GUILTY UK - Nurse Lucy Letby, murder of babies, 7 Guilty of murder verdicts; 7 Guilty of attempted murder; 2 Not Guilty of attempted; 6 hung re attempted #32

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Ha! I don't knw why I phrased it that way. I suppose it's just cause she's so besotted with the anon married doc that I wondered if anything had actually happened with TC or anybody else

No mention of boyfriends in school or university years either. ( Mail link) Unusual.

Just my personal impression of TC, I saw his Twitter posts skiing when the scandal was unfolding.
He is an unserious flutterer, but looks charming, easygoing and is a social climber. Appears like a guy who's able to make friends in the right places. I doubt that he'd have a relationship with a nurse in own hospital. If Lucy's father knew important people in the county, that would matter a lot for TC. JMO, I never read any specific information about TC except for the fact that he obviously left COCH in a messy state.
Hey Everyone,
Just a quick reminder. Please do not bring up unapproved sources. Even if you say how wrong the source is we still do not want these sources mentioned. It gives the source publicity to spread their misinformation
Just bringing forward Tricia's post from last night for anyone who hasn't seen it.
I really don’t agree that a person can avoid sentencing.

She committed the crimes she should be forced to stand up in court and face her sentencing.

I think this is important for the families to actually see her receive the sentence and then ultimately be sent down.

She’s a coward - shouldn’t be allowed to hide away.

Mr Astbury reads out a statement from the mother of Child L and Child M.
She said she was second on the scene when Child M collapsed, and that moment will live with her. She said she has suffered five years of restless nights.
The father's statement is read out. He says the events have taken their toll.
He said he was first on the scene when Child M collapsed, and that scene is "forever etched" on his mind. He said therapy will never help deal with what happened.
He said the trauma of the events since caused him to have a seizure, which was very distressing for family members who saw it.
"This whole case has taken its toll on me as a person". He says his patience has worn thin as time has gone on, and he is no longer a "happy-go-lucky" person.
He says there was one day during the trial where he was in Lucy Letby's view in the public gallery, and she kept looking over, which made him feel uneasy, and he had to move in the afternoon.

Posted at 11:0911:09

We were preparing to come home and then Letby killed baby - mother​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
A statement from baby I's mother is now being be read on her behalf. Lucy Letby murdered baby I, a baby girl, by injecting air into both the infant's bloodstream and stomach.
Baby I's mother says that just before her daughter was attacked, she was "like a full-term baby."
"She was on full bottle feeds sat on my knee, very alert, she often smiled and she never cried, she was a very content little girl," her mother adds.
She recalls phoning the baby's father saying they would be coming home soon. "They had even asked us to bring the car seat in to be checked," she notes.
But a week later this all changed, she says. "We were called and told we needed to come in as (baby I) had another collapse," she adds. "We were in fight or flight mode, we barely ate or slept because [baby I] just kept needing to be resuscitated."

Posted at 11:1211:12

'A part of us died with her'​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
The statement from baby I's mother continues. Baby I was killed by Letby in October 2015.
"On the night baby I died we were speaking with the nurses in room one and they said at the rate she was improving there was still a chance she could be home for Christmas," she says. "When they handed baby I to us we never wanted to let her go. We held her so tight.
"She was our gorgeous little princess and I can't even begin to explain the pain when we lost her. A part of us died with her".
Baby I's mother says that in the first year after baby I's death, she wore sunglasses permanently "to hide the pain and tears from my kids as I didn't want to upset them as they were also struggling".
She describes her struggle to be out in public, eat and sleep due reliving her daughter's collapses "like they were at that moment, happening again".
"I felt like I was sinking into a black hole and it was getting harder to keep myself going," the mother adds. She says she was later prescribed gave her anti-depressants, sleeping tablets and beta blockers.


Letby kept looking over at me during trial, says father of twins​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
We are now hearing a statement read on behalf of the father of twin boys, babies L and M, who Letby tried to kill.
"Initially doctors told us that the whole events that took place in 2016 surrounding my children was normal for premature babies and we believed what the doctors were telling us at the time.
"Little did we know that a year or so after their birth, the police would come knocking on the door and break the news that this could be an attempted murder case."
His statement goes on to say: "There was a day when I was at the trial and the public gallery was full and I was sat in Lucy Letby’s line of view and she kept looking over at me. That made me feel quite uncomfortable and uneasy and I had to move in the afternoon so I was out of her view".


Child I’s mother says she became pregnant again but she “put a wall up and blocked it out. We were so scared of the same thing happening again even the scans, they weren’t happy moments, they were just filled with fear”.

At this point, they did not know their daughter had been murdered, so they decided not to breastfeed their newborn in case that’s what killed Child I. Her partner struggled to connect to their new little girl because “she was the double of our [Child I] when she was born”.

'I just knew my son had been attacked... a mother's instinct'​


Judith Moritz
Inside the courtroom
The next statement is being read on behalf of baby N, a little boy who Letby attempted to murder in June 2016.
"The day we were called to the neonatal unit was the worst day of our lives... seeing our tiny baby fighting for his life... seeing medics doing CPR on his tiny body.
"We both relive this every day, because not a day goes by without thinking about that day."
"I honestly knew [baby N] had been deliberately harmed... I don't know if it was a mother's instinct, but I just knew."

Any inquiry will hopefully answer that question. If management of an organisation is that poor that they never had any idea he was committing these vile acts on their premises it would beg the question what else goes on within the NHS that senior managers are oblivious or turn a blind eye to?

It would be impossible to know. How could they?

A statement is read out for the mother of Child N.
She said Child N was everything she had ever wanted in life. When the baby boy was born, she hadn't planned for him to be taken to the neonatal unit, and she was so upset.
Preparations were taking place for Child N to be coming home. When they received the news Child N was poorly, they couldn't believe it, and were presented with an "utter catastrophic scene" when they arrived, "not knowing if he was going to live or die".
"The pain was immeasureable - we both live with this every day".
Child N was transferred to Alder Hey Children's Hospital. The longer trip made them "exhausted" both physically and mentally.
She said she knew Child N had been deliberately harmed, and based it on a mother's instinct, and told her partner so, at the time.
When Child N eventually came home, she said she only wanted her or her partner to take Child N for medical appointments. She says she suspects Child N had lasting effects from the attempted murder.
She says there has only been one occasion when the parents have been out socially, since, as they have difficulty trusting anyone else to look after Child N.
A baby monitor was in place until Child N was four or five years old, and Child N still has a camera, as she says they are 'overly protective' of their boy.
She says anything else in life didn't matter, only the welfare of their son. "We do everything possible to keep in safe. If that means wrapping him up in cotton wool, then that is what we'll do."
She says there was a 'mixture of emotions' when police were investigating. They were 'happy and relieved' they were 'finally being listened to'.
He said the worst part of going to court was being away from Child N. Having to listen what she did "weighed heavily" on her mind.
"We don't want her to know the damage she has left - we didn't want her to get any further satisfaction."


The final statements are from the parents of Child O and Child P. These have been pre-recorded and are played to the court.
The mother reads out the statement first.

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