UK - Peter Connelly, 17 mos, brutally murdered, London, 3 Aug 2007

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I didn't go through every post in this thread so am wondering where the pic is of the mother?
There simply are not words in any language to describe my feelings for this poor child. Or for his torturers for that matter. This is disgusting and I agree with the poster who said the momster should be left in general population.
My God.....My mouth hung open for the entire article...she deserves to ROT in prison...that poor, poor beautiful boy. The evil that must be in her is unfathomable...

I wish they had a death penalty for extreme cases like this....I really hope they enact some different laws in Baby P's name...Badhorsie, I'm there with you on writing...let me know. Thank goodness Scotland Yard stood up for the second lord.

There are 3 or 4 other children!??!!? Oh my GOD. Barker raped a 2-year old girl!??!?!!??!?! 1 MILLION pounds a YEAR to protect them!??!?!?!??! I think I'm going to vomit.

I would be on courthouse steps making a huge scene about this if I were anyone in that area? Can we rally some public outcry!??! I'm utterly disgusted.
:mad: You better have a strong stomach to read this story as its one of the worst I have ever read and I was bawling while reading it. What this baby suffered was beyond imagination and the diagrams and pictures are pretty shocking. I have added a few links as its been all over our news today sparking a huge clash between politicians in The House of Commons.

This baby had his back broken, his ribs broken, he was bitten, his fingernails were pulled off, his tooth knocked out, his ear hanging off, skin missing.....the list goes on and all because his mother was a lazy *advertiser censored* and her boyfriend had what Police called a "fascination with pain"....this boyfriend loved to skin frogs alive and torture animals. I almost threw up reading this baby's story and the worst thing is that the mother was cleared of charges 48 hours before this baby died and Social Services had visited the house 60 times and left him there in squalor.

Prison sentences here are so low that these sadistic people wont even get a punishment that fits the crime. I am sick to my core after reading this today. I just want others to remember this baby today:(

There are diagrams and pictures in this second article.

These stories of these poor beautiful babies rip my heart out, and make my blood boil...I pray that these filthy postules calling themselves parents suffer and die the lowest of deaths....sorry.
It was hard to not hold back the tears when I read this. There are not words hateful enough to describe the contempt I feel for those people, and the amount of disgust for those who did not act when they could/should have!!

There was a little boy in the early 80s from the same town as myself, named Allen Madden, who suffered a similar fate at the hands of his mother and her boyfriend. His biological father would not claim his broken little body, nor would any of his surviving family members. UTTERLY SICKENING!!! I'm glad that these little angels will no longer suffer, but I wish with all my heart that it wouldn't have came to an end this way.
"Baby P" doctor faces GMC hearing

A doctor accused of failing to spot the signs that Baby P was being abused is due before the General Medical Council (GMC) charged with misconduct.


The GMC hearing in London, which is scheduled to continue until mid-March, will look at whether Dr Al-Zayyat failed to diagnose abuse.

In addition, it will investigate whether she broke the rules by applying for a new job in the Republic of Ireland without informing the GMC, or telling her prospective new employer about the restrictions on her practice already imposed in the wake of the trial.

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After all this, officials did not learn any lessons it appears

Second Baby P case 'buried' by Haringey Council
Haringey Council allowed a second "Baby Peter" case to occur more than a year after the first, then "buried" it, it can be revealed

A second young boy, only a few months older than the murdered Baby Peter Connolly, suffered serious injuries while supposedly under the protection of Haringey social services in mid-August 2008.

His mother was subsequently arrested for assault.

Although the boy - known as "Child Y" - survived, he spent weeks in hospital.

Despite promises of improvements after Baby Peter's 2007 death, a serious case review into Child Y found many of the same failings that allowed Peter to be killed.

The damning review, by social work consultant Sally Trench, has been quietly published on an obscure website without any form of public announcement.

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Prayers for Child Y that he gets to live in a safe home & "officials" & "doctors" don't get a second chance to kill him.
Page last updated at 13:52 GMT, Thursday, 8 July 2010 14:52 UK

Baby Peter's GP Dr Jerome Ikwueke has been found guilty of a serious breach of professional duty, the General Medical Council has ruled.

Peter Connelly, from north London, died aged 17 months in August 2007 after sustained abuse.

Dr Ikwueke told the GMC he had agonised over whether he could have done more to help him.


The GMC panel ruled Dr Ikwueke was guilty of a series of failings.

It said the crucial appointment was on July 26 - eight days before his death.

Child abuse

Despite admitting that Peter was a "sorry sight", Dr Ikwueke had failed to examine him or talk to social workers or health visitors afterwards.

The panel said that Peter's changed appearance and demeanour coupled with all he knew should have pointed to the "very high likelihood" of serious child abuse.

He also failed to reply to a request from social services for a report on Peter in early July.

Dr Ikwueke also saw Peter with injuries in October 2006. He had what experts told the GMC panel was unusual bruising and should have been referred to specialist services.

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Small comfort, but it is something. Unless of course they change the Dr's name so he can continue practicing elsewhere. :(
it is unimaginable that this could happen. This poor soul. I don't understand how a social worker could not after 1 visit, let alone 12 or 36 or 50 and not immediately scoop up this child and say "enough. This baby is coming with me."
'Really open and completely honest': Social worker's verdict on Baby P's lying mother recorded during interview about toddler's injuries

Last updated at 12:46 AM on 13th December 2010

A senior social worker heaped praise on Baby P’s mother after interviewing her about the toddler’s injuries four months before his death.

Sue Gilmore thanked Tracey Connelly for being ‘really open and completely honest’.

A recording of the interview, never seen in public, shows Connelly claiming her son Peter, then 12 months old, had ‘banged his chin’ by accident at a friend’s house.

She says she comforted him immediately afterwards, and then took pictures of the table on which he ‘caught himself’ as evidence to prove she was innocent.
She [Gilmore] recorded the hour-long interview as part of a course in new social work methods aimed at encouraging parents to cooperate with the authorities.

She failed the training assignment and did not complete the course.

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yet another failure in the long list of those who failed Baby Peter.
'Really open and completely honest': Social worker's verdict on Baby P's lying mother recorded during interview about toddler's injuries

Last updated at 12:46 AM on 13th December 2010

A senior social worker heaped praise on Baby P’s mother after interviewing her about the toddler’s injuries four months before his death.

Sue Gilmore thanked Tracey Connelly for being ‘really open and completely honest’.

A recording of the interview, never seen in public, shows Connelly claiming her son Peter, then 12 months old, had ‘banged his chin’ by accident at a friend’s house.

She says she comforted him immediately afterwards, and then took pictures of the table on which he ‘caught himself’ as evidence to prove she was innocent.
She [Gilmore] recorded the hour-long interview as part of a course in new social work methods aimed at encouraging parents to cooperate with the authorities.

She failed the training assignment and did not complete the course.

more here

yet another failure in the long list of those who failed Baby Peter.

This Sue Gilmore should be writhing with guilt and shame. To see that mindless twit laughing with that disgusting example of human-flesh makes me see stars! I am so sick of these people in positions of saving these babies dropping the ball time and time again! Enough already!!!
This is simply unbelievable. These monsters are released after only two years??!!

Given new identities and plastic surgery as a reward for torturing and murdering a little baby??!!

This is incredibly WRONG.

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