GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #4

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Cheers Destroyer.. tbh i was following these threads more closely a few days ago, but there is so much i would never get anything else done!

I wonder what the crucial evidence handed in to LE was? Am I right in saying it was found out in the area where the body was found? Also this daily mail article seems to suggest that it prompted Forensics to go back into the flat:

My guess would be that it was something used to either wrap the body or to tie the hands/feet(though police would probably tell by marks) or to line the boot/trunk of the car.. & that it was either thrown into the bushes somewhere nearby or left on the body but blew away. If its prompted the police to go back to the flat maybe they think it came from there & are checking the area it should be in for any perp evidence. Black bags taken from under the sink? A sheet/towels taken from the hot press?

What else could it be? Something the perp dropped? Maybe a cigarette butt? Hard to see a member of the public picking that up? Gloves?

What about the pizza box mailed to the pub...??? Some random sicko wanting to get involved or maybe the perp is loving the attention of the case & is wanting to keep it alive, this could explain some of the return to the scene drive-by's speculated about by others above.
I'm still trying to sort through the information to decide who may be responsible. I was leaning towards the boyfriend, but with the new information that he was not only visiting his brother, but also his wife and new twins, I think the idea of the brother giving a false alibi is becoming less likely. I am also very intrigued by the 999 call reporting an unusual vehicle traveling up and down the road 4 times and 36 hours before Joanna was reported missing - a report made to police about suspicious activity along the road after Joanna was put there, and before she was reported missing.

The implication is that whoever did this put her along the side of the road late at night and was looking for the spot the next day, perhaps to see if she could be found ... returning to the scene of the crime to be sure the tracks were covered. I'm also wondering if this crime was committed by someone that has little experience with this - like a first major offence. I have to wonder if she was attacked with the intention of sexual assault, but screams and struggles were unexpected by the murderer, so he murdered her before he could follow through on his plans. That would also also explain why she was left on the side of the road, pretty much in plain sight - aside from the snow. Returning to the scene of the crime seems like something someone would do when the plan went south, and they had to unexpectedly improvise.

So, I was leaning towards the boyfriend, now I'm wondering if it could have been someone that was looking for opportunity and Joanna, walking alone, fit the criteria.

Otto, I agree with your post, except that I think it was someone who had been working near the flat, and had been watching Jo. Because she was in a new environment,she was distracted, and probably never realized she was being watched. His motivation, I believe was rape. I do agree that he's probably young,and may never have pursued a victim into their own space before,although I do think he's probably raped before.

I know that, assuming the quarry is operating over the weekend, we have the problem of drivers spotting the body.
But I still don't see why we can't believe that the body *was* heaved over the fence, and perhaps therefore concealed by that boulder.
Given the vagueness of everything, I don't think we can say either way.
Maybe it's because I'm fairly fit and strong, but I have difficulty seeing that it's all that hard to get a 70 kilo (or however heavy) weight over a fence like that.

The crane: I find it hard [as well as disturbing, but that's by the by] to imagine it being used to kind of prise the body from the ground. I'm sure there are gentler means used, and it strikes me as being like using a power drill for some very delicate archaeological process. I'm more minded to think that it's for lifting the body from the other side of the fence. But, yes, it may be that they wanted to take turf with it or whatever.

I don't think we can say, really.
But I'm not taken by the idea that's been thrown up here and there that the killer *wanted* the body to be found swiftly. He may not have cared either way, perhaps, but I can't go with the idea proposed by some that its discovery was some kind of "Christmas gift".

Looking at this photo I'm wondering if perhaps Joanna's body might have been on the other side of the fence?.

Otto, I agree with your post, except that I think it was someone who had been working near the flat, and had been watching Jo. Because she was in a new environment,she was distracted, and probably never realized she was being watched. His motivation, I believe was rape. I do agree that he's probably young,and may never have pursued a victim into their own space before,although I do think he's probably raped before.


Did i read some random post ages back about how builders had been working on a neighbouring building? Someone was saying how they should ask the builders if they saw any strange goings on in the area.. i thought to myself they should probably ask them a few closer questions than that!!
Did i read some random post ages back about how builders had been working on a neighbouring building? Someone was saying how they should ask the builders if they saw any strange goings on in the area.. i thought to myself they should probably ask them a few closer questions than that!!

