UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #1

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Okay,so HE made dinner,which was unusual and she got sick,hm.That's interesting.

yeah, and he went camping on a Sunday night when he had to work the next morning because he FORGOT it was Sunday. :duh:

But of course he must have told his wife he was going camping with the boys because he said she was just going to bed at 12:30 a.m. (when she was alleged to have been sick) and she wouldn't mention it he had to work the next day???


Obviously there were problems if he was sleeping in the van at times,some men just sleep on the couch.Was he actually in the van the whole time or people were just assuming he was sleeping in there and someone is going to come out of the woodwork to say,he wasn't sleeping in the van,he was at or sleeping at....
Wow, fran thank you for putting that together. I just saw on HLN- LE will question Josh again and he HAS retained an attorney.

if this has been posted.....sorry

LOL, yeah, that's why we're all here. ;)

Now that he's lawyered up, there's no way he's going to be talking to LE again.

He was supposed to meet LE at HQ on Friday but he was a no show. Then this weekend he had his BIL and Susan's dad publicly tell people to stop focusing on the husband. :waitasec:

Now he's lawyered up.:loser:

Three guesses who the perp is and the first two don't count!

A relative at the vigil said on CNN that he was sitting behind the husband and he was clearly upset.Well,ofcourse he would be if he knows he's a unnamed suspect with a lame excuse,IMO.I didn't hear if he was a close relative of the husband's and would defend him.
Obviously there were problems if he was sleeping in the van at times,some men just sleep on the couch.Was he actually in the van the whole time or people were just assuming he was sleeping in there and someone is going to come out of the woodwork to say,he wasn't sleeping in the van,he was at or sleeping at....

The "Sleeping in the van" comes from the alleged 'camping trip.'

He said that Susan was sick so at 12:30 a.m. Sunday nite/Monday morning, he decided to take the boys camping and cook smores. He had a new generator he wanted to try out.

The alleged camp ground is a 3 or 4 hour drive and LE has searched the area, with dogs, and are unable to substantiate his being there.

But, he said when he went camping with the boys, they slept in the van.


PS............HOWEVER, there was a friend who said they appeared to be 'roommates,' WHATEVER that means...............fran
Yes. Because at first they thought the whole family was missing.

It was Monday morning and the kids didn't show up for daycare, and both parents didn't show up for work. It was the baby-sitter who started the ball rolling on looking for them. I believe she was a friend or someone through the church.

Anyway, LE broke into their house, fearing carbon monoxide poisoning. That's when they found the wet spot with fans drying it. No one home, but it appeared to be in order.

It wasn't until later in the day when a friend finally got hold of Josh that it was realized that the family was not missing but the wife was.


Aaaaahhhh, okay. Much more clear now. Thanks!
I'm trying to catch up here. If he had the van for the camping trip, how was Susan supposed to get to work the next morning?
So Susan definitely was sick - one friend says she wasn't one friend says she was. weird. I hope this loser is arrested soon.

You know, when we were discussing that on here the other day, someone mentioned maybe it wasn't that she wasn't feeling well as more like they might be arguing or he'd gotten angry at her so she was subdued. She may have used the EXCUSE she wasn't feeling well. Maybe so the friend would leave early?

I know in the Nancy Cooper case, she and her husband had a big argument the last night while at a neighborhood party and she wasn't quite herself. He left with the kids and she stayed longer.

A friend saw her walking home from church on Sunday afternoon. Another friend came over for dinner. It's said they ate dinner at about 4:00. However, Susan wasn't feeling well and it's been said Josh fixed dinner, which is very unusual. The friend left about 5:30 because Susan wasn't feeling well. The friend obviously saw Susan because she described what she was wearing. It wasn't pj's.

I'm sure LE has already determined if that clothing is anywhere in the home. Since Susan was sick and went to lay down while JP took the kids sledding, and then was going to bed when he left to go camping at 12:30 AM, I see no reason why she would still be wearing that same clothing. It should be in that house. And I have a feeling it's not.
I tend to think this was done on the spur of the moment... he made up those stories about camping and sledding on the cuff.

I think the sister's call to police threw a wrench into his cleanup plans at the house (ie the wet spot on the carpet drying with fans). I am sure he had plans for further cleanup when he returned home. He was not prepared for all the questions asked of him and he shot off the cuff.

I seriously hope that LE puts up a picture of the van asking if anyone had seen it (such as gas station attendants etc) because who knows which direction this guy took off driving to. I would think it was an area he was known to frequent in the past... a remote area.


also: in between the two hours that he got the call from the friend that susan was missing and when he arrived home he had plenty of time to "grease the skids" with his kids. I can just see a falcon Heene moment any day now... where the four year old spurts out something that makes complete sense about what happened that night and what he was "told" to say happened. Such as, "you said we were camping" etc vs "we were camping"....

