Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #14 *ARREST*

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That's about the size of it, yep.

You think he might have keys to those houses, Cherwell? Seems unlikely he struck lucky so many times with unlocked doors especially as many of them are "on street" and easily seen by neighbours. It would be very interesting to know whether they were rented through the same landlord or letting agent.
The word 'trespassing' was used too, at some point, right?
That made me wonder if he was already in the property, by sort of casual invitation, and then nicked stuff (and/or even filmed stuff). I don't know what trespassing means though, in legal terms. For example, if you've tagged along with a pal to someone's house, but weren't actually invited, and then stole things... that's probably not exactly burglary.

IIRC it was stated in court in relation to at least one of the offences of burglary 'you entered as a trespasser an address in xxxx street'
Could it be his wife did cash in hand work as a cleaner or PR worked as an odd job man or window cleaner ,there was a long ladder on his property seen in an arial image of his house.

MOO i dont think he had any 'legitimate' reason to be in any of those properties. I think he was a pervy creep who enjoyed sneaking around watching people and took his chances as he got to know peoples routines.
Sorry Cherwell....can’t find mirror source through google but as a few of us have already noted there are a lot of articles that were posted in msm now seem to have been deleted.
That's what I thought - if the Mirror has deleted it then the balaclava thing probably was found to have happened on a different night.
No. I still think he followed her from somewhere so watched the situation unfold after she got out of the taxi.

I was just replying to agree but im not sure the timescales of him being parked there would fit.
If he saw her getting out of the taxi, why not then, as she wandered off down the street?
Could it be his wife did cash in hand work as a cleaner or PR worked as an odd job man or window cleaner ,there was a long ladder on his property seen in an arial image of his house.
That's a very interesting thought and discovery Skigh :cool:
Does anyone have any other reasons for feeling LS must have been put in the water closer to/directly in the Estuary except,
-St Andrews Quay SM rumour.
-A perception that the river is somehow not deep/straight/fast enough to carry a body?

As many of you know my thinking for a while has been the river Hull at ORPF, since before the sad discovery of Libbys body. I thought it was the only option left and ill give some of my reasons why.

Before and after PRs abduction arrest (at that point i thought it was a specific charge and indicated someone or something must have witnessed 'an abduction'), LE were only visibly searching the areas directly around ORPF and suspects home address, no other areas. By this point they must have had a wealth of CCTV to place PRs movements.
LE asked for cctv and dashcam footage for anyone who may have been 'in the area' between 2330-0300. This indicates to me that PR was seen leaving 'the area' and returning home prior to 3am.
Oak Road CCTV witnesses, the last one left at 0234(?) Tying in to the end of the 3am timeframe.
All of this in my mind means LE placed PR ONLY in that immediate area between 2330-0300 else surely they would need the public's help or at least awareness that he left the area in case they could provide anything useful. Rather than thinking, 'oh i was the other side of Hull'. They always say a small seemingly insignificant detail could be vital to solving the case.

The fact that they couldnt find her in or around the park and (i believe) they placed her not leaving the area. There was only one other way out, via the river. Im not sure why people disbelieve it is possible so much. We have lost a lot of people to the river Hull, granted usually nearer the city centre but i have seen people vanish only to wash up on the edge of the estuary a while later. MOO its not only possible but probable she entered the water at ORPF.

I agree. I do not think LS left the park that night. I think PR put her in the Hull. I am not sure why she was not seen earlier but sometimes things cannot be explained. Fortunately so very fortunately she was found before going out to sea.
The word 'trespassing' was used too, at some point, right?
That made me wonder if he was already in the property, by sort of casual invitation, and then nicked stuff (and/or even filmed stuff). I don't know what trespassing means though, in legal terms. For example, if you've tagged along with a pal to someone's house, but weren't actually invited, and then stole things... that's probably not exactly burglary.

Or, there was the review from
Hull University’s rental website section for Wellesley & Heathcote that I shared right back at the start where students said they were have problems feeling unsafe with workmen letting themselves into houses unnounced on behalf of letting agency and also with items being stolen. I guess trespassing would cover someone having a key?
IIRC it was stated in court in relation to at least one of the offences of burglary 'you entered as a trespasser an address in xxxx street'
Thanks, Mommysleuth. I'm intrigued to know what entering as a tresspasser means. I imagine it's something like through an open door or window.
I wonder if he just lets himself in to student house parties.
That's what I thought - if the Mirror has deleted it then the balaclava thing probably was found to have happened on a different night.

