UK - Peter Connelly, 17 mos, brutally murdered, London, 3 Aug 2007

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LONDON - Britons got their first look Tuesday at the mother behind a horrific child death that shocked the country.

The face of 28-year-old Tracey Connelly, who stood by as her infant son Peter was tortured for months on end, stared out from the front pages of Britain's newspapers under headlines which read: "Unmasked" and "Out of the Darkness." Accompanying articles described the hideous abuse suffered by her son at the hands of her boyfriend Steven Barker, a Nazi memorabilia collector who tortured animals and was convicted of raping a 2-year-old girl.

To the sickening details was added the suggestion that Connelly, Barker, and his brother Jason Owen — all three of whom were sentenced for causing or allowing Peter's death last year — could receive new identities and years of police protection to protect them from an angry public. The Daily Telegraph newspaper estimated such a program might cost the taxpayer 1 million pounds ($1.6 million) a year.

More and pic of monster at link:
I had the urge to beat my computer where that 's face was. You know, someone somewhere, whether she has a new identity or not, will recognize her so they might as well save the tax money and go ahead and let real people bring real justice!

The thought that the British government would make any effort to protect this witch makes me sick. I hope every British citizen ingrains her face into their minds so they will know her if they ever see her. I know I sure will!
It just gets better and better.

A SOCIAL worker told last night how Baby P's twisted mum Tracey Connelly WATCHED brute Steven Barker sexually assault a two-year-old girl - but did NOTHING.

The tot also movingly told how callous Connelly - pictured right in a previously unseen prison photo - saw the assault by chance but just meekly asked her lover to "try and stop".

In court the girl said there were three rapes in North London between February and August 2007.

The social worker said last night: "One day, straight out of the blue, the child said, 'Steven did this to me.

"She then went on to demonstrate what he did with her hand.

"The victim said Connelly had seen what had happened to her.

"But all she did was tell Barker, 'just don't do that again.'

What disgusting excuses for humans. I truly hate them. I can't believe their sentences are so light. IMO. :furious:
I can think of some things I would like to do to them with my hands!!! Oh and once I started there would be no stopping me either

This just keeps getting worse. Because this refused to admit what he did, the little girl now 4 yrs old, had to sit and watch the video of her police interview (filmed when she was just 3) and then be questioned by the atty. who kept telling her to admit she made the whole thing up!!!

Where were this lil girls parents? In the 1st interview the baby said she was sleeping and Stephen woke her up. Who in their right mind would allow their 2 yr old baby to sleep in that house? WTF is wrong with these people???

His atty is planning to appeal!!

Bernard Richmond QC, representing Baby P’s mother's boyfriend, was insistent in his questioning.
Initially the girl leant towards the camera and smiled as she insisted she understood what was meant by lying and shook her head when asked if she told “fibs”.
But when an apparent contradiction in her evidence was highlighted, the girl clammed up and folded her arms.
Mr Richmond asked her about truth and lies before accusing her of dreaming up the story.
“Did someone else tell you to say it?” The little girl shook her head.
“Did you make it up?” he asked. After a long pause, she replied warily: “I just…”
“You don't tell fibs,” he said and she nodded.
“Whose idea was it?” No one,” she replied.

“Did you think it up yourself?” He received no reply.
But Mr Richmond persisted and was met with a wall of silence for the next four minutes: “He didn't touch you, did he? Did he? I have to ask you one more time. We have to have an answer from you, he didn't touch you did he?
"I have to wait until I get your answer. He didn't touch you, did he?"
All this time, the victim seemed upset, chewing her fingernails and rubbing her arms.
After a short break, Mr Richmond resumed his line of questioning.
“Do you remember that you said to me, that you didn’t tell fibs? Is that true or a fib? What is truth?”
By this point, the little girl was wiping her eyes and seemed desperate to leave.
“What does it mean if you shake your head? Yes or no?” There was no response.

After an overnight break, she was back to her old self and told Sally O'Neill QC, prosecuting, that what she said in the taped interview was the truth.