Yep. I'm wondering if those guys had been working there since she moved in ?

Also RE the evidence handed in, possibly Jo managed to injure the perp in some way & he used a rag or ball of tissue to treat the wound. Was the evidence found right by the body or a few hundred yards away.. if its closer to the latter then he may have flung something out the car window(very stupidly)... if it is this type of evidence the LE will be rubbing their hands with glee.. to good to be true really!

I find it very troubling that there has been no signs of a struggle reported, a similar thing happened to an Irish bride on her honeymoon in Mauritius (Strangled in her hotel room after stumbling upon an intruder) except in her case the room was found with clear signs of a struggle where she defended herself, similar age girls fit & sporty both.

Did the perp stay back to tidy the apt in the JY case, did the killing take place outside or elsewhere? Did he use a garotte like device or the sock to not give her a chance, how come she managed to get screams off though if that was the case. I vote that he tidied the place up(too much) so that it was clear to the mother that the flat wasnt as JY would leave it.

TBH it really is all wild speculation, we can only hope the police are able to piece it all together & we hear it from a court of law one day!
Anyone know what make/colour of car was shared by J/Y and G/R? He obviously took it for his trip up north....which left J/Y to walk home after her evening out. Presumabley they shared a car, rather than have one each, as they both worked at the same place?...but can't find any mention of what sort of car it was. Any ideas?

Says here that they shared the car. No mention of the color though.

"Mr Reardon had taken the car he shared with Miss Yeates to Sheffield to visit his family."
Well spotted...pity you can't post...I'm losing the plot now but...when was the sighting of the light coloured 4 x 4 in Longwood Road?

"Detectives leading the hunt for Joanna Yeates's killer revealed that they want to speak to the driver of a light-coloured 4x4 vehicle which was seen on the street where her body was found the night she went missing. The senior investigating officer, Phil Jones of Avon and Somerset Police, said the vehicle was spotted on Longwood Lane at around the time Ms Yeates, 25, is believed to have disappeared."
1 - The killer of Glenis Carruthers, who is a resident of 42 or 44 Canynge Road or someone closely connected to one of the former schoolmasters living there.
2 - Warped pleasure borne of misogyny, abnormal psychology, and/or childhood experience.
3 - Around 9.10PM
4 - Removed from oven, using box and possibly sock, where it was cooking, to prevent smoke alarm sounding, then disposed of hurriedly the same night within three miles of the flat.
5 - While the snow was falling, on the night of the murder.

I also think all this is known to LE, who are in the process of gathering watertight forensics before charging their suspect. They are possibly also gathering evidence against an accomplice after the fact, or establishing the extent of their complicity.

Regardless, I hope the killer is brought to justice soon.
Well after a very quiet last few days things have started to happen again. Lets hope the saliva DNA is the big clue they need now. The suspicious 4X4 on Longwood Lane sounds more ominous as time goes on. I'm also really pleased the alternative Avon Bridge route has been brought to light. I have to admit I was a little disconcerted to find out the Police were relying on the Clifton Suspension Bridge as the only route. Putting all their eggs into one basket was in a sense burning their bridges quite literally.
Otto, I agree with your post, except that I think it was someone who had been working near the flat, and had been watching Jo. Because she was in a new environment,she was distracted, and probably never realized she was being watched. His motivation, I believe was rape. I do agree that he's probably young,and may never have pursued a victim into their own space before,although I do think he's probably raped before.


Since she was normally with her boyfriend, and in this instance she was alone at her apartment, it does suggest that it is someone that knew she would be alone on that particular evening - in light of the fact that she was likely attacked in her apartment. I suppose this is why police are assuming that it is someone that she knew ... but it could be someone that was simply watching her for a while, someone that knew her (not necessarily someone she knew), and who noticed her husband going home early. I wonder if the vehicle that was spotted near the area she was walking is similar to the vehicle that was reported going up and down the road on Dec. 18.
1. CJ/PS [one of the two acted alone in the murder but was helped by other's complicity, related to both of them knowing what happened in 1974]
2. A sexual kick from the sense of power got by their killing somebody, unpremeditated and sparked by memories of what happened nearly four decades before.
3. Roughly 9pm.
4. Eaten by killer, shared with JY or alone, but not cooked in JY's flat.
5. Late Friday night by one person.[/QUOTE]

This is mine, exactly as Mr Zhivago...couldn't put it better myself.