Just seems odd that articles and quotes that relate to a possible second man have been deleted. I don't recall this being an issue on previous cases I've followed. Just say the police have their eye on a possible accomplice, could they / would they ask the media to pipe down about anything related to it?
Or, there was the review from
Hull University’s rental website section for Wellesley & Heathcote that I shared right back at the start where students said they were have problems feeling unsafe with workmen letting themselves into houses unnounced on behalf of letting agency and also with items being stolen. I guess trespassing would cover someone having a key?

Oh yes, I remember reading some of those reviews before PR was charged with everything. Seems more relevant now.

Hmmm (inserts the old chin scratching emoji... I miss the old emojis)
That's what I thought - if the Mirror has deleted it then the balaclava thing probably was found to have happened on a different night.
Possibly you are correct but I believe it’s also possible for things to be deleted that could hinder investigation / trial. Seems far too much stuff deleted imo.
I was just replying to agree but im not sure the timescales of him being parked there would fit.
If he saw her getting out of the taxi, why not then, as she wandered off down the street?

Just thinking out loud really but maybe too many people about (neighbours getting in the taxi), didn't want to risk her causing a scene in such a residential area. Maybe just not decided on what he was going to do or not plucked up the courage.

We're all sumising everything aren't we which could be total nonsense.

Edit to add. I just can't get my head around how so many unplanned things happened that night and it just happened to be the one night he was lurking around that area. I know he's been to Wellesley before but most of his (alleged) crimes have been in the streets around his home.
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Possibly you are correct but I believe it’s also possible for things to be deleted that could hinder investigation / trial. Seems far too much stuff deleted imo.

it could be that it was nothing to do with Libby and it was found to be just a student out in the cold wearing warm head wear!
it could be that it was nothing to do with Libby and it was found to be just a student out in the cold wearing warm head wear!
Possible, but doubtful imo...also Cherwell has said he read that balaclava man was a different night to Libby going missing ( a link confirming this would be helpful )
Just thinking out loud really but maybe too many people about (neighbours getting in the taxi), didn't want to risk her causing a scene in such a residential area. Maybe just not decided on what he was going to do or not plucked up the courage.

We're all sumising everything aren't we which could be total nonsense.

Edit to add. I just can't get my head around how so many unplanned things happened that night and it just happened to be the one night he was lurking around that area. I know he's been to Wellesley before but most of his (alleged) crimes have been in the streets around his home.

Indeed we are.

I just got a chill reading that though. Im just trying to figure out possible scenarios that fit the few facts we DO know publicly and i guess a part of my brain maybe doesnt want to imagine it was THAT planned, if that makes sense. I dont want to think of him skulking around behind a vulnerable girl, following her. Although realistically its equally as likely that, as it is he drove past her and crept out of the way. Either way its scary. (I feel that last sentence could use a swear word to add emphasis).
Yes, its totally tragic and unthinkable for Libby and her family that a series of reasonably common but unfortunate events could lead to her being in the sights of someone like that. God bless her.
I agree. I do not think LS left the park that night. I think PR put her in the Hull. I am not sure why she was not seen earlier but sometimes things cannot be explained. Fortunately so very fortunately she was found before going out to sea.

As you'll see from my previous posts, I'm not convinced either way.

Poster @Winterbells has identified a convincing location at Paull where it would have been possible to dispose of a body. Hat tip to her for her persistence. On the minus side, to do that, PR would have had to have prior knowledge of the site and the tides, and risk a late night drive through the town with a dead/unconscious girl on board. And then burn rubber getting back in time for the timescale.

I picked up on the St Andrew's Quay reference without realising it had come from social media. My bad, sorry. However, there are places there where a body could have been placed into relatively deep water.

It is, however, perfectly possible that somehow LS made it all the way down the River Hull and into the Humber Estuary without being spotted. If so, I think luck would have played a large part in it. I have a vague feeling that February and March were excessively rainy, this could have had a bearing.

It was me who described the R. Hull as slow flowing and shallow. All these things are relative, of course. The Tidal Surge Barrier is only lowered when there is a high risk of flooding so that is once in a very blue moon, just once in a very blue moon. Thank you Nanci Griifiths.
Although I'm not at all set on him ever doing taxi driving at all I'd have to agree to disagree on that description...he was parked as close to a main rd as you could get without actually being on it ,bus stops and pubs near by .. too risky being on main road itself ...but i do not know enough about local travel to know for sure

Exactly right, you said it “too risky being on main road”. Without the CCTV from electric company there probably would not be proof of LS getting in PR’s car. MOO he knew what he was doing, parking where he parked in the direction he parked was all intentional. He saw LS and saw an opportunity, he just had to wait until the coast was clear. Thank goodness for the CCTV.
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