GUILTY UK - Nurse Lucy Letby, murder of babies, 7 Guilty of murder verdicts; 7 Guilty of attempted murder; 2 Not Guilty of attempted; 6 hung re attempted #32

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I hope the rest of yours Lucy letby is an utter misery to the point you forget the colour pink existed.

She certainly won't. Apparently all the walls are pink at her new digs. Even the bars, if that picture of the genpop cell is anything to go by. Like a Barbie Dream Big House.

Listening to those parents today was unbelievably sad. I really hope the verdict brings them at least some measure of justice. Unbelievable really the whole thing. As much peace and healing to them as possible. Rest up, You have just been through hell.

I remember the discussion at the beginning of this thread. “Must be rumours on the ward“, it Couldn’t happen when people are awar of the potentials. Was actually correct but the sequence of events didn’t go as expected. I can’t believe the managers more or less facilitated her actions when there are direct calls to action.

was also thought that due to her appearance and manner that many Thought it unlikely even the police thought it So. Describing her as “beige” correct again but unfortunately really unfortunately incorrect in that yes she isn’t “that type” but apparently “is that type”. That’s a shocking thing to think. That yes many correctly gauged her outward appearance but it was so misleading. Maybe the first real and proper “wolf in a sheep’s clothing”.

now to see what the future will tell about her. See what those investigations uncover I cannot believe baby A was her first. The audacity and cloak and daggers of it is truly horrific.

some other points. Many thought her taking the stand was a bad idea for her, I would agree. According to many who witnessed it that was standout and made her look really bad with many commenting on the lies. I bet she though she could pull it off but nope, not happening and good for that.

was fascinating to hear her talk in that police interview. I remember someone here who saw her in court talking ab the way she talked. I saw that there, voice changed into dulcet tones “like a switch”. Was so interesting to hear and then see her reaction when stating “yes” to the question and then the blinking as well. Absolutely just shocking to the core. I thought allot of her not coming up for sentencing and the verdicts. I don’t think a innocent person would In that circumstance.

props and thanks to everyone who followed this and contributed. From start to finish it’s been an interesting thing to participate in. Imo I think the jury probably followed our lines of thought. There have been many similarities in our discussion and the broader talk as well but gladly not as many fb nuts. I think the majority thought g on most but not all, that’s what she got. I would also agree in that I think it shows they did their due diligence.

I hope the rest of yours Lucy letby is an utter misery to the point you forget the colour pink existed.
Agree, sadly I don’t think you’d discover killing for the first time then cluster three close together. It’s striking she spaces them out I think after that as it raised concerns?

I think she will have perfected her methods.

IMO her motive was the control and the grief she caused.

It’s amazing even her friends were so adamant she was innocent - if anyone watched the Panorama documentary.
Listening to those parents today was unbelievably sad. I really hope the verdict brings them at least some measure of justice. Unbelievable really the whole thing. As much peace and healing to them as possible. Rest up, You have just been through hell.

I remember the discussion at the beginning of this thread. “Must be rumours on the ward“, it Couldn’t happen when people are awar of the potentials. Was actually correct but the sequence of events didn’t go as expected. I can’t believe the managers more or less facilitated her actions when there are direct calls to action.

was also thought that due to her appearance and manner that many Thought it unlikely even the police thought it So. Describing her as “beige” correct again but unfortunately really unfortunately incorrect in that yes she isn’t “that type” but apparently “is that type”. That’s a shocking thing to think. That yes many correctly gauged her outward appearance but it was so misleading. Maybe the first real and proper “wolf in a sheep’s clothing”.

now to see what the future will tell about her. See what those investigations uncover I cannot believe baby A was her first. The audacity and cloak and daggers of it is truly horrific.

some other points. Many thought her taking the stand was a bad idea for her, I would agree. According to many who witnessed it that was standout and made her look really bad with many commenting on the lies. I bet she though she could pull it off but nope, not happening and good for that.

was fascinating to hear her talk in that police interview. I remember someone here who saw her in court talking ab the way she talked. I saw that there, voice changed into dulcet tones “like a switch”. Was so interesting to hear and then see her reaction when stating “yes” to the question and then the blinking as well. Absolutely just shocking to the core. I thought allot of her not coming up for sentencing and the verdicts. I don’t think a innocent person would In that circumstance.

props and thanks to everyone who followed this and contributed. From start to finish it’s been an interesting thing to participate in. Imo I think the jury probably followed our lines of thought. There have been many similarities in our discussion and the broader talk as well but gladly not as many fb nuts. I think the majority thought g on most but not all, that’s what she got. I would also agree in that I think it shows they did their due diligence.

