UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #1

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New to this case and trying to catch up.

I am NOT buying the camping-in-freezing-weather-in-the-middle-of-the-night story. No WAY. With two little boys??? And why leave at 12:30 a.m.? That makes absolutely NO sense.

Who was the last person to speak to Susan? Did anyone speak to her after this "camping trip" but before she was reported missing?

i think kiirsi was the last to speak with her when they walked home from church, and she said that susan was not sick. they did have at least 1 for dinner that night jo, who left early when susan said she felt ill....then nothing till 12:30am when jp says she was going to bed as he was leaving w/kids for camping/sledding....i might have missed something tho...
A friend saw her walking home from church on Sunday afternoon. Another friend came over for dinner. It's said they ate dinner at about 4:00. However, Susan wasn't feeling well and it's been said Josh fixed dinner, which is very unusual. The friend left about 5:30 because Susan wasn't feeling well. The friend obviously saw Susan because she described what she was wearing. It wasn't pj's.

Anyway, the next thing we know is the husband is seen returning home at about 8:30 p.m. that night and then the next day the kids weren't at preschool, the parents didn't show up for work, LE was called and they went to the home. That's when LE broke in, fearing carbon monoxide poisoning. They found no one home, a water spot on the carpet in the living room being dried by two fans.

A friend finally got hold of Josh later that afternoon and he said he was driving around with the kids. He got home two hours later and Susan was gone. He called her dad on Tuesday to tell him Susan was still gone.


yours is Much better than mine!:)
Is there a "search thread" function on this site? I can't find one, and it would be very helpful. I haven't been keeping with this thread, so don't know if this has already been mentioned, but I just saw a post on the Salt Lake Trib site pointing out that Lori Hacking also worked for Wells Fargo (in Salt Lake City). Weird connection, and even more so if it was the same office. I haven't seen anything specifying which office Susan worked at, but West Valley City is a Salt Lake suburb, so might be the same one.

Josh seems like a seriously irrational person, who could have thought of the Hacking case, and imagined he could do something similar and actually get away with it. His story is so bizarre, and combined with the couple's history of financial problems, and the fact that it appeared his wife was now the main breadwinner in the family despite having 2 very young children and having previously been a stay-at-home mom, he looks
like someone who just wasn't coping. And I think I've read at least a doesn't articles about this case which mentioned he didn't show for work Monday, but not one that mentioned *where* he worked. His employer must have an awesome PR professional to be keeping that out of the news. I wonder if he was doing some sort of irregular work (e.g. construction or something like that) that didn't have benefits, while his wife was working full-time at Wells Fargo with a benefit package including a life insurance policy.

Judging by reports like this one: "The Powells' nanny, Debbie, who asked that her last name not be used, observed to Doane that, "It wasn't unlike (Josh and his sons) to go out on a short overnighter and sleep in their van, but they're not avid campers."" ( http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/12/12/earlyshow/saturday/main5971591.shtml ), things have been odd in this family for quite a while. I've never in my life heard of a family with 2 preschoolers which (with or without the wife/mom) liked to go out on "short overnighters", sleeping in their van. Think about this -- diapers? baby food? It's crazy, even in nice weather with both parents. They lived within easy day-trip of nice outdoor/wilderness areas -- why on earth would they enjoy spending the night in their van?
if the wet spot was vomit hopefully LE cut the area of carpet and padding out, and ran poison tests on it. If she were poisoned and threw up there's a good chance the some of the poison/drug was in the stain.

Also got a snow question. If the area he supposedly camp at is now covered in snow couldn't they melt the snow to get to the evidence? i just don't get the evidence is now covered in snow.

I would think that LE would have to get a search warrant in order to take a section of the rug for testing.

My understanding the area that he "allegedly" camped out is a large area. It would be difficult to try and find the spot he "allegedly" went camping in order to find tire tracks.

