GUILTY UK - Tia Sharp, 12, New Addington, London, 3 Aug 2012 #1

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Grand mothers partner has just been found and arrested says sky news.
My own mother was murdered when I was 19 and the murderer got the minimum sentence of 15 months for manslaughter because of 'who' he was. I can't say more than that without going into detail. The fact that the murder was 100% premeditated didn't count for anything because of his position and the people who protected him and his ilk.

At the time I wished he would die by exactly the same method that he killed my mum, but no - he was out by the following summer and even wrote to me to 'apologise' for his crime and his light sentence.

Today, I still feel nothing but hatred for him and for the way his actions have impacted so profoundly on the rest of my life. Time doesn't heal in all situations. Sometimes it just reminds you of what/who was taken from you and the fact you'll never again be able to share anything with them.

In an ideal world (my ideal world) I wish he could suffer the same death he inflicted on my mum. So while prison sentences aren't always the best places for scum like him, killing himself wouldn't have made me feel any better either. The only real punishment, vindictive though it sounds - is for the perpetrator to suffer in the same way.

As for Hazell, unless he goes to a hard prison with no privileges and treated like the animal he is - then he'll never suffer for what he did. And even then, I doubt he'll suffer. I don't know what the answer is.

So heartbreaking soozie. You seem to have garnered much strength despite your loss. Bless you
Harriet Tolputt‏@skynewsgatherer

Man wanted in connection with murder of #TiaSharp has been arrested.
Just thinking out loud.
If Tia was wrapped in plastic and was in the attic, maybe there was an overpowering odour of cleaning agents and Febreeze (remember he was cleaning dog mess up....) and it covered up any other smell.
Nah, I would think the LE should be even more suspicious.
The issue I have is with (sorry if this is too blunt) the smell. If her body had been in the same location for that length of time the smell of human decomp would have been overwhelming in that home on the later searches.. (like obvious to the human nose let alone the noses of the dogs).

That makes me think the body was moved.

The police would not ignore a smell like that...

Does anyone know if they ever searched the yard? (could the body have been buried?)

I was wondering this. It has been hot in London this week, very hot at times, and attics do tend to get very hot as the heat rises. But I am not sure where the focus was - Tia's own home or her grandmother's home.

Stuart Hazzell has been found according to the BBC news.
Thank you all for the warm welcome.

As far as I understand this was a pre-scheduled search and to my understanding this means the ocupants of the house knew there was going to be a search - if this is true why bring a body back into a house that you knew would be thoroughly searched?
I'm new here.
I visited the gran's FB page, if somebody like her can be called a grandmother. Don't you find it interesting that she didn't update her FB since July 28th. I am certain that she was involved. I also think the uncle knew about this, too.

Welcome Bilged,:seeya:

I too have my suspicions about other family members .

I wonder if Granny was actually at home when Tia arrived on Thursday and a row happened between her and Granny and perhaps Tia was fatally injured then.
The issue I have is with (sorry if this is too blunt) the smell. If her body had been in the same location for that length of time the smell of human decomp would have been overwhelming in that home on the later searches.. (like obvious to the human nose let alone the noses of the dogs).

That makes me think the body was moved.

The police would not ignore a smell like that...

Does anyone know if they ever searched the yard? (could the body have been buried?)

Hey nursebeeme, this is what led me to think she may have been alive at some point, as no comings and goings could have concealed a body, sorry to be frank, and something either went wrong, was planned or otherwise, before the later searches - it's been very humid here in London/Greater London over the last week.....

The types of yards or gardens these properties have are so overlooked and connected to neighbours, sometimes concreted, that within the timescale I personally can't see a burial then moving the little one....

Sorry, I'm probably a bit fired up, just connected with this case as my other half and I from the get go thought family were involved, hinky meter stuff.....
Thank you all for the warm welcome.

As far as I understand this was a pre-scheduled search and to my understanding this means the ocupants of the house knew there was going to be a search - if this is true why bring a body back into a house that you knew would be thoroughly searched?

Good question welcome to Websleuths!
Thinking about this a little more but after posting these thoughts will move my brain to something else as this is a more than slightly disturbing train of thought.

Now that I'm considering what we've seen (admittedly very little) and now been told, it's probably reasonable to assume that the police have searched the house to some extent - checked under beds, in cupboards and freezer, probably even a cursory sweep of the loft. The question is, how thorough can you REALLY be?

