VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

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Strange too that nothing has been updated on the site in several years. Now the FBI doesn't even have her listed as a missing person? What is going on ? :scared: I'm wondering how to get to the bottom of this. Maybe contact the FBI ? :cool: I dunno, what do you guys think ?

ETA: Thinking back, did Amy's parents declare her legally deceased ? Seems I remember them doing that though I could be thinking of another case. If so,would that have caused the FBI to remove her from the missing list after a period of time ? Still, why would they remove the wanted poster for the two men that she was seen with ? I just don't get it, :sigh: maybe I just need to sleep on it.
Strange too that nothing has been updated on the site in several years. Now the FBI doesn't even have her listed as a missing person? What is going on ? :scared: I'm wondering how to get to the bottom of this. Maybe contact the FBI ? :cool: I dunno, what do you guys think ?

ETA: Thinking back, did Amy's parents declare her legally deceased ? Seems I remember them doing that though I could be thinking of another case. If so,would that have caused the FBI to remove her from the missing list after a period of time ? Still, why would they remove the wanted poster for the two men that she was seen with ? I just don't get it, :sigh: maybe I just need to sleep on it.

To answer my own question, it appears that the Bradley's have not declared Amy legally dead, at least not up to 9-3-2012, as according to the VI.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Originally posted by FindAmy
The Bradleys absolutely believe that their daughter is alive. They would not declare Amy dead.
You are on a roll. Ha ha. I thought maybe you were going to "sleep on it". Good research.
Bringing this over from thread #2 just for reference .

The jawline, chin, nose, eyes .... I just don't see how it can't be her. Or her double. JMO

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

This may or may not give insight to Amy not being on the fbi website anymore: My uncle Eugene *case is listed here* is missing, however declared deceased. My family had to. However, his body is still missing but at this point it wouldn't be recognizable so he's not listed on the FBI page. Which I think is BS because he work for the damn FBI/CIA !

It could be that so much time has passed that if she is dead, a poster would do not good. That's where the NAMUS and such help out.
You are on a roll. Ha ha. I thought maybe you were going to "sleep on it". Good research.

Ugh, this stuff gives me insomnia, lol. I think I've about had it though, think I'm about to be :eek:fftobed:
I can see the resemblance but ... if I can find this photo *it's a pro model* who people assumed was me in my youth, I'll post it. You'll see how much she looks like me but then you see from the neck down it's absolutely not me. But the first time I had viewed the photo on my iphone screen I thought "wait! Is that me?!".

The bridge between the "escort *amy" has appears to be the same, jaw line is a bit off but posing and weight makes a difference. Although "escort *amy" has a healthy weight, same as regular Amy. The nose on "escort *amy" looks more button. The amount of earrings are the same, but the ear looks different. The hair is so big in "escort *amy" you can't be sure but it looks like the hair line is way off.

I do see how people think it's the same person though
The right eyebrow looks very different but the left looks the same. The eyebrows could easily be drawn on though.

The mouth, cheeks and jawline look the same. The line on her neck even looks the same.

The thing I think is most similar is her ear seems the same distance to the jaw in both photos.

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I've never been convinced the photo is her. (No offense to the Bradleys or FindAmy - I know they were 100% sure it was her.)

The sketch, however, which I believe was from the San Francisco or Barbados sighting, is downright eerie.

I noticed Amy's mom is on Facebook. Anyone think she should be invited to join the discussion? I feel bad being intrusive to her.
I guess Amy was one of the cutbacks ... :mad:

Potential federal sequestration cuts of $700 Million could affect FBI with 3,500 job cuts. Buffalo Office may lose ten percent of employees including agents and support staff.
"Toss in ten furlough days for all agents and staff and a hiring freeze until 2015. It could mean prioritizing with less assistance to local police. Like maybe not helping Hamburg police to enhance security video in the Toy's R Us case or not being able to help as much in missing persons cases".

New FBI Director James B. Comey stunned by impact of sequestration on agents in the field

"But Comey was stunned when he began visiting FBI field offices this month and heard directly from his special agents. New intelligence investigations were not being opened. Criminal cases were being closed. Informants couldn’t be paid. And there was not enough funding for agents to put gas in their cars".

Can't even put gas in the agents' cars ? This is a total outrage. :furious: How can they even start to think of being involved in cases like Amy's, when they can't even adequately investigate terrorist threats. Good going, Washington. :banghead:
The issue with inviting family is that often times it shifts conversations to tip toeing around difficult subjects. I'm sure her mom is aware of this board, she is very active in bringing her daughters name to the front line so she's not forgotten.

The only issue I have with the photo is how out of date it appears. That's all. I know it's supposed to be from right when she went missing but it looks like late 80's early 90's (hair style). I'm pretty confident it's not a wig or a "fall".

