UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #3

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The police told them to go to Johns House? as the flat was a potential crime scene?

Oh... I see... I wasn't sure what the food parcel was about. However, regardless, they still could have covered up Logan's murder by simply going over to JC's. Or even 'taking a break' somewhere. Who would be to know?

I wonder why they confabulated the Logan's gone missing in the middle of the night / been abducted story?
I agree, but do wonder if the youth had been arrested at some time in his life even if it did not lead to charges.

A lot of youths nowadays know their rights better than the police know. They know to say 'I don't know', 'I didn't see it', 'maybe', 'I'm getting mixed up', 'my eyesight isn't great', 'I've got hearing problems', 'I get confused', on and on and on when it's not 'no comment' or 'no idea' or 'I can't remember'
i think they were too tight to pay for bin collection and would regularly fly-tip

Bin collections in Wales are "free" (in as much as they are paid for by Council Taxes which every home is liable for, and for which people on low incomes such as these would receive assistance to pay). They may have had to pay for uplift of extra, bulky stuff, but even then all they needed was a mate with a van who could take it to a public tip (also free to use).
Bin collections in Wales are "free" (in as much as they are paid for by Council Taxes which every home is liable for, and for which people on low incomes such as these would receive assistance to pay). They may have had to pay for uplift of extra, bulky stuff, but even then all they needed was a mate with a van who could take it to a public tip (also free to use).
oh wow the more you know. we don't have anything like that here, you pay for bin collection or a skip, anything else is illegal
Sorry, cant find the post or remember who said it, but it was mentioned a wee bit back that maybe JC had coached them all surreptitiously with opposing tales, but I wonder if it was actually deliberate. A seasoned crim like himself would know that each of them only has to create a "reasonable doubt" to get off. Maybe that was the plan, if they all say something different they won't be able to pin anything on a single one? They would have had enough time to do this between vacating the flat and being arrested.
Does anyone have an opinion on whether this had some semblance of planning or spontaneous or a mix? It occurs to me that the smaller house had the advantage of being very close to river for dumping a body.

Maybe planned. If Logan had already been sufficiently injured to the point where JC and AW were keenly aware he would need hospital treatment at some point.

They knew that any time Logan spoke out to any institution whether it be school, police, social workers, or hospital, and tells that he is being battered at home, they will lose their baby and JC will go to prison 'forever'. They couldn't afford for him to be alive really.
Fifth interview
The fifth interview took place on August 4.

He was asked about the moment he was told Logan was missing.

Youth: “To be honest I thought it was just me, thinking I was dreaming at first and still did until they found him dead…

“I didn’t know what to think. I thought he had been snatched …. I said to (Cole) ‘What’s going on’ and he said Logan had been snatched or Logan’s missing so I went looking for him… I thought he had been taken or being an arse and left the house.”

When asked if any names were mentioned, the youth mentioned the woman previously mentioned by Williamson.

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The youth was taken through a list of injuries Logan had sustained before his death but he denied being aware of any of them.

DC Saunders: “Did you cause any injury at all?”

Youth: “No, I wouldn’t have touched (Logan) except for giving him a hug.”

He claimed the eye injury could have been caused by Logan throwing a dinosaur toy at a wall which bounced back into his face.

The youth was also asked about Cole and Williamson trying to give Logan a bath on July 31.

He said: “(Logan) was being an *advertiser censored***hole and he was running around. I heard a bang and it sounded like someone fell. I heard them saying ‘Logan stand still, stopping running around’... (Logan’s) an arse and hates being washed.”

DC Saunders: “Did you at any point cause injury to Logan’s stomach?”

Youth: “No.”

DC Saunders: “Have you ever punched, kicked or assaulted Logan?”

Youth: “No.”

DC Saunders: “What about rough play?”

Youth: “No, we didn’t do that.”

He claimed Williamson would check on Logan. He added: “I didn’t even know about half of these (injuries) I’m telling you now I didn’t know about them.”

