UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #6

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I think your post perfectly highlights just how little we know about our rights, what correct police procedure would be and whether we should get into a car. I'd check the warrant card carefully if they weren't obviously in uniform but that would be it. Then I'd probably comply completely.

Always ask them if you are being "detained", if the answer is no then wish them a good day and be on your way, there's no reason to be talking to the police otherwise if you've done no wrong.
Which number is our equivalent to 911? I’m new to the 111 and 101. Will you help me understand? tia

999 is our equivalent to 911, but for checking police are who they say they are we probably wouldn’t call 999 as it’s not an emergency at that stage. That would clog up lines and most police will be who they say they are.

101 is a local police number for non emergencies and they would be able to put minds at rest and cross check ID. If the officer wasn’t real the perp would likely get scared and flee the scene.

111 is for health issues not police matters that was a typo since corrected.
Which number is our equivalent to 911? I’m new to the 111 and 101. Will you help me understand? tia
999 = emergency (for police, ambulance, fire service, coastguard, etc)
101 = non-emergency police
111 = non-emergency NHS (for health related enquires/consultation).

Calling 911 in the UK also reroutes to 999 btw.
Have just quickly caught up on this whole thread so have skimmed some of it. Therefore, apologies if what I’m about to post has already been considered, but just a couple of thoughts in relation to a hire car possibility and the separate arrest for indecent exposure:

1) Re “hire care” - rather than hiring a car in an attempt to make traceability back to him more difficult (because it’s probably not), is it possible he hired a car for its superior advantages/use in some way - ie could we be getting hung up on a possible clumsy use of “hire car” when it might have been a “hire vehicle”, like a 4x4 or van for instance that may make both detaining SE easier in the back and getting across rural land later easier.

2) Alternatively, could it indeed refer to a lease car - might he get some allowance to long term hire/lease a vehicle to use to commute from Deal to Westminster and he still has his own family car(s) because he’s not allowed to use this other car for personal use at weekends, etc. I know we’re in a pandemic, but personal use only might explain the low mileage on the Seat in the last year or so. This might then explain why he was in this vehicle if he was on his way home from work.

3) If it was a hire vehicle of some sort, then could the wife have driven him to/home from wherever he returned the hire car to and this is why she is suspected of assisting him. She may have been oblivious, but the police may need to arrest her to determine this.

4) Similarly to placing too much focus on “hire” and “car”, could the indecent exposure arrest relate to digital indecent exposure - ie harassing people (presumably women, given SE) online/SM with unsolicited pictures of himself and this was uncovered by police shortly after his arrest when checking his phone for evidence and/or the micro SD card they took from his house. This may explain the relative swiftness with adding that arrest feature and not needing doing so to have relied on another person coming forward so quickly (remember, the general public/other victims may not have known WC’s identity in this case as quickly as we did). Any VIs know if SM/messaging of private parts counts as indecent exposure if unsolicited? I’m aware a counter to my theory above is, without someone coming forward to accuse, LE cannot assume they were unsolicited but just a thought.

All MOO.

I think any digital footprint being dodgy you can rule out in this case. I mentioned earlier that with his police role protecting highly sensitive sites and people he would be top level vetted.

Only a tiny fraction of the UK go through this as it’s a massively resource heavy effort. All your financial affairs, internet and phone history, they interview you and family and friends. I know some examples and they know literally everything.

The case is quite unique as It’s not like you can hide red flag behaviour or suspicious digital history being his job role it would come to light.

It’s not real time, so he could have very recently started doing things like you mention, but he would have to be whiter then white previously as his unique job role would mean he would be scrutinised heavily.
God the front left car has really creeped me out. Zoom in - quite a lot of movement from the driver and the towards the end of the clip, a lot of movement in the back right like someone is reaching or head is out of the window. Very eery

Sorry, not sure if I’m missing something but isn’t the post you’re referring to about a video with the time stamp of 22:00 on Thursday 4th March, over 24 hrs on from SE’s disappearance? I may have missed the context - are you/the OP suggesting she was held alive initially somewhere then moved the next night? Also, I’ve watched a few of those vids of (other) cars waiting at the lights in that spot, and to me it looks a bit like the resolution/moving frames cause a bit of dancing in places, particularly the rear passenger side of the cars so not sure if the struggle you’re seeing could be that. Sorry, not dampening it intentionally - please catch me up on the Thursday time stamp context and I’ll reconsider.

