VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #2

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So it was Porch Smoky Kid who saw her in the truck and then the white car, right? I wonder, what teenage kid actually says "driving with purpose"? It just seems like an odd way to speak for most teenage kids. Much like "departed from my presence".

I was thinking it was 2 different people, "the kid" and "my neighbor who doesn't smoke in the house". I M BEHIND- obviously.
I think that matters a lot. That wording, for direction, it says something. I do not know what. If he brought her to harm, he may have had to have disposed of her sometime after the station and before being back at work. So where he works, goes to work, that's something that would make him think twice and watch his words, which in his case is often enough backtracking, as so expertly observed up thread.

I wonder if they own a vacation home or something?
Could you imagine handing your teen 200 bucks at the gas station, and then getting them to stand there for 35 more minutes while you stare at each other? Never going to happen. LOL

All the while knowing you're going to be in trouble when you get back to work...all just so you can stare at one another in a gas station. :facepalm:
Here is a Wavy 10 news link for the people that might think there is more than one person involved or possible multiple POI's. Start listening at 1:15 min in. WH speaks in plural (persons) more than one he says.
I did think that one was a bit confusing, but I think I figured it out. This is what I think he is saying:

Okay, without saying it out loud, but yes someone has brought themselves to the forefront. LE did interview this person three times. (Here I think he is expecting the audience to assume that what comes next is his explanation to how they arrived at the FOLLOWING search warrant. He's jumping ahead of himself.)Let’s just say a neutral party happened to see something that the POI didn't want them to see. Maybe a mutual friend, you know, was hanging out with the POI. There was a search warrant executed on the POI and their house.

I think he is saying that some kind of mutual/neutral friend was hanging out with the POI and saw evidence of Anjelica having been at the house (maybe the jacket? or something else? keep in mind this could be a lie or the truth so IDK) or saw them texting or something and then alerted LE or the family and they were able to get a search warrant.

Could this neutral person maybe have blood relative ties to the POI?
I now believe WH. He said a search warrant was issued on the guys house and the same softball jacket with her name on it was found hidden in the closet. Plus the guy found the prestine part of the card while the other pieces were found close by and less prestine looking the next day. Also WH seem frustrated when the cops left out the jacket part but showed him other stuff. She is 19 and i doubt wh could reconigze somethings because he is rarely home and teen girls have lots of clothes, and other items. Plus he authentically seemed mad and seemed like there is plenty of more that LE knows about the case. My only question is where did she leave the key to the truck once she got home? And why didnt she have her own key?

The cops told him it was not verified as her jacket because... and WH cut them off. Why cut off a homicide detective who is giving you crucial info about your missing child?
As for the pristine part of the card. WH's brother was right there with him when he 'found it.' Maybe it was planted there? They took a picture of him finding it to preserve the evidence for police. And they also saw the jacket in the kids home and called the police so they could get a warrant. sounds shady and fishy to me. JMO
The whole cash thing seems odd. In my house if our teen needs money we transfer money to her debit (credit) card so we can track what she's really spending it on. And, it's a whole lot easier than going to a bank. I might shell out $30 or $40 bucks but never $200. We rarely have cash.

Hmmmm. Maybe this is exactly what Mom did and maybe THIS is what explains the torn up debit/credit card in the street. Maybe AJ did it herself. Might explain why she had to meet "dad" for money. And I guess that might explain "driving with a purpose", if in fact pieces of that card were really ratty and/or appear to have been driven over many times.

Do I think this is what really happened? No clue. Thinking out loud because I'm befuddled at this point.
He says his brother has a white car plus helped find the cards. Plus why didnt they let LE pick up the card with gloves on. Now no other pieces were found that day after looking around some more. But all of a sudden the other pcs are found in the near by vacinity. Where did she leave her truck key at?
The cops told him it was not verified as her jacket because... and WH cut them off. Why cut off a homicide detective who is giving you crucial info about your missing child?
As for the pristine part of the card. WH's brother was right there with him when he 'found it.' Maybe it was planted there? They took a picture of him finding it to preserve the evidence for police. And they also saw the jacket in the kids home and called the police so they could get a warrant. sounds shady and fishy to me. JMO

He said his wife told him that it had her name stitched in it. His wife told him about the jacket per LE before LE spoke to him. So he may have been feeling like why are they holding out about the jacket that has her name on it that was found in this persons closet.
Here's my latest pondering...

