UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #5

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Another enlargement, no bright/cont adjustment.

This is going to be hard to write, so please bear with me.
IMO, this picture was taken as NS was mad. I have seen that look on my stepfathers face many times, usually followed by a belt, spoon, backhand, yelling, cursing etc. NS is po'd and is glaring at that poor helpless baby, probably just for breathing.

I have to stop, this just makes me too sick.
I need to get off here… I’m about to go BALISTIC!
I thought the fuzzy little picture we saw a few days ago was bad…. this new
one is so clear I am literally SICK and thinking of ways to harm these two…
I have so much hate in my heart right now… God help me before I lose my
I need to get off here… I’m about to go BALISTIC!
I thought the fuzzy little picture we saw a few days ago was bad…. this new
one is so clear I am literally SICK and thinking of ways to harm these two…
I have so much hate in my heart right now… God help me before I lose my

The picture is hard to look at. Hope you can picture a pleasant scene when closing your eyes. :hug:
I agree. That child could not eat. It probably caused him excruciating pain to even swallow. Yes, it looks like the whole left side of his face and head have been battered. I hope his little eardrum was left intact.

I CANNOT understand how both SS and NS could be so delusional to take the photo and pose for the photo. Were they so self-absorbed and narcissistic they truly, truly thought everyone would see what they wanted them to see? That's crazier than a soup sandwich!!!

If you notice his mouth isn't being held as someone would normally do if their lips were parted. It's more like an "O" with the lower jaw jutting forward. I've seen the same in people with facial injuries, surgeries, and tumors. In his pictures you can see Ethan has a slight bit of an overbite, just slightly, and a small defined chin. To me that's more proof his jaw was broken.
Same photo, with zoom and bright/contrast adjusted to compensate for shadows.

It's not a shadow; it's an injury. He can't even close his mouth... his jaw is hanging open and his lips cant touch.


That shows even more clearly that ginger is probably right that his nose was broken too. Also, although it could just be relative to the swelling of his lower lip and jaw, his upper lip has that "caved in" appearance you see in people with missing teeth.
I made the pic larger and zoomed in. He has already been beat about his head very bad in this photo. Looks like he can't close his mouth because of the injuries. OMG how could she allow this to happen? He needed medical attention in this photo. And she takes the pics and uploads it to FB. This is horrific.

Like I said before, it's going to get worse. We don't yet know a fraction of what that dear child endured. Even so, I can't wrap my mind around what we DO know.
The FBI has now entered the investigation into the death of Ethan Stacy, partly because of its expertise in examining electronic evidence, which could provide valuable clues in the timeline of violence that led to the boy's death.

The Layton Police Department says it is aware of a Facebook photo that has created a lot of buzz in the case. The lieutenant KSL News spoke to would not go into details, but he said it's definitely part of the investigation.
It's a picture of 4-year-old Ethan playing video games like any other child. Except, in this photo his face is swollen and bruised, and he's sitting with the man accused of killing him: his stepfather, Nathan Sloop.
"A picture says a thousand words. And if we can have a picture of something that someone did, a crime that someone committed, then it becomes a lot easier for us to understand the elements of that crime," says Dr. Brent Horn, assistant professor of criminal justice at Weber State University.


Thanks for posting the photo. For a larger clearer image you can click on the photo in the story ( http://www.ksl.com/emedia/slc/2043/204317/20431755.jpg ).

I respectfully disagree with Dr. Horn. While the photos show just a small measure of the brutality little Ethan endured, it sure as hell does NOT make it easier to understand. If anything, just the opposite.
If you save the image to your desktop it will open in windows picture and fax viewer when you click on it. You can then zoom in on his face. Warning,It is very disturbing.

No thanks. No offense, this isn't against you and I do appreciate you explaining how to do this (I'm very computer illiterate) but I just can't. I had a public breakdown on the last thread when I first saw the smaller, fuzzy photo without the detail this one shows. While I still cry looking at this one now, I find myself with a cold hard anger and hatred I can honestly say I've never felt in my life, ever. I'm shaking again with sorrow at seeing this, but more in sheer fury than anything else right now.
A few things about the photo that bother me….besides the ones you listed..
Nathan isn’t looking at the tv.. he seems to be looking down towards Ethan’s
hands and it also looks like Ethan is holding his right hand like it is also hurt
and his thumb poking up looks red….