When Logan had Covid, he was kept in his room with a television and Cole and Williamson would bring food to his room while wearing gloves and facemasks and wouldn’t come out of the room unless it was to go to toilet, when he would wear a facemask. He also didn’t go outside into the garden.

The youth said Logan would be put in the corner by Cole and Williamson if he was naughty to “think about his actions” and they would take the laptop off of him or tap him on the wrist if he was being naughty.

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Final interview
The last interview took place on August 4 after Williamson had claimed to police that Cole and the youth had attacked Logan.

When asked if Cole and Williamson argued, the youth said: “She doesn’t have constant arguments with (Cole) no. I’ve heard one or two…….I would highly disagree about that.

DC Saunders: “(Williamson) said Jay is too harsh on Logan.”

Youth: “No I don’t think (Cole) is too harsh on Logan. He barely punishes him and gives him chances….. He punishes him when he needs to…. He puts him in the corner for five minutes and talks to him and he give him a tap on the hand.”

DC Saunders: “Angharad says there was a row in the house and she said (Cole) was to harsh on Logan and she tried to leave the house.”

Youth: “Logan but a booger on (Williamson’s) speaker. She was staring at (Cole) for a minute…. He said ‘What’s up’ and she said ‘Someone has put something on it’......

“We said we wouldn’t do that and she said who else would have done it and (Cole) said Logan.

“She was shouting at Logan, asking him if he had put a booger on the stereo and he was saying ‘No, no, no’. (Williamson) was getting annoyed.

“She tried to leave but I tried to stop her because she has epilepsy and seizures. I didn’t want her having a seizure outside the house where it’s hard concrete. I said ‘I am asking you nicely, please please go back in’.”

He denied shouting at Willamson, who he claimed went back inside the house and “sorted things” with Cole.

An account was put to the youth by next door neighbour Fred Witchell which described the youth as sounding “desperate” and Williamson told him to stop because he was “making a scene”. It was also claimed Williamson was “screaming hysterically” which the youth denied.

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'Did he say that?'
DC Saunders: “(Williamson) said Jay shoved Logan a couple of times on the shoulders.”

Youth: “No, (Cole) did not lay a hand on him.”

DC Saunders: “She said he punched Logan three or four times in the stomach, did he do that?”

Youth: “No.”

DC Saunders: “She said Logan couldn’t talk because he had a stutter and Jay said he was lying.”

Youth: “(Cole) is the most understanding about his stutter. No, (Cole) did not touch him.”

DC Saunders: “She said (Logan) went flying and hit the back of his head and caused carpet burn.”

Youth: “No.”

DC Saunders: “She said Jay had to do that to make Logan listen.”

Youth: “No, he didn’t say that.”

DC Saunders: “She said Jay said ‘The only way this boy understands is pain’.”

Youth: “No, (Cole) did not say that.”

DC Saunders: “She said Jay was laughing, pulled his top up, looked at a red mark and said ‘That’s a good one isn’t it’. Did he say that?”

Youth: “No.”

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So now, all three of them having conflicting testimony and created a situation where all of them are proven liars. Their testimonies mean nothing, their word means nothing. The court will be left to determine their guilt based on other evidence and facts. Clearly, Logan didn't murder himself and tip himself in the river (although they would have us believe such).

The only thing going for this case is that Logan was certainly inside the house and no other people came in or out or potentially perpetrated violence. So, it's down to the three of them.
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Youth: “No, I wouldn’t have touched (Logan) except for giving him a hug.”

What an absolute piece of work this kid is. Such manipulation and front.
I agree.

They may think they’re clever, but they’re overlooking the obvious - someone in that house beat that little boy to death. The autopsy speaks for itself.
I agree.

They may think they’re clever, but they’re overlooking the obvious - someone in that house beat that little boy to death. The autopsy speaks for itself.

And it was not a one off event. That poor little boy had been continually verbally,mentally and physically abused for a long time,probably since his mother first met JC .
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