UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #5

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I'd make placing them immediately into the GP as part of the deal. And I wouldn't give them 6 months.

They should be threatened that they will get thrown into gp for months, then just do it. Even that would be too good for them. :furious:

A screenshot of the facebook page.

My two favorite boys playing video games together

:furious: :furious: :furious:

This photo is much clearer than those posted by the news earlier on this and the last thread.

IMO, his jaw is broken and his lips are swollen to the point he can't close his mouth. There is an obvious bruising and swelling of his left ear and temporal area and left side of his forehead. You can see where the swelling on his forehead and left eye has elevated his left brow. In addition to the bruising on and surrounding his left eye, it's apparent his right eye and cheek were battered too. Again I note the bruising of his throat (that *advertiser censored* grabbed that baby on his throat as he beat him and what MAY be bruising on the back of the left side his neck (that may be a shadow, hard to tell although it extends a bit too far anteriorly for it to be a shadow; IMO it's more bruising). Something I notice here that didn't show up in the prior post of this picture is what appears to be a ligature mark around the base of Ethan's throat. It's very thin and my guess he he was grabbed and pulled or lifted up by the back of his shirt and held (possible head down) causing the collar of his shirt cut into his neck.

I'm just not able to see this much detail, but it may be my personal display settings.

In any case, it just occurred to me this photo would display much larger and with much more clarity on the actual FB website, so SS's friends would be able to see more detail than any of us here have.

If this is true, I have to ask: How could SS's FB friends NOT notice the injury??? What I wouldn't give to see if anyone left comments under that photo! (At the time the photo was posted.)

She HAD to have an excuse ready if anyone mentioned it. She HAD to. She was functioning under the assumption everyone else would see what she wanted them to see: her "two favorite boys." And if anyone mentioned Ethan's injury, she might tell them it's a peanut allergy, which would gain her even more sympathy and attention.

I'm pretty convinced Ethan was "important" to her as long as he served some kind of purpose to inflate, increase, or enhance SS in some way. Whether that was by "showing off," or getting back at JS, or bringing her a portion of JS's settlement, or whatever else. Ethan was a pawn to her, brought there to serve her purposes, NOT to require anything from her or to be taken care of by her. Beyond her purposes, he was simply in the way.

Maybe she thought it was "good" NS was taking a disciplinary role with Ethan -- that would begin to fulfill her image of a happy new family.

A screenshot of the facebook page.

My two favorite boys playing video games together

:furious: :furious: :furious:

This photo is much clearer than those posted by the news earlier on this and the last thread.

IMO, his jaw is broken and his lips are swollen to the point he can't close his mouth. There is an obvious bruising and swelling of his left ear and temporal area and left side of his forehead. You can see where the swelling on his forehead and left eye has elevated his left brow. In addition to the bruising on and surrounding his left eye, it's apparent his right eye and cheek were battered too. Again I note the bruising of his throat (that *advertiser censored* grabbed that baby on his throat as he beat him and what MAY be bruising on the back of the left side his neck (that may be a shadow, hard to tell although it extends a bit too far anteriorly for it to be a shadow; IMO it's more bruising). Something I notice here that didn't show up in the prior post of this picture is what appears to be a ligature mark around the base of Ethan's throat. It's very thin and my guess he he was grabbed and pulled or lifted up by the back of his shirt and held (possible head down) causing the collar of his shirt cut into his neck.

I made the pic larger and zoomed in. He has already been beat about his head very bad in this photo. Looks like he can't close his mouth because of the injuries. OMG how could she allow this to happen? He needed medical attention in this photo. And she takes the pics and uploads it to FB. This is horrific.

A screenshot of the facebook page.

My two favorite boys playing video games together

:furious: :furious: :furious:

This photo is much clearer than those posted by the news earlier on this and the last thread.

IMO, his jaw is broken and his lips are swollen to the point he can't close his mouth. There is an obvious bruising and swelling of his left ear and temporal area and left side of his forehead. You can see where the swelling on his forehead and left eye has elevated his left brow. In addition to the bruising on and surrounding his left eye, it's apparent his right eye and cheek were battered too. Again I note the bruising of his throat (that *advertiser censored* grabbed that baby on his throat as he beat him and what MAY be bruising on the back of the left side his neck (that may be a shadow, hard to tell although it extends a bit too far anteriorly for it to be a shadow; IMO it's more bruising). Something I notice here that didn't show up in the prior post of this picture is what appears to be a ligature mark around the base of Ethan's throat. It's very thin and my guess he he was grabbed and pulled or lifted up by the back of his shirt and held (possible head down) causing the collar of his shirt cut into his neck.

OMG. I am sick and speechless. And crying again. How? Why? This just doesn't make sense. And as horrific as everything is, this is just the tip of the iceberg. :sick:
The FBI has now entered the investigation into the death of Ethan Stacy, partly because of its expertise in examining electronic evidence, which could provide valuable clues in the timeline of violence that led to the boy's death.

