UPDATE- Bin Laden is Dead-President spoke

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Islamic traditions were followed concerning the burial. Sorry if a little graphic, but I'm curious. The body is cleansed, wrapped in white cotton, and a prayer is said. Burials at sea are most often cremations so how do you bury an entire body at sea... what happens to it?...help me out.
Do they just drop it in, weight it down...sorry just wondered.
Am I the only one who is literally paralyzed with fear as to what this death might trigger? I'm a pacifist and can celebrate no one's death but I fully recognize this single man's evil impact on our world. I've just never felt so afraid in my entire life. I'm so concerned that due to the splintering and rogue factions which have sprung up over the last ten years, that there will now be a Pandora's box of atrocities...even more than we've ever seen.

According to NPR, the man's remains are being handled in a manner in accordance to the Muslim faith.

I know that some will find this an appropriate time to celebrate. I respect that. However, I also think prayer and meditation and reflection is called for.....for all the tens of thousands of victims touched by this evil.

Try to not be afraid missizzy. I'll share with you a true story. Back almost 2 decades ago I lived as a new military wife outside of the USA. I had never heard of terrorists or terrorists attacks yet I learned quickly that they existed and that they targeted us the military community. I learned to be observant of my surroundings, I learned to be aware of what was going on around me and to look for signs to ensure mine and my children's safety. At the time when we would go on lockdown because these known terrorists were identified as being in our area I did feel fear but over the years I have lost my fears and I remain observant and aware even when I am living in the USA.

You can learn how to do this and it will make you feel empowered. You can't live your life afraid. That is the genesis and the sole purpose of terrorism to stike fear within your heart and soul. To be afraid to live your life out of fear of their actions. If they can get that response out of you then they have met their goal without even striking. KWIM?

Try not to be afraid. I haven't been fearful in years but I don't let my awareness waver. :)
Islamic traditions were followed concerning the burial. Sorry if a little graphic, but I'm curious. The body is cleansed, wrapped in white cotton, and a prayer is said. Burials at sea are most often cremations so how do you bury an entire body at sea... what happens to it?...help me out.
Do they just drop it in, weight it down...sorry just wondered.


gives a brief outline of burial at sea by islam custom.
Thank you Verity for providing the balance to my statement.
I am sorry for what you went through, yet relieved that I never had to.
I hope that someday none of our children have to go through it.

Thanks, mysterview. The sad thing is that I've pretty much given up hope of peace for our children. To achieve that, we have to give up oil, and our various other addictions, like a growing economy, and that's not going to happen without a riot. I'm glad they got Bin Laden, he deserved to be caught for his evil, but I don't think Al Queda is an enemy worth worrying about any more compared to other things that are far more damaging. We're killing ourselves and our way of life faster than any enemy could ever have dreamed of achieving in any of the wars of the last 100years. I have seen the real enemy and it is us.
I read something about being buried at sea also.

I don't care about photo's. I care about dna to prove it was in fact him, when he's known to have too many look alikes out there.

JMO respectfully.

DNA confirmation was done. His sister died in Boston last year, and her DNA was used to compare.

I think we'll eventually see photos released too.
Am I the only one who is literally paralyzed with fear as to what this death might trigger? I'm a pacifist and can celebrate no one's death but I fully recognize this single man's evil impact on our world. I've just never felt so afraid in my entire life. I'm so concerned that due to the splintering and rogue factions which have sprung up over the last ten years, that there will now be a Pandora's box of atrocities...even more than we've ever seen.

According to NPR, the man's remains are being handled in a manner in accordance to the Muslim faith.

I know that some will find this an appropriate time to celebrate. I respect that. However, I also think prayer and meditation and reflection is called for.....for all the tens of thousands of victims touched by this evil.

I've been afraid ever since 911. But tonight I feel a little empowered.

Yes, there may be retaliation. If not tomorrow then next week or next month. But they will be things already planned for. Things that we were always in danger of. But for the first time in a long time, I feel that we made a big strike against terrorism. We killed their "hero" We did what they really thought was impossible to do.

