GUILTY UK - Nurse Lucy Letby, murder of babies, 7 Guilty of murder verdicts; 7 Guilty of attempted murder; 2 Not Guilty of attempted; 6 hung re attempted #32

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The trial judge has entered the courtroom.


The judge reminds the court that reporting restrictions remain in place for all the victims and their families, and reporting their names is punishable by imprisonment.


Lucy Letby has refused to turn up to court, Nicholas Johnson KC, prosecuting, says.


Mr Johnson reminds the court on the counts for which Letby was found guilty of, by the jury.

He says Letby has 'maintained her innocence' throughout these proceedings, but acknowledges the jury's verdict. He says there is 'nothing' he can add in mitigation

10:11 AM · Aug 21, 2023

(I'm presuming this is Ben Myers KC)
Yes, the BBC live feed makes it clear it was BM - I was confused at first by the Dan Donoghue link.

Mr Johnson tells the court that a person convicted of murder receives a life sentence.
He says this is a "very clear case", that the offences are "so serious", that the 'early release provision' should not apply.


He says the appropriate starting point in such a case as the defendant's would be a "whole-life order".
He says all the offences had a substantial degree of pre-planning, and all fit the description of 'sadistic', and all seven murder charges were that of a child.
The maximum sentence for attempted murder is also life, he tells the court.


The judge says even on their own, the attempted murders would be "exceptionally serious".


Benjamin Myers KC, for Letby's defence. He says the sympathies lie with the victims and their families.
He says Letby has maintained her innocence throughout the proceedings, and was found guilty, and the court must proceed on that basis.
The sentence is "fixed by law" and there is "nothing to add" in mitigation that is capable of reducing the sentence that is passed.


Prosecutor Philip Astbury rises to read out victim statements. The first is the mother of Child A and Child B.


She says 2015 was "going to be the best year of our lives" and "everything was perfect", with the babies doing well in the neonatal unit. Child A was "really strong"
She said they would never have imagined there would be "such despicable actions" by a nurse.
"We never got to hold him, as you took him away"
"What should have been the happiest time of our lives became our worst nightmare".
The parents were "riddled with fear" for Child B after Child A was murdered.
"You have been successful in your quest to cause maximum pain".
The mother said "we are forever grateful that you were unable to take [Child B] away that night".
"You tried to take everything away from us. You thought you could 'play god'."
"We hope you live a very long life and spend every single day suffering for what you have done.
"My family will never think of you again. From this day forward, you are nothing."


BREAKINGLetby not in dock as hearing about to start​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
The courtroom is full and the babies' families fill the public gallery.
Eight out of the 11 jurors have returned to hear today's sentencing hearing.
Lucy Letby is not in the dock currently.

Posted at 10:0410:04

BREAKINGLetby refuses to appear, says prosecutor​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
The judge is in court. He is reminding us of the reporting restrictions which cover the anonymity of babies, their families and some medics.
Nick Johnson KC, leading the prosecution, is on his feet. He confirms that Lucy Letby has refused to appear.


Prosecution begins by asking for whole-life order​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
Nick Johnson KC is addressing the judge, Mr Justice Goss, about the sentencing guidelines for someone convicted of murder, relating to lifetime imprisonment.
He says: "We submit that this is a very clear case, in which the offences which Lucy Letby has been convicted are are so serious, that the early release provisions should not apply."

Posted at 10:1210:12

Letby's crimes are sadistic and qualify for lifetime in jail - prosecution​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
Nick Johnson KC says Letby's offences all qualify as sadistic and premeditated... and is a "very, very clear case which qualifies for a whole-life order".


Letby's defence offers no mitigating factors​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
We're now hearing from Ben Myers KC, Letby's lawyer, who says "the sympathy of everyone lies with the victims and the bereaved families".
"Miss Letby has maintained her innocence throughout these proceedings," he says, adding that "she has now been convicted" and "the sentence to be passed is fixed by law".
"In those circumstances there is nothing that we are able to add in mitigation that is capable of reducing the sentence that will be passed."

