GUILTY UK - Rebecca Watts, 16, Bristol, 19 Feb 2015 #15

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So pleased with the verdict, could honestly cry. Thanks everybody for all their hard work giving updates all day, every day. Much appreciated by us that didn't have the time to.

Looking forward to hearing the bits we've not heard now and discussing that with you guys.

RIP Becky, you did not deserve this and we won't forget your name.
Avon&Somerset Police Verified account  ‏@ASPolice · 1 min1 minute ago
Shauna Hoare has been found guilty of manslaughter and other offences. Full details on our website shortly. #BeckyWatts
Jon Kay ‏@jonkay01 4m4 minutes ago

Media await family of Becky Watts. They're due to give their reaction shortly. BBC News Channel, website and 5Live
Justice for Becky has well and truly been served. I did think for a time that SH may get off based on what we have heard.

I'm not sure I want to know about the things that couldn't be reported now, I have a feeling they were very disturbed people.
Tom Parmenter ‏@TomSkyNews 26s26 seconds ago

Reaction from Becky Watts' Dad and Grandfather due outside court at approx 15:15 - live
Darren Little Verified account  ‏@DarrenLittleSky · 51s52 seconds ago
Nathan Matthews and Shauna Hoare will be sentenced on Friday morning #beckywatts
Tom Parmenter ‏@TomSkyNews 29s29 seconds ago

Sentencing of Nathan Matthews and Shauna Hoare will take place this Friday morning
I love that the thread title has changed so fast - thank you so much Moderators
[h=3]Shouts of 'Yes!' and clapping after verdicts[/h]Friends and family of the popular teenager, including best friend Courtney Bicker, grandfather John Galsworthy, uncle Sam Galsworthy, brother Daniel Watts, stepmother Anjie - Matthews’ mother - father Darren Galsworthy and aunt Sarah Broom, sat in the public gallery wearing blue ribbons.
When the jury forewoman stood up to deliver the verdicts, the atmosphere in Courtroom 2 was tense with anticipation.
As the first verdict was returned - that Matthews kidnapped his stepsister with Hoare - people in the upstairs public gallery began clapping and shouting “Yes”.
Mr and Mrs Galsworthy sobbed and clutched other members of the family. Matthews and Hoare remained totally emotionless as all the verdicts were returned.
After all the verdicts were delivered, Hoare dabbed her eye with a tissue.
Wow! I went outside and played with my dogs, came back in to re-read the last few pages in order to ask some questions I've been pondering, and find the verdicts are in. I can't believe it took only 3 hours for the jury to decide. So glad BW's loved ones got justice.

Just sitting here shocked how quickly this went down.

Rest in peace, Becky.
Or the texts? At the moment, I just don't agree with the Kidnap part, I think it was an argument/fight that got out of hand.
Still thinking that Cheque had something to do with it. IF BW had realized NM had stolen it and was about to tell Angie or something. Totally agree SH is definitely involved but I'm not totally sure how much.
Her tale about going to Mum's as it made her realize no-one would miss her, doesn't fit in with her total lack of any mention of Becky when her Mum asked. IF what she said was true she would surely have said to her Mum "Becky going missing made me realize how silly it is to fall out etc etc. I also got the impression that IF SH wanted to make up with her Mum she could have done so at anytime. She's not the 'victim' she makes herself out to be.
She said she lied about texts when she found out what NM had done. Surely IF INNOCENT at that point you'd just tell the Police every little thing as you'd 'want' to help and keep yourself out of it and be so shocked and upset your Partner was involved you would NEED to make sense of it all.
Also, when Police asked if she could think of anything else to help, as someone else mentioned she out of the blue chooses to recall the phonecalls and lift home, that night ONLY significant as it was when Body Parts were moved...this was IMO to put the blame on others and take the heat off herself! No doubt NM would be proud of her for that. He is only covering for her in the hope she will get off to keep Daughter and visit him and no doubt thinking IF he gets Manslaughter with Mitigation he may be out in 5/6 years!
THANK YOU ALL for your input into the case, it really has been a great one to follow. I am really hoping that when Verdicts are out we will get to all the missing parts and then collectively say "AHHHHHhhhh, so that's why,,,,,it all makes sense now!"

Final thoughts are with Becky Watts, a young girl with her whole life ahead of her....may those who loved her find peace with the verdicts and those who didn't I hope will be haunted by their guilt every moment of their lives!!

I've :lurk: and then :laughing:. Tried not to sit :fence: or throw :tantrum: when the Media got it wrong! I've drunk way too much :coffeews: to keep me awake:. Certain Defendants have made me want to throw :bricks:. It's been a real :rollercoaster: of emotions. Totally :maddening: when we haven't got the 'whole story'. Thankfully the Jury have so we can only hope that the :judge: ensures Justice is done! :cheers: to EVERYONE :yourock:
Also found the emojis; -)

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Sky news reprting that JI's lawyer said JI is mortified at what he got caught up in, is hoping to put the pieces of his life back together after being wrongly imprisoned for months and his thoughts are with Becky's family.
wow just found out and I have to go out now will catch up later how quick was that I have tears now RIP Beautiful Becky xx
So does JI just get to walk out the court now, free? Compensated for the time he's spent in jail, no?
Wtf I *thought* it was safe to pop into work for a hour or so as no chance of verdict this afternoon wrong could I be.

Very very happy with the verdicts and as many have said I'm sure much more will come out to air now.

I'll be the first to hold my hands up and say I was critical of the pros case but well. .Obviously it was enough and things were put forward which were definitely stronger than what we'd been informed.

Some kind of closure for the family at least

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