VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #11

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Both of our grandmothers lived off rural roads in the Midwest. When we heard someone coming down the road our grandmothers usually took a glance. They usually knew by looking at the vehicles if it it was someone they knew going past their house. Here in VA it is a little different. For some reason or other I frequently see old TV's, furniture and even an occasional mattress or box spring in the ditch. I see them all the time bike riding the rural roads. I've found most folks out that way on the lightly traveled roads pay attention to vehicles - especially those slowing down. That means they are not local - either lost OR looking to dump something in a ditch and run.

I can see a local paying attention to a slow moving vehicle coming down Joyners Bridge Road. Either they are looking for an address or up to no good.

Being born and raised in New York City; I remember spending the summers in Reedsville / Heavesville Virginia in the 80s. Now I must say that this was the boondocks. Lol. But i always remembered the ice man truck; milk man truck and other business's trucks passing by. So you are right. You will notice certain vehicles in the boonies. Btw. The nearest store to get Crab Chips was 10 miles down the road. Lol. But the trucks that stopped by the house would actually have those for sale as well. Lol. So people in the boonies will keep a eye out for all vehicles. Lol. That is considered their lifeline.
At this point, based on her actions, deletion of any posts that ask any questions about anything at all, and lack of pushing for information, I can't help but think she's involved somehow or at least knows more than she's admitting to.

To be fair, I don't know who's really running that FB page. I don't know if it's her, Wes' mother (who clearly graduated with honors from the top charm school in the land) or someone else. I don't know who's deleting posts with legit questions/suggestions or why JH is not responding there. Maybe she's at her wits end, maybe she's covering... I really don't lean one way or the other. Yet.

Which is why I said she just needs to SPILL to media, LE, the public, etc. I do honestly believe she loves her first born baby girl with all her heart. I do. I do believe that. I also believe now she needs to show it. If she ends up proving me wrong, I'll eat this post dipped in hot mustard and youtube it for proof.
To be fair, I don't know who's really running that FB page. I don't know if it's her, Wes' mother (who clearly graduated with honors from the top charm school in the land) or someone else. I don't know who's deleting posts with legit questions/suggestions or why JH is not responding there. Maybe she's at her wits end, maybe she's covering... I really don't lean one way or the other. Yet.

Which is why I said she just needs to SPILL to media, LE, the public, etc. I do honestly believe she loves her first born baby girl with all her heart. I do. I do believe that. I also believe now she needs to show it. If she ends up proving me wrong, I'll eat this post dipped in hot mustard and youtube it for proof.

Totally agree with everything you wrote here. I don't quite know what to make of JH yet. I'd like to see her step up and be AJ's hero, too. For her other girls' sake as well as AJ's. They need to know their mother is a lion if you cross her. And whatever happened, JH needs to be AJ's voice. We'll be the first to stand up and cheer to see her do it!
To be fair, I don't know who's really running that FB page. I don't know if it's her, Wes' mother (who clearly graduated with honors from the top charm school in the land) or someone else. I don't know who's deleting posts with legit questions/suggestions or why JH is not responding there. Maybe she's at her wits end, maybe she's covering... I really don't lean one way or the other. Yet.

Which is why I said she just needs to SPILL to media, LE, the public, etc. I do honestly believe she loves her first born baby girl with all her heart. I do. I do believe that. I also believe now she needs to show it. If she ends up proving me wrong, I'll eat this post dipped in hot mustard and youtube it for proof.

I agree. I guess the problem for me is the focus on wanting to be the voice for other missing people via the new "organization" but yet she has not been AJ's voice.
To be fair, I don't know who's really running that FB page. I don't know if it's her, Wes' mother (who clearly graduated with honors from the top charm school in the land) or someone else. I don't know who's deleting posts with legit questions/suggestions or why JH is not responding there. Maybe she's at her wits end, maybe she's covering... I really don't lean one way or the other. Yet.

Which is why I said she just needs to SPILL to media, LE, the public, etc. I do honestly believe she loves her first born baby girl with all her heart. I do. I do believe that. I also believe now she needs to show it. If she ends up proving me wrong, I'll eat this post dipped in hot mustard and youtube it for proof.