I noticed is hand too, and was trying to determine if it was injured. Something just isn't *right* about it or the way it's being held. Either his hand was injured, or maybe even more likely, his arm, broken or severe injured. Notice how his right shoulder is elevated? I don't think that's just from 's arm being under and around him. I think that looks more like guarding; he's pulling it inward as if it's hurt.
I need to get off here… I’m about to go BALISTIC!
I thought the fuzzy little picture we saw a few days ago was bad…. this new
one is so clear I am literally SICK and thinking of ways to harm these two…
I have so much hate in my heart right now… God help me before I lose my

I know hun. I wish were were all here in person, I think more than a few of us could use some hugs right now.

What comforts me is my absolute faith that Mr. Rawlings & Co. are not going to allow them to get away with what they did to little Ethan. The article posted by BeanE (i think) reported seven agencies are involved in this case, including the FBI. These bastards are going down. Hard.
Thanks for posting the photo. For a larger clearer image you can click on the photo in the story ( http://www.ksl.com/emedia/slc/2043/204317/20431755.jpg ).

I respectfully disagree with Dr. Horn. While the photos show just a small measure of the brutality little Ethan endured, it sure as hell does NOT make it easier to understand. If anything, just the opposite.

That's the one I posted, hon. :)

I agree with what you said about Dr. Horn.

I hope we never see the "worse" photos and they are never made public. It's one thing for a jury to see them but I'd like to remember Ethan as the beautiful little boy he was in life.
That's the one I posted, hon. :)

I agree with what you said about Dr. Horn.

I hope we never see the "worse" photos and they are never made public. It's one thing for a jury to see them but I'd like to remember Ethan as the beautiful little boy he was in life.

I know. Sorry I wasn't clear. If you right click the photo in the story and open as a link, you can then click it again to zoom in and make it even larger than the one you posted. Did that make sense?
I'm sure this has already been addressed, but... you know what I just noticed regarding the pic of NS on the couch, with Ethan propped up against him- the one where Ethan's jaw and mouth are obviously bashed in?
It's that there is a little caption under the photo that says, "My two favorite boys playing video games together". I wonder what the captions on the other 16 pictures must read.

It almost makes me think she took the picture to try and 'prove' that everything was 'normal'.
My God, just think what the other side of Ethan's face may have looked like.

I'm sure his legs were wrapped in a blanket because even Stephanie and Nathan realized they were too bruised from being kicked/ stomped/ scalded to dare show. Nathan doesn't even have his shirt on, yet Ethan is bundled up in a blanket like it's very chilly in the room.

It shows that this (the couch pic) is pic #1 out of 17 total. Even without ever seeing the other pictures, I am so interested in the time-line of when each one was posted.

Did she post a collection of all 17 pics at the same time? Or, did she post them one at a time, immediately after taking each one?

I don't really know what it matters, but I am so confused at what her motivation was for posting those pictures- and I want to know what time and date each one was taken.

~ I also want to see a floor plan of their apartment.
I'm sure this has already been addressed, but... you know what I just noticed regarding the pic of NS on the couch, with Ethan propped up against him- the one where Ethan's jaw and mouth are obviously bashed in?
It's that there is a little caption under the photo that says, "My two favorite boys playing video games together". I wonder what the captions on the other 16 pictures must read.

It almost makes me think she took the picture to try and 'prove' that everything was 'normal'.
My God, just think what the other side of Ethan's face may have looked like.

I'm sure his legs were wrapped in a blanket because even Stephanie and Nathan realized they were too bruised from being kicked/ stomped/ scalded to dare show. Nathan doesn't even have his shirt on, yet Ethan is bundled up in a blanket like it's very chilly in the room.

It shows that this (the couch pic) is pic #1 out of 17 total. Even without ever seeing the other pictures, I am so interested in the time-line of when each one was posted.

Did she post a collection of all 17 pics at the same time? Or, did she post them one at a time, immediately after taking each one?

I don't really know what it matters, but I am so confused at what her motivation was for posting those pictures- and I want to know what time and date each one was taken.

~ I also want to see a floor plan of their apartment.


There are only 3, but I seriously doubt it was the one with the loft.

Those floor plans don't make sense tho'. That can't be the only layouts there are, because the photos of his vigil show a window to the left of the front door.
About the slushies.....

I spoke with a police officer friend about this case earlier today. I was ranting about the entire case, but especially the 'little' details that I just can't get out of my head.
When I shared my horror and amazement that SS would actually stop to buy 'slushies', along with lighter fluid, he IMMEDIATELY said, "Oh, sure. They were crashing from Crystal Meth". He went on to explain that high-sugar drinks/ soda's are a main craving for 'tweakers' withdrawing from that particular drug.