I hope the rest of yours Lucy letby is an utter misery to the point you forget the colour pink existed.
Nice to see you Sweeper!
Staying long?
Agree, sadly I don’t think you’d discover killing for the first time then cluster three close together. It’s striking she spaces them out I think after that as it raised concerns?

I think she will have perfected her methods.

IMO her motive was the control and the grief she caused.

It’s amazing even her friends were so adamant she was innocent - if anyone watched the Panorama documentary.
I suspect I'm one of the only ones who hasn't seen it. Even with a VPN, the BBC denies me. And the BBC First channel that I can legally watch with my Foxtel box doesn't have Panorama.

She seemed excited by these people’s grief. She wanted to cause grief. Perhaps in part because she was jealous at what they had. So she took it. But she seemed happy to cause them grief.

Something like this is probably so complex we can never fully explain it.

On another note, it is an injustice that she wasn’t forced to be there for sentencing and victim impact statements.
Very complex, very F'd up and how does anybody peel back the onion's layers if the subject refuses to participate in screening, or is very deceitful? ( M By Proxy sufferers - apparently - often claim they've been abused but even the NHS website cautions that MbP patients lie so often nothing they say can be relied upon)

The attacks and murders met her needs and served her compulsions and she also enjoyed the responses she was getting after each attack from friends and colleagues from summer 2015.

Through others' grief she seemed to get validation, she even accepted thanks. Many parents have said they feel sick now that they thanked her after she murdered or tortured their tiny babies. Colleagues expressed how calm she was in a crisis, even whistleblower Stephen Brearley says that initially he was relieved that at least LL was there during these crises. Was it doubly thrilling for her to take those plaudits and thanks, a kind of dupers delight? IDK

I haven't followed the case properly so I shouldn't even comment but the sadism struck me from the start and that's why I mentioned it - and mercilessness - in one of the first posts.
She's very sick and evil and yet she was only 25. I don't often use the word evil on WS because often you can find a backstory which helps contextualise the crimes.

A psychologist who was asked to screen an NHS employee post-Allitt described his trepidation about 'passing' the employee, worried he might make the wrong judgment. ( It was in the Mail this week) As things stand, I don't envisage LL's closest friends and family assisting authorities to learn more about LL in order to help prevent such individuals in the future.

even with my limited knowledge of this case I don't doubt that her childhood dream to be a nurse working with children was always an unhealthy one, even if she had no insight back then and was unaware it was fuelled by less altruistic reasons.

It may be a banal cliche but many criminologists say that s killers (usually male) often find that after their first kill, they decide they also enjoy the act itself and want to repeat it.
Agree, sadly I don’t think you’d discover killing for the first time then cluster three close together. It’s striking she spaces them out I think after that as it raised concerns?

I think she will have perfected her methods.

IMO her motive was the control and the grief she caused.

It’s amazing even her friends were so adamant she was innocent - if anyone watched the Panorama documentary.
Where can I see that?
Agree, sadly I don’t think you’d discover killing for the first time then cluster three close together. It’s striking she spaces them out I think after that as it raised concerns?

I think she will have perfected her methods.

IMO her motive was the control and the grief she caused.

It’s amazing even her friends were so adamant she was innocent - if anyone watched the Panorama documentary.
Yeh I don’t see the whole attention on me thing going on tbh. Must be something else. I’m not surprised at her friends tbh I even thought the girl saying she wouldn’t believe it was exactly the kind of girl who would be friends with Lucy letby the devil incarnate.
I do wonder if the thrill wasn't in the kill but in the heroic acts of saving very close to death collapses? And the deaths were an unintended product of her thrill seeking?
Yes. I’m wondering how the first alerts were made. What made people suspicious besides the fact that she was always the one on duty.
that seems to be pretty much why it was narrowed down to her. She was the ONLY ONE who was on duty for every single death and/or collapse. The only one.