Edited to say a change to point 5. I think stored while a place was sought out for disposal. A local place so as not to be seen in an area where they may be out of place. I also think a vehicle had to be found for transportation that wasn't easily traced back to them. The vehicle cruising up and down the lane IMO could well be that vehicle. Body moved Xmas eve/xmas day by one person.
Can I just add - I know you don't think the comment I posted from MW's stepsister is significant, but it wasn't reported in the press, it was in the readers comments section underneath an article, so no misreporting can have taken place. Anyhoo...

My twopennorth:

1. Who did it? GR/MW
2. What was the motive? Crime of Passion
3. What was the time of death? 9pm or thereabouts
4. What happened to the pizza? destroyed, possibly taken on a journey and eaten
5. When was the body was dumped? Night of 17th/early hours of 18th

I wonder why the press are printing stories about GR again?:waitasec:
Joanna Yeates' best friend pours her heart out and backs DNA testing

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"The last person known to have spoken to Joanna Yeates has talked about how she misses her best friend – and how "desperate" she is for the killer to be brought to justice.

Rebecca Scott has told the Evening Post about her friendship with Miss Yeates, the time they spent together and the murdered land- scape architect's relation- ship with boyfriend Greg Reardon."

Wednesday January 12, 2011

"THE boyfriend of Joanna Yeates has been left in torment after she was abducted and murdered while he was visiting his newborn twin nieces, it emerged last night.

Friends of Greg Reardon, 27, said that the architect has suffered “an unbearable rollercoaster of emotion” since Joanna was strangled."

Read more:
Can I just add - I know you don't think the comment I posted from MW's stepsister is significant, but it wasn't reported in the press, it was in the readers comments section underneath an article, so no misreporting can have taken place. Anyhoo...

My twopennorth:

1. Who did it? GR/MW
2. What was the motive? Crime of Passion
3. What was the time of death? 9pm or thereabouts
4. What happened to the pizza? destroyed, possibly taken on a journey and eaten
5. When was the body was dumped? Night of 17th/early hours of 18th

I wonder why the press are printing stories about GR again?:waitasec:

Since his story has changed from sleeping to partying to the phone was charging in the office, it could be significant ... but it could also be someone posing as a relative who is confused about the facts. I would think that the vehicle that was seen on going up and down the road on Dec 18 will be compared to the vehicles of all the witnesses. Whoever owns that vehicle has most likely not reported to police, making that person even more interesting ... and given that it is now public knowledge that the vehicle was reported, that person should be panicking right about now.
Jo Yeates murder: Cops probe whether killer returned to the scene after dumping her body

Wed 12th Jan 2011 9:58pm


Local horse rider Emma Brewer said yesterday: “It is a bit weird if someone was driving up and down this lane because there is no obvious explanation. It seems suspicious to me. Some people do the school run and would come up and down the lane once, but not on a Saturday, and never three or four times."

Read more:
Jo Yeates murder: Cops probe whether killer returned to the scene after dumping her body

Wed 12th Jan 2011 9:58pm


Local horse rider Emma Brewer said yesterday: “It is a bit weird if someone was driving up and down this lane because there is no obvious explanation. It seems suspicious to me. Some people do the school run and would come up and down the lane once, but not on a Saturday, and never three or four times."

Read more:

More from the same article:

"Det Chief Inspector Phil Jones, who is leading the murder hunt, has said it is possible the killer may have tried to lift her over the quarry wall, but failed in his attempt and instead left her on the narrow roadside verge."

After all our discussions yesterday about the dumping site, the DCI in charge seems to favour the site of the floral tributes? Puzzling, or just plain stupid? Or am I reading this wrong?
More from the same article:

"Det Chief Inspector Phil Jones, who is leading the murder hunt, has said it is possible the killer may have tried to lift her over the quarry wall, but failed in his attempt and instead left her on the narrow roadside verge."

After all our discussions yesterday about the dumping site, the DCI in charge seems to favour the site of the floral tributes? Puzzling, or just plain stupid? Or am I reading this wrong?

To refute Philb's overwhelming evidence in favour of the quarry entrance site we should need the DCI's exact words. Otherwise it may well be that the journalist is expanding on what was said in the light of his own erroneous supposition as to the site.
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