Defence barristers argued that the child's evidence was not reliable and the allegation could have been suggested to her by another child.

Medical evidence was inconclusive but a test showed a finding which "could be supportive" of the allegation.

So many people have a hand in the death of little Peter. So many people could have saved him. How is it possible this many people saw what was happening and yet did nothing...

There was a remark made by someone, I'm assuming a neighbor who said she saw little Peter eating dirt in his back yard. She said you could tell he was neglected just by his appearance. Did she try to help him? Apparently no one asked her that probing question.

He had 60 home visits by the equivalent of our CPS. The last one just days before his death saw Peter in his stroller, hands and face covered in chocolate, an attempt by mom and step dad to cover his injuries. Since the momster washed his hands and faced when directed by the case worker, she reported the mother was cooperative and attempting to do as she was told. Nothing was said about all the cps ordered doctor appointments she missed while she attempted to cooperate.

One person could have saved this child, one person could have made all the difference in his word. Where was that one person when this baby was being tortured?

The 15 yr old gf of the step fathers pedophilia brother said she had to leave the house, go out to the yard with her hands over her ears to shut out the baby's screams. She could have been a hero.

His biological father kept him the weekend before he died. When he returned him to his mother the baby screaming for his daddy went unrecognized as screams of terror. Didn't he see the bruises?

His grandmother saw him days before he died, she later told the police he looked like a concentration camp victim. Yet she did nothing.

Originally the story of lil' Peter claimed his Gma was living in the house with her scum of a daughter, Baby Peter and her daughter's boyfriend. Now Gma is quoted as saying she has completely disowned her daughter for murdering her grandson.

If the original account was true gma is as much to blame for what was done to lil' Peter as her daughter. IMO even if she moved out, leaving that baby with those monsters.

BABY P looked like a Nazi concentration camp victim the last time the tortured tot, now identified as Peter, was seen by his grandmother.
But she did NOTHING to alert police despite exclaiming: "He looks like a child out of Belsen."

A week later the 17-month-old, right, died in agony from more than 50 injuries over eight months.

His gran said: "I am sorry he died, really I am sorry."

She wept as she told of BRUISES on his bottom, a LUMP on his forehead and HAND MARKS on his body.

The gran, who was herself arrested but later cleared - said she was "wrecked" with guilt.

No one could make this story up, no one. It just keeps on getting worse. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Meanwhile, it has emerged Peter's grandfather is a paedophile who raped two children.

The fiend, in his 50s, attacked a 13-year-old girl in the 1970s in Leicestershire and was jailed for raping another child in 1988.

But hypocritically, he said his daughter should be "rotting in hell" for the suffering she caused to her child, adding: "She's not my daughter anymore. She's evil." (grandma and rapist gfather)

The Times has been told that the man, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, forced Baby P to follow commands like a dog. At the click of a finger he would have to sit with his head bent between his legs; 20 minutes later a second click would be the signal that he could sit upright again.

The doctor lil Peter saw days before he died couldn't do a full evaluation on him because he was too cranky!! So his BROKEN BACK AND BROKEN RIBS WENT UNDIAGNOSED!

The consultant paediatrician was the last doctor to see Baby P alive, two days before his death. Failed to identify broken back and ribs, recording that the examination could not be completed because the baby was “miserable and cranky”. She said she thought that Baby P had a cold. Dr Al-Zayyat,

THE woman doctor who failed to spot Baby P's back was broken is suing for £100,000 after being sacked.

Shameless Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat, 52 - who also missed broken ribs suffered by the horrifically abused toddler two days before he died in agony - claims she was unfairly dismissed.

Separately, Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat, a paediatrician who failed to spot Baby P had broken ribs and and a broken back days before his death, and family GP Dr Jerome Ikwueke were suspended from practice by the General Medical Council
This just keeps getting worse. Because this refused to admit what he did, the little girl now 4 yrs old, had to sit and watch the video of her police interview (filmed when she was just 3) and then be questioned by the atty. who kept telling her to admit she made the whole thing up!!!

