UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor*

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I know we all act differently, but my son wandered off in a shop at the age of 2, holding my hand one minute and a split second later he had disappeared - I was in complete panic, adrenaline was so high, totally consumed by fear - Someone asked me what he was wearing and my mind was totally blank, all I could give was his age, name, colour of hair and eye colour - I couldn't recall what he was wearing let alone give any more details.
He was found safe and sound thankfully.
When I was a child it was normal for mothers when out and about to have their small children in a harness with "reins". I can still picture mine - pale blue leather with jingly bells! I thought these would come back into popular use after the abduction and murder of James Bulger, but they never have. Such a simple precaution.
Maybe it’s just me, but 9:45/10pm is so late for a 5 yo to go to bed.

I was about to say it was school hols, so not so strict with timings. But I doubt this household had any care for Logan, so unlikely he was ever put to bed at a sensible hour.
Having said that, I imagine poor Logan was in bed much earlier than this timing, suffering from the injuries inflicted. I suspect AW chose 10pm as it matched with her being able to say she also went to bed at this time - therefore this was her last sighting of Logan.
'I took hold of the little boy’s leg and there was rigor mortis'
The trial resumes for the afternoon.

The next statement to be read is from paramedic Geoffrey Ball.

He received a call at 6.09am on July 31 last year to attend Lower Llansantffraid in Bridgend after reports of a boy being found in the river.

Upon attending the scene he described coming into contact with the boy’s mother.

He said: “From behind me I could hear screaming and shouting. A woman ran across the road towards me but I couldn’t hear what she was saying.

“She had dark hair, dark clothing, and a slightly larger than average build.

“She said: ‘What are you doing? Why are you here? My son is missing’ and: ‘Why are you looking in the river?’.

“She was animated and crying. She said: ‘The back door is open, he’s gone. Where is he?'

“I asked her what he was wearing and she said Spiderman pyjamas. I asked her what he looked like and she got out her phone and showed me a picture. I remember he had dark hair.”

Mr Ball then made his way to Pandy Park where he received a message from a colleague who said: "They’ve got him".

Mr Ball said he ran to the scene with his four colleagues and when he entered the park he could see a group of people in the far right corner of the park.

He could also see a paramedic performing chest compressions on a boy.

The witness said: “I took hold of the little boy’s leg and there was rigor mortis. His leg was cold to touch.”

Mr Ball administered adrenaline on two occasions but the boy showed no signs of life.

He added: “The little boy had a red mark just above his left eye.”

The boy was placed on a stretcher and taken into an ambulance as CPR continued.
He had no realistic prospect of survival'
The next statement is from registrar Dr Jonathan Bailey, who attended Pandy Park at 6.34am on July 31, 2021.

He was told a child had been last seen at 10pm the night before but had been reported missing. He said the body had been found face-down in the river and was partially submerged.

Dr Bailey said: “In examination I saw a bruise to the forehead and face on the left-hand side. I had no explanation as to how or when these were caused.”

It was noted that the temperature of the boy’s body was around 22 degrees.

Dr Bailey said: “He had no realistic prospect of survival.”

He said the boy was taken to hospital but upon arrival resuscitation was stopped.
Resuscitation attempts stopped at hospital
The next statement is from Dr Rhian Dyer, a consultant in emergency medicine.

She was working at the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend when a call was received at 6.52am on July 31, 2021, to say a five-year-old boy was being brought in with a suspected cardiac arrest.

She was told the boy had been reported missing by his family and was found in the river.

Dr Dyer was told by Dr Jonathan Bailey he believed the boy was dead and had brought him to the resuscitation department to confirm his death.

The boy arrived at the hospital at 7.05am but the decision was made to stop resuscitation.
Logan had bruising to the left side of his forehead and to the centre of the forehead'
The next statement is from PC Gareth Green.

The officer was on mobile patrol on July 31 when he was made aware of an ongoing incident in Sarn where a five-year-old child had been reported missing.

He made his way to Pandy Park where he could see medical staff attending to a boy he now knows as Logan Williamson.

His role at that stage was to prevent members of the public entering the park and remained at that location until he was told Logan had been taken to the Princess of Wales Hospital.

PC Green followed the ambulance to the hospital and observed Logan being transferred to the resuscitation department.

He was later told Logan’s death was declared at 7.15am.

The officer said: “Logan had bruising to the left side of his forehead and to the centre of the forehead. There was also bruising to the left knee and shin.

“The clothing he wore was a black Spiderman top and black pyjama bottoms patterned with dinosaurs. No shoes or socks were worn.”
Police officer says woman was shouting 'hysterically'
The next live witness is PC Andrew Abdullahi.

At around 5.30am on July 31 last year he attended a report of a missing child from Lower Llansantffraid in Sarn. The boy was a mixed-race five-year-old boy named Logan.

PC Abdullahi said: “I drove up to the address and I could see a lady outside the address shouting ‘Logan’ quite hysterically…

“I asked what had happened. She was quite hysterical but replied: ‘He wasn’t in bed’. I asked where he could be and she said: ‘The door was open’.”

The officer commenced a search of the area and was told PC Lauren Keen had found a child in the river.

He attended the location and saw CPR being performed on the child and walked along the riverbank where he saw female clothing.

He then carried out work on maintaining the scene.

PC Abdullahi has finished his evidence.
Defendant 'was distressed and very upset, extremely hard to understand'
The next witness is PC Ryan Matthews.

At 5.50am on July 31, 2021, the witness received information a boy named Logan had been reported missing and he attended 5 Lower Llansantffraid.

