GUILTY UT - Michele MacNeill, 50, found dead in bathtub, Pleasant Grove, 11 April 2007 - #5

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OK I will take the pills and the script containers to the PD and then transfer them to be disposed of. TY

Good idea. Ask if they need to log it in and have your I.D. in your hand with your name on the bottles. Don't know why they said to dump them in baggies, unless they need to charge somebody with something, no way should you just walk in with random pills in baggies. ;) :)
Does anyone know, are Doc M and Gypsy still on good terms?

I know he is wishing now he still had his loving, good, wife, after years in jail with no one, and he has to worry if Gypsy will throw him under the bus to save herself.

Just wondering where "they" stand now.
Nope not paranoid. People get pulled over all the time, for silly things, say a light is out, or what I found when I got off work a few minutes ago, rear view mirror fell off! Then they get charged with illegal possession, thrown in jail until lab comes back and yet another Court date is set. For having their prescriptions in baggies, or even pill containers.

Take the bottles there, rip the labels off there, or take them to the pharmacy and do the same.

Okay, back to getting caught up. Looks like I missed Inmate 1 darn!

OK that is what I will do, TY
Why is the defense making their blonde paralegal sit on the floor?

Oh BSK, I have a pain in my side~:floorlaugh: so hard it went away. They should have Spencer on stand and witness questioning. :laughcry:
Does anyone know, are Doc M and Gypsy still on good terms?

I know he is wishing now he still had his loving, good, wife, after years in jail with no one, and he has to worry if Gypsy will throw him under the bus to save herself.

Just wondering where "they" stand now.
one of the snitches said that doc had another girl friend while there and that her name started with an M but who knows. 'gypsy is pretty toxic these days.
Texarcana sounds like the place where the bad guys from Batman went. Arkham, was it?
Wow, I had to step away this afternoon, and tried to (painfully) catch up on HLN. Now back to watching on WAT archive - cannot believe how long this cross is going on, seemingly with no particular point. The vocal dramatization of the witnesses conversations with his family and investigators is horrible - I cannot believe anyone considers this useful - least of all the defense.
An inmate hopes he will be home for Christmas - is that really so way out there, and worthy of hours of bad impersonations? This is ridiculous, in my opinion.
Texarcana sounds like the place where the bad guys from Batman went. Arkham, was it?

That part of the testimony was weird wasn't it? "Uncle Sam Travel Agency: If you want to visit every state in the USA, get yourself a long sentence in a federal prison."

It was like that guy in Annie Hall: "I'm no longer in the Texarkana Prison - I'm in California now. And I'll be in Oakdale LA next week."
Did the Judge say he expects the defense to wrap up their case in half a day? Seriously?
????? (5 characters.) Now more. :)

I`ll have to go back and look. My quote button didn`t work. I still have lays chips crumbs under my keyboard. So please forgive my quotation. And lack of. LOL
Did the Judge say he expects the defense to wrap up their case in half a day? Seriously?

not only that but jury will get the case on Friday and if they don't have a verdict on Friday they may be able to deliberate on Sat. and it sounds as if he thinks it will be that quick. Everyone just sort of stood there and agree and no mention of closing or how long they would be...and can't there also be a rebuttal? Not in this case I guess. Judge was really on a short fuse today...I think Spencer's droning on and on really got to him.
i think the reason they put him up last because he was the only one that Aactually described that Martin told him how he did it. As for the walking slow he said everyone walks slow there...I mean why would they hurry?

Yeah makes sense. No place to be and no people to see :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Please no more Ford Jokes :floorlaugh: My mailbox is full. Yes we Canadians have our share of asshats :floorlaugh:
I`ll have to back and look. My quote button didn`t work. I still have lays chips crumbs under my keyboard. So please forgive my quotation. And lack of. LOL

Aah........The Lays potato chips did it......more hip and edgy than the Twinkie defense fer sure. :D :pillowfight:
Aah........The Lays potato chips did it......more hip and edgy than the Twinkie defense fer sure. :D :pillowfight:

LOL Now u know my vice. Lays plain with a really cold glass of milk:blushing:
Does anyone know, are Doc M and Gypsy still on good terms?

I know he is wishing now he still had his loving, good, wife, after years in jail with no one, and he has to worry if Gypsy will throw him under the bus to save herself.

Just wondering where "they" stand now.

Oh I doubt very much he's wishing for Michelle. More likely wishing he did a better job of killing her without raising any suspicion.
Finally watching Jason Poirier's testimony. A few minor thoughts:

1) "That's what you said, right?" I wonder if there is a way to find out how many times he has said this in the trial. So irritating! His wife or mother needs to pull him aside and work with him on different ways to phrase it. Can you imagine a drinking game, based on that statement? Everyone would be passed out, drunk, within the first five minutes of listening, Go away, bad dream!

2) I wish I had confidence Jason was going to go straight, when all this was done. He seems like a decent guy who has a really messed-up system of ethics. The comment I keep thinking about was when he was asked about telling his wife to tell the landlord they planned on buying the house they were in. Clark Howard asks him, "You committed fraud in telling your landlord that, right?" He responds, "Well, he committed fraud first, by not telling us about mold!"

Ugh! He seems like he can justify things too easily. And, when he eventually gets out, just one of those situations is going to put him back in, for a long, long time.

Anyway, it's just an aside. I feel for him, because he clearly has a system of morals and ethics. Unfortunately, it's not a strong enough system to keep him out of trouble.

3) I truly don't understand Clark Howard, the defense attorney. I had read your comments, before listening to the testimony, so I expected it to be long and drawn out. But - oh my gosh - it's painful! Everyone listening to him - even his client and the other defense attorney - seems irritated with him. And I've heard him apologize at least twice for being long-winded, so he's obviously aware that he has a propensity for it. GET. TO. THE. POINT!
Is it just my tv or does MM's face look yellow?

I wonder if he is taking oral anti fungus meds for his toe. They can make you jaundiced if not monitored properly. Just a thought.
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