My personally biased advice is to tell LE everything you can and be vigilant in maintaining a mutual accountability with them until the situation is resolved. Do this despite any mutual distrust that might have developed between your family and LE in the beginning. It's not over and it certainly isn't too late for this.

Be much more discriminating with media and the public. Let LE set the pace and the tone for what is shared with those two...

Calling it a night here.

Zach, if you're reading, I will be praying with you and for you tomorrow as people of Christian faith celebrate the resurrection of our Lord that signifies eternal hope for His people. No matter the outcome, no matter what LE discovers, I'm still there praying with you and for you for God's grace to carry you and the girls. I know you're a believer and so am I. I also know sometimes it's SO hard to understand why God allows certain things to happen. I also know how horrifically hard it can be at times to "let go and let God" when you're trying to understand or reason it all out in your own head. I do not wish to offer you any lame platitudes but assure you that there are actually many believers here that understand at least on some level what you're struggling with.

I wish with all my heart this Resurrection Day for you, was different. I wish AJ were not missing. I wish so many things, but I know that we all live in a wicked world where awful things happen to people. Please know my heart is with you, your girls, and your extended family. I think I speak for everyone here, Christian or not: Anjelica has, in so many ways, become one of ours. Somehow this quirky, athletic, determined, loving girl wiggled her way into our hearts and has become our extended daughter, sister, niece, neighbor.

I pray for swift answers and equally swift and deserved justice for whoever it was that made her go away. If I could hug you and reassure you of God's comfort and grace, I would. Please allow His strength to carry you and His grace and mercy to comfort you in these awfully anxious days.
Okay so because I live pretty close by, I had the hubby drive me down this evening to where they searched the pond. The road is Rt 258 which if you were coming from Windsor (we were) you would be traveling south to Franklin right past the pond. The pond is actually on Rt 258 and the home is on Joyner's Bridge Road. If you were traveling south, the pond would be on your left. You could throw a cell phone out the window and maybe make it into the pond but probably not the middle. You would have to give it a good throw but hubby said he thought he could probably get it there. If you were coming from Franklin you would be driving north and therefore the pond would be on the right and well it would be hard to throw a phone across your body and get it even close.

I drove over to the Carrsville Elementary school. We took Joyner's Bridge Road and went down Rt 641 Collosse Rd and let me tell you there is tons of fields and wooded areas just like Ballahack Rd is in Chesapeake. We came back up Carrsville Hwy and took a right on 258. It's very rural out there you guys. Rt 258 runs between Windsor and Franklin which I can see that it could have some traffic on it especially in the morning since it might be a main travel road to get between the towns. It would be hard area to pinpoint an area to search without having something to go on. If the white van the neighbor was talking about was driving down Joyner's Bridge Road there are probably a lot of areas that you could hide stuff. Joyner's Bridge Road has closer homes down towards the pond they searched and also right by those other two ponds you see on Google Earth there are homes right by those ponds but as you go further down towards rt. 615 and 641 there are places where you wouldn't see a home but lots of fields and woods. I just wanted to kind of give you guys an idea from me traveling there. There weren't any new construction homes that we could see between Joyner's Bridge Road and Rt 641 and didn't see any construction going on at the school but we didn't drive around to the back of it or anything.

WAVY article
"Hines said detectives showed him a picture of a white truck belonging to Quality Plumbing. Hines said he distinctly remembers seeing the truck driving slowly down Joyners Bridge Road, but not stopping."
“She asked me if I had seen that van in the area lately, and I told her that probably within the last week and a half to two weeks, I’ve seen it come down this road and go back out,” Hines said.
Thank you for this helpful post!!
But again, "a week and a half to two weeks ago?" Not only not specific, but pretty sure Wes was locked up. Has anyone dive the "stupid" check to find out how many jobs the plumbing company had out that way recently?

And just how sure was the guy that it was a company van and not just a white van with some writing on it?

