UPDATE- Bin Laden is Dead-President spoke

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I'm not necessarily doubting it is him. I am questioning the media reporting DNA confirmation has already been completed.
I have a sick feeling that there's going to be retaliation against this. I don't think it will come tomorrow, or anytime within the next few weeks, but a year or more in the future, there will be a big attack and we will find out that this was the cause of it. Why were we attacked during 9/11? Because of our actions in the Middle East? Because we are a Western nation? Killing their leader is a much bigger 'offense' and is much more personal to the terrorists. But then again, I've been convinced that the next big attack is a question of "When" not "If" long before we killed Osama.
I have a sick feeling that there's going to be retaliation against this. I don't think it will come tomorrow, or anytime within the next few weeks, but a year or more in the future, there will be a big attack and we will find out that this was the cause of it. Why were we attacked during 9/11? Because of our actions in the Middle East? Because we are a Western nation? Killing their leader is a much bigger 'offense' and is much more personal to the terrorists. But then again, I've been convinced that the next big attack is a question of "When" not "If" long before we killed Osama.

This may cause a few nuts to decide "now is the time" for whatever they have already been planning but: 1) They have already been planning attacks. 911 wasn't the end. This network has been planning ever since and not killing osama would not have changed that. 2) Our government and other governments around the world have used intelligence to thwart several attacks these kooks have planned. I trust the counter-terrorism intelligence will continue. Is there a chance it will fail and there is another large-scale attack? Sure, but not killing osama would not change that.
This may cause a few nuts to decide "now is the time" for whatever they have already been planning but: 1) They have already been planning attacks. 911 wasn't the end. This network has been planning ever since and not killing osama would not have changed that. 2) Our government and other governments around the world have used intelligence to thwart several attacks these kooks have planned. I trust the counter-terrorism intelligence will continue. Is there a chance it will fail and there is another large-scale attack? Sure, but not killing osama would not change that.
I expect they will manage to kill a few Americans and claim it as an act of retaliation but thats pretty inevitable.
I dont see them being able to mount a 9/11 type of attack at this point.
And there always seem to be Americans wandering around cluelessly in dangerous hotspots so they wont have any trouble finding some to take it out on im sure.
You wouldnt think anyone would criticize the administration for taking this action because there might be retaliation but thats probably wishful thinking....
I don't know about that I haven't really heard anyone say they are the official new leader of Al Qaeda. I did see a documentary and they are running every time they hear a black hawk coming, they are so small and fast now they can't hit them. They are also calling the droid the invisible killer. They don't like having an enemy they can't see or kill.

I think anyone is afraid to publicly admit links to Al Quaeda. Everytime they kill an Al Quaeda Jerkface they have to tell us who he is. Hopefully the Government knows the power tree.
So since we weren't all killed by the radiation that was supposed to come across the ocean from Japan, the new conspiracy is that Osama isn't really dead?

Maybe Donald Trump can demand to see the Death Certificate to put all our minds at rest. :wink:
I've quoted what I think are the two best.


World leaders react to news of bin Laden's death
By the CNN Wire Staff
May 2, 2011 6:39 a.m. EDT

...German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Merkel said the death is a major setback for the terror group.

"With the commando action against Osama bin Laden and his killing, the U.S. military has achieved a decisive strike against al Qaeda," she said.

"At his command and in his name, terror was enforced into many countries against men women and children, Christians as well as Muslims. Osama bin Laden suggested that he was operating in the name of Islam, but in reality he makes a mockery of the fundamental values of his own and every other religion." ...


...The Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi

"Osama bin Laden, as we all know, had the very grave responsibility of spreading division and hatred amongst the people, causing the death of countless of people, and of instrumentalizing religion for this end," he said. "In front of the death of man, a Christian never rejoices but rather reflects on the grave responsibility of each one in front of God and men, and hopes and commits himself so that every moment not be an occasion for hatred to grow but for peace." ...

Maybe Donald Trump can demand to see the Death Certificate to put all our minds at rest. :wink:

There's a couple of "Death Certificates" floating around the Internet and as far as I'm concerned, I don't care if they ARE fake.

They're good enough for me.

http://photobucket.com/images/usa flag animated/
bumping up
I have a sick feeling that there's going to be retaliation against this. I don't think it will come tomorrow, or anytime within the next few weeks, but a year or more in the future, there will be a big attack and we will find out that this was the cause of it. Why were we attacked during 9/11? Because of our actions in the Middle East? Because we are a Western nation? Killing their leader is a much bigger 'offense' and is much more personal to the terrorists. But then again, I've been convinced that the next big attack is a question of "When" not "If" long before we killed Osama.

