Found Deceased UT - REMAINS FOUND - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #13 *ARREST*

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I don't follow on FB so I don't know what she said there. I believe this is the first report I saw here.

MacKenzie Lueck: What we know about the home police searched

There was cameras everywhere in the house,” she said. “In the master bedroom, there was three cameras in there.”

She said the cameras were set up in the master bedroom, living room, kitchen, dining room and downstairs in the Airbnb unit.


Nice to know that whatever the actuality is about the number of cameras and locations, LE KNOWS. Most all the things we stew and fret about and try to figure out, LE KNOWS. That is reassuring.

About the woman's daughter, well, I dunno about that. Bet most of us wouldn't put our youngsters on camera in a case like this. Not to be critical of this mom, but I would think that people of like mind with the arrested SOB would be paying attention to the tv news reports. Safety first.

I, for one, was delighted to read that the had slept in closets!! (His cell probably feels quite large when compared to a closet.)
FWIW, Scott Westerfeld used a trailer for his new YA trilogy last year (it was excellent. this is not that). Just sayin it's not unheard of.

Also, re: bumble- I can't produce any actual profile information, but I matched with AA on Bumble about 6 months ago and exchanged a few messages, IIRC, before blocking/deleting. Like most have been saying, he seemed off, and was too eager to meet in person without actually caring to learn anything about me, or that was how I perceived it. He used the name AJ on the app. I realized tthis a few days/threads ago when his social media started cropping up and I recognized some of the photos. They seemed to be older photos, the one with the glasses and the cream colored sweater with the plaid lines, the one with the (I think we determined) headphones around his neck, and some fitness-model-y type ones. Definitely presenting himself to be more fit than at time of arrest, IMO. Just my perspective since a couple of you were asking about that profile/app. (Actually now that I think about it, could have been tinder or bumble. I can't be certain since I deleted it, but my memory says bumble.)

Wow-- this would really do my head in had it happened to me. I'm sorry for your experience. I recall that photo where he's wearing the sweater with plaid lines as it was on his LinkedIn before taken down.
Has anyone here tried this?

From the article - was AA compliant?...

If you’re staying in a hotel or an Airbnb, hidden cameras can be a worry. In the case of Airbnb, your host is required to list any cameras they have, whether or not they’re turned on. Additionally, Airbnb does not allow hosts to place cameras in bathrooms or sleeping areas, even if that’s a living room with a foldout bed.
I know we added this info earlier and it is on another thread. From his website and registration, the address appears to be these condos. Marmalade Square Condominiums
It was registered in June 2018.

My question: why did he use this address then? We think he lived in the house then. Hmmm

Registry Admin ID:
Admin Organization: PC GURU
Admin Street: 650 N 300 W
Admin State/Province: UTAH
Admin Postal Code: 84103
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1.4357574209

If you’re into buying domains, you’re usually registered with a site. So your stuff is already in there. When you log in subsequently, data can be pre-filled . He may just have neglected to update it.
Note: I am a local.

I am a Salt Lake local that lived in AA's neighborhood until recently. I also have local community connections.

I cannot give the info I received from the local DA connection I have. All I can say is prepare for big revelations when AA is formally charged. This was speculated upon earlier in the thread.

Also, I'd like to correct earlier comments about AA living in the Rose Park neighborhood. His neighborhood is not Rose Park, it is Fairpark. I sold my home in Fairpark last year, and it is literally around the corner from AA's. They are neighborhoods next to eachother, but different, even according to tax documents.

Regarding the fire comments earlier, it is illegal (according to SLC code) to have a fire within 25 feet of a flammable source. Given that I lived in this neighborhood, I would not hesitate to call it in simply because I'd fear for my home catching fire. Homes in Fairpark are close together and for my own personal situation, had my neighbors lit a big fire in June, you bet I would call it in. This is a desert with dry grass and such...a bonfire in close quarters is a no go.

As for his mortgage. Utah has something called Utah Housing loans which do not require a down payment. He clearly qualified under existing mortgage rules, and I imagine made up a lot of his monthly payment in AirBNB income. Side note..AirBNB actually isn't legal in Salt Lake City proper, but that's difficult to enforce.

Thank you for this.

I believe the Chief gave us a lot to work with the night before AA was arrested and the day of his arrest. He used the word "nexus" but he also rattled off a list of digital footprints that had led to AA and then to ML. They were looking at IP addresses, GPS information, phone records as well as several apps. They went to the home with many warrants.

This is why the FBI is still involved, IMO. I think there's a really good chance that what he was doing online made this not only a local case but a federal case. And it's gonna be ugly.
Hmmm anytime I see fertilizer I think of bomb making material.

Just something that crossed my mind for some reason when reading your post.
When did he make this purchase? Tia

To me someone who really cares about their lawn doesn't dig holes in it.


The fertilizer purchase was June 3rd on his Venmo from a person that it appears currently works at a tech company, specifically, one that has been mentioned on AA's Linked In profile, I believe. One would assume you would pay someone with a landscaping background for fertilizer?
A little google searching tonight and I’m just left with more questions.