Where were this lil girls parents? In the 1st interview the baby said she was sleeping and Stephen woke her up. Who in their right mind would allow their 2 yr old baby to sleep in that house? WTF is wrong with these people???

His atty is planning to appeal!!



So many people have a hand in the death of little Peter. So many people could have saved him. How is it possible this many people saw what was happening and yet did nothing...

There was a remark made by someone, I'm assuming a neighbor who said she saw little Peter eating dirt in his back yard. She said you could tell he was neglected just by his appearance. Did she try to help him? Apparently no one asked her that probing question.

He had 60 home visits by the equivalent of our CPS. The last one just days before his death saw Peter in his stroller, hands and face covered in chocolate, an attempt by mom and step dad to cover his injuries. Since the momster washed his hands and faced when directed by the case worker, she reported the mother was cooperative and attempting to do as she was told. Nothing was said about all the cps ordered doctor appointments she missed while she attempted to cooperate.

One person could have saved this child, one person could have made all the difference in his word. Where was that one person when this baby was being tortured?

The 15 yr old gf of the step fathers pedophilia brother said she had to leave the house, go out to the yard with her hands over her ears to shut out the baby's screams. She could have been a hero.

His biological father kept him the weekend before he died. When he returned him to his mother the baby screaming for his daddy went unrecognized as screams of terror. Didn't he see the bruises?

His grandmother saw him days before he died, she later told the police he looked like a concentration camp victim. Yet she did nothing.

Originally the story of lil' Peter claimed his Gma was living in the house with her scum of a daughter, Baby Peter and her daughter's boyfriend. Now Gma is quoted as saying she has completely disowned her daughter for murdering her grandson.

If the original account was true gma is as much to blame for what was done to lil' Peter as her daughter. IMO even if she moved out, leaving that baby with those monsters.

No one could make this story up, no one. It just keeps on getting worse. :cry: :cry: :cry: (grandma and rapist gfather)

The doctor lil Peter saw days before he died couldn't do a full evaluation on him because he was too cranky!! So his BROKEN BACK AND BROKEN RIBS WENT UNDIAGNOSED!


That poor, sweet, BRAVE girl. I hope she leads a happy and fulfilling life. I can't believe the things people do to the most precious thing in the world... our children.

:furious: So many people could've helped Peter. So sad.
I sure would love to believe that people are watching out for children in general, but this case illustrates that's just not true.

This baby was categorically let down by every single person in his little life. Family, neighbors, doctors, social workers. It's disgusting, alarming and totally unforgiveable. And the injustice continues with the ridiculously light sentences his abusers have received. To think that they will be free to walk the streets in the not too distant future should send chills down the spines of anyone they may cross.

And the UK needs to change their laws on revealing the names of evil convicts like these people! They have no shame printing gossipy - often untrue - trash about every celebrity alive, but they protect their criminals??????? BS! Splash THEIR pictures all over every publication in the country and protect your law-abiding citizens and the babies!
This is so sickening. After reading Baby P's story last night, I felt physically ill and I know this will haunt me forever. This morning I found this..

Baby P killers: anonymity orders cannot protect Tracey Connelly and Steven Barker in an internet world

Anonymity orders to protect Baby Peter’s killers could be rendered worthless because they cannot be policed on the internet, experts say.
This is so sickening. After reading Baby P's story last night, I felt physically ill and I know this will haunt me forever. This morning I found this..

Baby P killers: anonymity orders cannot protect Tracey Connelly and Steven Barker in an internet world

Anonymity orders to protect Baby Peter’s killers could be rendered worthless because they cannot be policed on the internet, experts say.

I am so very glad to read this! IMO it's the only good news to come out of this mess! With new identities, the amount of cash they were figuring on paying them and the 24 hr police protection, they could actually leave prison in just a few years and live the good life.