Let's assume for a moment that the body was indeed in the loft - first of all, if the average loft is anything like my family's loft, there are a HUNDRED hidden places you could hide something child-sized (bear in mind also that Tia was very small for her age, again I'm disturbing myself typing this) - boxes, inside pieces of furniture, hidden under some of the various piles of different types of insulation, in amongst clothes rails... Again, my loft may be significantly worse than many peoples' because I come from a whole family of hoarders, but my point still stands. Possibly the police may have had to really tear the place apart and cut into insulation in order to find the hiding place, which realistically they wouldn't be able to do unless they had real evidence to back it up. Bear in mind that I'm the person that posted that EVERY family home of a missing child should be searched, but I don't believe they should ransack the place unless it's justified.

Let's also assume for a second that the dogs that were taken in on Wednesday WERE trained to sniff out cadavers (I don't actually think that they were but I'll play devil's advocate for a moment) - firstly if a body was in the loft, could the dogs detect that? From seeing drug dogs in airports etc I think they have to be quite close to what they're sniffing in order to detect anything but I'm only theorising - does anybody know how close a cadaver dog has to be to a cadaver in order to detect and signal? Can even the best dogs detect something 15 feet above them with a ceiling and insulation in between?? I can't see how they could've got cadaver dogs up into a loft, and even when up there would it be safe for a dog, which wouldn't know where to safely put its feet etc?

Ever since the ladders were taken into the house earlier I've been thinking about our own loft, and honestly I can imagine it would be quite easy to hide any number of things up there that would be very difficult to find unless you were really really searching.

As for the decomposition odour, it can't be put off forever, but the odours can certainly be disguised, and the odour wouldn't "sink" so much, so I doubt it would be detected in the house just yet. I'm guessing the reason that the police originally thought today's search would take "days" when it ended up only being a couple of hours is because once they got into the loft, the air made it clear that they were in the right place, and then it was just a case of systematically taking the place apart.

for the decomposition odour, it can't be put off forever, but the odours can certainly be disguised, and the odour wouldn't "sink" so much, so I doubt it would be detected in the house just yet. I'm guessing the reason that the police originally thought today's search would take "days" when it ended up only being a couple of hours is because once they got into the loft, the air made it clear that they were in the right place, and then it was just a case of systematically taking the place apart.


We are assuming the body was found in the loft & not in a freezer or water butt ??
Laserdisc10, Lottie, and KR1 for the kind words. I only really mentioned it because I was thinking of how little Tia must have suffered, and how the person who did this to her will probably never feel a shred of guilt, and it reminded me of my own situation.

It's like you can't hurt someone who's capable of an act like this. They have no soul, no compassion, and no regard to human life. How can you 'pay back' someone like that?

Tia's family (so far, to me) don't seem to be that close knit or particularly observant about what's been going on. I don't get the feeling that anyone loved Tia, more that she was just someone to get out of the way whenever possible. I suspect each and everyone of their own childhoods were equally destructive and this is the result. Parenting is such a huge responsibility to get right, and it's so very easy to get wrong. You learn from your own parents. God knows what kinds of role models Tia's own family had when they were growing up. Gran's mum, and her mum's mum, etc. There'll be a pattern of neglect, I'm sure of it.
Mr Hazell was arrested in Merton, south London, at 20:25 BST after he was identified by a member of the public. (BBC)
This search wound up being a short and effective one, thank God. Under four hours.
SH's interview was lie after lie after lie

The only truthful thing he said was that Tia was an angel.
We are assuming the body was found in the loft & not in a freezer or water butt ??

*shrug* Depends how much we trust Sky News! The police were seen carrying ladders into the house today, not sure whether the media assumption that it was in the loft is based ONLY on the ladders or whether they've been tipped off.

To me it would make sense. Houses like that wouldn't have many places to hide something - as you say, freezer maybe, and a loft or crawlspace. I would assume that on even the most cursory search of the house, any freezers and obvious hidey-holes would have been checked. Loft would make sense to me, but obviously this is ALL speculation at this point.
We are assuming the body was found in the loft & not in a freezer or water butt ??

Doubt they had a water butt Destroyer, it's not that common over here in Greater London suburbs from my experience. Freezer, maybe, chest style, ugh - again IMO I don't think from what I've read that this would be a possibility, in terms of the house, lifestyle etc. My opinion only
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