Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #14

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No, the police officer, Becky was very clear in her wording.

She said: “Just to be clear on further digital enquiries, there is further work that we have been doing on NIcola’s social media this morning which might show NIcola has been online.”

The police officer is saying that digital experts have discovered that Nichola may have been on social media since she disappeared.
The wording could also be interpreted to mean that if people notice Nicola appears to have been online, then the reason is because the techs are conducting digital forensic analysis. It sounds potentially preemptive in terms of explaining why people might see a status change.
Agreed, I'm just not getting this from her profile and pics that that was a problem, as I said maybe that day (10th)? Maybe something happened that day (or day before) that caused her to want to drink?? I could be wrong but my gut still leans with foul play and I really hope I am wrong! I could say more on my thoughts but won't as will be violating rules
The “set up” vibes are really strong & getting stronger. Those poor children.
Agreed, I'm just not getting this from her profile and pics that that was a problem, as I said maybe that day (10th)? Maybe something happened that day (or day before) that caused her to want to drink?? I could be wrong but my gut still leans with foul play and I really hope I am wrong! I could say more on my thoughts but won't as will be violating rules
I’m mindful I may be biased because of my own drinking problem but I never would have believed the chaos, low feelings, or out-of-character stuff I’ve done and said, before I got this problem myself. I would also guess a lot of people don’t realise I have a problem when they meet me.

That’s why I don’t see the information today as negative as to NB’s character, it’s simply something she was dealing with and doesn’t say any less about her as a person — but also why I think it explains a lot about this case and the way the police have treated it.

Of course, NB could be a woman with a mild or major drinking problem who has suffered foul play anyway, and I hope the police haven’t written things off here due to the apparent alcohol issue, but I suspect there is more the police know that we don’t but which will come out, as to events that happened before NB’s disappearance and which explain her state of mind. All JMO.
If Nicola did go in the river voluntarily then there could be things that happened which triggered and provoked her to the brink.
Unless she/someone tied Willow up beforehand I really don't think she could have went into the river as the dog was dry, I have a springer/colllie spaniel and they all love water so would think she would have followed
Having worked in MH services alcoholics don’t have their children taken away later on. If there’s danger they’re removed into foster care immediately. Not left to continue to live with and be taken to school by car alone by the “dangerous mum”.
She could be just as likely to have been on the receiving end of any violence and have been getting close to walking away. Maybe “her mortgage” was literally her mortgage and she was looking into moving out. JMO and all supposition but just as likely as NB being the perpetrator of violence.
Also becoming violent after being gaslight and provoked is common in DV scenarios with manipulative narcissists. It’s called reactive abuse. I’m not suggesting any of the above has happened. I really don’t know.
But the suppositions can work either way.
I have a feeling more will come to light soon enough.
Gaslight by whom? Who is a manipulative narcissist?
Agreed, I'm just not getting this from her profile and pics that that was a problem, as I said maybe that day (10th)? Maybe something happened that day (or day before) that caused her to want to drink?? I could be wrong but my gut still leans with foul play and I really hope I am wrong! I could say more on my thoughts but won't as will be violating rules

It's impossible to make a true assessment on whether problems exist based on social media profile pictures, even with people you think you know, let alone total strangers!
Unless she/someone tied Willow up beforehand I really don't think she could have went into the river as the dog was dry, I have a springer/colllie spaniel and they all love water so would think she would have followed
I know this dog stuff is well meaning but we have absolutely no idea what a dog would do in this scenario. It can’t be proved one way or another so we shouldn’t take it as any deciding factor .
Unless she/someone tied Willow up beforehand I really don't think she could have went into the river as the dog was dry, I have a springer/colllie spaniel and they all love water so would think she would have followed
It seems odd for someone to either voluntarily disappear, or enter a river of their own volition, and leave their dog to run around and risk the possibility of the dog being harmed somehow. Does it not? If it was a spur of the moment decision, she could have easily tied Willow to something to protect against that risk. This detail - Willow just wandering freely - gives me serious doubts about the voluntary missing/suicide theories.
Unless she/someone tied Willow up beforehand I really don't think she could have went into the river as the dog was dry, I have a springer/colllie spaniel and they all love water so would think she would have followed
She could have let Willow off the lead and waited until she was distracted by something, then left her phone on the bench and wandered down to a different part of the river. This would explain why the searches of the river near the bench yielded nothing.
I’m starting to agree. I have been firmly of the opinion that an accident had occurred.

The only thing that bugged me was the strange circumstances of somebody finding an unattended dog and mobile phone next to a river…..and the police not being notified until nearly two hours later. Not that I felt that this person was involved, just that I thought the police would have had a better head start in finding Nicola in the river had they been made aware of the findings at the river side earlier.

However, I am thinking along the same lines of you now. Not sure how much I can say on here though without over stepping the mark. Just a gut feeling.
PA contacted the police straight away not 2 hours later.
Don't Police routinely use Sniffer Dogs in these kinds of situations? Perhaps they did and know that her scent was only on the path they all know she was on, then down to the river.
I am in agreement with a few posts that I've seen have now been made, one I think was removed. JMO.
There's a lot about this case and the information now released today, that doesn't sit right with me at all. Some inconsistencies, and strange things said by some people, etc. Gut feelings.
We should all keep an open mind, not just the police. Menopause and alcohol can be very serious but they may not be the full explanation, or indeed they may not be an explanation at all.
Of course, let's remember that right now NB is not here to give her side of things.
Agree for sure.
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