UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #5

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Can you point me to the diary of pictures that she took? I saw the awful one sitting next to that thing. I must of missed something. I agree death is just too easy. TIA

Oops - I haven't seen but one picture. LE have referred to the others that have yet to be released. Sorry for misleading. moo
Oops - I haven't seen but one picture. LE have referred to the others that have yet to be released. Sorry for misleading. moo

That one picture alone screams a thousand words. When the jury has to look at the pictures after death I think that will be the end of both of them.What a sick tragic case for all involved.So very sad.
That one picture alone screams a thousand words. When the jury has to look at the pictures after death I think that will be the end of both of them.What a sick tragic case for all involved.So very sad.

That one picture and any others that were taken. Their description of what went on is disgusting. I see them both as cold blooded murderers of the worst kind.
That one picture and any others that were taken. Their description of what went on is disgusting. I see them both as cold blooded murderers of the worst kind.

The fact she took that picture for whatever her reason were. All she had to do was wait until he went to sleep and scoop him out of bed and go to the police.He would be alive if she had done anything but stand by and take pictures.
I have wondered but dismissed it several times....as it would be so stupid on her part, if she took the pics to torture Joe with some how..I know it is a stupid thought...still thinking it. It would be so icriminating....and yet they are aren't they???
I have wondered but dismissed it several times....as it would be so stupid on her part, if she took the pics to torture Joe with some how..I know it is a stupid thought...still thinking it. It would be so icriminating....and yet they are aren't they???

I do not understand the pics, she is unbelievable.I still do not understand the slushies. I mean WTH.
Police staff find ways to cope with Ethan Stacy case

Last Edit: May 17 2010 - 4:12pm

LAYTON -- One week ago, officers from Layton and Weber County dug up the body of 4-year-old Ethan Stacy.

Critical incident stress debriefing sessions will be held later this week to help officers, investigators, dispatchers and other police staff cope with what they saw and heard during the search and investigation, officials said.

Layton police Lt. Garret Atkin said the death of Ethan Stacy has been difficult on officers, dispatchers and the support staff at the department.


My heartfelt prayers go out to all of those in LE who have to deal with these horrific crimes. I could not even imagine how they cope. I nearly came to tears tonight because the pictures of Ethan remind me so much of my little nephew. God Bless all those in LE.
I do not understand the pics, she is unbelievable.I still do not understand the slushies. I mean WTH.

NO...me either. A couple of years ago in the middle of the night I was awakened by a phone call about my 23 year old nephew who had died about 3 hours earlier. I packed the most insane things....harldy anythng that was useful.....I drove 4 hours with nothing no coffee, no water, nothing. I was trying to get there...you know?

But she bought a slushie. a slushie......I was so nauseated that I knew that no matter what I would be sick...just drive..and she bought a slushie....:furious:
The only U.S. cases I know of where pictures and videos of brutalizing a child until death were taken were non-parents, and there was a sexual element to the cime. An example would be little Dylan Groene.

I've never heard of a case in the U.S. where a parent and spouse brutalized a child 1) until they died, 2) took pictures and videos of it, and 3) there was no sexual element.

I've searched, and I can't find any. Does anyone else know of any cases like this?

In addition to your comments. Nathan never had any business disciplining Ethan to begin with. He was no more to that child than a stranger. It was Stephanies job to discipline Ethan and the only business Nathan had was to reinforce what Stephanie requested by firmly stating to Ethan Listen to your mother.

Stephanie KNEW what provoked Nathan. Knew the look on his face or his demeanor when it happened and I have NO doubt she knew he was provoked when she allowed him to go into the room and CLOSE THE DOOR. Who the freak would allow someone to take their child into a room to discipline them and CLOSE THE DOOR? Right away him closing the door should have been a HUGE red flag. He closed the door because he wanted to HIDE his temper from Stephanie. :furious:

These two still steam me. The trial won't come soon enough. I know we have to be patient, but either the trial or guilty plea's from both won't come soon enough.

Does anyone think they will plead guilty if offered a plea to save their lives?

They'll try. I don't think Mr. Rawlings will accept the offer unless it's for life without parole. And I think he'd only accept that for SS. I don't think we'll see the State make the offer.

JMO, of course.
I do not understand the pics, she is unbelievable.I still do not understand the slushies. I mean WTH.

Can you imagine - slushies and lighter fluid, what a combo! Going to Best Buy to have your play station fixed and to buy videos? What defense could she possibly use? moo

MOO Not for one minute do I think she took those pics for protection. She enjoyed the sadistic documentation of the progress. Was Steph going to put those in an album?
Do we have the last date either of them worked, and what type of work it was?

The reason I'm asking this question and my last question is that pictures and videos (particularly videos) of a child being beaten and/or tortured in various ways are worth a significant sum of money to a certain element of pervert.

Taking pictures and videos like this is extremely rare - extremely rare. It's evidence, and people do not want evidence of crimes like this. There had to be a very important reason to take those pictures and videos, because they are so incriminating.

I can think of only two reasons so far. One would be money, and there have been statements by people who knew Stephanie that she money hungry.