Posted at 10:1710:17

'You thought it was your right to play god with our children's lives'​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
We're now hearing statements from some of the families whose babies were attacked.
A statement is now being read by Philip Astbury KC on behalf of the parents of babies A and B - twins who were attacked in June 2015. Baby A was murdered and Letby attempted to murder baby B.
"Our minds are so traumatised it won't let us remember the night you killed our child... after losing [baby A] we were riddled with fear for his sister [baby B]...
"We are so thankful that we had that fear for her, as it saved her life.... there was always a member of our family at her side watching... however we made a mistake... little did we know you were waiting for us to leave so you could attack.
"You thought it was your right to play god with our children's lives.
"You thought you could enter our lives and turn it upside down but you will never win. We hope you live a very long life and spend every day suffering for what you've done."

Posted at 10:2010:20

Like something out of horror story, says mother of murdered baby boy​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
We are now hearing directly, in person, from the mother of baby C, a baby boy who was murdered by Letby.
She is sitting in the witness box.
She says: "I will always remember the overwhelming wave of emotion I felt when I first held [baby C]. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. My tiny feisty boy. My first born. My son...
"The trauma of that night [as he died] will live with us forever... Knowing his murderer was watching us was like something out of a horror story... There are many 'what ifs' that keep me awake.. what if I had not gone to bed that night, maybe he would still be here."

Posted at 10:2310:23

No sentence could ever compare to our agony, says mother​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
We're hearing more from the mother of baby C, a baby boy who Letby murdered. The mother is crying in the dock.
"In the dark days after his death I would open his memory box... I used to wear his hand and foot prints around my neck.... On July 3rd when Lucy Letby was arrested I felt so conflicted. She took those hand and foot prints.
"Lucy Letby... there is no sentence that will ever compare to the excruciating agony that we have suffered as a consequence of your actions."


The mother of Child C has come forward to read out a statement in court.
"I have thought a lot...about whether to let Lucy Letby know of the extent of our pain".
She said there was an immediate bond of love between her and her child, like nothing she had felt before, "my tiny, feisty boy, my son".
The collapse was "so unbelievable", and the parents only held Child C as he lay dying.
"Knowing now that his murderer was watching us was like something out of a horror story".
"I blamed myself entirely for his death, and I still feel guilt I couldn't protect him."
"Eight years have passed, our grief is just as heavy, but we have worked hard to build a life around it."
The mother relays the milestones she has missed with her son growing up.
"All of the things we have missed, we will never know.
"In the darkness of the days, weeks and months, I would open his memory box - I would sniff his lock, I would touch his handprint."
"On July 3 when Letby was arrested, these few memories were tainted. She took those memories [for us]."
"I feel able to wear his hand and footprints for the first time in five years.
"I will not allow [her] to even take that.
"I am horrified someone so evil exists."
"There is no sentence that will ever compare to the excruciating agony you have killed them on purpose, you are evil, you did this."

Posted at 10:2710:27

'Baby daughter's funeral was the day before her due date' - mum​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
The mother of baby D is now in the witness box. Baby D was a baby girl who Letby murdered by injecting air into her bloodstream.
The mother tells the courtroom: "My heart broke into a million pieces when [baby D] lost her battle for life and it unleashed hell.
"We had to organise her funeral. The service took place the day before her due date.
"I missed [baby D] so much. I was desperate to feel her, smell her, cuddle her. I was desperate to keep her safe."
The mother of baby D says that she pushed for answers but was initially told that it wasn't a police matter.


The mother of Child D has come forward to read out a statement in court, as families wipe away tears in the public gallery.
"Lucy Letby had a wicked sense of entitlement - you have failed our plans we had for [Child D]. You are clearly disconnected of god.
"After today I hope to be free of this limbo state.
"My heart broke into a million pieces" when Child D passed.
"Those lives were not yours to take"
"I cannot forgive you".
The mother was offered the chance for Child D to be an organ donor. A baby needed a heart. A post-mortem was required as the death was unexplained, and Child D could not be a heart donor. She said this broke her heart.
"Our family cleared all traces of baby stuff from the house."
Child D's bedroom door remained closed for many months. Her ashes were buried on her due date.
She said she felt "painfully empty" and wanted to be "her mum in every way", and felt guilty, wondering if she had "failed her daughter".
The mother said she got clued up on medical terms and requested information from the hospital after Child D died. "Things just didn't add up".
The mother said Letby's arrest was "something else to overcome".
She said she became "obsessed" and "thank God police started their investigation".
She says she sometimes struggles with grief and depression, and has lost her confidence as a friend, a mother and a wife.
She says she feels she has lost so many years of her life, and "many struggles to overcome", crying every day, having to take time off work. She says she was "mentally exhausted" and "very lonely".
She says she found comfort and the courage from her prayers to carry on. Her husband found the trial "harder" than her.
The mother found giving evidence in court "overwhelming" and "invasive".
She says she found "some comfort" in getting answers and meeting other families.
"We wanted justice for [Child D] and that day has come."