Yeah I can say that myself too. Only that company can say. At first when I watched the news on the tv he was pointing to the driveway that the van turned around on was 258 but in the article he says Joyner's Bridge Rd. That road is a pretty rural side road that unless the van was looking for a house to do a job on I don't see what it would be doing on that particular road. There's no industry or businesses on that road that I can tell unless it was cutting over from somewhere but it turned around on that road and went back which leads me to think they weren't just cutting over to rt. 258. I just wanted to get an idea of what the area really looked like.

I tried to see if there were govt. bids with the city on the school but I believe that info isn't posted online and you have to ask for the bid information. It might be hard to get that info. unless there is a local there that might have an idea.
Okay so because I live pretty close by, I had the hubby drive me down this evening to where they searched the pond. The road is Rt 258 which if you were coming from Windsor (we were) you would be traveling south to Franklin right past the pond. The pond is actually on Rt 258 and the home is on Joyner's Bridge Road. If you were traveling south, the pond would be on your left. You could throw a cell phone out the window and maybe make it into the pond but probably not the middle. You would have to give it a good throw but hubby said he thought he could probably get it there. If you were coming from Franklin you would be driving north and therefore the pond would be on the right and well it would be hard to throw a phone across your body and get it even close.

I drove over to the Carrsville Elementary school. We took Joyner's Bridge Road and went down Rt 641 Collosse Rd and let me tell you there is tons of fields and wooded areas just like Ballahack Rd is in Chesapeake. We came back up Carrsville Hwy and took a right on 258. It's very rural out there you guys. Rt 258 runs between Windsor and Franklin which I can see that it could have some traffic on it especially in the morning since it might be a main travel road to get between the towns. It would be hard area to pinpoint an area to search without having something to go on. If the white van the neighbor was talking about was driving down Joyner's Bridge Road there are probably a lot of areas that you could hide stuff. Joyner's Bridge Road has closer homes down towards the pond they searched and also right by those other two ponds you see on Google Earth there are homes right by those ponds but as you go further down towards rt. 615 and 641 there are places where you wouldn't see a home but lots of fields and woods. I just wanted to kind of give you guys an idea from me traveling there. There weren't any new construction homes that we could see between Joyner's Bridge Road and Rt 641 and didn't see any construction going on at the school but we didn't drive around to the back of it or anything.

WAVY article
"Hines said detectives showed him a picture of a white truck belonging to Quality Plumbing. Hines said he distinctly remembers seeing the truck driving slowly down Joyners Bridge Road, but not stopping."
“She asked me if I had seen that van in the area lately, and I told her that probably within the last week and a half to two weeks, I’ve seen it come down this road and go back out,” Hines said.

My hat off to you, hey-Debbie, and to your DH's eyes on your drive through. That's priceles... means everything, that you took the time and trouble. Thank you very much for being first at bat, from thread to thread here, sharing your thoughts. It's a captivating crew here, thanks to all who've posted.
Yeah I can say that myself too. Only that company can say. At first when I watched the news on the tv he was pointing to the driveway that the van turned around on was 258 but in the article he says Joyner's Bridge Rd. That road is a pretty rural side road that unless the van was looking for a house to do a job on I don't see what it would be doing on that particular road. There's no industry or businesses on that road that I can tell unless it was cutting over from somewhere but it turned around on that road and went back which leads me to think they weren't just cutting over to rt. 258. I just wanted to get an idea of what the area really looked like.

I tried to see if there were govt. bids with the city on the school but I believe that info isn't posted online and you have to ask for the bid information. It might be hard to get that info. unless there is a local there that might have an idea.

Is this the school?
Maybe I am about to get my hand slapped, but have you clicked on this new Community FB page in the past hour? The one that is linked at the bottom of the new fundraising page? Since that FB page does not have a person's name on it or attached to it, can I post it here? Anyway, more weird to add to the weird.

Yes I saw that, it is weird
Yes I saw that, it is weird

For somebody who swears they are coming at someone hard and that theyre not gonna like it........they sure as hell are going about it in a roundabout and extremely confusing way.
I've given up on JH and WH ever doing the right thing.
LE is the only hope.
For somebody who swears they are coming at someone hard and that theyre not gonna like it........they sure as hell are going about it in a roundabout and extremely confusing way.

So worth skipping would you say? In the sense that, should I bother to look at it?
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