Looks to me like AJ worked at Liberty Bank of Utah, possibly in 2016.

I’ll take you on my path.
1. First I find an address for Ayoola Aj listed at a “financial institution” at 326 s 500 e.
When you open that link you come here: Lake City/Ayoola-Aj/b-13dvhpe

And also here, same address Ayoola Aj 326 S 500 E Salt Lake City, UT Nonclassified Establishments - MapQuest

Which happens to be Liberty Bank of Utah, as shown here:

So I was trying to figure out if I could prove he worked there or if it was a scam site.
Then I found this: Liberty Bank Of Utah, Utah, United States | Phone: +1 801-355-7411
Scroll to the review posted by OC (name abbreviated) quoted below:

Oscar Leonardo Chirinos (04/08/2016 19:40)
I lost my earnest money because their Lender (AJ) Ayali Ayoola, set me up to a fake loan and wasted my time! Is not even worth wasting my time to try and sue. I would NEVER do business with such a DISHONEST company and Dishonest Mortgage lender.

I also wonder if this could be where he was working when he raped the co worker. I think I remember hearing on news it was at a financial institution.
I think you should report this to the investigators. Note: Liberty Bank and their website appear to be legit, however, AA might have been using their name to run scams.

I’ve been digging around Whois and various websites that have markers indicating possible scams and have found some vague connections to AA. Nothing concrete yet, but I do suspect he was involved in some classic 419 scams.

I think he was with Goldman Sachs when he raped his coworker.
oceanblueeyes..I agree with a lot of your thoughts in your post except for the comment that the murder was an organized murder...what makes this a disorganized murder, in my opinion, is there was evidence found at the scene, and there was not three separate crime scenes...this quote is from a Psychology Today article on Organized vs. Disorganized Serial Predators: published last year June 17th. "With organized offenders, there are typically three separate crime scenes: where the victim was approached by the killer, where the victim was killed, and where the victim’s body was disposed of."

I agree to some degree, but I do think there were three different crime scenes. Imo, he would be considered more as an organized killer than disorganized. Imo.

1. The kidnapping of KL happened at the park away from his home.

2. The torture, and murder of KL happened within the walls of the murderer's home.

3. The desecration, and destruction of KLs body was outside of his home away from where the murder occurrred, which was outside on his property instead.

Those will be considered three different crime scenes to the investigators imo.

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It seems to be a very common name. There is a successful filmmaker by the same name who is older but actually even looks like him! Imo

I agree. I can’t find the link right now but there’s at least one website that mentions both names are very common. I don’t have any way of verifying their opinion, of course.

There are about 45 people of the same name searchable on Facebook alone. In a few the names are flipped — it’s possible that people placed their last name first in those profiles, like we see in general across that network.
According to a park official that was interviewed a few weeks ago...the cameras were put up at the park in non-working order only as a visual deterrent...the suspect lived across the street from the park at one time...he might have known that the cameras weren't hooked up.

For some reason, them doing that makes me think that is a setup for a lawsuit.
Absolutely @MsBetsy --my post implied AA was not clever by naming his new entity a name and/or derivative that already had several complaints on record across the country! And most certainly not critical of anybody posting here!
Geek Squad is a widely known tech support company and the majority of people do trust them. If he’s targeting the general public with his company name, he could be considered smart for choosing a name easily confused with an established company. Scammers often piggyback off of legitimate companies.
Aside from groups and lists of interests on the meetup page, has anyone been able to sleuth what (if anything) AA did in terms of hobbies, groups, clubs, organizations, etc. Social things beyond the dating apps?

Considering he was banned from a college campus for stealing an iPad, I'm doubting that was his first theft but rather just the first time he was caught. Obviously a person can steal almost anything from anywhere, but I'm curious what places he frequents for social reasons since we can't seem to find steady, reliable employment for him. Perhaps theft plays a role in some of his income.

Is he still an active LDS member? If so, what was his calling (church job, basically) I wonder?
From the probable cause affidavit (nothing about Fatherless or Instagram):

Probably cause statement for arrest of Ayoola Ajayi | Dna Profiling | Forensic Science

Investigations were conducted on Mackenzie's phone records, social media and other communications, which showed that all communications ceased from Mackenzie at 0300 on June 17, 2019. Investigations into Mackenzie's phone showed that communications and data ceased at the time of June 17, 2019 at approximately0300 hours.

Investigations of Mackenzie's phone records show that her last communications were with Ayoola Adisa Ajayi. In an interview with Ayoola he admitted to having text conversations with Mackenzie on June 16, 2019 at approximately 1800 hours, but nothing after this time. Ayoola stated that he did not know what Mackenzie looked like and denied having seen a photo or online profile of Mackenzie, despite investigations that the means of which he communicated with her displayed several photos of her and profile photo. Ayoola denied any personal contact with Mackenzie or meeting with her at any time.

