GUILTY UK - Rebecca Watts, 16, Bristol, 19 Feb 2015 #15

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Surely a jury member has pretty much made up their mind by now, having sat through weeks of evidence, and the closing speeches? I don't know, as I've never done jury service. But those who have - by the time you came together with the rest of the jury to deliberate, had most people already got a decision in mind?

On a case I sat on, after 3 weeks of listening to evidence in court only about 75% of us had made up our minds when we went to deliberate. Some made up their mind quickly once we started discussing the evidence, some changed their mind once they heard arguments from those who thought the defendant was guilty. One hadn't even made up their mind by the time we had delivered our verdict and gone home.
I agree that I think he probably exaggerated his illness for benefit purposes(same as them claiming benefits as living apart when they lived together) but If SH is involved after Becky died the only thing he has to do on his own is to kill Becky. Her injuries suggest there was a struggle rather than him being able to easily overpower her and she died on her back with her mouth and nose covered so he could have been on top of her using his bodyweight weight rather than his strength. From that point on SH could have helped with everything else; helped carry the body downstairs, into the car, into his house etc.

Yes, that's a perfectly acceptable scenario. I guess if SH is convicted of everything but the murder, she is still looking at a very hefty sentence.
Have been following since the very start, and just want to say thank you to everyone who posted tweets/links/articles and of course to Beesknees as well!

Haven't posted since the beginning but pretty much on the same page as most of you in regard to SH being guilty of having known something. I have faith in the jury since they have seen and heard far more than we have. Hopefully there will be justice for Becky and for those who love her. Such an awful and sad case.
Yes, that's a perfectly acceptable scenario. I guess if SH is convicted of everything but the murder, she is still looking at a very hefty sentence.

The maximum sentence for perverting the course of justice is life and that's the charge I think has most chance of sticking. And as the sentence is determined by how serious the offence being covered up was, how persistant she was at covering it up and the effect her covering up had then I think she should get a long sentence.
re the jury

I think their job will be made simpler by following their own noses. If they smell BS in SH's claimed lack of knowledge and involvement after the death, they will have their blueprint in the recorded police interviews for how she tells lie after lie after lie without getting flustered and maintaining her composure. Her performance in court, if she has come over well (can't tell) while denying being part of any plan or involvement in Becky's death, will be seen with very different eyes.

Tortoise... I loved that sentence ' if they smell BS in SH'S claimed lack of knowledge. .........'
Cuz it gave me a DING DONG moment. .
SH Is pleading that she is so innocent and never heard/saw/knew anything. .... and yet she told Police Interviewer that they'd not find any of her DNA on the items... but she shed alot of hair's....
Not the usual innocent remark by the by..
Watching too much CSI me thinks.
And we all know that in the 'real world' SOCO & CSI evidence and results don't come back after a few hours. Sometimes it is weeks and weeks before DNA can be released as Evidence. Sometimes DNA is inconclusive. Due to cross contamination. But of course SH'S DNA is going to be found at CML.
I just found that a very ODD remark for her to make.... The kind of remark that IF you had been aparty to said crime. And were overly cautious about NOT leaving DIRECT DNA. I see that as a huge Red flag... duh.
Her house... her DNA is all over it.
That's why NM has completely disassociated SH from the actual crime..
I'd say it was because of the stun guns

