UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #8

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I just thought the movement was odd. But for all I know he's putting a seatbelt on or something else.
I've attached the last visible shot of the car.


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I just hope he wasn't stationed in a public place around civilians with a loaded gun. He is not sound of mind if he is capable of doing this to somebody. Hopefully they found him a secluded place indoors to guard, because what if he had an inkling he was being investigated and went berserk.......unthinkable.

They probably realised they had enough evidence during his shift. But you don't want to be trying to arrest someone with a firearm and vest if you can help it if the situation is under control. Much better to wait until they're unarmed.
So he would have been taken back to Charing Cross (I think that’s the base) to change out of his uniform and sign in his firearm? Wonder how he got back to his vehicle that he presumably parked in Nine Elms. It’s actually cutting it fine to end his shift at 8pm travel back to central London change, surrender his weapon then get back out to Nine Elms to get his vehicle and then onto Poynders Road by 9:15-9:30
Is there anything to suggest he had parked at nine elms ? Sorry if I missed it
I don't know. Media are dramatising it 'serious head injuries' Sarah Everard: Police officer arrested over 'kidnap and murder' found in cell with head injuries' | Daily Mail Online

Really serious head injuries get one a bed in an operating theatre and no discharge the same day.
Possibly he cut his head. May have been a lot of blood because scalp injuries bleed.
Bottom line is he would not have been discharged same day if he really had serious head injuries.

Yes they would have checked for any concussion (even with concussion you still get discharged sometimes - having had this myself!). If there was a brain scan it was probably for Police to rule out any injury.

Although I do wonder what else they may have found on a brain scan! That can reveal quite a lot about behavioural issues IMO
I dont get it tbh. Not just a criminal but an expected abductor/murderer with a loaded weapon in public! There has to be more to this.

When he became a POI did the MET watch him to see if he would lead them to SE? Everything moved very quickly on Tuesday so did he visit Ashford that morning before his shift?
So he would have been taken back to Charing Cross (I think that’s the base) to change out of his uniform and sign in his firearm? Wonder how he got back to his vehicle that he presumably parked in Nine Elms. It’s actually cutting it fine to end his shift at 8pm travel back to central London change, surrender his weapon then get back out to Nine Elms to get his vehicle and then onto Poynders Road by 9:15-9:30

I suspect he parked his vehicle outside of the congestion zone and got the underground into the Charing Cross area before the start of his tour of duty.

The question is, if he did, which I think is likely, then where did he park and how far was it from where SE was last seen?

N.B. Met Police officers can show their warrant cards for travel on public transport in and around London.

I have forwarded this to the MET. I also mentioned the YT (dare I mention it) to them and they asked for links. So might be something in there, who knows. Always worth flagging.
I just thought the movement was odd. But for all I know he's putting a seatbelt on or something else.
I've attached the last visible shot of the car.

Or holding a weapon! Im not convinced I've followed too many cases on here to know that sometimes we can see what we want to see. The brain fills in the blanks of an image. I really don't think It woukd be available to view if it was WC
When he became a POI did the MET watch him to see if he would lead them to SE? Everything moved very quickly on Tuesday so did he visit Ashford that morning before his shift?

It might be something he did after his shift while they were doing the forensics on the road that they were tracking which was the gotcha.
Anyone else think that if he is convicted of Sarah's abduction and murder, and if he used his warrant card to elicit compliance from her, he's likely to be one of the very prisoners to receive a whole life tariff?

With it being such an abuse of power and trust, I'd be surprised if he didnt receive that sentence if convicted.
They probably realised they had enough evidence during his shift. But you don't want to be trying to arrest someone with a firearm and vest if you can help it if the situation is under control. Much better to wait until they're unarmed.

Yes that is quite scary he was working and armed those few days but they must have been keeping him under really close observation. And also realised he had to act normal if he wanted to get away with something.
Can I just say that having looked at a video of WC taken within the last 12 months, he is fat, not muscular. I wouldn’t think by looking at him that he was on steroids...
He looks fat to me too. I’ve competed in body building myself (female bikini comps) so I’m quite familiar with the characteristics that go with steroid use and he doesn’t display any of them. He looks like a bit of ‘beefcake’ in some of his headshots but definitely more fat than muscle. He’s short and stocky but in some shots where his body isn’t seen he could be mistaken for being tall and muscular.
Trying (and largely failing) to catch up with all today's posts. This extraordinary case becomes more like a bad episode of Law & Order with every passing day. I'm not being flippant, couldn't make it up.

The handling of the IE allegation is worrying. My take, and it's JMO, is that he went through a drive through exposing himself in his car. There will be CCTV of the car and perhaps of the offence, plus perhaps payment card data. If the incident had been taken seriously, it might well have been an easy matter to identify him and make an arrest, triggering a suspension. Not to say that he wouldn't still have escalated in the following days, but SE's blood specifically would not have been on the Met's hands. Presumably investigating "just" IE isn't a priority. As it is, whatever showed up on CCTV [edit: on the night Sarah disappeared] triggered his arrest, and his number plates were probably run to see what flagged up, which turned out to be the incident report from the IE. I think something like this is a much more likely scenario than a deliberate cover up, but it's damning from a PR perspective and will damage trust immeasurably. I would question whether Cressida Dick's career would survive it, and I imagine there will be a significant number of LE who will find it hard to look in the mirror afterwards.

If there could be anything positive to be taken from this case, my hope is that it will do for institutional sexism in policing and the CJ system what the Lawrence case did for institutional racism, which is to say that it will blow the lid off which crimes and which victims are prioritised and taken seriously. I feel we are in for quite a rollercoaster ride first, though.

Speculative and JMO of course.

Yes, pretty much agree with all of this. I wonder if he realised his time was up in some sense, and that the IE situation would collapse his house of cards. Perhaps even lead to him being identified as being responsible for other similar crimes. This knowledge then leads to an escalation in behaviours and less aversion to risk. A desperation of sorts. Maybe from feeling like things are spiralling out of his control. Power and control may well be big things for him.

That said, at every turn with this case I’ve expected things to be somewhat less terrible than they actually turn out to be so god only knows.

I think the theory of him seeing her at the kiosk and following her also sounds quite plausible.
Yes, but the point I'm making is, can you imagine him being in A&E surrounded by members of the public at the moment, with people recognising him?! That would have the potential to turn into a right **** show.

I don't think that's even the issue. It's a culpability issue really. He was injured and found unconscious while in police custody. Imagine if the injury was serious and he died... think about the ramifications.....

I know people aren't happy about this aspect of the discussion on the thread butty just want to point out, if he'd gone to A&E wasting time, died, people would be saying "Why didn't he go straight to ICU? He got the easy way "
I assume in that incident you witnessed, the prisoner had need for ICU care.
This boy, apparently did not. He was released quite quickly. In about the time it would take to carry out a few x-rays of his skull and a possible MRI and an examination by whatever neuro reg. was on duty.

As I say, no. I've attended A&E with many people far more seriously injured. He had minor, superficial injuries. Ones that I wouldn't have personally even gone to my GP for.
When he became a POI did the MET watch him to see if he would lead them to SE? Everything moved very quickly on Tuesday so did he visit Ashford that morning before his shift?

Yes I've thought this my self. The uncles appeal too. Oh I really hope not poor Sarah what an absolute low life he is.
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