So maybe there will be a moment of confusion. Maybe some of their contributors will wonder if there was any paperwork in the mansion linking to them. Maybe they will find some of the lines of communication that have been so hard to find. Just maybe we may have some hope now.
Am I the only one who is literally paralyzed with fear as to what this death might trigger? I'm a pacifist and can celebrate no one's death but I fully recognize this single man's evil impact on our world. I've just never felt so afraid in my entire life. I'm so concerned that due to the splintering and rogue factions which have sprung up over the last ten years, that there will now be a Pandora's box of atrocities...even more than we've ever seen.

According to NPR, the man's remains are being handled in a manner in accordance to the Muslim faith.

I know that some will find this an appropriate time to celebrate. I respect that. However, I also think prayer and meditation and reflection is called for.....for all the tens of thousands of victims touched by this evil.

Our technology is so advanced over what it was 10 yrs. ago. We have constant surveillance, we know so much more than what we did 10 yrs ago. We know more about them, we know what they are up to, we have pictures of them in a database. It would take a lot for them to pull something like they did almost 10 yrs. ago. For us to get in there and kill him shows you how things have changed. I would be more worried about getting in my car at 5:00 and driving home than a terrorist attack. This is jmo.
DNA confirmation was done. His sister died in Boston last year, and her DNA was used to compare.

I think we'll eventually see photos released too.

That was some fast dna comparison...... hours.
They must have had a lab onsite?

Was the dna test premortem or postmortem?

Premortem I can see.

Postmortem dna I need facts on how it was accomplished so quickly.
I'm going to bed, it's almost 10:30 PM here and 5:30 AM comes early :)

Take care all :seeya:
That was some fast dna comparison...... hours.
They must have had a lab onsite?

Was the dna test premortem or postmortem?

Premortem I can see.

Postmortem dna I need facts on how it was accomplished so quickly.

No idea, maybe we'll hear more in the next few days.

– 2 hrs 12 mins ago
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States is conducting DNA testing on slain al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and used facial recognition techniques to help identify him, a U.S. official said on Monday.
Bin Laden was identified by the assault force that killed him in a firefight in Pakistan in which he resisted and was shot in the head, the official said on condition of anonymity.
Results of the DNA tests should be available in the next few days, the official told Reuters.
The strike force was on the ground for less than 40 minutes and the operation was watched real-time by CIA Director Leon Panetta and other intelligence officials in a conference room at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, the official said.
"When word came in that the operation was a success, CIA officials in the conference room had a rather large applause," the official said.

Didn't the President say this was already done?
Interesting article out of India on the death of bin laden.


It talks about the concerns that bin laden might be under some protection (and evidently H Clinton may have accused them of such during a visit?) It talks about some of the political issues, like the US taking such a strike on Pak soil without their cooperation.

Be aware as you read that India also has their own problems with Pakistan.

This one says his sister's DNA was taken when she passed away at a Boston Hospital.

This was an 8 month investigation, I'm sure they were watching listening every move he made. They were eye witnesses. They watched him come and go and were following his wives and friends. He got to comfortable with his surroundings and messed up. They had the drone in the sky taking pictures and sending them back. That thing can capture a flea on a donkey's butt. These guys were very sure it was him and I don't think they wanted to make a mistake. I don't think President Obama would have signed the order without them being very sure. Some people will never believe it, there is nothing you can do to change their mind but I believe it was him.
This was an 8 month investigation, I'm sure they were watching listening every move he made. They were eye witnesses. They watched him come and go and were following his wives and friends. He got to comfortable with his surroundings and messed up. They had the drone in the sky taking pictures and sending them back. That thing can capture a flea on a donkey's butt. These guys were very sure it was him and I don't think they wanted to make a mistake. I don't think President Obama would have signed the order without them being very sure. Some people will never believe it, there is nothing you can do to change their mind but I believe it was him.

He's dead. Period. There is no way the U.S. government would make such a claim if they were not sure because all osama would have to do is make a speech or video to be released showing he's alive and making the U.S. the laughing stock of the world. No, he's dead all right.
So since we weren't all killed by the radiation that was supposed to come across the ocean from Japan, the new conspiracy is that Osama isn't really dead?
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