Or the texts? At the moment, I just don't agree with the Kidnap part, I think it was an argument/fight that got out of hand.
Still thinking that Cheque had something to do with it. IF BW had realized NM had stolen it and was about to tell Angie or something. Totally agree SH is definitely involved but I'm not totally sure how much.
Her tale about going to Mum's as it made her realize no-one would miss her, doesn't fit in with her total lack of any mention of Becky when her Mum asked. IF what she said was true she would surely have said to her Mum "Becky going missing made me realize how silly it is to fall out etc etc. I also got the impression that IF SH wanted to make up with her Mum she could have done so at anytime. She's not the 'victim' she makes herself out to be.
She said she lied about texts when she found out what NM had done. Surely IF INNOCENT at that point you'd just tell the Police every little thing as you'd 'want' to help and keep yourself out of it and be so shocked and upset your Partner was involved you would NEED to make sense of it all.
Also, when Police asked if she could think of anything else to help, as someone else mentioned she out of the blue chooses to recall the phonecalls and lift home, that night ONLY significant as it was when Body Parts were moved...this was IMO to put the blame on others and take the heat off herself! No doubt NM would be proud of her for that. He is only covering for her in the hope she will get off to keep Daughter and visit him and no doubt thinking IF he gets Manslaughter with Mitigation he may be out in 5/6 years!
THANK YOU ALL for your input into the case, it really has been a great one to follow. I am really hoping that when Verdicts are out we will get to all the missing parts and then collectively say "AHHHHHhhhh, so that's why,,,,,it all makes sense now!"

Final thoughts are with Becky Watts, a young girl with her whole life ahead of her....may those who loved her find peace with the verdicts and those who didn't I hope will be haunted by their guilt every moment of their lives!!

I've :lurk: and then :laughing:. Tried not to sit :fence: or throw :tantrum: when the Media got it wrong! I've drunk way too much :coffeews: to keep me awake:. Certain Defendants have made me want to throw :bricks:. It's been a real :rollercoaster: of emotions. Totally :maddening: when we haven't got the 'whole story'. Thankfully the Jury have so we can only hope that the :judge: ensures Justice is done! :cheers: to EVERYONE :yourock:
Jerry Lawton ‏@JerryLawton 1m1 minute ago

Judge at Bristol CC sends out jury to consider verdicts in trial of Nathan Matthews & Shauna Hoare who deny murder of 16yo

I feel slightly sick just reading this. Praying for the right result

I hear you Alyce. Let's hope they take their time in putting all the evidence and notes together. And they seek the right justice for Becky and her family. So they can find closure once and for all after this dreadful time they've had to endure.

#justiceforBecky ♡
so where are we - Wednesday, let's think

1 hour to settle in, appoint a foreperson, go to the loo, (there will be a long queue at the door of the ladies)
eat their lunch
afternoon - decide NM is guilty of murder

tomorrow - Thursday

whole day spent on SH re kidnap and murder. post murder cover up no disagreement.

Friday - morning JI & DD

Mid afternoon - verdicts

That's my prediction, failing that Monday morning, with the weekend to sit on it and be sure.

I'm thinking the same. I wonder if they will start with a show of hands on where people stand before deliberating. As a way of working out how much they need to go over etc. What I mean is IF everyone had already agreed that some defendants were Guilty or Not there would no need to go into as much Deliberation. For example IF 9 said Guilty & 2 said NOT, perhaps the 2 could then state 'Why' they are thinking that way and discuss from there.
Anyone know?
Her tale about going to Mum's as it made her realize no-one would miss her, doesn't fit in with her total lack of any mention of Becky when her Mum asked. IF what she said was true she would surely have said to her Mum "Becky going missing made me realize how silly it is to fall out etc etc. I also got the impression that IF SH wanted to make up with her Mum she could have done so at anytime. She's not the 'victim' she makes herself out to be.
She said she lied about texts when she found out what NM had done. Surely IF INNOCENT at that point you'd just tell the Police every little thing as you'd 'want' to help and keep yourself out of it and be so shocked and upset your Partner was involved you would NEED to make sense of it all.
Also, when Police asked if she could think of anything else to help, as someone else mentioned she out of the blue chooses to recall the phonecalls and lift home, that night ONLY significant as it was when Body Parts were moved...this was IMO to put the blame on others and take the heat off herself! No doubt NM would be proud of her for that. He is only covering for her in the hope she will get off to keep Daughter and visit him and no doubt thinking IF he gets Manslaughter with Mitigation he may be out in 5/6 years!