I feel physically ill. This evil witch should be made to face these impact statements.

The incredible bravery of the victims parents, after all these months of being forced to listen to the horrific evidence of how LL tore their families apart. LL herself is too much of a coward to face them. She wasn’t afraid when she stole their children’s future, offered hollow words of sympathy, took hand and foot prints, and washed and dressed her tiny victims.

I will feel no sense of justice today, since LL is exercising her final bit of control and denying the parents the chance to look her in the eye.

Evil, despicable coward. May she rot.
Posted at 10:2810:28

Find support on BBC Action Line website​

We know this is an extremely distressing case.
If you, or someone you know, needs help after reading about it, the details of organisations offering assistance can be found on the BBC Action Line website.

Posted at 10:3310:33

Mum holds baby's toy as she addresses court​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
The mother of baby D, a baby girl who was murdered in June 2015, says "I have lost my confidence as a mother, as a woman, as a friend, as a wife".
She is holding a toy rabbit in the witness box as she speaks.
"My marriage is also scarred... it has been hard to keep strong together at times".
"Since [baby D] passed away I live behind my own shadow... I had a car accident and I crashed into a wall."
"I considered ending it all. I couldn't continue... I was hoping that so hard that if i went to the other side I would see my daughter. My prayers have given me the courage to stay."


'Evil disguised as a caring nurse', says twins' mother​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
The mother of twin babies E and F is speaking now, from the witness box. These twins were born in July 2015.
Letby murdered baby E and attempted to murder baby F 24 hours later.
"Our worlds were shattered when we encountered evil disguised as a caring nurse," she says.
The mother said that when Letby was identified as the suspect, "we felt cheated, deceived and utterly heartbroken".
She says that she felt robbed of precious time with her baby boy after he died.... Lucy Letby bathed him and dressed him in a gown, which he was then buried in.


BREAKINGLetby not in dock as hearing about to start​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
The courtroom is full and the babies' families fill the public gallery.
Eight out of the 11 jurors have returned to hear today's sentencing hearing.
Lucy Letby is not in the dock currently.

Posted at 10:0410:04

BREAKINGLetby refuses to appear, says prosecutor​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
The judge is in court. He is reminding us of the reporting restrictions which cover the anonymity of babies, their families and some medics.
Nick Johnson KC, leading the prosecution, is on his feet. He confirms that Lucy Letby has refused to appear.


Prosecution begins by asking for whole-life order​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
Nick Johnson KC is addressing the judge, Mr Justice Goss, about the sentencing guidelines for someone convicted of murder, relating to lifetime imprisonment.
He says: "We submit that this is a very clear case, in which the offences which Lucy Letby has been convicted are are so serious, that the early release provisions should not apply."

Posted at 10:1210:12

Letby's crimes are sadistic and qualify for lifetime in jail - prosecution​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
Nick Johnson KC says Letby's offences all qualify as sadistic and premeditated... and is a "very, very clear case which qualifies for a whole-life order".


Letby's defence offers no mitigating factors​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
We're now hearing from Ben Myers KC, Letby's lawyer, who says "the sympathy of everyone lies with the victims and the bereaved families".
"Miss Letby has maintained her innocence throughout these proceedings," he says, adding that "she has now been convicted" and "the sentence to be passed is fixed by law".
"In those circumstances there is nothing that we are able to add in mitigation that is capable of reducing the sentence that will be passed."

Is it just me or does her defence seem to agree she’s guilty?
The absolute strength of them to get up there and say everything that is/has been breaking them inside, in complete contrast to LL hiding away. I've seen the arguments for and against and I believe at the very least the perpetrators should be forced to hear it by video link
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