Unedited Police Interrogation Videos of Jodi

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She used that phrase "the gun jammed." That's so theatrical.

She also pretends to climax at the same time with Travis on the sex tape and she mentions a previous time when they climaxed together.

That's a little too *advertiser censored*-star for me.
I'm still on page 9 here and det. Blaney is still talking to her.

Um, I have a question.

I've heard of the good cop...bad cop..interrogation routine . Both of these det. Seem nice to me.

Where is the yelled. The screamer. The pounding on the table... Fess up...det. I really wanted to see that. Scream at her. Tell her she is full of it. LOL

LOL I posted the same question - except meaner and I offended at least one person.
Video 16: Anybody else think that her sandwich eating method is indicative of disordered eating?

I had a visceral reaction to her eating! It is strange. I can't put my finger on what bothers me so much. It's like her water drinking on the stand--it just rubs me the wrong way.

She's very abrupt in all her actions--almost looks angry.
Video 13 at 23:45 they begin discussing the big fight at the end of May. Jodi starts but then goes off on a five minute tangential story :banghead:
Video 11

What a monster!!

She goes on and on with Flores wanting to see the pictures of Travis after he was murdered. Sick...sick...sick

and from the female officer to Flores ---- back to her little girl voice ughh

Back to her asking about the pictures on her camera....After all she is a professional photographer~~

THE focus of JA was to see those photos of poor Travis.
She asks and asks and asks again.
She is one sick evil thing.
for some reason its not letting me view the videos? anyone else having this issue? tia

I've watching all day. But when I just tried to watch no. 13, it will not let me view?? Hummm
Yeah, she apparently dropped the stranded story pretty quickly, probably after Daryl told them he loaned her gas cans. Once he revealed that, and they had the receipts, she couldn't say anything about being stranded.

She was dumb as dirt to keep those receipts and not pay for gas cans herself with cash. I heard she wanted to write off her receipts? See how being cheap and greedy helps get you convicted of murder?

I have also wondered why she didn't just pay for her gas with cash on this trip...wouldn't have needed gas cans if she had because they couldnt trace her movements on cash purchases so she could have bought gas in AZ without a trail. But this is only one of many things I do not understand....
While watching the interrogation videos last night, I made the mistake of thinking I needed to take a few notes. Ten pages later . . . . Sigh. I'll post them later today for anybody that doesn't want to watch the whole thing.

Probably the biggest that leaped out at me (from the first day) was when Jodi and Flores were talking about her cleaning Travis' house. She giggles when talking about Travis sending her the photo of the French maid's outfit. It is very clear that he sent it as a joke, and Jodi thought so too. Flores says Travis is a flirt and Jodi agrees. I hope JM can play that segment of the tape and ask this jury, does this sound like a man being abusive, or does this sound like a guy being playful and not expecting to be taken seriously?
Yes, I caught that, too.

Flores giggled and said something like, "That sounds like something he would do."

Everyone who knew Travis said he had quite a sense of humor. :)
This is probably the first woman on woman talk ( if you can call it that ) thA JA has ever had...moo
This is not new, but this part where she describes how the male ninja shows her mercy is just so absurdly stupid - it's like CSI fanfic written by a 15 year old.
"you must be that b*ch from California"!?!? LOL

This brings up an interesting question. Why did Jodi include that?

Because she's writing fanfic for CSI? So that we'd all realize that the big bad ninjas didn't like her and thus she must be wonderful? Because the ninjas actually liked Travis (even though they were killing him) and realized just what kind of person she was? Because she'd heard that phrase (often) before?

It's odd that with her love of TV and movies, she didn't stop to think that LE might try and figure out what motive the ninjas would have for killing Travis. Don't CSI and Law & Order almost always solve the crime?
I had a visceral reaction to her eating! It is strange. I can't put my finger on what bothers me so much. It's like her water drinking on the stand--it just rubs me the wrong way.

She's very abrupt in all her actions--almost looks angry.

BBM: Oh thank God!!! I thought I must be the most "petty" person on the planet so I was afraid to post that the way she holds a cup drives me nuts. I chalked it up to that I despise her SO MUCH that there is nothing she can do properly. (I feel relieved that I might be "normal" after all. Thank you!):fence:
In one of the earlier videos, she claims she didn't know Mimi was going to Cancun until she found out at one of the memorial services. Does this story ever change?

I don't believe that ever changed.
Video 13 at 23:45 they begin discussing the big fight at the end of May. Jodi starts but then goes off on a five minute tangential story :banghead:

She did that a lot...would probably try to blame the lack of concentration on PTSD but she also said that Travis had been frustrated with her for doing it so we know that she did it prior to killing him too.
I have also wondered why she didn't just pay for her gas with cash on this trip...wouldn't have needed gas cans if she had because they couldnt trace her movements on cash purchases so she could have bought gas in AZ without a trail. But this is only one of many things I do not understand....

I think she didn't want to buy gas in AZ. Stations have cameras, people might see her and remember her. She was pretty back then. She looks harsh now. But back then, someone might have noticed her at an AZ gas station. Or, she feared she might run into someone she knew at an AZ gas station.
I'm still stuck on the first day (because I stupidly start writing everything down -- kind of like Jodi. Next thing you know I'll be reading The Road Less Traveled).

Did you notice how at first Jodi insists she didn't kill Travis, didn't hurt him, had nothing to do with his death, but by the end all she says over and over is that she had no reason to kill him. I think that's a big part of her plan. She was counting on nobody linking her to the murder because "she had no reason."
I've watching all day. But when I just tried to watch no. 13, it will not let me view?? Hummm

I'm watching from the huff post..only 3 long videos there..3 .
I am now on 3.
This brings up an interesting question. Why did Jodi include that?

Because she's writing fanfic for CSI? So that we'd all realize that the big bad ninjas didn't like her and thus she must be wonderful? Because the ninjas actually liked Travis (even though they were killing him) and realized just what kind of person she was? Because she'd heard that phrase (often) before?

It's odd that with her love of TV and movies, she didn't stop to think that LE might try and figure out what motive the ninjas would have for killing Travis. Don't CSI and Law & Order almost always solve the crime?

Or, she has heard herself referred to as "that b from california" by his friends. Or Travis told her that people called her that.
BBM: Oh thank God!!! I thought I must be the most "petty" person on the planet so I was afraid to post that the way she holds a cup drives me nuts. I chalked it up to that I despise her SO MUCH that there is nothing she can do properly. (I feel relieved that I might be "normal" after all. Thank you!):fence:

Lol...I'm not sure that having the same reaction as a fellow WSer makes one "normal" ...but I consider myself in good company when I say that thing with the sandwich was just too weird for words

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