VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #14

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I have never been able to rent a vehicle without a credit card.

Youve probably never had "friends" and connections that were immersed neck deep in drug culture.

There are a lot of crazy, chemically retarded people who would do an awful lot of things that you and I would find reprehensible and downright despicable for 200 bucks.

Loaning someone a vehicle for cash would seem an act of benevolence in comparison IMO.
I, like many of you, have quietly kept up with AJ's case from the beginning. My heart is so heavy with this recent development and finding adequate words to express myself is challenging; you all have so eloquently done what I am unable to do at this moment. Your heartfelt words have helped my bleeding heart and I can only imagine the comfort they have given to AJ's family and friends. Thank you for that.

And to our dear Zach, I know you feel the love and support you have within the walls of WS. We are family here. I also wanted to share that I come from a family dynamic that is not much different than yours and AJ's. My ex-stepfather raised me from the age of two until he and my mother divorced when I was ten. He always was and will always be my dad. No divorce papers or living arrangements ever changed that. It's been 30 years now since they went their separate ways and he is still my dad. He has many great attributes that he has instilled upon me and, hands down, has been one of the most influential people in my life by helping to mold me into the woman I am today. And I see a lot of him in you. And when I think of you and what you are going through, I think about him. And then I'm blinded by the love you have for AJ and I just wanted to say that I am lucky enough to know that kind of love from an "ex-stepfather" who really is Dad to me, too, and that you are incredibly special. It does help my aching heart and even makes me smile a little to know she knew this love, as well. I am so very sorry for your loss.
has anyone "heard the story" that CB is talking about today

I'll just say I found it quite odd that Namus reports they do not have her dental records on file. Namus could be wrong, or outdated, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a circus just to get her dental records.
I've followed this from the beginning but I'm inexperienced and very rarely post, yet, I've thought exactly as you from early on. I was worried for her long term safety when he was put in jail. Maybe the plan was he would find her, then be the hero and claim the reward money. I cannot type the rest of what is going through my mind, especially with her being found outside.

Who knows, maybe something like this was the original plan...kidnapping scheme for reward would not surprise me one bit.
Yes, imo. And with his criminal bg, LE would've had their sites on him hard and fast, and he probably knew that, jmo.

And since he knew that, scattered though he seems to be, why kill someone so close him, try to breadcrumb (verb!) a fake trail, and dispose of a body in an area (let us just say for theory's sake) where he would be so utterly scrutinized? This is beyond disorganized. It is almost a death wish. This makes me believe the premeditation time as to the execution of the crime itself was really short. The obsession time about AJ may have been quite long. Predators have been known to actually marry women for access to the children.

What a strange psyche this man must have, assuming the remains are AJ's and the disposer of the body is who we think he is.
I started thinking, and sorry if this has been brought up before, about something different. I am not committed to this idea, but it just occurred to me since reading a news article about remains found, especially since it was restated in those articles that the police did not suspect foul play. I wondered if maybe they thought she was suicidal. They could have evidence that points in that direction. These things can be hidden very well from a lot of people; a lot of times it appears to happen suddenly and without warning to a lot of people.

One thing that hit me was the neighbor who said she was driving with a purpose, or something along those lines.

I hope the remains found are not AJ, and still hope that maybe she is alive out there somewhere. Still sucks, though, because if they are not hers they are still someone else's (and she would still be missing).

I hope this post is not offensive to anyone; I know it is a sensitive thing to discuss, and like I said I am not fully committed to the idea. I was just trying to figure out why the police would not suspect foul play (of course, they could just be saying that to protect what they know and because they have not named any POIs or suspects yet) but consider her endangered. That would be an explanation for why.

And of course, there are a lot of other things we know that do not necessarily fit it with a suicide, but just a thought that I had that I figured I might as well share.

I know there are family members who come here and read, so I would like to apologize if what I am saying is upsetting; I have had to deal with suicide before and it is horrifying and difficult to even consider, so please take what I say with a grain of salt. This is all just a little bit of speculation, and we will not know what has happened until she is found...

