VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #17

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I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have said nice things about Mel.

I don't want to get kicked off of here again and I don't want this post to be deleted, but I just wanted to say something in case anyone was wondering.

There may have been three reasons why no one saw Mel before the interview:

1) his wife told him to stay clear of Virginia because she was afraid that the news/media/public opinion/le may have looked at him as a suspect. If he was in Florida no one could be tempted to possibly hurt AJ and pin it on him. Remember we were still holding out hope she was alive.

2) There was hope that Anjelica might try to escape a bad situation by coming to Florida, there would have been no one home if everyone was in Virginia.

3) There was a small window of hope that not pissing off someone could lead to an improved relationship when Anjelica came home.

I have not been verified as an insider, so please take every bit of this post as speculation.

Also someone had mentioned the obit that was made for the Langer family. Zach was not mentioned. This was not an attempt to lessen Zach's part in Anjelica's life. The role he played was very important, it was just one that the biological father wish he could have filled. The obit was made as a way to in some small way take away one of the last bits of pain that could be inflicted on this family by others. It was not intended to inflict pain on Zach. It is our great hope that Zach's family would make their own obit as well as a final momento to such a beautiful child that all of our hearts are breaking for.

As to Mel not being in Angelica's life, I think that is an answer that Zach could reply to as he is verified. I'm sure he'll be completely honest in how he met JH and the situation surrounding her leaving VA with Angelica. If he does know the truth that is. It's natural tendency to always make ourselves look good and so I'm sure that's what JH would have done too.

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I am so sorry for your loss!
My heart bleeds for every one of you in this tangled web.
So many hearts have been broken here.
I think its just a shame you all cant join together and grieve.
Why does life come to this.

Peace to you and Mel. You are in my prayers!
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have said nice things about Mel.

I don't want to get kicked off of here again and I don't want this post to be deleted, but I just wanted to say something in case anyone was wondering.

There may have been three reasons why no one saw Mel before the interview:

1) his wife told him to stay clear of Virginia because she was afraid that the news/media/public opinion/le may have looked at him as a suspect. If he was in Florida no one could be tempted to possibly hurt AJ and pin it on him. Remember we were still holding out hope she was alive.

2) There was hope that Anjelica might try to escape a bad situation by coming to Florida, there would have been no one home if everyone was in Virginia.

3) There was a small window of hope that not pissing off someone could lead to an improved relationship when Anjelica came home.

I have not been verified as an insider, so please take every bit of this post as speculation.

Also someone had mentioned the obit that was made for the Langer family. Zach was not mentioned. This was not an attempt to lessen Zach's part in Anjelica's life. The role he played was very important, it was just one that the biological father wish he could have filled. The obit was made as a way to in some small way take away one of the last bits of pain that could be inflicted on this family by others. It was not intended to inflict pain on Zach. It is our great hope that Zach's family would make their own obit as well as a final momento to such a beautiful child that all of our hearts are breaking for.

As to Mel not being in Angelica's life, I think that is an answer that Zach could reply to as he is verified. I'm sure he'll be completely honest in how he met JH and the situation surrounding her leaving VA with Angelica. If he does know the truth that is. It's natural tendency to always make ourselves look good and so I'm sure that's what JH would have done too.

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Thank you, Brenchen. I hope Mel and his wife are able to endure this craziness. I have full confidence in LE. Justice for AJ.
I'm not too sure about this zapped, because it comes to me second hand, but don't dealers generally have a place where they grind rocks? The reason I ask is I thought for just moving AJ, the size of the car was overkill. Could the perp/s have used the same car to relocate other material that required more space and what could that possibly be?

It could have just happened to be the car that was available to the perp at the time. More of a convenience thing, IMO.
I haven't posted much in the last couple of days because I just don't have much to add at this point. Brenchen, my heart goes out to all of Mel's family. Everything about this case is SO unfair to AJ, and to everyone who cared about her (whether they were in her daily life or not).

I do think when the investigation is complete and the arrest(s) are made and truth comes out... we will all be satisfied with the work LE has done and there WILL be justice for AJ.
There has been a lot of pain expressed on these threads. Whether because of hurt from molestation or people's drug use, personal connection to AJ, or those of us who didn't know AJ but feel her loss regardless, I send my warm thoughts and (((hugs))).
Prayers to you brenchen and all your family. My heart hurts for you all.
Husband just left for VA. I wish I could be with him. We have 3 bullmastiffs and a min pin and couldn't find anyone to watch them. Prayers that he makes it there ok, that no drama occurs while he's up there, and he makes it back safe.

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Thank you for this link. A few comments down on the same page is a link to pdf and PR statements about WH kidnapping and rape of his estranged wife MH, as well as his criminal history which includes luring a minor to run away with him.
I'm struck by the similarity between MH and AJ. Both 5'2 120lbs with long brown hair.
Is there an actual image to compare to since I've seen it mentioned numerous times they are very similar looking? To me that would throw up a huge blinking red flag?! Right?!
When someone is found deceased. You have to wait for a coroner to pronounce them deceased and also in this case they needed to take their time. Also with the tall grass they had a very hard search. IMHO
Husband just left for VA. I wish I could be with him. We have 3 bullmastiffs and a min pin and couldn't find anyone to watch them. Prayers that he makes it there ok, that no drama occurs while he's up there, and he makes it back safe.

