UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #3

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After reading the new SLCT article, the fact her parents provided her with a cell phone "just in case" speaks volumes to me.
I hope they're able to get answers soon.

Lot's of good info in this new article. Says Josh is 34.


the family reached out to Susan out of concern that a day might come when she needed their assistance.
Chuck Cox said he bought his daughter a cell phone when she moved to Utah so she could use it for emergencies. Joshua Powell knew about the phone, he said, but he and Judy paid the bill each month to ensure his daughter had a way to call them.
"We wanted her to be able to call us whenever she wanted -- just on the off chance that if something ever got really weird -- we wanted to cover all of our bases so she could call us for help," he said.

sounds to me like they had lots of concern about Susan leading up to her vanishing into thin air.
I don't have time to see if this was already posted, sorry if it is a repeat:

SALT LAKE CITY - A friend is speaking out in support of Josh Powell, the man police consider the sole person of interest in the disappearance of his wife nearly two weeks ago.

Wayne Hamberg of Salt Lake City said Josh and Susan Powell had problems like any other couple, but he never saw any signs of domestic violence or serious issues.

He said the media shouldn't convict Josh Powell, and he disagrees that his friend has been evasive in television interviews.



We have heard from "Wayne." Even if he is a friend of Josh's, he's only known him for a year. That hardly makes him an expert. IMO.
They also had "issues" with Joshua's father, Steven Powell, who could not be reached for comment for this story. A man who answered the door of a Puyallup home believed to belong to Steven Powell refused to speak to a Salt Lake Tribune reporter. The Coxes said Steven Powell isn't actively helping with the search for Susan.

I guess I miss that Josh was in real estate until I found his web site.. He would have key to homes. Maybe he never camp maybe he stay in a home that was for sale.

Most of those realtor key thingees have a unique key code you type in. If he was in one of them, it can be traced. IF they know where to look.
Most of those realtor key thingees have a unique key code you type in. If he was in one of them, it can be traced. IF they know where to look.
Josh supposedly isn't a realtor any more. (for about a year) He would have had to continue to pay his realtor association and mls dues which is very costly so my understanding is he left to work in IT.
Here's PattyG's YouTube page for all of our new members! :wink:

She has downloaded Geraldo from this evening!!!

I don't see her on-line, so I will post them for her. :winko:
Thanks PattyG! :blowkiss:


The Search For Susan Powell
*Link Includes All Articles, Videos, Websites & More!


sounds to me like they had lots of concern about Susan leading up to her vanishing into thin air.

I totally agree. It seems to me that they have been concerned for awhile. I have never heard of a grown woman's father supplying a cell phone "just in case something happens." Very suspicious to me, like she had been communicating to her family what had beenn going on in that marriage. I know the Cox's are torn apart that they could not do anything to prevent this tragedy.
I wonder who was keeping the children while JP "went missing" for the first 24 hours in the rental car. hope he was dumb enough to go back to the dump site, and the car had either GPS or the mileage noted.
I am so sure that LE has a lot of these facts, and are not sharing them w/public (as well they should).
I think LE wants JP to believe he's got time, or that there is no clues leading to him. That's why they said, "it may take YEARS to find her." they want him to trip up and possibly do something stupid like return to the scene of the crime (if he hasn't already). He may have gone back in the rental car to bury the body better (was in a snowstorm before) or somehow get rid of evidence, possibly even move the body. :loser:

Although Hamberg has never met Susan Powell, he says Joshua talked about her occasionally during their twice-monthly club gatherings. "Usually, when he had something to say, it was nice," he says. "I do know, though, that he thought Susan was overspending. So there were some financial problems. But that happens to a lot of families."

This clown has known Josh a year through twice a month meetings and that makes him an expert on Josh's life? IMO, he "gets" Josh and feels sorry for him because he is the same way himself. This dude needs to go sit down somewhere and shut up.

(bbm) How funny suzi, I had the exact same thought lol, that only someone w similar issues would be "feeling" so much of JP's "pain."

From the Fox article:

FWIW, I have what I will call a family friend whose ex-husband would always show up late to family events. Hours late. He was late to his own daughter's first birthday party. Claimed it was because of work. One year, on Halloween, he was supposed to come home around 5 to go trick or treating with us. He was supposed to pick up pizza on the way home. Their baby girl was just a few months old at the time. He waltzes in the house about 8:30 and just goes about his business. The baby was fussy, so I offered to take her back to the house and watch her. When he came home, he just said "Hi" while his daughter was crying and fussing...didn't even offer to take her after not seeing her all day and trying to comfort her. Anyway, months later he came home and told his wife he didn't love her anymore and he wanted a divorce. He had been having an affair for quite awhile, it seems.

Not saying that's the case here, Josh could just simply be an idiot who loses track of time. It just kind of reminded me of this guy.

Agree... a total disconnect going on, thoroughly self-involved IMO.