If it is suicide, did she walk all that way?
I'll just say I found it quite odd that Namus reports they do not have her dental records on file. Namus could be wrong, or outdated, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a circus just to get her dental records.

IIRC Namus did not have the "last seen" date/time information correct in this case either. We were going to try to get Zach to get that corrected...
Yes, you could be correct. You think he went into the house after her sisters left for school? The only thing is how did he get her body out since it was daytime? I've been going over this in my mind.

He moved the red truck to the opposite side of the driveway so he could park closer to the fence/gate that leads into the backyard?

It wouldnt be as far to walk while carrying something heavy. The sheer bulk of a work van would shield him from casual observation from neighbors and passersby alike .

And perhaps most importantly, WH went out of his way to mention that the red truck had been moved in the first place.


No need to even add that odd detail unless he was trying to cover for something else his forgetting to move the truck back to its usual spot perhaps?
And since he knew that, scattered though he seems to be, why kill someone so close him, try breadcrumb (verb!) a fake trail, and dispose of a body in an area (let us just say for theory's sake) where he would be so utterly scrutinized? This is beyond disorganized. It is almost a death wish. This makes me believe the premeditation time as to the execution of the crime itself was really short. The obsession time about AJ may have been quite long. Predators have been known to actually marry women for access to the children.

What a strange psyche this man must have, assuming the remains are AJ's and the disposer of the body is who we think he is.

Indeed. Katy made a good post referencing this, something along the lines of him being a manic/adhd drug addict, or something like that.
Don't know if you saw my post in a thread a few threads back, but I said you rock because you were active with distributing flyers. I know this was very important to Zach, as he really turned to us for help in this regard.

Thank you very much. <3

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He moved the red truck to the opposite side of the driveway so he could park closer to the fence/gate that leads into the backyard?

This reminds me, is there a garage at AJ's house? :lookingitup: I'm not recalling the photo, obviously need to go back and check, but if so, it would be easy to load and unload a vehicle unseen.
I'm not saying that's what I think happened...I'm just saying anything is possible. We just don't have the first clue, really.

As for the masks...I really don't know. Meth is a possibility, filth is a possibility, animals getting into the house and setting up shop, stale air from being shut up for 2 years...I dunno.

Maybe the house has mold problem too.
Just gonna put this out there. This thought has been going through my head since the HG case, also in Virginia. Is it too far out to believe that some kind of system could be put in place for missing persons (think microchip for pets) to help locate them? I don't have any concrete idea how it would work...but like insurance, you don't know how much you need it, until you have to use it. It may or may not deter the evilness perpetrated on fellow human beings, such as AJ, but sure would bring the missing person home, sooner rather than later. Like I said, not sure how it would or could work, but just thinking.

I think most people would be opposed to being chipped, sort of a civil rights issue. However, there are people who other people may have guardianship of that would find this a blessing: Those who are caring for people with Alzheimer's or intellectually disabled children.
Response to FindHG:
"If it is suicide, did she walk all that way?"

That's one of the main things that turns me against the idea; all of the cars were still there, and the distance is incredible. Plus, however she got there would have still been there (any other vehicle).

When I had read that there had been a sighting of her a few days afterward, I had hoped a little maybe she had just run away for awhile...
But LE was obviously not searching for a runaway...
This reminds me, is there a garage at AJ's house? :lookingitup: I'm not recalling the photo, obviously need to go back and check, but if so, it would be easy to load and unload a vehicle unseen.

No garage. From doing a little google man walk around the neighborhood, it appears to me many people have converted what used to be garage space into living space. These houses are quite small, if they are anything like the house I lived in as a young child only a couple miles from AJ's house.
Yes, you could be correct. You think he went into the house after her sisters left for school? The only thing is how did he get her body out since it was daytime? I've been going over this in my mind.

The work van.
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