Found Deceased UT-5 -Year-Old Elizabeth Shelley Found Deceased (UNCLE ARRESTED) #3

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I don't think he carried her very far because even though she is a little child, he and his clothes were not described as being blood soaked as I would expect him to be if he had carried a body that was bleeding out. The blood would have soaked through his clothes and onto his chest I would think.
He couldn't have carried her at arms length and would have had to hold her next to him.

I don't want to "like" your post but I think you are right. Poor sweet angel baby.
I don't think he carried her very far because even though she is a little child, he and his clothes were not described as being blood soaked as I would expect him to be if he had carried a body that was bleeding out. The blood would have soaked through his clothes and onto his chest I would think.
He couldn't have carried her at arms length and would have had to hold her next to him.
he apparently took off the bloody sweatshirt IIRC? I think she is within a 1-2 mile radius of the house and I sure hope that cinderblock with blood they removed was checked to make sure it wasn't a grave marker IMO
Horrid news. Worse outcome ever. Her uncle? Her mother's brother? I am so heartbroken for her family. Such betrayal. What little Lizzy endured at the hands of someone who should have loved and protected her. Just sickening. Please let her poor little body be found today....
It sounds as if he left the house with Lizzy, fully intending on, at the very least, stabbing her.

Did she wake up and 'anger' him somehow, or did he go over there with this in mind? It sounds as if Mom initiated the visit, so WTF happened here?

Also, what is the deal with all of these 5 year olds lately? I can't stand it!

@gitana1 - I think you alluded to this personality trait earlier, get your tiny violin out.

I think the threat of the DP will be the only way he will talk. Then it will be about him and only him. IMO
Yeah, this is a good way to get leverage.

“Tell is where she is, and we’ll take the death penalty off the table.”

I just hope they find her before they even have to take that approach.
What I can't wrap my head around is how he could be so careless with all of the evidence but Elizabeth still hasn't been found. I mean, I get that if he were a master criminal he could be using misdirection, but he really doesn't seem to fit that profile. At all.
Just finished reading the probable cause document, kind of wishing I hadn’t.

One of many things that stuck out to me was that the initial 911 call came in at 10:02 but LE didn’t arrive until 11:30? Seems like a very long time to me especially considering it’s a missing child, but I’m not an expert. Does this seem odd to anyone else?
Catching up...but if his and Lizzy's clothes had mulch on them, and his hands were very dirty, maybe he hid her inside of a mulch pile?

Are there any lawn and garden/landscaping places nearby the home that would have big piles of mulch? Usually in the Springtime here, garden centers and landscapers have piles of mulch for landscaping.

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We'll see, but I'm not convinced he cared about being caught. And, though still not all that much information to go by, I'm not so sure he'd care about the death penalty.

In the PCS, it's stated that the sister says she invited AW over. Whether AW was fishing for an invitation is an open question.

There was a pattern of trouble, he made statements on FB (whether honest or not) claiming to have some emotional issues, he was directed to treatment programs & counseling, and in his witness interview he talked about how his family has mistreated him. The combination of these things, along with SM activity that is not permitted to be discussed here, has had me thinking for awhile now that this might have been some sort of act of revenge for what he deems in his own corrupted head* to be some wrong that his family or someone in his family inflicted on him. And by some wrong - it may not have been a single particular event, but a pattern over time, or even just a difference in the circumstances of his life from those of others in his family. If this is the case, I would think it's one or more of three family members--again, in his own corrupted mind*--who he was targeting with this act of revenge--his mom, his sister, and his niece, with the latter being the least likely, but still conceivable (because, for example, in his twisted mind she stole away his sister's and mother's attention from him).

All just brainstorming/speculating out-loud. I don't necessarily think this is the most likely motivation, just a possibility given the limited information so far. Of course there is so much more that we don't know.

DISCLAIMER - I'm in no way intending to blame anyone in AW's family for what he apparently did. Just brainstorming/speculating about the twisted-ness that might have been going on in AW's head.
This is throwing me as well. Its all so completely careless, he clearly didn't give any thought to covering his tracks or concocting a defense. And they've found so so much evidence which was poorly hidden, so close to the home. So Im shocked they haven't found her.
They will find her.
It might take a long time since he covered so much ground... we’ve heard countless times of bodies turning up where they’ve already “searched”
Unfortunately, degradation will of course take its toll but at least there’s already more than enough evidence to put him away forever.
What I can't wrap my head around is how he could be so careless with all of the evidence but Elizabeth still hasn't been found. I mean, I get that if he were a master criminal he could be using misdirection, but he really doesn't seem to fit that profile. At all.
He is just lucky right now for lack of better words. Unless she is in that swollen fast moving river.....
Just finished reading the probable cause document, kind of wishing I hadn’t.

One of many things that stuck out to me was that the initial 911 call came in at 10:02 but LE didn’t arrive until 11:30? Seems like a very long time to me especially considering it’s a missing child, but I’m not an expert. Does this seem odd to anyone else?
Yes, it is odd IMO. Not faulting anyone but I would think a more appropriate response to a missing child is 15 minutes or less. JMO
MassGuy, I am very very behind here, but wanted to ask a quick question. Is there the possibility of dismemberment here in your opinion?

Nevermind I see there have been some developments today, I’ll just read!

I honestly don't think LE thinks so. I don't think they want the gen pop looking in trash cans to find body parts. Horrorshow. I hope I'm right about that. I feel like if they found even one part they would have said so by now.
What I can't wrap my head around is how he could be so careless with all of the evidence but Elizabeth still hasn't been found. I mean, I get that if he were a master criminal he could be using misdirection, but he really doesn't seem to fit that profile. At all.

I wonder about item # 29 in the PC doc, a man found a PBR can in his garbage can and moved it to recycling.
This leads me to believe the garbage was out for pick up. It sounds as if they are searching a landfill.
I am currently thinking she was in a neighboring can, that was picked up later that morning - but it would really depend on when the garbage is picked up, and when the recycling was, since LE was able to take possession of the discarded can right away.
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