IF he brought Susan up in this area or any area and covered her with snow, and Susan can't be found soon, LE may have to wait until the Spring thaw. :(
Just wondering if there was a life insurance policy on Susan...
Wonder where the 10:00 p.m. came from?


well, that site is one where me or you can write an article and post it and then get paid for the article...so anyone could have written it without any more info than what we have access to...also it looks to have been updated so maybe it has been wrong all along??? idk?
So Susan definitely was sick - one friend says she wasn't one friend says she was. weird. I hope this loser is arrested soon.
Thanks, Fran!!! So police got to the house before Josh returned from his camping trip?
I would think that LE would have to get a search warrant in order to take a section of the rug for testing.

My understanding the area that he "allegedly" camped out is a large area. It would be difficult to try and find the spot he "allegedly" went camping in order to find tire tracks.

IF he brought Susan up in this area or any area and covered her with snow, and Susan can't be found soon, LE may have to wait until the Spring thaw. :(

i thought they already had warrants? for his van being impounded and the house and took furniture and other things??
Is there a "search thread" function on this site? I can't find one, and it would be very helpful. I haven't been keeping with this thread, so don't know if this has already been mentioned, but I just saw a post on the Salt Lake Trib site pointing out that Lori Hacking also worked for Wells Fargo (in Salt Lake City). Weird connection, and even more so if it was the same office. I haven't seen anything specifying which office Susan worked at, but West Valley City is a Salt Lake suburb, so might be the same one.

Josh seems like a seriously irrational person, who could have thought of the Hacking case, and imagined he could do something similar and actually get away with it. His story is so bizarre, and combined with the couple's history of financial problems, and the fact that it appeared his wife was now the main breadwinner in the family despite having 2 very young children and having previously been a stay-at-home mom, he looks
like someone who just wasn't coping. And I think I've read at least a doesn't articles about this case which mentioned he didn't show for work Monday, but not one that mentioned *where* he worked. His employer must have an awesome PR professional to be keeping that out of the news. I wonder if he was doing some sort of irregular work (e.g. construction or something like that) that didn't have benefits, while his wife was working full-time at Wells Fargo with a benefit package including a life insurance policy.

Judging by reports like this one: "The Powells' nanny, Debbie, who asked that her last name not be used, observed to Doane that, "It wasn't unlike (Josh and his sons) to go out on a short overnighter and sleep in their van, but they're not avid campers."" ( http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/12/12/earlyshow/saturday/main5971591.shtml ), things have been odd in this family for quite a while. I've never in my life heard of a family with 2 preschoolers which (with or without the wife/mom) liked to go out on "short overnighters", sleeping in their van. Think about this -- diapers? baby food? It's crazy, even in nice weather with both parents. They lived within easy day-trip of nice outdoor/wilderness areas -- why on earth would they enjoy spending the night in their van?

We actually did see that Susan worked for the same company as Lori. But it's ok to remind us, it's a kick in the gut everytime I'm reminded of that. We don't know if it is the same office, though.

I'm glad you reminded me of the friend saying it was unusual for them to go camping in the winter, much less late at night. I forgot to add that to the list a while ago.

Actually, I think EVERYONE is suspicious of the alleged camping trip in sub-freezing weather, in the middle of the night, with two toddlers, on a work/school night AND leaving the wife home without a car, sick.

I can't count how many times I've seen the news reports mention the 'sub-freezing' temperature.

So Susan definitely was sick - one friend says she wasn't one friend says she was. weird. I hope this loser is arrested soon.

I caught that too. It seems odd. Unless the friend who said she wasn't sick meant that she didn't sound sick. She could have been sick but just didn't mention it over the phone. Who knows, just throwing out the stuff that's running around in my head!
Okay,so HE made dinner,which was unusual and she got sick,hm.That's interesting.
Thanks, Fran!!! So police got to the house before Josh returned from his camping trip?

Yes. Because at first they thought the whole family was missing.

