Found Deceased UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #10

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I know everyone will have different opinions on this until official information is released, but I think she was still alive in the car and he murdered her in another location which he drove to after abducting her.
For me it just doesn't seem likely he would have done it whilst he was still in London.
without an estimated time of death it is possible he kept her alive for a few days, tied up somewhere remote that he knows... just speculating wildly.
It will be a huge investigation, particularly if there exists a suspicion that Sarah is not the first.
He would have had many opportunities.
Many women are never reported missing and he would have known where to find these women..
Pure speculation but where my mind is going with this..
Yes. That happens here too. He will confirm his name, address etc and an indictment would be read out followed by his plea - whatever that will be - on each alleged offence. I was just highlighting that if he pleads guilty there will be no trial.
Pretty certain he won’t be required to enter a plea tomorrow, it’ll be committed to crown court and that’s when he’ll enter his plea.
If he enters a guilty plea tomorrow then the case will not go to trial. He would likely be sentenced at a later hearing which would, in a round about way, probably come around much sooner than a lengthy trial that I suspect this case would be given the nature of it.

WC's appearance later today (Saturday 13th March) is a at Westminster Magistrates Court. The magistrate will satisfy himself/herself that the charges are serious enough before sending the matter to the Crown Court for a Plea and Trial Preparation Hearing, which will take place in about four weeks.

He may be asked to make a plea to each charge and a trial date may be set at the Crown Court. He will, I strongly suspect be remanded in custody. I believe the Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) will deal with the case.
I can't remember the exact poster/forum (apologies) but I also wanted to comment on the ring doorbell footage. Without seeing it, we cannot give a firm opinion, but from my own experience of Poynders, as the previous poster said, the pavement is significantly centred from the flat block entrances. Take a look at google street view, but imagine the road as centre, a pavement, a significant patch of turf, a walkway, and then only the front doors. It makes me wonder if SE ran for help into Rodenhurst Rd or similar for safety before [her attacker]* was able to catch up with her. All just MOO.
*edited to keep comment general, in light of recent developments.

Hi all, lurked for years and finally joined having been following poor Sarah's case closely. We're of a similar age, both from Yorkshire, both Durham grads. It's such a heart-breaking case, and her family and friends remain in my thoughts.

I believe this is within the rules, as it is a general comment which I feel may have some relevance regarding the wider discussion that has taken place across threads in relation to Ring doorbell cams. I had planned to mention a few other thoughts, but will keep it as generic as possible being UK-based and a wary first-time poster (I do not want to be the cause of any more time outs/disruptions to the thread at all!). Please do correct me if I have erred in my understanding of the rules.

I live on a busy south-facing main road, and our front door is set back from the pavement by about 5-6m (down the side of the building). You have to do a lot of trial and error with the setup of Ring so that it is not constantly activating/going off, and even with 'the perfect setup' you still get false/irrelevant alerts caused by shadows, moths, cobwebs etc. Everyone else on the street (terraced) has their front door straight out onto the public pavement - we seem to be the only users of Ring (or anything similar). Our next door neighbour installed CCTV over his front door, but it was quickly turned off and hasn't been used in years. Alert-based CCTV, in my experience, would be a nightmare if it was setup to catch all movement on the pavement and/or road. You would have thousands of clips a day to plough through just to check a parcel had actually been delivered (etc.)! I believe there may also be GDPR implications for privately-owned cameras setup to record public roads and pavements. Your phone battery, as well as the camera device battery (if used - most Ring doorbells are) would be exhausted, fast. Same with the paid cloud storage (30 days seems to only be a guide, if you have a shedload of clips you don't usually get the full 30 day history).

On this basis, I believe pcb has a strong theory. IMO it is unlikely a Ring cam was setup to capture general traffic moving in the area, looking at the general layout of residential properties vs pavements in the area. It suggests that SE and/or her attacker strayed closer to a residential property (whether on Poynders or nearby) than the pavement or main road. Personally, I do not foresee this footage being made public, I would imagine it could be quite valuable evidence at trial. All MOO, obviously.

Sorry if this has been covered somewhere that I have missed, I did my best to catch up but this thread has been moving like lightening so sometimes I have to scan-read!
Just doing my nightly catch up and moved over from thread 9 . never have I pressed ignore button so much ! I don't comment so much but enjoy reading respectful , well balanced and non-confrontational posts . Can we remember why we are here ? Tomorrow's a new day .
I hope they post a pic of him with a bandaged head. Now that I think about it... black eyes, a broken nose and knocked out teeth would be good too. And arm in a sling. He'd look like a beauty queen compared to what poor Sarah likely looks like. I don't even know that I want to allow my mind to go there. She was such a beautiful, young person that had everything in life before her and didn't deserve what happened to her.