That was my first thought as well. May be all well and good he is gone, but someone is going to want to take revenge on us for it. I would hate to see anyone get complacent. IMO
We need to bring our men & women home now. Let those people over there just keep killing each other off.
We need to bring our men & women home now. Let those people over there just keep killing each other off.

We will not stand down like cowards who run away in the night.

Only the head of the snake has been cutoff. The snake will grow another head.

Terrorism still reins and it still threatens our freedom.

Every military man and woman knows when they enlist there is a very good possibility they will be fighting terrorism on foreign soil.

None of them go in blindsided and unaware. This is what they chose to do for their country.

God bless America!
And the best military force in the world!

We won't get complacent IMO.

I hope Americans don't start panicking. Our troops and intelligence have kept us safe despite several attempts by terrorists since 9/11.

I am not saying nothing will ever happen but we need to live our lives and not panic. If we walk around terrified of what they may do in retaliation, they have won.

I am so thankful I am an American and so thankful for our troops who give all they have so that we can be safe.
That was my first thought as well. May be all well and good he is gone, but someone is going to want to take revenge on us for it. I would hate to see anyone get complacent. IMO

Last night, at 10:15 pm, I experienced fear that I had not felt since 9-11. When I saw the breaking news and turned on CNN, They where saying that the President was going to speak and had a major announcement that effected national security and the world. They also added that it was rare that a president would speak at 10:30 pm on a Sunday evening. Fear filled DH and I at a level that I cannot even fathom. DH called his mom FGS thinking that a nuke bomb was coming or a major attack was about to happen.

10:30 stretched out to past 11:30 before we heard from our President. Meanwhile, CNN broke the news that Osama Bin Laden was dead around 11. I am so glad they released this info because for a brief moment I was scared out of my wits. I am not a complacent person I guess but neither where many people Im pretty confident that first saw the breaking news headline.

This morning, I have a new prospect on life. You can't control everything and though we may be here for a long long time and not experience another attack , the posiblilities are that we could. So you have to be careful and aware but you have to live also and fear is a terrible thing. I've felt it twice in my life including last night but we are here today and the news was positive so I am grateful for this and everyday that we have.
We won't get complacent IMO.

I hope Americans don't start panicking. Our troops and intelligence have kept us safe despite several attempts by terrorists since 9/11.

I am not saying nothing will ever happen but we need to live our lives and not panic. If we walk around terrified of what they may do in retaliation, they have won.

I am so thankful I am an American and so thankful for our troops who give all they have so that we can be safe.

If you notice my signature line...I think it says it all. When that compound exploded in the NOISE of gunfire yesterday in Pakistan.............that WAS the sound of freedom and no matter how long it takes............we will find the ones who try hard to take our freedoms away.

"Pardon Our Noise, It's the Sound of Freedom" USMC New River Air Station, Jacksonville, North Carolina
Just to clarify, last night when we were watching some of the news reports, some of the reporters were talking about how the world has changed since 911. Airport security, etc.... Some of them, that we saw, were saying that we won't need the security at airports anymore! :eek:

I don't now, and won't live in fear in the future.

However, it would be foolish for anyone to think that because he is dead, we can go back to pre-911 ways. Just sayin'
Just to clarify, last night when we were watching some of the news reports, some of the reporters were talking about how the world has changed since 911. Airport security, etc.... Some of them, that we saw, were saying that we won't need the security at airports anymore! :eek:

I don't now, and won't live in fear in the future.

However, it would be foolish for anyone to think that because he is dead, we can go back to pre-911 ways. Just sayin'

Anyone who thinks we don't need security anymore just because OBL is dead is crazy IMO.

He spent a lot time in this earth training others to take us out. We are still in danger but thank God our troops are always watching!

I do however, think back to the time after 9/11 when so many people fell into a "we are all doomed and they are gonna get us" mindset. It was very sad. The anxiety sometimes takes over a person's life and they live in terror.

That's what the terrorists want.

I hope we can all celebrate this and live our lives aware but not scared.

Just to clarify, last night when we were watching some of the news reports, some of the reporters were talking about how the world has changed since 911. Airport security, etc.... Some of them, that we saw, were saying that we won't need the security at airports anymore! :eek:

I don't now, and won't live in fear in the future.

However, it would be foolish for anyone to think that because he is dead, we can go back to pre-911 ways. Just sayin'

I think through the years since 911 happened our country has learned so much and the CIA too. This was first picked up in August of last year as chatter, iirc.

What they know now is the US can tell no one of the missions they are undertaking. Not even close allies. We are known for our stealth attacks on targets that need to be eradicated. Our CIA and other security agencies will only continue to get better.

Behind the scenes I am sure all military are on heightened alert in case of retaliation. And all major cities are on high alert too.

Our son works for the Marine Base here where we live and they are on heightened alert and I am sure it is that way everywhere around the world.

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