EDIT: have seen the posts crossing to explain the timestamp error in the OP. Have checked out the 3rd at 22:00 and you’re right, it’s certainly suggestive of the driver turning around into the back and possibly also reaching there. But I did still see on other vids a similar “dancing” on the rear passenger windows that does look like it being opened slightly with a hand or something reaching out. But, I stand corrected, I can’t definitively rule this as the cause in the vid you mean. Hmm...
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I think your post perfectly highlights just how little we know about our rights, what correct police procedure would be and whether we should get into a car. I'd check the warrant card carefully if they weren't obviously in uniform but that would be it. Then I'd probably comply completely.

hoping this crime doesn’t spur on copycat crimes with men realising how compliant many are and all they need to do is flash some badge they can buy on eBay for a victim to get in their Volvo...
The uncle said in the press she didn't know him. That's not my meaning but what he said.

A 33-year-old woman’s uncle living in another part of the country will have no idea of her “weak” contacts.

No-one thinks SE was to “blame” because WC might (say) have taken an unwelcome shine to her, it is just simply people wondering whether the act was less random than it appears, and I think it’s because if a police officer has done this, it is very aberrant, it is alarming and people want to try and rationalise and come up with an explanation. I haven’t seen anyone cast aspersions on SE’s character in this context.
It's actually the footage from 3rd March at 22:00 that has that car though, with the moving driver and person in the back. I just went through myself and looked. The footage from the 4th at that time is timestamped 22:01 and shows moving traffic.

I was just quoting the original time stamp that was mentioned was the day after. Not actually looked at the footage to be honest.
God the front left car has really creeped me out. Zoom in - quite a lot of movement from the driver and the towards the end of the clip, a lot of movement in the back right like someone is reaching or head is out of the window. Very eery
Oh wow.. it looks like someone hanging out the back passenger window and the driver turning around to the back. Could that be WC and SE? IMO

But I think the home security camera had picked SE walking past Poynders or even WC car going past and then going back again. The London Bus CCTV camera had captured WC and the car. Something has happened in that time frame.
WC is obviously a built/ larger (animal) so my guess is that he managed to put his hand over her mouth or even possibly injured her whilst she struggled, deeming her unconscious- hence he could move her into his car. Maybe he could have tied her up, where she couldn't really move and the child lock was on in the car, so even more of a chance of not getting away. I don't like to think of what would've happened when getting towards the countryside.

This may be his first murder possibly...He's got rid of SE and then come back home to see how he can get rid of the evidence. He may have lied to the wife- EC, by saying something along the lines of hit and run etc and she's scared that he'll be taken away/ arrested, so has said she'll help, or that he's forced her to. EC works in a lab- chemicals (lye) available which she's got for him, if she has been going to work during lockdown.
He may have chemicals at home (lye) as he's a former mechanic and maybe this helps to get rid of some grease for work that he does in his garage etc, so he's used this...
If the story is true of an ambulance coming over to their house- maybe it was because he's burnt himself with the lye or whatever. And this has raised further suspicions with the ambulance service. Maybe he got hurt in a struggle and has waited a while before calling the ambulance.

At the end of all this, I really really feel sorry for the poor children (maybe even EC, depending on how much she's involved and how he may have been during the relationship). I don't understand how anyone can do this, let alone a father himself of a young daughter. Surely, it would cross your mind that what if this were to happen to her, he wouldn't like to be in this situation as he family are. But he's a monster so. I pray his kids lead a normal life and will not be affected by this.
This is just my opinion to what may have happened. I don't think he will ever confess.
I hope SE can be found, I hope by some miracle she would be alive, but seems less likely. The body found may be hers. Whosever it is RIP.
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