UK - the late Jimmy Savile and the underage sex charges now confronting the BBC

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He might not be linked to the North Wales care home abuse, but JS is linked to the Jersey care home abuse. I think the North Wales one is a separate issue really so maybe new thread?

And I bet as it all comes out, each is linked to the other. But there is be a lot of information on this already and we may do well to try to keep it separate in an attempt to maintain some clarity.

Thank you for your thoughts badhorsie and webnut - I will try to put something cohesive together right now.
MONSTER Jimmy Savile taped himself assaulting two teen girls then gave the vile footage to the BBC for broadcast.

One can be heard screaming as Savile molests her while joking: “I think I’d better play a record with the other hand.”

The other girl on the clips, revealed last night, twice begs the DJ to “get off” her before shouting: “Get off my backside.”

A third clip features Savile telling a teenage boy how he is going to “have” his young girlfriend while he is laid up in hospital.

Police, the BBC team inquiring into the dead star’s behaviour and lawyers representing victims, are investigating the recordings.

I cannot believe that I am linking to the Daily Star but here is Savile in action. Video at link

I didn't click the link - its revolting just reading what you've quoted. :puke:

Does it say WHO at the BBC was given this tape?! Who the hell knew of this tape and did nothing with it?
Oh my

Former detective makes shock claims that Jimmy Savile was quizzed over Yorkshire Ripper murders
Member of the public named Savile as a 'potential Ripper suspect'
Peter Sutcliffe today rubbished claims that Savile abused patient at Broadmoor mental hospital, where he is a patient
Yorkshire Ripper claims Savile was his 'friend' and donated money to charities Sutcliffe supports
MONSTER Jimmy Savile taped himself assaulting two teen girls then gave the vile footage to the BBC for broadcast.

One can be heard screaming as Savile molests her while joking: “I think I’d better play a record with the other hand.”

The other girl on the clips, revealed last night, twice begs the DJ to “get off” her before shouting: “Get off my backside.”

A third clip features Savile telling a teenage boy how he is going to “have” his young girlfriend while he is laid up in hospital.

Police, the BBC team inquiring into the dead star’s behaviour and lawyers representing victims, are investigating the recordings.

I cannot believe that I am linking to the Daily Star but here is Savile in action. Video at link
In terms of tapes I think Savile undoubtedly recorded videos and that these will be produced in time.
Victims tell of horror inside North Wales care home where gang rape, strip searches
and vicious canings were a way of life... and Jimmy Savile was a regular visitor

• Victim Keith Gregory claims he knows 12 or 13 people who have killed themselves because of events that happened at Bryn Estyn in 70s and 80s
• 'Everything was in-house, kept in secret within the walls of the home', says Mr Gregory who said he was whipped, beaten and caned during this stay
• Man named Ben, who was cared for at the home, says he had his trousers pulled down for Savile's 'entertainment' and so did other boys at the home
• 'Children whose parents had died in horrific circumstances were targeted more because they knew nothing could be done about it', says Mr Gregory
• High-profile visitors to the home allegedly included 2 senior former Tories
the story at Daily Mail link above
And I bet as it all comes out, each is linked to the other. But there is be a lot of information on this already and we may do well to try to keep it separate in an attempt to maintain some clarity.

Thank you for your thoughts badhorsie and webnut - I will try to put something cohesive together right now.

Here's Amber34's excellent, cohesive, separate thread regarding the paedophile investigations involving children's homes in North Wales:

UK - Prime Minister orders probe into care home paedophile ring
Oh my

Former detective makes shock claims that Jimmy Savile was quizzed over Yorkshire Ripper murders
Member of the public named Savile as a 'potential Ripper suspect'
Peter Sutcliffe today rubbished claims that Savile abused patient at Broadmoor mental hospital, where he is a patient
Yorkshire Ripper claims Savile was his 'friend' and donated money to charities Sutcliffe supports
The first (and in some ways the only) great scandal I closely followed was long ago - the Watergate investigation, televised live c. 1974. Every time one would be ready to conclude, "No, that's beyond the realm of imagination - surely the investigation won't go there," it in fact did go there, and with productive results most of the time. The same may be true of Savile/Yorkshire - surely it can't go there and if it does nothing will be found. Perhaps. Perhaps not. (It would be great if the Savile hearings were televised! Makes for far fewer attempts to - successfully - cover things up.)
David Cameron ambushed on live TV as Phillip Schofield hands
him list of alleged Tory child abusers in 'witch-hunt' stunt
(Daily Mail)
• Prime Minister stunned by This Morning presenter who hands him card with names he found after a 'cursory glance' at the internet
• No. 10 condemn the 'stunt' saying those named on the list will want to defend themselves
• Mr Cameron accuses programme of of fuelling a 'witch-hunt, particularly against people who are gay'
• Tory MPs condemn the 'celebrity ambush' which could break Ofcom rules
• Mr Schofield issues an apology for a 'mis-judged camera angle'
the story at link above

So - Cameron: worried about "gay witch-hunt" or worried about protecting paedo predator Tories? You make the call.

I will say he did make a nice recovery during the incident - particularly for a man who couldn't define "Magna Carta" on the Letterman show a couple months ago.
Well, it seems JS was a very serious contender for the role of accomplice in the Yorkshire Ripper murders of the late 70s. He was named by Sutcliffe and a member of the public and had a cast made of his cheek to compare to the bite marks found on the victims.

They did all this, and yet none of the other complaints against him were taken seriously :banghead:

Detectives 'had a cast made of Savile's teeth' to check against bite-marks left on bodies of Yorkshire Ripper victims

Disturbing that Jimmy Savile could be involved with a serial killer.
From the Sun(!)

PRESSURE was growing last night for police to probe the emerging links between pervert DJ Jimmy Savile and Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe.
They include the fact cops hunting the prostitute slayer took a cast of Savile’s TEETH — most likely to check against bite marks on victims.

Sutcliffe NAMED Savile in police interviews and two of his victims were FOUND near Savile’s flat. The TV star VISITED Sutcliffe in prison soon after his conviction and they were seen as FRIENDS during his later trips to Broadmoor Hospital.
Now questions are being asked over whether they may have known each other BEFORE the murderer was locked up.
I'm guessing that Ray Teret will be a bean-spiller. Child abuse investigations accelerate from here.
Jim with Dutch in the background, who would have thought......

Jim with Dutch in the background, who would have thought......


If this all had gone, well, much, much differently - as it should have, one would think, when looking at the case in reverse - one could almost imagine Savile as the voice in this poem, speaking to "the Duchess."
So - Cameron: worried about "gay witch-hunt" or worried about protecting paedo predator Tories? You make the call.
Tim Burgess ‏@Tim_Burgess
Hmm. So Cameron reckons we'll get gay people & child abusers confused if that list gets printed. We won't Dave. You might. We won't though.

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