Found Deceased UT - Michael Cavallari, 30, Grand County, 27 Nov 2015

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Why would her family want to try and keep this a secret???
Why would her family want to try and keep this a secret???

Right. How is this hurting his sister's image? I think the publicity is helping her. I had never heard of her until her brother went missing.
No other tire tracks... so I doubt another person just ran it into the embankment and took off. This is bizarre. Is that a newspaper in his hand?

I can't tell. It almost looks like he has his fingers through a handle. He has his knuckles under which seems like a strange way to be holding something.
The gas station photo is dark - like it's before 8 am. He sure looks alone so maybe a staged disappearance, with someone driving a getaway car, is less likely. I wonder where he spent the night?

It was daylight, and yet the Honda looks like it went deliberately off the ranch road, over the grasses and dirt, and into an embankment. The photo presents a totally different image from hitting a rock, as the news reports are stating.

This is starting to look ominous, as that exit and lonely road are not something a visitor from SoCal, in a Honda Civic, would take, imho.
Could he have passed out from substance or exhaustion and drove off the road, stopping when it hit the rock? I hope they did s grid search and he isn't lying in the grass 500 ft from the car. This is bizarre. Alien abduction?

Yeah, but why in the world was he on a bumpy, desolate road which is generally used by locals and desert rats?

Alien abduction is the only thing which makes sense.
Yeah, but why in the world was he on a bumpy, desolate road which is generally used by locals and desert rats?

Alien abduction is the only thing which makes sense.

Is there a map of where the car was found?
Michael’s car, a 2014 Honda Civic, was found abandoned on the side of the road near Green River, UT off highway 70; 100 feet from the Floy Wash Road, five miles from exit 175 on the freeway between Green River and Crescent Junction

Can't even find Floy Wash Road on the map yet.

Found this.

To reach White Wash Sand Dunes, drive 13 miles east of Green River on Interstate 70. Take
Ranch Exit 173 to the south. This county road is known locally as the Floy Wash Road. (This exit is seven miles west of U.S. Highway 191.)
Is there a map of where the car was found?

ClairNC made one and the link is a couple pages back. I assume she estimated the car's location by mapping five miles south, down Ruby Ranch Road, starting at Exit 175. Exit 175 is labeled "Floy," and the drainage bisecting the interstate at that point is Floy Wash, but the road going south, just to the east of the drainage, is Ruby Ranch Road.
Interesting that the media has to state who his sister and brother-in-law are.
How about just HIS name and what he does for a living, and anything else that might be a practical clue ?
And why is there an article in a Chicago news site ? Utah is a looong way away from IL.
I'd suppose because of J.C.'s occupation.

It's pretty common when someone goes missing while traveling for the news in the destination city to broadcast photos. He was beliebed to be traveling to Chicago. Hopefully the famous last name will help the police to get tips.

Jay Cutler is one of the most hated players in Chicago sports. He and his wife are frequently bashed in the media and ridiculed. So, I am sure their silence on the search for Michael is to diffuse hurtful speculation from the NFL's peanut gallery. Kristin just had her 3rd child and I'm sure she is overwhelmed and emotional. I hope that Michael did get help and will make contact with his family soon.
To me, it looks like the car was set into motion without a driver in it, and it continued in a straight line until it hit the embankment. I think whatever happened to him happened before the accident. Moo

I agree. He wasn't in the car when it hit the embankment. Either somebody did something to him or he staged his own disappearance.
I can't tell. It almost looks like he has his fingers through a handle. He has his knuckles under which seems like a strange way to be holding something.

Right, his fingers are through a handle. It might be one of those insulated bags.
ClairNC made one and the link is a couple pages back. I assume she estimated the car's location by mapping five miles south, down Ruby Ranch Road, starting at Exit 175. Exit 175 is labeled "Floy," and the drainage bisecting the interstate at that point is Floy Wash, but the road going south, just to the east of the drainage, is Ruby Ranch Road.

Yes, After determining that Floy Wash Rd is Ruby Ranch Road, I estimated 5 miles down Ruby Ranch Road. Here is the link to the My Maps version:

Here is the approximate location in basic Google Maps:,507m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0
As far as a timeline, we know the car was reported on November 27th, however do we know when he left home or if he was expected to arrive somewhere and never showed?
Wow, I'm not into football but his brother in law seems like a you know what. I don't care what the family knows, silence and seemingly uncaring is not good PR. If this poor guy is dead (I hope not) there's going to be some hating done on the football star for his insensitivity.

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I'm not sure it's possible for football fans to like Jay Cutler any less than they already do, but I find the family response to be "odd" if nothing else.
Does anyone know if there's a rest area near 70 by Monticello? I can't imagine he decided to go sightseeing way off the beaten track with a storm approaching. I wonder if he made a pit stop and was accosted by an Israel Keyes type of person. I'm also curious as to how the vehicle was checked out so quickly. If I saw it out there, I would have probably just figured it was someone checking a fence or arrowhead hunting, unless I could see the airbag. Had the car just been left on the side of the road, it could have been days, if not longer, before coming to LE's attention. I'm really curious if someone called it in, or if a cop saw it and checked it out. I also wonder if any blood had been found inside of the vehicle. I don't think it's significant that the laptop and phone weren't stolen since I think most criminals-barring the Sievers Crew of Merry Morons- know those things can be easily traced and tracked.
Wow, I'm not into football but his brother in law seems like a you know what. I don't care what the family knows, silence and seemingly uncaring is not good PR. If this poor guy is dead (I hope not) there's going to be some hating done on the football star for his insensitivity.

I'm not into football and I could care less that the BIL is a quarterback. However, I think the he was caught off guard with the question and responded with the canned response of "we stay focused" that the players are coached by the PR folks to use. I believe that interview took place before the news of Michael missing had really hit the news, the family was still trying to keep it out of the headlines at that point.
Does anyone know if there's a rest area near 70 by Monticello? I can't imagine he decided to go sightseeing way off the beaten track with a storm approaching. I wonder if he made a pit stop and was accosted by an Israel Keyes type of person. I'm also curious as to how the vehicle was checked out so quickly. If I saw it out there, I would have probably just figured it was someone checking a fence or arrowhead hunting, unless I could see the airbag. Had the car just been left on the side of the road, it could have been days, if not longer, before coming to LE's attention. I'm really curious if someone called it in, or if a cop saw it and checked it out. I also wonder if any blood had been found inside of the vehicle. I don't think it's significant that the laptop and phone weren't stolen since I think most criminals-barring the Sievers Crew of Merry Morons- know those things can be easily traced and tracked.

The engine was running, pursuant to the unnamed person who called Grand County Sheriff's dispatch. I assume the passer-by thought it pretty weird a Honda Civic was 100 feet off that remote road, as most vehicles tooling around desert roads are trucks, forerunners, jeeps, etc. Not sedans.
Wonder if maybe there was another person in his vehicle and they were fighting in someway and that is why the car was where it ended up. Very strange location for his car to be.

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