Investigations of Ayoola's and Mackenzie's phone records show the location of Mackenzie's and Ayoola's phones to be at the location of Hatch Park within less than a minute of each other and at the same time of Mackenzie'sphone no longer receiving any further data or location on June 17, 2019 at approximately 0300 hours.


Of course he lied because he did have KLs photos, but it seems this may have been the first time they met face to face.

I wonder if the photos of him he may have sent KL online were way back from his modeling days?

Some more details of the theft at USU in 2012:
Salt Lake D.A. gets extension to file charges against suspect in Mackenzie Lueck's death

“On Tuesday, it was revealed that Ajayi, who attended Utah State University "on and off" starting in 2009 but never graduated, according to school officials, was actually banned from the campus in 2012.”

“Ajayi was arrested for investigation of stealing an iPad, according to newly released campus documents. When questioned by campus police, Ajayi claimed the iPad was his.”

"Later as I was reviewing the iPad, I was able to see that (Ajayi) was not being truthful with me. I could see that he was a member of a gaming team with players around the United States and Canada," USU police wrote in a report. "Ajayi also said he was married to a girl in Texas and that he was trying to get into school. On the iPad I found websites that put his status as single. He was also trying to put a female as a prospect to marry to keep from being deported."
From the probable cause affidavit (nothing about Fatherless or Instagram):

Probably cause statement for arrest of Ayoola Ajayi | Dna Profiling | Forensic Science

Investigations were conducted on Mackenzie's phone records, social media and other communications, which showed that all communications ceased from Mackenzie at 0300 on June 17, 2019. Investigations into Mackenzie's phone showed that communications and data ceased at the time of June 17, 2019 at approximately0300 hours.

Investigations of Mackenzie's phone records show that her last communications were with Ayoola Adisa Ajayi. In an interview with Ayoola he admitted to having text conversations with Mackenzie on June 16, 2019 at approximately 1800 hours, but nothing after this time. Ayoola stated that he did not know what Mackenzie looked like and denied having seen a photo or online profile of Mackenzie, despite investigations that the means of which he communicated with her displayed several photos of her and profile photo. Ayoola denied any personal contact with Mackenzie or meeting with her at any time.

Investigations of Ayoola's and Mackenzie's phone records show the location of Mackenzie's and Ayoola's phones to be at the location of Hatch Park within less than a minute of each other and at the same time of Mackenzie'sphone no longer receiving any further data or location on June 17, 2019 at approximately 0300 hours.


I bolded the part above - I’ve tried to look this up and come up empty. We don’t know if they have her physical phone, correct? I assume he burned it. Can LE tell from her phone records or “cloud” what happened to the phone at 3am? Does Verizon have records that say - “her battery was then removed” or “her phone power-off button was then initiated” or whatever, or is “no longer receiving data” as specific as they can get? This is probably a dumb question, but you never know with today’s technology.
Note: I am a local.

I am a Salt Lake local that lived in AA's neighborhood until recently. I also have local community connections.


Also, I'd like to correct earlier comments about AA living in the Rose Park neighborhood. His neighborhood is not Rose Park, it is Fairpark. I sold my home in Fairpark last year, and it is literally around the corner from AA's. They are neighborhoods next to eachother, but different, even according to tax documents.

Regarding the fire comments earlier, it is illegal (according to SLC code) to have a fire within 25 feet of a flammable source. Given that I lived in this neighborhood, I would not hesitate to call it in simply because I'd fear for my home catching fire. Homes in Fairpark are close together and for my own personal situation, had my neighbors lit a big fire in June, you bet I would call it in. This is a desert with dry grass and such...a bonfire in close quarters is a no go.

As for his mortgage. Utah has something called Utah Housing loans which do not require a down payment. He clearly qualified under existing mortgage rules, and I imagine made up a lot of his monthly payment in AirBNB income. Side note..AirBNB actually isn't legal in Salt Lake City proper, but that's difficult to enforce.

<modsnipped - commenting on a quoted that had been edited out>

I’d have called LE about the fires. I’d be terrified he’d end up setting a close home on fire and it would just spread. I’m still rather surprised that nobody did. If not on his first fire, then on the 2nd one. It took a lot for me to call LE on any of my neighbors, so maybe they just tried to ignore it. Maybe I’d be quicker to call on fires because I’m terrified of houses burning.
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I bolded the part above - I’ve tried to look this up and come up empty. We don’t know if they have her physical phone, correct? I assume he burned it. Can LE tell from her phone records or “cloud” what happened to the phone at 3am? Does Verizon have records that say - “her battery was then removed” or “her phone power-off button was then initiated” or whatever, or is “no longer receiving data” as specific as they can get? This is probably a dumb question, but you never know with today’s technology.
Great question. I’d like the answer too.
The fertilizer purchase was June 3rd on his Venmo from a person that it appears currently works at a tech company, specifically, one that has been mentioned on AA's Linked In profile, I believe. One would assume you would pay someone with a landscaping background for fertilizer?

Thank you.

Why didnt he just go to one of the local stores to buy fertilizer I wonder?

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