder why, after a weekend of not hearing from his girlfriend, nothing had been done. If she was more spontaneous or would change plans, he may have initially assumed she decided not to bake or would do it the next day. He may have thought it's 8 pm she may be out, and then it's 9, then 10, and then started getting seriously worried after putting it all together.

Since we don't know any of the specifics I may well be wrong, but if JY was anything like the above, GR's reported reactions make sense to me.
Wasn't there snow on the body from the night she disappeared, and wasn't her body still frozen stiff for about 24 hours after she was removed from the scene? Is it possible that a frozen body under the snow wouldn't attract even a dog's attention?

The guy in the van could be just someone that is curious and doesn't have the internet, someone that took a drive to see what was going on.

The body was found on Christmas morning, I believe it had snowed heavily during the early hours, so the body would have been well covered in snow if dumped the previous evening..

The van was spotted on 23/12, before the body was discovered, so it can't have been a "tourist".
Re: Otto

It just seems odd too that he states he will never return to Bristol, It seems that it is all about him and not about poor Joanna. If I were in hi shoes this was not even cross my mind... I would be assisting wherever I could to help solve the crime. I have my doubts that it was the B/F, just some of his behaviors are hard to fathom? Also him comments about people wasting their time on line involved in the case is somewhat shocking to me. Either he is more concerned about the rights of C/J and P/S, or maybe it is the fact that a lot of people speculated he was the culprit?

Oh dear. If, as has been reported, this was a devoted couple planning a life together, I can absolutely see myself thinking and saying I wouldn't return to the city. I may or may not realize it would be ill-advised and open to misinterpretation or question. I might not want to go back and I'd be likely to just blurt out what I was thinking. I can't see myself saying anyone was wasting time online or putting down online communities, though. I participate, obviously. But would I think differently if I were the object of suspicion? I need more caffeine to think this through.

FTR, I swear I haven't murdered anyone, I swear I don't know GR or anyone else in this case, and I swear I'm not a GR apologist and am not trying to assert his innocence. His actions, at least based on reporting (which may or may not be at all accurate), don't seem that odd to me.
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