He said Angharad Williamson was outside the property.

Describing her the officer said: “She was distressed and very upset, extremely hard to understand. She was outside the house screaming and shouting.”

He went inside the two-bedroom flat. At this stage a jury is shown photographs and a floor plan of the flat.

PC Matthews was taken to Logan’s bedroom and the bed was still in the room but there was no bedsheet on the bed.

He said: “When I was searching in the room Angharad Williamson was in the doorway and told me he was wearing a Spiderman set of pyjamas…

“I looked under the bed, around the bed, pulled one of the curtains to look at the window and window sill. The window was open an inch to two inches, it was the right-hand side…

“Williamson asked: ‘Why is the window open?' I asked her if she closed it and she replied to me she didn’t know.”

PC Matthews said he was taken to the back of the property and searched the garden.

He said: “The external back door was fully opened and the key was in the door… I asked [Williamson] why the back door was open and she said to me she didn’t know.

“She informed me [a woman] would have taken Logan.”

The officer saw a large wooden gate in the garden which had no lock on it.

He went back to the front of the address and he saw WIlliamson walking out of the front door.

PC Matthews said: “I asked why the window in his bedroom was open and asked if it was locked. She said she didn’t know if it was open and they had been airing out the room as he had Covid and the back door was open.

“I asked her if the door was locked and she replied: ‘I don’t know’.”

The officer’s colleague PC Hibbs asked Williamson for the name of the woman she accused of taking Logan and she provided it along with a photograph.

At this stage the officer was made aware a boy had been found in the river by Pandy Park. He attended the scene and saw CPR being carried out on a boy.

PC Matthews set up a cordon and was approached by John Cole and the youth.

He said: “I told them we needed to return to the address so my supervisor could speak to them. I escorted them back to the address.”
Officer's interactions with defendants shown to court
Body-worn camera footage is played to the court of PC Ryan Matthews’ interactions with John Cole and the youth as they leave Pandy Park and walk back to 5 Lower Llansantffraid.

Here’s a transcript of the recording:

PC Matthews: Can you just come with me a minute? We need to get back to the house. My inspector there will speak to you.

Cole: What’s that trolley about mate? What’s that trolley about?

PC Matthews: What’s your name?

Cole: Jay.

PC Matthews: My name’s Ryan. What’s your partner’s name?

Cole: Angharad.

PC Matthews asks the youth what his name is and he replies.

Cole: Is he okay?

PC Matthews: I honestly don’t know.

Cole: Why is there an ambulance down there?

PC Matthews: We’ll talk to you at the house.

Youth: Is he okay?

Cole: I don’t know.

PC Matthews: We’ll bring [the inspector] over to you now.

Cole: What’s going on?

As they approach the house Williamson can be heard screaming in the background.

Williamson: Where is he? Jay, nobody is telling me anything.

Cole: I’ve just been dragged here by the police.
'I noted there was a tumble dryer or washing machine in mid-cycle'
Prosecutor Caroline Rees QC asks PC Ryan Matthews, who is giving evidence, if both of the curtains at Logan’s bedroom window were open. The officer said: “Yes.”

Ms Rees said: “Was there an alarm on the window?”

PC Matthews said: “Yes, the alarm made no sound at all.”

Ms Rees said: “Did you notice the tumble dryer in the kitchen?”

PC Matthews said: “I noted there was a tumble dryer or washing machine in mid-cycle.”

The prosecutor finishes her questions and there are no further questions from defence barristers so PC Matthews has finished his evidence.

The trial adjourns for the day and will resume at 10am tomorrow.

Is he okay?

Cole: I don’t know.

Considering neither JC or the youth had been told, at that stage, that the body found was LM, or were not aware who it could have been, they seemed to know that it was a 'he' before Police broke the news to them.

Realise JC has pleaded guilty to the PTCJ charge, but the youth hasn't.
Considering neither JC or the youth had been told, at that stage, that the body found was LM, or were not aware who it could have been, they seemed to know that it was a 'he' before Police broke the news to them. Realise JC has pleaded guilty to the PTCJ charge, but the youth hasn't.

Nor has the mother -- I believe she was advising/instructing the youth what to say during questioning. I think both planned to blame Cole. MOO

Nor has the mother -- I believe she was advising/instructing the youth what to say during questioning. I think both planned to blame Cole. MOO

Yes I know that, but the exchange I was referring to, was when JC and the youth were in the park with the Police, AW wasn't there.

Officer's interactions with defendants shown to court
Body-worn camera footage is played to the court of PC Ryan Matthews’ interactions with John Cole and the youth as they leave Pandy Park and walk back to 5 Lower Llansantffraid.

Here’s a transcript of the recording:

PC Matthews: Can you just come with me a minute? We need to get back to the house. My inspector there will speak to you.

Cole: What’s that trolley about mate? What’s that trolley about?

PC Matthews: What’s your name?

Cole: Jay.

PC Matthews: My name’s Ryan. What’s your partner’s name?

Cole: Angharad.

PC Matthews asks the youth what his name is and he replies.

Cole: Is he okay?

PC Matthews: I honestly don’t know.

Cole: Why is there an ambulance down there?

PC Matthews: We’ll talk to you at the house.

Youth: Is he okay?

Cole: I don’t know.

PC Matthews: We’ll bring [the inspector] over to you now.

Cole: What’s going on?

As they approach the house Williamson can be heard screaming in the background.

Williamson: Where is he? Jay, nobody is telling me anything.

Cole: I’ve just been dragged here by the police.
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