GUILTY UK - Mikaeel Kular, 3, Edinburgh, Scotland, 15 Jan 2014 - #2

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Won't touch anything to do with the S*n with a bargepole, sorry. Anyone who gets my sig, will understand why.

Totally agree with you skibaboo JF96 YNWA

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FYI - Every time a post of yours comes up my child dissolves into hysterical laughter.
"The chicken, it has no HEAD!!!" :laughcry:
(She also loves your bee, still. You entertain my child constantly Nurse!) :floorlaugh:

a member gave me this chicken the other day! (I was having one of those days!!!!)

<Hi Little Facetious!>:loveyou:
Won't touch anything to do with the S*n with a bargepole, sorry. Anyone who gets my sig, will understand why.

I get it! From my name, you'll see why I get the reference. I'm sure we can put aside team rivalries on here :)
Is the ' flu' running wild over there like it is in US?
They are talking about English football, US posters. And a terrible, terrible tragedy at a game in Liverpool that was not covered well or professionally by the media.

But the media are doing okay with Mikaeel, after a slow start. And I LIKE that reward.

Don't like all the stuff I am seeing out there from people more interested in looking after adults close to this case, who are safe, than getting the message out about a missing little boy.
Im undecided on this. My daughter is quite capable of pushing the door open to leave her nursery, the button is high up so an adult has to do it but, it only needs pushing once then the door is released for 5 seconds before relocking, so if you press it and decide not to leave it resecures automatically.
It looks like the reporter keeps pressing the button whilst he pushes the door open but it may only need one press.
My daughter (just 4) would have no problems with opening that door, she would push it with her bottom, just like she does at nursery (a new, heavy fire door with no glass - so likely heavier than this glass one) and has been able to since last summer.

That said I do not believe he left on his own but I can see why the police say its possible.

My niece and her daughter were living on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex when the daughter was 3. The little girl not only unbolted the chain lock, deadbolt and door lock,.she also Carries one of her chairs down 3 flights of stairs and sat it on the outside of the outside door so she could enter the push code to get back into the building. Unfortunately she didn't know that she had to push specific numbers to get in so she was locked out. She walked over 2 miles down a dark road until she got to a gas station at the intersection of a highway. She then went up to a young man pumping gas and told him he had to take her to her mommy. Luckily this was a decent young man and he called the police. This all happened at 2 in the morning. She said she was going out monster hunting like she saw on Scobby Doo.
Is the ' flu' running wild over there like it is in US?

I don't know about anywhere other than where I live, but it is not as bad this year as last. We have all had a bout of chesty cough and cold in our house which has lasted 2 weeks for me now. Only one out of 5 of the children has had a day off school throughout and that was only today because he coughed all night and was too tired to get up this morning, but he has been fine and running around all flu yet thank god.
After a long day at work I'm back. I was hoping this wouldn't have reached thread two.

Re: nursery, In England at least, when a child gets to three years old, they get a certain number of free hours a week at nursery. If parents don't go out to work, children will often be at home with their mother or father until the free nursery time comes into action, then they might go to nursery for their free hours to learn social skills with other children and to prepare them for school. I believe the free hours aren't that many (maybe 5 hours a week) although this may be higher or lower in Scotland as England and Scotland differ on a few things like this.

It is possible that M's mother had him booked in at nursery for only the free hours so he may only have a place for a morning or two a week. If this is the case and the nursery went back on Jan 7th, then he hasn't actually missed that much. If he went on a Thursday and Friday for example, this year it would only have been two sessions he had missed before the date we believe he went missing.
My niece and her daughter were living on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex when the daughter was 3. The little girl not only unbolted the chain lock, deadbolt and door lock,.she also Carries one of her chairs down 3 flights of stairs and sat it on the outside of the outside door so she could enter the push code to get back into the building. Unfortunately she didn't know that she had to push specific numbers to get in so she was locked out. She walked over 2 miles down a dark road until she got to a gas station at the intersection of a highway. She then went up to a young man pumping gas and told him he had to take her to her mommy. Luckily this was a decent young man and he called the police. This all happened at 2 in the morning. She said she was going out monster hunting like she saw on Scobby Doo.

Wow! I guess if our little people really want to get out, somehow, some way they will!
So pleased she found a decent adult to help her, very lucky little one.
My daughter has managed to unlock the front door a few times, always been daytime and from outside she can't get out of the garden, still scary though. X
My niece and her daughter were living on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex when the daughter was 3. The little girl not only unbolted the chain lock, deadbolt and door lock,.she also Carries one of her chairs down 3 flights of stairs and sat it on the outside of the outside door so she could enter the push code to get back into the building. Unfortunately she didn't know that she had to push specific numbers to get in so she was locked out. She walked over 2 miles down a dark road until she got to a gas station at the intersection of a highway. She then went up to a young man pumping gas and told him he had to take her to her mommy. Luckily this was a decent young man and he called the police. This all happened at 2 in the morning. She said she was going out monster hunting like she saw on Scobby Doo.

OMG!! Is she grown yet? Are parents old before their time? I hope the little minx has made up for that positively heartstopping time!
Is the ' flu' running wild over there like it is in US?

I'm down south in London and I came down with an awful chesty cough/cold a week last Tuesday. I had a couple of days off work then went back and I still feel awful!

As others have said, parents are often encouraged not to send their children back to school until they are better. I believe the guidance tends to be 48 hours from the last bout of sickness or diorrahea (sorry about the spelling if that's wrong!) but not sure about things like coughs, cold and chest infections.
My niece and her daughter were living on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex when the daughter was 3. The little girl not only unbolted the chain lock, deadbolt and door lock,.she also Carries one of her chairs down 3 flights of stairs and sat it on the outside of the outside door so she could enter the push code to get back into the building. Unfortunately she didn't know that she had to push specific numbers to get in so she was locked out. She walked over 2 miles down a dark road until she got to a gas station at the intersection of a highway. She then went up to a young man pumping gas and told him he had to take her to her mommy. Luckily this was a decent young man and he called the police. This all happened at 2 in the morning. She said she was going out monster hunting like she saw on Scobby Doo.

That is terrifying!
O/T did not mean to derail the topic or confuse people, sorry. And thank you to all those who are with us! Solidarity YNWA :)

Back on topic, don't want nurses needle :s I bruise too easily.
After a long day at work I'm back. I was hoping this wouldn't have reached thread two.

Re: nursery, In England at least, when a child gets to three years old, they get a certain number of free hours a week at nursery. If parents don't go out to work, children will often be at home with their mother or father until the free nursery time comes into action, then they might go to nursery for their free hours to learn social skills with other children and to prepare them for school. I believe the free hours aren't that many (maybe 5 hours a week) although this may be higher or lower in Scotland as England and Scotland differ on a few things like this.

It is possible that M's mother had him booked in at nursery for only the free hours so he may only have a place for a morning or two a week. If this is the case and the nursery went back on Jan 7th, then he hasn't actually missed that much. If he went on a Thursday and Friday for example, this year it would only have been two sessions he had missed before the date we believe he went missing.

I believe they get 15 hours a week, the same as England. I know that some areas of Wales offer more hours and some offer the free hours from tow and a half years, even so Mikaeel would not be subject to attendance policy agreements until he was 4/5 years old.
Back on topic, don't want nurses needle :s I bruise too easily.

As do I!!

Some very wild accusations/rumours circulating on the official fb page. What worries me is that people are more interested in dragging up the parents pasts/problems than finding the lil man

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