And even with that, her colleagues , at first, had a very hard time believing it was her. She was very cunning and put on a very believable act.

The senior doctors KNEW that something was wrong. They knew these collapses were not a natural medical occurrence and they knew it was very odd that the babies were unexpectedly collapsing not responding to resuscitation. And there was such a spike in deaths. >>>13 deaths in a year, when the normal average was 1 to 3.

First thoughts were maybe hidden virus that was wreaking havoc. Or something wrong in the environment somehow---toxic substances, etc. They found no evidence of such things. After an initial investigation found nothing to explain it medically or environmentally they had to look at malicious actions as a possibility.

And yet, very early on, after the first 3 collapses, 2 of the senior consultants did take note of Lucy Letby as possibly being the common denominator. With the first 3 cases, A, B and C, she did not do the types of subterfuge she began doing in later cases. She was a bit more obvious. So a couple of the doctors had concerns about her early on.

But in later cases she learned to change things up , and also targeted babies that her colleagues were in charge of, and she began writing false info in the observation logs, and sending texts with false info, to try and cover her tracks better.

So when these same suspicious doctors tried to sound the alarms against her, the management rejected the idea and said she was being scapegoated. Nurse Letby did a great job keeping her mask of innocence and sweetness on, and so she had a lot of supporters and defenders. She played the martyr very well.
I do wonder if the thrill wasn't in the kill but in the heroic acts of saving very close to death collapses? And the deaths were an unintended product of her thrill seeking?
I could imagine it starting in such a way but I think she became hooked (imo). Air embolisms are swift and devastating. There are less risky ways to destabilise an infant I think - and imo she wasn’t a stupid individual. I do wonder what they’ll find historically :(
that seems to be pretty much why it was narrowed down to her. She was the ONLY ONE who was on duty for every single death and/or collapse. The only one.

And even with that, her colleagues , at first, had a very hard time believing it was her. She was very cunning and put on a very believable act.

The senior doctors KNEW that something was wrong. They knew these collapses were not a natural medical occurrence and they knew it was very odd that the babies were unexpectedly collapsing not responding to resuscitation. And there was such a spike in deaths. >>>13 deaths in a year, when the normal average was 1 to 3.

First thoughts were maybe hidden virus that was wreaking havoc. Or something wrong in the environment somehow---toxic substances, etc. They found no evidence of such things. After an initial investigation found nothing to explain it medically or environmentally they had to look at malicious actions as a possibility.

And yet, very early on, after the first 3 collapses, 2 of the senior consultants did take note of Lucy Letby as possibly being the common denominator. With the first 3 cases, A, B and C, she did not do the types of subterfuge she began doing in later cases. She was a bit more obvious. So a couple of the doctors had concerns about her early on.

But in later cases she learned to change things up , and also targeted babies that her colleagues were in charge of, and she began writing false info in the observation logs, and sending texts with false info, to try and cover her tracks better.

So when these same suspicious doctors tried to sound the alarms against her, the management rejected the idea and said she was being scapegoated. Nurse Letby did a great job keeping her mask of innocence and sweetness on, and so she had a lot of supporters and defenders. She played the martyr very well.
OOh when had she falsified observation info etc? I’d missed that.
Does anyone have thoughts on why she targeted twins and triplets? Was it because she perceived them as more medically vulnerable or just more interesting? It’s hellish it really is.
I think one reason was it gave her the opportunity to trap the grieving parents for a longer period of time. If one baby died, they still had one or two siblings in the unit, and they would be forced to be grieving in Nurse Letby's presence. And Lucy would jump into action, 'comforting' them, doing the death rituals, etc.

I think Lucy savoured that time with the devastated family members. She often began her attacks upon the surviving siblings that same day or night. She was relentless.
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