Regarding eyebrows: I'm one of those that really "paints for the gods!" (it's a drag queen saying). So my eyebrows are somewhat real and a lot of pencil. Unless you sit and take your time your eye brows won't match near the bridge. Like we say "They ain't gotta be sisters but at least make sure they are 1st cousins" (meaning they have to resemble each other).

The width of a nose is always something to look at on missing persons, the only way that changes is due to fracture, either a nose job or getting hit n the nose.
The right eyebrow looks very different but the left looks the same. The eyebrows could easily be drawn on though.

The mouth, cheeks and jawline look the same. The line on her neck even looks the same.

The thing I think is most similar is her ear seems the same distance to the jaw in both photos.

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Also a problem in that the photo is of such poor quality, blurred, so without good definition comparison with any real accuracy is difficult. Ear comparison is difficult as well with her hair partially covering her ears. IIRC, that photo was posted around 2004 or 2005, with a period when it wasn't there at all then reappeared. I'll have to go back to verify this, but at least that would account for the hair length difference. JMO

ETA: Oh, here it is, so was six years after she disappeared according to the VI :
Amy Bradley's photograph was posted on the Total Satisfaction website from 2004-2005.
Pretty sure that contacting family members is against site rules.

Potential federal sequestration cuts of $700 Million could affect FBI with 3,500 job cuts. Buffalo Office may lose ten percent of employees including agents and support staff.

I don't see how having a webpage up would cost extra money, though.
That is 100 percent amy in that picture in my opinnion
I run a website and while it's nothing on par with the FBI per traffic significance, you pay X amount per year plus X amount for unlimited bandwidth and X amount of unlimited pages. Either way our gov is cutting corners in all directions but the pockets of the higher ups. It's terrible.

Hell, I can put Amy's photo up on my website with her information and it might do some good. Not too sure if I can handle the clicks though. I'll actually ask the outreach if they want to put her photo or information up, I don't know if they will because she's not actually considered a missing sex worker and the FBI or LE hasn't definitely stated she is trafficked. We have to do things by the rule books, otherwise we open up the flood gates.

Has anyone thought to ask any of the US based sex-trafficking safe houses/websites to host her information or chime in with opinion? I'm just 1 lil' person who speaks at summits and works hands on in getting people out of desperate situations. I'm not an army.

I myself have been trafficked and I'm so lucky that I've always been "out" to my family and was able to make a phone call to get to safety - hence the reason I am in this field being an advocate. I know that at 22 with years of experience I got myself in a horrible situation and I'm very lucky to be alive. Hotel chains are half of the issue, and I'm not talking the Super 8's. I am speaking of the Hilton brand hotels, because that's where I was taken and they absolutely knew why.
Oh one last thing: I mentioned this prior but it's worth bringing up again. These "escort" websites lift images constantly. Way back when (the late 90's early 00's) they were doing it a rather old school way. These websites were scanning images out of the back of Hustler (the 900 ads etc) and photos that appeared in everything from Screwed magazine to any swingers publications. Often times they would solicit images through po. boxes; what I mean by this is that the website owner would pose as a person interested in paying for "sexy pictures" of a woman who was selling her photos via the personals. Then the person who received the images would place them on their escort website. Since this was way back before everyone had internet access, they got away with it.

I once found an ad in the back of Cherry magazine that was MY face, someone else's hands - holding a phone! it was for a 1-900 # lol. I mean, seriously you got to watch your images. The photo they had of me was taken from a webcam show I did *a private one*. They actually just took screen grabs and then made the ad from that. I couldn't believe it and had to have a dozen or so people look at it.

I've had my images appear everywhere without my consent, it happens.

All this back story has to do is put into everyone's head that sometimes these images aren't taken by the people who run the website. These pictures could be Amy (it does look like her, I do not dispute that at all), but did she have long hair years before she went missing?

Remember: On that website some images had a water mark that was consistent with an " in - house" photographer. The images with the water marks are all with the back drops of either the place itself or a tropical setting. Amy's photos do not have this water mark, meaning it wasn't the same photographer. She is NOT THE ONLY ONE without the watermark. Those without the watermark should have google reverse image done to them, curious where else they ended up at.
Pretty sure that contacting family members is against site rules.

I don't see how having a webpage up would cost extra money, though.

I don't either. Maybe its that by eliminating hers and others from their missing persons inventory, they also aren't responsible for any tips and leads and any red tape involved, in other words, reducing case load ... just a guess. It appears that they're at least saying that they are not the legal entity in charge of her case. So who is , Interpol I guess.

Natalee Holloway and Robyn Gardner used to be on the FBI site as well, stayed there for a long time even after they were declared legally dead, now they're not there.

My question is, in relieving themselves of Amy's case are they saying that she is deceased ? Or does it all only have to do with the cutbacks. I can only assume it's not the other alternative, that she's actually been found. Now wouldn't that be something. jmo
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