That's all that b!tch Tracey talked about in letters to her friends. Party party party and sucking up the booze while the whole time she was on a quest to find another man. Oh she also carried on about how Steven had her fooled, how she never saw him hurt her baby. I guess he had her fooled when she watched him raping a 2 yr old baby too.... I'd call her a pig but that would be an insult to an animal that never hurt her beautiful son.....

I am not ashamed to admit that I started to read this poor baby's story and had to stop - I just couldn't read any more. And, I'm not usually a whimp, but this case goes far beyond most and I just can't come to terms with it yet .. Emma's case is bad enough ... Baby P's is beyond my realm of reality.
I am not ashamed to admit that I started to read this poor baby's story and had to stop - I just couldn't read any more. And, I'm not usually a whimp, but this case goes far beyond most and I just can't come to terms with it yet .. Emma's case is bad enough ... Baby P's is beyond my realm of reality.

Don't feel bad-I am certain you are not the only one. Turning away from the evil we do to one another is OK as long as you do not deny what happened to that poor child.

I don't get it-I don't. Children are so simple really-they just want some love and attention. And what they give back is enormous. They are not objects that we own-we gatekeep for such a short time, really. And then they are gone. How pathetic is your soul if you get off on subjecting something so defenseless and trusting to torture? To rape, pain and humiliation? And what right do you think you have to do it?

This is where the weakness is in the courts...jmo. People think they have a right to maim someone because they share DNA or a bed. And the courts do not take a stand against it. If these two monsters had chosen a strangers child to do this to they would never, ever see the light of day again. But because one of them is the biological parent, it is some how more forgivable? Less actionable? It should be MORE SO. Because the betrayal is far worse.

God help me in my attempts to understand this horror and God help the two of them by growing them some kind of understanding of what they have done.
An update for you on this case. The media have now been able to name the 3 people held responsible for baby Peters awful death.

It bought me some consolation to know, that *itch, tracey (I dont feel the word mother is appropriate to use) that was sending letters to her pen pal saying she was going to have a party when she gets out from the pathetic excuse of a sentence that was handed to her, is now shaking in her cell. The whole prison is out to get her, and she is in solitory confinement for her safety.

Funny how the tables have now reversed. This "thing" that has never shown once ounce of remorse what happned to her little smiling gorgeaus baby,can maybe now put herself where peter was. Very unfortunately not to that extent, but she is now wondering when and where and how she will get whats coming to her from.

I say thow her to the wolves, save all the money its going to cost to give her a new identity and put that 250,00 - 500,00 pounds into recruiting and training new social services staff, to ensure the same thing doesnt happen again to any more children.

This may sound harsh, but after what those animals did to that little boy, they deserve nothing. Except what he got.
Where were this lil girls parents? In the 1st interview the baby said she was sleeping and Stephen woke her up. Who in their right mind would allow their 2 yr old baby to sleep in that house? WTF is wrong with these people???

the little girl cannot be identified but I suspect she was peter's older sister. I dont know the ages of Connelly's 3 daughters (peter's sisters) but I cant imagine reasonably who else would allow their child within 100 feet of these monsters. I get sick to my stomach seeing that baby's pretty eyes and that excuse for a mother's vacant stare...
I forced myself to read this story. This poor child. I will never understand how anyone can treat another human being this way let alone an innocent child. I lit a candle tonight in honor of Baby P. I truly hope that they are held accountable for what they have done to this innocent baby. I believe I will have nightmares about this. I have 5 wonderful boys and my youngest is sitting here with me right now and I am just holding him tight right now in total disbelief that anyone could do this. I hope the angels are caring for you Baby P.
Please join the cause for Baby Peter on Facebook:

I just got an invite to this cause through facebook and read about this horrific abuse that Baby Peter went through and I cried and cried and cried. How can anyone do this to another human being? To their own child?? Makes me sick to my stomach.

Poor little baby Peter. Everyone around him failed him and had a hand in his death.
The poor little guy didn't even have a chance.

My God, how can they be sentenced to merely 5 to 10 years?? No way. That is a crime in itself.

RIP, baby Peter. You're in a safe place now where you will be loved and not abused ever again.

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