I so hope you're right, but I'm a bit worried. On the news, LE was saying they don't even know where to begin looking for Susan and it could be YEARS before she is found. :furious:

Is it only in the movies that LE's had time to install GPS in the loaner :angel: Of course, this would have meant having tailed him right off the bat (upon seizing the Powell's vehicle) to the rental place where he went almost immediately... I wish... :prayer:

I totally agree. It seems to me that they have been concerned for awhile. I have never heard of a grown woman's father supplying a cell phone "just in case something happens." Very suspicious to me, like she had been communicating to her family what had beenn going on in that marriage. I know the Cox's are torn apart that they could not do anything to prevent this tragedy.
I wonder who was keeping the children while JP "went missing" for the first 24 hours in the rental car. hope he was dumb enough to go back to the dump site, and the car had either GPS or the mileage noted.
I am so sure that LE has a lot of these facts
, and are not sharing them w/public (as well they should).
I think LE wants JP to believe he's got time, or that there is no clues leading to him. That's why they said, "it may take YEARS to find her." they want him to trip up and possibly do something stupid like return to the scene of the crime (if he hasn't already). He may have gone back in the rental car to bury the body better (was in a snowstorm before) or somehow get rid of evidence, possibly even move the body. :loser:

(bbm) Yes rental car agencies always record mileage so at least LE will have that which will at least yield some idea of how far he could've gone. I'm like you, hoping LE was already tailing him w GPS already installed, in a specially chosen car w Josh's name written all over it.:biggrin:

Is it only in the movies that LE's had time to install GPS in the loaner :angel: Of course, this would have meant having tailed him right off the bat (upon seizing the Powell's vehicle) to the rental place where he went almost immediately... I wish... :prayer:


I wonder though if all newer rentals have them. I think the insurance companies that cover them would insist on it.
Can you link me? Please?

Scroll down to Forum Jump. Under current events you'll see Forensic Astrology, click on it and go to the last page of 'Case Briefings'. Scroll down about 1/2 the page. I forget what # it is.
Ha! but has enough strength to go visit someone.
He is desparate for a friend........GOOD!

I don't get this male camaraderie thing. His friend is willing to be there for Josh because "even if he did it, he needs support" What? I would be horrified if I thought my friend did such a thing. I would be scared, disgusted, shocked and unsafe around him or her. I would probably have the wherewithall (SP?) to tell him or her to get an attorney but I would not want to be anywhere near such a person and I would certainly tell them to do the right thing for the sake of the missing person and his or her family. Where is the sympathy for Suan? Her little boys? Her poor, suffering parents? What the heck is this? Is it a male thing, something deep within some men that they can identify with the desire to kill or is it just this wacky friend? Male sleuthers, please enlighten and tell me what you would do in such a situation and please think about it, don't just say your first thought.
And, what the heck does Wayne's family think? If that was my husband, he would not be bringing home his dear friend to my house. But, perhaps Wayne isn't married. What happened to loyalty to the innocent? What happened to morality above friendship? What the heck?
Just wanted the Geraldo interview that PattyG posted (ThanksPG!) No real new facts, seems like Geraldo was so trying to egg on the family into saying things derogatory to JP, but they would not.
I remember an interview with the neighbor that I saw in a link from here - I beleive it was Tim Petersen if I am not mistaken, who said that Susan told him that if things were not better, she was going to start divorce proceedings in the spring. He is the only person who has outright said they were having trouble, and may split up. Everyone else shuffles around saying "they had their ups and downs like any married couple."
But not every husband threatens his wife (as supposedly her diary found at work has in her writing).
Not every husband whose "beloved" wife is missing hides away, avoids the media, creates unrealistic alibis and "goes missing" by himself for the intial 24 hours of the seaqrch investigation.:loser:
Anyone think it's odd that he says in an interview

"i love her, my boys love her"

I would think that common speech would be "her boys love her" or "our boys love her"

but who knows, everyone is different. I just know in my family we only use "your" or "my" son in jest. If I say "my son" to my ex, who is a controller, will get angry that I said "my" and not "our". I'm just curious if there is any psychology to this.

I think it is telling. He uses "my" boys instead of "the" boys or our boys because they are truly "his" boys now, in his mind, since she is dead. Sick.
It's been said that he no longer is in RE. I would imagine with the economy the way it is, he just had to move on. He's supposed to be in IT. But according to a statement by his friend, he's been fired.

I know the article said he was fired because of all the press of this case. But, I can't imagine a company firing somebody for that. Wonder if it had anything to do with him not showing up for work on Monday? Maybe he'd been warned or something.


Oh! his website is up and running with open houses 19th and 20th.

And picture of Josh.
Oh! his website is up and running with open houses 19th and 20th.

And picture of Josh.
Well then it looks like Josh somehow found enough money to reinstate his realtors license, pay his association dues, mls fees and lockbox key fees. My estimate is about $800. hmmm... Anyone have a link to the Utah Board of Real Estate licensing website?

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