The other reason, I don't even want to say, but it would be for sexual gratification. Per the wedding site, they were obsessed with each other, and I can see how one could interpret that obsession has having a strong sexual element to it. I really don't want to go there. I'm not ready to explore it.

I would like to explore the money angle, because it that might be the case, we might be able to develop some leads to send to LE and the prosecutor. They may be able to find evidence of an attempt to sell the pictures and videos, a sales transaction, a buyer, etc. If something like that was the reason for the pictures and videos, then whomever may have expressed an interest needs to be found so they can be stopped.
I am still wondering if we won't find out that maybe SS started the abuse and NS took it a step further and further and further until he died. I believe there were calls from her to JS complaining about Ethan's behavior...she was the one complaining. I don't know where I read it but I did see it somewhere yesterday.

ITA NS had no right to ever lay a hand on Ethan. Ever.
I could see them pleading guilty to avoid the needle.....they are cowards...proved by beating and killing a defenseless little boy.

You're right, of course.

Regarding her calls complaining to Joe about Ethan, I believe that is part of the ruse too. It helps to prove their state of mind and intent, mens rea as explained in my posts a page or two back, and IMO proves premeditation. Locking him up so they wouldn't be arrested for abuse, suddenly eloping, not taking him for medical treatment because they knew they'd be charged with abuse, not allowing Joe to speak to Ethan, telling Joe Ethan was being "bad", the "hysterical" calls to (at least one) friend and Joe when Ethan went "missing", the cell photos, drugging Ethan to keep him quiet, going to such extraordinary measures to ensure his body couldn't be ID'd, lying to police that he'd 'wandered off', etc., all prove they knew their actions were criminal and what the consequences would be if caught. I think it proves premeditation and intent to murder because they knew he was going to die from the abuse. I believe those calls and such were an attempt to have an 'excuse', to provide mitigating circumstances to use in their defense if they ever were arrested in connection with his disappearance. I think we're going to find out that Ethan died before Sunday and that they spent that day cleaning up the apartment to rid it of evidence of his murder. I think we'll find that her trip to Walmart and the pharmacy shows her buying cleaning supplies and items they used to transport and bury his body.

Can you imagine - slushies and lighter fluid, what a combo! Going to Best Buy to have your play station fixed and to buy videos? What defense could she possibly use? moo

MOO Not for one minute do I think she took those pics for protection. She enjoyed the sadistic documentation of the progress. Was Steph going to put those in an album?

I agree it means something...not that we will ever understand it. We can't crawl into her skin and see because we aren't like her...I do not know ONE person on the face of this earth that would take that picture and not go running to someone for help...not SS..she took more photos. WHY? I still think somehow she wanted JS to see them...torture...Which still doesn't reason with me....if she sent the pics he would have her picked up immediatley on child abuse charges...
I have wondered but dismissed it several times....as it would be so stupid on her part, if she took the pics to torture Joe with some how..I know it is a stupid thought...still thinking it. It would be so icriminating....and yet they are aren't they???

I don't think she took the photos to torture Joe. It wouldn't make sense because had Ethan survived and she showed Joe the pictures it would be enough to have her share of custody removed and very likely limited vistitation to being supervised or even having her parental rights terminated. I don't think she would provide Joe with proof she was horrible mother and the love of her life was a child abusing husband. (In addition to criminal charges)

I think she expected Ethan to survive and planned to use the pictures to black mail Nathan if she later found the need or reason to. Especially based on the comments those who know her shared....

Thank you RR I needed that! I have to remember that I am not well known on here and it is hard to HEAR sarcasm in written words. Just caught me a little off guard as I was crying so hard last night reading the threads on Ethan....poor little one! Made me feel like some people felt like I identified with SS and Ns...made me nauseous....still does.

Hun, I never thought for a moment you considered that discipline. You're right... you can't 'hear' what people are saying when they post. Please keep posting, your input is valuable and appreciated.
Honestly, I don't think I could stand to see any more pictues. And I sure hope Ethan's family never sees them.
Steph had the pictures on her cell phone - meaning she could send them to anyone - one at a time or all at once.

Steph and Nathan were in Vegas - right? She and Ethan flew from Florida to Utah. Joe planned on living in VA with Ethan.

IMO rather than sell the pics to some pervert, she would use them for extortion of some kind. That is more like her. moo
Honestly, I don't think I could stand to see any more pictues. And I sure hope Ethan's family never sees them.

There are pics on the FB groups with the momster with Ethan. I would think those would be difficult. I also noticed they left her out of the obit, she didn't deserve to be in it, I am glad they did.
I agree it means something...not that we will ever understand it. We can't crawl into her skin and see because we aren't like her...I do not know ONE person on the face of this earth that would take that picture and not go running to someone for help...not SS..she took more photos. WHY? I still think somehow she wanted JS to see them...torture...Which still doesn't reason with me....if she sent the pics he would have her picked up immediatley on child abuse charges...

If there is someone in Nate's family with money, I can see her using the pics for extortion. One at a time. moo
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