It is just a matter of time Josh..... before your hastily built house of cards burns up much like a flame thrower to barn of dried out straw!


they did have a search warrant.. we don't know yet what all they took from the home but there are rumblings that it was furnishings in the home (could be carpet as well) and the van

I must of missed reading about the search warrant. Thanks. :)
I must of missed reading about the search warrant. Thanks. :)
no prob... it was very early on in the case. The wording about why they went the search warrant route was interesting. I will see if I can go back and find it...

in lieu of lawyered~up~hubby now.... and all the other 'facts' of this case, it certainly shows that LE knew what was going on from the start to get a search warrant vs thinking he would agree to a search of the house.
A friend saw her walking home from church on Sunday afternoon. Another friend came over for dinner. It's said they ate dinner at about 4:00. However, Susan wasn't feeling well and it's been said Josh fixed dinner, which is very unusual. The friend left about 5:30 because Susan wasn't feeling well. The friend obviously saw Susan because she described what she was wearing. It wasn't pj's.

I'm sure LE has already determined if that clothing is anywhere in the home. Since Susan was sick and went to lay down while JP took the kids sledding, and then was going to bed when he left to go camping at 12:30 PM, I see no reason why she would still be wearing that same clothing. It should be in that house. And I have a feeling it's not.
The friend posted a pic of Susan and JP and the kids... at the dinner the day before she was missing. It was the "ward" (= church) breakfast on Saturday morning. The Saturday before she went "missing". The gal who ate with them Sunday night... told a reporter.... that Susan never said she was ill on Sunday night. Said she was fine. Pic of Susan is on FB friends and family at that breakfast... on page two of the photos pages on the FB group page.
here it is PattyG: (they said the reason they got the search warrant was because some of the items left behind like her purse and wallet made it suspicious! Okay... well that still is not a reason for a search warrant. They could have just asked Josh to cooperate????????)

Police obtained a search warrant for the Powell home, 6254 Sarah Circle, late Wednesday and have collected various pieces of furniture to submit for forensic tests. While he wouldn't go into specifics, McLachlan said Susan Powell "left items at the house that you would normally associate if you were going on a trip or going somewhere."
Susan Powell's father, Chuck Cox, said his daughter's purse and cell phone were still at the home. McLachlan said police focused their efforts on the home because it was the last place she was seen

Also note that the search warrant was served on Wednesday... and Josh had almost two days to be tampering with the evidence!
I'm sure you all have seen this:

Husband of Missing Mom Susan Powell Lawyers Up
Susan Powell, 28, Feared Dead After Disappearing Dec. 7
Dec. 14, 2009

The husband of Utah mom Susan Powell who has been missing for a week has hired a prominent criminal defense attorney.

Susan Powell's husband will be interviewed a second time by Utah police. The office of attorney Scott Williams confirmed for ABC News today that he is now representing Joshua Powell, Susan Powell's husband. Williams is a leading criminal attorney in the area and his recent clients include Wanda Barzee, who has pleaded guilty in the 2002 kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart

I'm trying to catch up here. If he had the van for the camping trip, how was Susan supposed to get to work the next morning?
He claimed he thought it was Sunday. ha.. a Mormon not knowing what day Sunday is.
I'm surprised he didn't lawyer up sooner. The minute his BIL started talking for him I've been expecting it.

Some clarification needed regarding Susan feeling sick:

From my understanding,

* Kiirsi, who walked last saw her right after church is the one who said she was not sick. This probably would have been around noon. (The time is just my guess, nothing I know for sure.)

* The Powell's had a female guest over for dinner (which Josh made??) around 4:00 PM (not Kiirsi) and the woman she had over had stated that she left at around 5:00 because Susan said she had an earache and was going to lie down.

(I also read that the 4:00 dinner guest might have been a couple, not just one female, but I'm unclear on that.)

* If the above is true, even if Susan was fine after church, it's still quite possibly that by 5:00 PM she had developed an earache, meaning that the seemingly conflicting statements that Susan was both well and sick on Sunday would both be factual.

Now that's what I've pieced together and I'm sure it could use some factual clean up. Can anyone straighten it out?
I really expected to come here today and find that this guy had been arrested. His story is one of the worst I've heard in ages. He leaves to go camping after midnight and then to make it even worse he travels for a couple hours to get to the camping place....come on...and all to check out a new generator. Heck, hook it up outside right at home and check it out!

I think Susan's dad is in for a horrible surprise. I'm sure he doesn't want to believe the Josh has done something to Susan but I really believe that is what happened. It's only a matter of time before the handcuffs come out.

I wonder if LE found the fixings for Smores in the van? Smores in the middle of the night!!!

What could be done with a body in the freezing cold with the ground frozen solid? Would a person just take it somewhere and dump it and hope the snow got really deep? How would Josh have taken Susan in the van, dead, with the little boys in the van too? Just thinking how it would have been done.
video I linked above has interview with friend K and Susan not being sick when she saw her.

Yes, I could see that she got "sick" later in the day that is certainly possible. Perhaps that is what set Josh off???? She gets sick during the dinner???

eta: it could have been the straw that broke the proverbial camels's back???
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