The Layton Police Department says it is aware of a Facebook photo that has created a lot of buzz in the case. The lieutenant KSL News spoke to would not go into details, but he said it's definitely part of the investigation.
It's a picture of 4-year-old Ethan playing video games like any other child. Except, in this photo his face is swollen and bruised, and he's sitting with the man accused of killing him: his stepfather, Nathan Sloop.
"A picture says a thousand words. And if we can have a picture of something that someone did, a crime that someone committed, then it becomes a lot easier for us to understand the elements of that crime," says Dr. Brent Horn, assistant professor of criminal justice at Weber State University.


From the above link, did you see what she had written with the photo she posted? "My two favorite boys playing video games together". :sick:

Yes. :furious:

I posted above what I believe to be his obvious injuries just from looking at the photo. Oh, and I think gngr~snap was dead on. I think his nose could well be broken too. Of course that doesn't show internal injuries. IMO, from that photo it can be concluded he had multiple areas of brain injury, coup-contrecoup on all sides (where the brain is injured at the point of impact, and then on the opposite side where it strikes the skull). Because of his facial injuries, and symptoms he'd suffer from brain injuries, I'm even more convinced they were lying when they stated he "wouldn't" eat. That child couldn't eat. And he certainly couldn't have swallowed that amount of fluids they forced upon him in such a short period of time. IMO, that "rehydration" attempt was actually done to further torture that baby. Someone mentioned 'waterboarding'. I think that's precisely what it was. Given the swelling and bruising of his neck, and the apparent ligature injury, I would bet that anything he did manage to swallow was aspirated; I think he likely aspirated his vomit as well.

The news dated this photo as "may 5th". That had to have been the date she uploaded the photo to her facebook. So it's hard to say when it was taken. But at least from that date forward, I think Ethan took little if anything in by mouth. He not only spent the last days of his life being brutalized and tortured, but thirsty and starving.
I am often amazed at the stuff people put on Facebook. They air out their whole lives, drama and all, in public. It often makes me retch to see what some people put up in their photos.

In this case, though, I'm so glad that the Mother from Hell decided to document her son's abuse without any thought of how WRONG it was. Now LE has plenty of evidence.

My question, and I'm sure it's been asked, is WHY ON EARTH didn't someone do something? That's not just a little bruise that can be explained by falling down, or peanut allergy, or whatever. It is obvious that that child's jaw is broken. And has been broken for awhile. The bruising. Obviously displaced. What kind of FB friends does she have that would not be SHOCKED by that?!
I personally am not certain if the dark area beneath Ethan's chin is dark bruising. It could be a cast shadow. If you compare that dark area to the dark area under NS's chin, the tone is the same, and that darkness would cast on that area on Ethan's face because his cheek and that left side of his face is swollen, creating a broader shadow.

I encounter this kind of shadow and contour when I do portraits from photographs, so this is what I'm interpreting.

However, when I increase the size of the image, I definitely see discoloration along the uppermost left side of Ethan's face, along his cheekbones, temple, and forehead. It certainly appears to have a red/purple tone. In contrast with NS's very pale skin, it's even more pronounced, but it doesn't look like a natural pink tone. It looks bruised or raw.
OMG. I am sick and speechless. And crying again. How? Why? This just doesn't make sense. And as horrific as everything is, this is just the tip of the iceberg. :sick:

What infuriates me beyond measure is that photo was taken early on... police have stated subsequent photos got progressively worse.

I totally agree with you. We've not heard the worst of it yet.
They should be threatened that they will get thrown into gp for months, then just do it. Even that would be too good for them. :furious:

I so agree. Hell, don't threaten them... just throw them to the lions.
I'm just not able to see this much detail, but it may be my personal display settings.

In any case, it just occurred to me this photo would display much larger and with much more clarity on the actual FB website, so SS's friends would be able to see more detail than any of us here have.

If this is true, I have to ask: How could SS's FB friends NOT notice the injury??? What I wouldn't give to see if anyone left comments under that photo! (At the time the photo was posted.)

She HAD to have an excuse ready if anyone mentioned it. She HAD to. She was functioning under the assumption everyone else would see what she wanted them to see: her "two favorite boys." And if anyone mentioned Ethan's injury, she might tell them it's a peanut allergy, which would gain her even more sympathy and attention.

I'm pretty convinced Ethan was "important" to her as long as he served some kind of purpose to inflate, increase, or enhance SS in some way. Whether that was by "showing off," or getting back at JS, or bringing her a portion of JS's settlement, or whatever else. Ethan was a pawn to her, brought there to serve her purposes, NOT to require anything from her or to be taken care of by her. Beyond her purposes, he was simply in the way.

Maybe she thought it was "good" NS was taking a disciplinary role with Ethan -- that would begin to fulfill her image of a happy new family.