Another thing to bear in mind is that she knew that info(about body moving night) yet didnt chose to share it till NM confessed. She also knew that she'd lied to police about that very night when she'd told them they would be away all night. In other words while she thought police had nothing on them she deliberately withheld that information (infact she had said she would reply no comment to any further questions). As soon as NM confesses and she realises she's in the frame too she tells them all about that night. If SH was innocent of involvement and wanting to help police she'd have told them about that night from the start!
ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial · 16s16 seconds ago
verdicts are back #beckywatts
Or the texts? At the moment, I just don't agree with the Kidnap part, I think it was an argument/fight that got out of hand.
Still thinking that Cheque had something to do with it. IF BW had realized NM had stolen it and was about to tell Angie or something. Totally agree SH is definitely involved but I'm not totally sure how much.
Her tale about going to Mum's as it made her realize no-one would miss her, doesn't fit in with her total lack of any mention of Becky when her Mum asked. IF what she said was true she would surely have said to her Mum "Becky going missing made me realize how silly it is to fall out etc etc. I also got the impression that IF SH wanted to make up with her Mum she could have done so at anytime. She's not the 'victim' she makes herself out to be.
She said she lied about texts when she found out what NM had done. Surely IF INNOCENT at that point you'd just tell the Police every little thing as you'd 'want' to help and keep yourself out of it and be so shocked and upset your Partner was involved you would NEED to make sense of it all.
Also, when Police asked if she could think of anything else to help, as someone else mentioned she out of the blue chooses to recall the phonecalls and lift home, that night ONLY significant as it was when Body Parts were moved...this was IMO to put the blame on others and take the heat off herself! No doubt NM would be proud of her for that. He is only covering for her in the hope she will get off to keep Daughter and visit him and no doubt thinking IF he gets Manslaughter with Mitigation he may be out in 5/6 years!
THANK YOU ALL for your input into the case, it really has been a great one to follow. I am really hoping that when Verdicts are out we will get to all the missing parts and then collectively say "AHHHHHhhhh, so that's why,,,,,it all makes sense now!"

Final thoughts are with Becky Watts, a young girl with her whole life ahead of her....may those who loved her find peace with the verdicts and those who didn't I hope will be haunted by their guilt every moment of their lives!!

I've :lurk: and then :laughing:. Tried not to sit :fence: or throw :tantrum: when the Media got it wrong! I've drunk way too much :coffeews: to keep me awake:. Certain Defendants have made me want to throw :bricks:. It's been a real :rollercoaster: of emotions. Totally :maddening: when we haven't got the 'whole story'. Thankfully the Jury have so we can only hope that the :judge: ensures Justice is done! :cheers: to EVERYONE :yourock:

Love the post..... :yeahthat:
ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial · 26s26 seconds ago
Conspiracy to kidnap - GUILTY
Murder - GUILTY #beckywatts
ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial · 32s32 seconds ago
Conspiracy to kidnap - GUILTY
Perverting the course of justice - GUILTY #beckywatts
ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial · 26s26 seconds ago
Conspiracy to kidnap - GUILTY
Murder - GUILTY #beckywatts

OMG - conspiracy guilty - that means SH is guilty too?
ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial · 59s60 seconds ago
Preventing the lawful burial of Becky Watts - GUILTY
Possessing a prohibited weapon, namely two stun guns - GUILTY #beckywatts
ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial · 59s59 seconds ago
James Ireland and Donovan Demetrius NOT GUILTY #beckywatts
ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial · 2m2 minutes ago
Becky's family are sobbing and holding hands. They sighed big sighs of relief when the guilty verdicts came back #beckywatts
I'm actually crying here. Justice for Becky and all who loved her! Thank God
Victoria Davies ‏@VictoriaITV · 1m1 minute ago
Nathan Matthews and Shauna Hoare guilty of conspiracy to kidnap. Matthews guilty of murder. Hoare guilty of manslaughter. #beckywatts
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