Found Deceased UT - Michael Cavallari, 30, Grand County, 27 Nov 2015

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Oh gosh. :( Poor child. I knew the Grand County sheriff deputies, BLM rangers, NPS rangers, Moab police, volunteer search and rescue, and commercial tour guides could find him. Did he succumb to the elements or was it deliberate?

I hope we learn more of Michael, not for voyeuristic interest, but to open a discussion as to HOW to get help for a young adult battling demons and paranoia due to mental illness. Kristen should embrace this opportunity and get the discussion going. For a long time, I've seen her photo pop up on Raw Story - "500 days of Kristen" - never knew who she was or why she was on a political site, as her posts seemed so....well.....shallow and vapid. I hope she can get a mature discussion going. Michael deserves that.
Hugs to all of you that have lost a sibling or a child. No greater truth than we are NEVER the same.
My heart goes out to all of you who experience this pain. Terrible.

Rest in peace, Michael.
RIP Michael and peace to his loved ones.

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Such sad news, unfortunately not unexpected :(

Thank you cattlekate for all your on the spot details.

RIP Michael
I know I am being petty, but wish they would stop announcing his death in the headlines as K. Cavallari's brother. Let him get out of her shadow and give him HIS name in death....RIP Michael....very sad.
My .02 is that after the car hit that ditch... he wandered out in a confused state ; and sadly succumbed to the elements. :(
Guessing tox tests will tell if he had been drinking or whatever ?
Sad when a young person dies and misses out on all that life still has to offer , plus I think he could have overcome his demons and found happiness in life. None of us know what makes a person do what they do.

My utmost condolences to the Cavallari family. This is a terrible day for them; but at least they'll have some answers !
Rest in gentle peace, Michael.
I think a lot of us were afraid that this was coming. So sad. RIP young man. :candle:
I hate to be a hater. But from a domestic violence point of view. I'm just happy that it didn't end in a murder suicide.

Jmo. I would say more. But there is no need since the man has passed.

But for his sister and family and loved ones that knew him before his mental breakdown ever started to occur. Big group hugs here and sorry for the lost of the love one that you truly cared for.

We are not perfect. And we do deserve sympathy when a good person becomes mental for whatever reason.

And from personal experience. I know how it is to watch your brother go from top notch to wth has happened to you. Jmo
I think the one theory stated in this article, that he crashed, got out and started walking, and hypothermia set in, was probably most accurate. He was probably dazed from the crash and lack of sleep, on top of eventual hypothermia

They mention the body was found in a steep rocky area, so he could have fallen and injured himself and become immobile and trapped. Either way, it's very sad. Here's hoping the cold took him quickly and spared him further suffering.
I know I am being petty, but wish they would stop announcing his death in the headlines as K. Cavallari's brother. Let him get out of her shadow and give him HIS name in death....RIP Michael....very sad.

I believe there is a big difference between suicide and just no longer caring about what happens to you in life. Many times victims when faced with circumstances believe "what difference does it make". To me in this case it has proven to be true. Took many days (weeks) to bring in drones and search (outside LE) to find him. In my mind it shouldn't have been an issue of money.

I also believe that living in a "reality star's" shadow cannot be healthy. IMO it takes away from the shadow's self worth in "reality". The reality show's star can be picked up by an NFL star and live happily there after, but others are left in the wake as just related to them.

Rest in peace, Michael. Blessings to his loved ones.
I believe there is a big difference between suicide and just no longer caring about what happens to you in life. Many times victims when faced with circumstances believe "what difference does it make". To me in this case it has proven to be true. Took many days (weeks) to bring in drones and search (outside LE) to find him. In my mind it shouldn't have been an issue of money.

I also believe that living in a "reality star's" shadow cannot be healthy. IMO it takes away from one's self worth in "reality". The reality show's star can be picked up by an NFL star and live happily there after, but others are left in the wake as just related to them.


It's MOO that "reality" is overrated, just like those "shows". They're really non-reality shows when you get down to it. They bore me to tears. Just give me a good book and I'm set..
I do not know where Michael was found, but the craggy rock area was behind where Michael crashed. The rocks get more clustered going BACK the way he was turning around from. Straight ahead of his Honda was the open desert and the natural gas collection station. If he was found in the rocks behind him, then he may have been hiding from an imaginary demon.

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