If you save the image to your desktop it will open in windows picture and fax viewer when you click on it. You can then zoom in on his face. Warning, It is very disturbing.
I agree. That child could not eat. It probably caused him excruciating pain to even swallow. Yes, it looks like the whole left side of his face and head have been battered. I hope his little eardrum was left intact.

I CANNOT understand how both SS and NS could be so delusional to take the photo and pose for the photo. Were they so self-absorbed and narcissistic they truly, truly thought everyone would see what they wanted them to see? That's crazier than a soup sandwich!!!
I personally am not certain if the dark area beneath Ethan's chin is dark bruising. It could be a cast shadow. If you compare that dark area to the dark area under NS's chin, the tone is the same, and that darkness would cast on that area on Ethan's face because his cheek and that left side of his face is swollen, creating a broader shadow.

I encounter this kind of shadow and contour when I do portraits from photographs, so this is what I'm interpreting.

However, when I increase the size of the image, I definitely see discoloration along the uppermost left side of Ethan's face, along his cheekbones, temple, and forehead. It certainly appears to have a red/purple tone. In contrast with NS's very pale skin, it's even more pronounced, but it doesn't look like a natural pink tone. It looks bruised or raw.
If you note his left brow is elevated, which tells me there was swelling of the upper lid and forehead as well.

You may be right about his neck, but I respectfully disagree. Please don't take offense to that. Even if not caused by grabbing his neck, it could well be where the hematoma resulting from the blow extended down his jaw and into the tissues of his neck. You'll see blood pool by gravity in this manner with severe bruising (in my field, I see it happen with people who aren't able to clot normally). The head in general is very vascular and with vessels close to the surface. I think that mark on his neck is bruising, but I do see your point.

A screenshot of the facebook page.

My two favorite boys playing video games together

:furious: :furious: :furious:

This photo is much clearer than those posted by the news earlier on this and the last thread.

IMO, his jaw is broken and his lips are swollen to the point he can't close his mouth. There is an obvious bruising and swelling of his left ear and temporal area and left side of his forehead. You can see where the swelling on his forehead and left eye has elevated his left brow. In addition to the bruising on and surrounding his left eye, it's apparent his right eye and cheek were battered too. Again I note the bruising of his throat (that *advertiser censored* grabbed that baby on his throat as he beat him and what MAY be bruising on the back of the left side his neck (that may be a shadow, hard to tell although it extends a bit too far anteriorly for it to be a shadow; IMO it's more bruising). Something I notice here that didn't show up in the prior post of this picture is what appears to be a ligature mark around the base of Ethan's throat. It's very thin and my guess he he was grabbed and pulled or lifted up by the back of his shirt and held (possible head down) causing the collar of his shirt cut into his neck.

A few things about the photo that bother me….besides the ones you listed..
Nathan isn’t looking at the tv.. he seems to be looking down towards Ethan’s
hands and it also looks like Ethan is holding his right hand like it is also hurt
and his thumb poking up looks red….
Same photo, with zoom and bright/contrast adjusted to compensate for shadows.

It's not a shadow; it's an injury. He can't even close his mouth... his jaw is hanging open and his lips cant touch.


  • ethan mouth jaw.JPG
    ethan mouth jaw.JPG
    40.2 KB · Views: 127
If you note his left brow is elevated, which tells me there was swelling of the upper lid and forehead as well.

You may be right about his neck, but I respectfully disagree. Please don't take offense to that. Even if not caused by grabbing his neck, it could well be where the hematoma resulting from the blow extended down his jaw and into the tissues of his neck. You'll see blood pool by gravity in this manner with severe bruising (in my field, I see it happen with people who aren't able to clot normally). The head in general is very vascular and with vessels close to the surface. I think that mark on his neck is bruising, but I do see your point.

Absolutely no offense taken at all. We're all looking at the same photograph but viewing it from our individual experiences. I think that can only help the cause. That's why WS is a "think tank" and not a place where we all see the same thing. That wouldn't help much, ya know? :)
A few things about the photo that bother me….besides the ones you listed..
Nathan isn’t looking at the tv.. he seems to be looking down towards Ethan’s
hands and it also looks like Ethan is holding his right hand like it is also hurt
and his thumb poking up looks red….

The game could be a handheld game. The two of them could be looking down at the screen.

And I'm afraid I can't really comment on the hand...my display just isn't clear enough for me to make out any detail there.
Egads, I'm exhausted, folks. Signing off here.

Thanks so much to all of you for sharing your thoughts and information. We may not have all the resources that LE has, but what's most important to me is feeling like I'm doing something in the spirit of justice for Ethan. Even if it's just speculation. We're keeping him continually in our thoughts, and to me, that means so much.

Good night, all...
Another enlargement, no bright/cont adjustment.


  • ethnat.JPG
    139 KB · Views: 117
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