It was Monday morning and the kids didn't show up for daycare, and both parents didn't show up for work. It was the baby-sitter who started the ball rolling on looking for them. I believe she was a friend or someone through the church.

Anyway, LE broke into their house, fearing carbon monoxide poisoning. That's when they found the wet spot with fans drying it. No one home, but it appeared to be in order.

It wasn't until later in the day when a friend finally got hold of Josh that it was realized that the family was not missing but the wife was.

Ok, does anyone have anything to add?


Originally Posted by fran
Things are mounting up.............anyone else?


1. Husband not the one who reported victim missing.

2. Husband had 'odd' alibi, ie going camping in sub-zero temperartures, late at night, leaving sick wife home alone in bed, and taking two toddlers, pre five yo's into the freezing winter night.

3. Change of story details, here and there or becoming evasive.

4. Avoiding media contact.

5. Avoiding media questions, ie "Is that where you went camping?" to which he replies, "I have to pick up my boys."

6. Avoids wife-victim's family.

7. Stops talking to LE

8. Concerned with 'his house.'

9. Speaks of victim in 'past-tense.'

10. Speaks of 'buying new clothes and comforter.'

11. Unexplained 'wet spot' in carpeting and 'fans being used to dry.'

12. Gradual release of 'friends and family' speaking of marital problems.

13. Alleged from 'friends' of husband having control issues, which included control of wife ie victim.

14. Alleged from 'friends' of 'verbal abuse' by husband of victim.

15. Alleged statement by one of the children (ok, possibly rumor) "Daddy said mommy stayed in the woods for awhile."

16. Spoke to neighbor about 'hope his bird isn't dead' but didn't talk about his missing wife.

17. Testing generator late at night on camping trip

18. Sledding in the dark?

19. Near frost bitten hands.

20. Just the sheer distance of the alleged camp site (3 or 4 hours drive)

21. NOT one sign of husband camping where he said he was.

22. Just plain talking about 'himself,' rather than his missing wife!!!!!!!!

23. No sign of forced entry of home.

24. Friends and neighbors said it was unusual for Josh to suddenly go camping late at night with the children in the freezing weather.

25. Periodic money problems including a past bankruptcy.

26. Joshy tells his FIL the last time he saw Susan was at 12:30, but didn't bother to tell him what a great time was had by all at the wee-hours-of-the-nite-camping-in-subzero-temps-and-snowstorm-in-the-desert outing.
(from Texas Mist)

27. Left sick wife alone, never to check on her and she had NO CAR to go to doctor! (from member passionflower)

28. Wife had gone to bed sick with an ear-ache which meant she most likely had a cold. Yet, husband made her walk home from church in freezing weather, (they only had one car)

29. Susan's friend had spoken to her on Sunday and friend said Susan wasn't sick.

30. Husband said wife sick but she went to bed at 12:30 a.m.

31. Husband said he forgot it was Sunday but he also said he saw last saw Susan at 12:30 a.m. when she went to bed and he was leaving for camping with the kids. She would have reminded him it was Monday and not Sat,nite/Sunday a.m.

32. Susan told co-workers she was physically fearful of her husband.

33. Co-workers say Susan took precautions in case 'anything' happened to her.

*Blue are added as the case developes and Websleuthers mention them


1. Josh said he didn't harm Susan.

2. Susan's dad said to stop looking at husband, he didn't harm his daughter.

Wow, fran thank you for putting that together. I just saw on HLN- LE will question Josh again and he HAS retained an attorney.

if this has been posted.....sorry
I would think that LE would have to get a search warrant in order to take a section of the rug for testing.

My understanding the area that he "allegedly" camped out is a large area. It would be difficult to try and find the spot he "allegedly" went camping in order to find tire tracks.

IF he brought Susan up in this area or any area and covered her with snow, and Susan can't be found soon, LE may have to wait until the Spring thaw. :(

they did have a search warrant.. we don't know yet what all they took from the home but there are rumblings that it was furnishings in the home (could be carpet as well) and the van
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