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Probably for the best he quietly sneak in that place alone. Me, as a woman , knows the true desire to protect the ones we love and I could see drama trouble and craziness on the forefront. I wanted to show my support and attend but I simply cannot surround myself with that type of activity. Your husband has your support simply from a far. He is strong and will make it through. Praying for you guys and Zach and his. This case has turned on everyone who deserves praise and it makes me simply ill. That is all I can say. People are so blind as to look at Mel as being a deserted parent when fact be his ex simply picked up and took the child. NOW If He Caused Issues FOR jh Afterwards I'm SURE THAT WOULD HAVE Been Wrong. So it's like a no win situation period. People really need to sit back and think on the actual visible facts of this case. It just makes me sad I've had to distance myself. I'm Behind On READING. And I just can't even imagine why or how some of this stuff is going on. Ugh prayers
I'm not too sure about this zapped, because it comes to me second hand, but don't dealers generally have a place where they grind rocks? The reason I ask is I thought for just moving AJ, the size of the car was overkill. Could the perp/s have used the same car to relocate other material that required more space and what could that possibly be?

Minivans often have tinted windows. Maybe that was a factor in choosing the vehicle.
Under Homeland Security Law, anytime LE sees anything that may be illegal they do not need a warrant.

I think the warrants are not to tip anyone off. They have searched WH hotel so that's not it. LE was in AJ home, but could be more?!?

The warrants could be for the work van!?!

AND it could be for someone we have not talked about...

On a side note my niece came home from college her freshman year and told her parents she felt confined by them. We were all upset but she came and went as she pleased. So AJ could have very well left on her own. Read her last tweet. Who was she talking about?
Probably for the best he quietly sneak in that place alone. Me, as a woman , knows the true desire to protect the ones we love and I could see drama trouble and craziness on the forefront. I wanted to show my support and attend but I simply cannot surround myself with that type of activity. Your husband has your support simply from a far. He is strong and will make it through. Praying for you guys and Zach and his. This case has turned on everyone who deserves praise and it makes me simply ill. That is all I can say. People are so blind as to look at Mel as being a deserted parent when fact be his ex simply picked up and took the child.

Well I would definitely stand up for Mel. He's not going in the lion den alone though. If you know Mel, you know Christina :) she's going too and the rest of his family and his friends (which he has a lot of) everyone who knows the situation knows what happened. I'm sure the last thing JH wants to do is step to Mel at the funeral.

Mel has always avoided scenes and altercations so I'm sure in the process of grieving at the funeral he's going to be doing everything in his power for any scene not to occur at his daughters funeral.

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Brenchen, Please accept my sincere condolences ... I am praying daily for you and Mel as well. I am so glad he is able to attend the memorial service. I pray that no "drama" occurs. The obituary was beautiful and I thought it very appropriate that you spelled "Angelica's" name the original way :) Hugs & prayers.
Well I would definitely stand up for Mel. He's not going in the lion den alone though. If you know Mel, you know Christina :) she's going too and the rest of his family and his friends (which he has a lot of) everyone who knows the situation knows what happened. I'm sure the last thing JH wants to do is step to Mel at the funeral.

Mel has always avoided scenes and altercations so I'm sure in the process of grieving at the funeral he's going to be doing everything in his power for any scene not to occur at his daughters funeral.

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Thank God. I do not know much I am not THAT close. Thankfully. And I certainly did not mean JH but the supporters who seem to be clueless as to the true story and background yet comment as if they know everything. I make sure to state my OPINION and not jump on any post I do not agree on. Since I truly do not know all of the back info. But mel and Zach stating similar stories to me is a DUH moment in itself. Some people it takes longer to comprehend.
Husband just left for VA. I wish I could be with him. We have 3 bullmastiffs and a min pin and couldn't find anyone to watch them. Prayers that he makes it there ok, that no drama occurs while he's up there, and he makes it back safe.

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My prayers go with him. So much heartbreak! I'm glad you could come back to us. My deepest sympathies are with your family.
From Luckyseven interview transcript:

" Today was her boyfriend’s birthday. We had a birthday party for him and let me just say it wasn’t a party, okay? It was not a celebration. It was what my daughter wants. *voice cracks* I overheard a conversation between my daughter and his mother the week prior and I heard them talking about a GoPro. Now, I do heating and air. I don’t know what a GoPro is. I had to google it and it took me a few hours to figure it out. But I figured it out and when she asked if she could get some money I understood what she was probably asking, so I gave her $200 because these things are a little over that."

I also wonder how WH overheard this gopro conversation a week prior. Had WH put the Gopro in jH house as peeping tom tool and a means of control. Is this how he overhead AJ's gopro conversation ? Didn't he move out about 3 weeks before AJ's disappearance?
From Luckyseven interview transcript:

" Today was her boyfriend’s birthday. We had a birthday party for him and let me just say it wasn’t a party, okay? It was not a celebration. It was what my daughter wants. *voice cracks* I overheard a conversation between my daughter and his mother the week prior and I heard them talking about a GoPro. Now, I do heating and air. I don’t know what a GoPro is. I had to google it and it took me a few hours to figure it out. But I figured it out and when she asked if she could get some money I understood what she was probably asking, so I gave her $200 because these things are a little over that."

I also wonder how WH overheard this gopro conversation a week prior. Had WH put the Gopro in jH house as peeping tom tool and a means of control. Is this how he overhead AJ's gopro conversation ? Didn't he move out about 3 weeks before AJ's disappearance?

Some of us have speculated that the entire gopro scenario was made up to fit in gaps in WH's story the day AJ went missing. Somebody mentioned (I think NJ?) that maybe he read a conversation AJ had with her boyfriend via text and that is how he got the idea, which is what I think. Whoever harmed AJ most likely had access to her phone. I mentioned maybe WH had a convo with somebody about a gopro so he inserted it in a missing gap he needed to fill for LE regarding money, time spent etc. we just don't know for sure. It's entirely possible WH got a gopro himself for some unsavory things (or as somebody mentioned maybe in a drug trade he got one/used it as a bait for AJ to come to a hotel). Many possible speculations! What we can say for sure is he's lied about many things so there is no reason to think he was telling the truth about the gopro and well, anything!
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