So, I of course looked it all up online, and if you simply type " meth withdrawal sugar craving " into the browser at www.google.com , you'll find all kinds of articles.

One I found, helped me to visualize what may have happened to Ethan, while in the 'care' of these two monsters....
So, for what it is worth, I think that Ethan died days (at least two), before he was reported 'missing'.

I think once Ethan was dead, they realized they needed to 'get rid of' his battered body, and all other evidence of abuse- and also get rid of their supply of Crystal Meth.

I'm sure they panicked, and went into CYA mode right away. They knew they had to dispose of Ethan's body, to make it look like an abduction. They also knew they needed to get rid of any drugs and drug paraphernalia.

They also knew that it would take 2-3 days to flush the drug from their bodies (although that probably wasn't even necessary, as even people freshly busted for drug possession are seldom tested for drugs at time of arrest, unless there is a car accident involved, according to my cop friend).

And, they probably took a day to sleep- hard, heavy, sleep.

I believe they were still 'high' when they destroyed Ethan's face with a hammer, and buried his helpless, battered body.

It is just speculation, but I absolutely believe Nathan was smoking, or injecting, meth during the week that Ethan was tortured and murdered.

And, they craved slushies, because they were finally coming down from their 'high'.
So, for what it is worth, I think that Ethan died days (at least two), before he was reported 'missing'.

I think once Ethan was dead, they realized they needed to 'get rid of' his battered body, and all other evidence of abuse- and also get rid of their supply of Crystal Meth.

I'm sure they panicked, and went into CYA mode right away. They knew they had to dispose of Ethan's body, to make it look like an abduction. They also knew they needed to get rid of any drugs and drug paraphernalia.

They also knew that it would take 2-3 days to flush the drug from their bodies (although that probably wasn't even necessary, as even people freshly busted for drug possession are seldom tested for drugs at time of arrest, unless there is a car accident involved, according to my cop friend).

And, they probably took a day to sleep- hard, heavy, sleep.

I believe they were still 'high' when they destroyed Ethan's face with a hammer, and buried his helpless, battered body.

It is just speculation, but I absolutely believe Nathan was smoking, or injecting, meth during the week that Ethan was tortured and murdered.

And, they craved slushies, because they were finally coming down from their 'high'.

Excellent points smart blond. Only question I have with his dying two days or more before reported is the decomp odor - wouldn't LE have smelled that when called to the apt. Not sure how strong it would be at 2 days, but 3 pretty sure they would have to burn the place down to get rid of the odor..what do you think?

I would be absolutely shocked if crystal meth wasn't involved - for both Nate and Stephanie. Their thinking is twisted much like a thought disorder. You're right, the slushies fit right in with that theory. The whole twisted mess smacks of crystal meth/illicit.

If crystal meth was involved, important that LE tell the world how sick life gets as a result of using. The thinking is so disturbed, at one time I thought they were both psychotic - and crystal meth would mimic that. moo
IMO, LE would have drug tested them, considering what they were charged with.

Warning, it's a graphic description.

I think the odor of blood, vomit, urine and feces would have been stronger than anything else. I don't believe the smell of decomposition would have been significant that first day or so, and I do believe they disposed of his body and then spent the rest of the time cleaning to remove any evidence.
Excellent points smart blond. Only question I have with his dying two days or more before reported is the decomp odor - wouldn't LE have smelled that when called to the apt. Not sure how strong it would be at 2 days, but 3 pretty sure they would have to burn the place down to get rid of the odor..what do you think?

I would be absolutely shocked if crystal meth wasn't involved - for both Nate and Stephanie. Their thinking is twisted much like a thought disorder. You're right, the slushies fit right in with that theory. The whole twisted mess smacks of crystal meth/illicit.

If crystal meth was involved, important that LE tell the world how sick life gets as a result of using. The thinking is so disturbed, at one time I thought they were both psychotic - and crystal meth would mimic that. moo

I think that:

~ Ethan died, then...

~ they buried him, (still high from their binge, but coming down fast), then..

~ they spent time cleaning apartment of all evidence, then...

~ they took another day to sleep through some serious meth withdrawal, then...

~ approximately 2 days after Ethan was buried, they finally called authorities to report him 'missing'.
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