I liked this when it simply said bandaged head before it was edited to be more graphic.

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
I hope they post a pic of him with a bandaged head. Now that I think about it... black eyes, a broken nose and knocked out teeth would be good too. And arm in a sling. He'd look like a beauty queen compared to what poor Sarah likely looks like. I don't even know that I want to allow my mind to go there. She was such a beautiful, young person that had everything in life before her and didn't deserve what happened to her.

It's difficult looking at photo's of her on articles and video's and then thinking what this monster did to her how can someone just do that
Thank you, but I was specifically speaking about people in the UK commenting on an American site. Even if they don't comment, they can read which could influence them as much. I think that this is a law that has not kept up with the times.

Prior to 24/7 cable news and the internet, I think it was reasonable for the court to expect potential jurors that were deemed unaware of the defendant and any criminal allegations against them.

As for the law keeping up with the times, I believe your responsibility as a summoned UK juror would not be so different than the US where you'd be asked what you know about the case, if anything, and whether or not you believe that you could still hear the evidence, testimony from sworn witnesses, and remain fair and impartial to deliver a just verdict.

I think it's really up to you whether or not your personal interest and/or actions as a crime follower will disqualify you from service. Your requirement is to answer the summons timely, and be honest during any inquiry.

Nonetheless, you'd still be subject to the same rules as a US juror including:

Do not discuss the trial with anyone until it’s finished, except with other jury members in the deliberation room.

After the trial you must not talk about what happened in the deliberation room, even with family members. You can talk about what happened in the courtroom.

Do not post comments about the trial on social media websites like Facebook or Twitter - even after the trial’s finished. This is contempt of court and you can be fined or sent to prison.

Jury service
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Opinion: Sarah Everard's case reminds women of what they already knew: They're never safe - CNN

This is so relevant. And so true. For thirty five years I have participated in "Take Back the Night" groups. And the situation has just continued to deteriorate.

Sarah is one more...along with other women, just going about their own lives, running, like Mollie Tibbets, in many others...

And, honestly, I feel afraid to leave my house after dark. Forget walking home alone. I won't even drive to the store.

Take Back the Night (organization)
He's allowed unlimited access to a solicitor when he's arrested and he'll have a QC representing him, maybe paid by legal aid since I doubt he has the money to cover that level of fees. Unless he refuses representation and wants to be a litigant in person but I doubt that. The solicitor at the police station will probably have advised him to answer 'no comment' to every question he's asked.
I wonder if the full court case will end up at the Old Bailey? Or Southwark Crown Court? I know tomorrow morning is Westminster.
Old Bailey for this I would say 99%
But what happens to the sub judice rule on a US site? UK laws cannot prevent them from discussing cases before trial, can they?
I think although I am not 100% sure that because they have specifically mentioned social media in the AG advice , that its irrespective of the Country because it’s not stated as social media in the UK, just social media
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Would the details enter the public domain if he pleads guilty and it goes straight to sentencing?
Yes because once he’s convicted ( if he is found to be guilty as we operate an adversarial justice system of innocent until proven etc ) then the subjudice laws no longer apply
If I were involved in the case I would definitely ask about it. I don't know how it works in the UK but in the US you will have dozens of jurors available and you do what's called "voir dire" during jury selection. Both sides question potential jurors about their views, opinions, and you can strike people who seem biased against your side.

Defense lawyers will usually look for people who are not interested in news, haven't heard of the case, don't follow crime/news. You want people who will hear the evidence for the first time in court and are open to considering each fact as it comes. At least that's the ideal to get your client a fair trial based only on admissible evidence.
They seem like unintelligent people to me.
I’ve been trolling msm trying to find out how WC keeps getting head injuries and I’m not finding anything that tells us how and why. Two hospital visits for head injuries in a 48 hour period?

Anybody find an msm link with this info?

Hi there, new member here.

Along with other members, I also agree that it is highly unlikely this was his first time, just the first time he has been caught. There have been a number of recent unresolved sexual assault cases that fit the profile of WC:

Teen dragged into bushes in rape attack

Police manhunt after 26-year-old woman sexually assaulted near Clapham Common

The first one has already been solved & the man is in prison. It's linked in the previous thread. They do share a striking resemblance though!
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