I can't get over the idea that they found her debit card pieces, on 2 separate occasions, (maybe in 2 different locations?)away from her home and on a street. I mean, what are the chances? I've lost my debit card before and I can barely find it in one piece, between the seats in my car, let alone many pieces on a street. Isn't that like finding a needle in a haystack, not just once, but twice?
That same white car screen capped in the driveway, is on another persons FB page. So it's not hard to figure out whose car that is. What's weird is that THIS information about the brother owning a white car comes out AFTER a WSer posts the screen cap of the car in the driveway. A few posts down I offhandledly remark that white is the most common color car. And then lo and behold...we now have WH not only throwing the information that his brother DOES drive a white compact car, but Smokey knows his car and that wasn't it. WH even goes on to tell us that white is the most common car color. Coincidence?
He said his wife told him that it had her name stitched in it. His wife told him about the jacket per LE before LE spoke to him. So he may have been feeling like why are they holding out about the jacket that has her name on it that was found in this persons closet.

Wouldn't he know that jacket had her name stitched on it without the wife having to tell him? I mean, she was, according to him, wearing that very jacket when they met at the gas station just a few hours before she vanished.
That same white car screen capped in the driveway, is on another persons FB page. So it's not hard to figure out whose car that is. What's weird is that THIS information about the brother owning a white car comes out AFTER a WSer posts the screen cap of the car in the driveway. A few posts down I offhandledly remark that white is the most common color car. And then lo and behold...we now have WH not only throwing the information that his brother DOES drive a white compact car, but Smokey knows his car and that wasn't it. WH even goes on to tell us that white is the most common car color. Coincidence?

The walls have ears.
About the jacket--WH says in the interview that LE told him about the jacket the first Saturday she was missing. That they had the jacket in their possession and had found it during a search. Yet, they told searchers the very next day to be on the look out for that jacket. A WS member posted this about the Sunday search. She would not have known about the jacket if they had not told them Sunday to look for it.

Why would they tell people to look for the jacket if they knew the jacket was already found and with the police?

Dropping the truck off continues to make no sense. AJ had a car at school. Where was that car? Maybe her mom used it? That's the only thing I can think of. Still, it would make no sense for him to drop the truck off Monday morning when she didn't need it until Tuesday.

The only thing I can think of is he drove the truck there Monday morning and knew that someone saw the truck there because, how can you miss it, then had to come up with some reason for the truck being there. "Oh, AJ wanted to use it."

The half hour staring at each other makes no sense, unless your boss asked you why it took so long to drop off some money.

We don't know where she was the days before she went missing--it's plausible she left the jacket at someone's house and that's why it was there. We don't really have any reliable proof she wore the jacket the day she went missing.

We also don't know if someone else might have had her phone from Monday morning on. If someone else had her phone, they may not want to tweet for her, but may have no problem texting responses. Like "going for a walk to blow off some steam, text you later."

As for language, kids use language that is foreign to us--"fade" means leave, etc. The language used in the interview with WH is very LE-speak to me. This is language that would be used in interrogations or testifying in court. "At what point did the victim depart the suspect's presence?" If someone is interrogated, they may start parroting the language used by LE.

All that said, WH provided so much detail that could be verified by LE, he must be nuts or believe he's smarter than everyone else if he's not telling the truth.
Just as an aside but, in that interview WH says on the Thursday when the person found the bottom card of AJ's bank card, he was an hour away out of town, working.

Maybe it's just me, but if my 18 yr old goes missing under highly suspect circumstances (mystery texts, etc.) the last thing I'm going to be doing less than 48 hours later is punching a time clock.
Also, re: WH and working, his boss noted in one of his infamous comments, that one reason the online fundraising account was needed was to help when WH was out of work...he couldn't work when all of this was going on with his daughter's disappearance. But here he's saying he was not only working but OUT OF TOWN working an hour away??
Here's my latest pondering...

I can't get over the idea that they found her debit card pieces, on 2 separate occasions, (maybe in 2 different locations?)away from her home and on a street. I mean, what are the chances? I've lost my debit card before and I can barely find it in one piece, between the seats in my car, let alone many pieces on a street. Isn't that like finding a needle in a haystack, not just once, but twice?

Isn't a debit card plastic?

I have been too lazy to go get scissors when my credit card expires and believe me, breaking it into pieces by hand is a long process.
And yet another tidbit that makes no sense whatsoever is...

If it was 12:45-ish when WH and AJ departed from each other's presence after a 30 minute silent stare down at the local gas station, how is it that Smokey Porch Kid saw her at 1pm driving away from the house? I suppose this timeline would work if the gas station was less than 15 minutes away (but we don't know that because he never mentions which gas station) and she came home right after, grabbed something, then left again & that's when Smokey saw her driving away from the house.

That sure is a lot of activity that day (calling WH for money, meeting him, back to the house, leaving again, coming back and then disappearing) for a girl who's own mom is on record saying she'd told her she had no plans that day.

I know someone saw her after one o’clock departing, our neighbor she waved to. What happened was, it’s a kid, I can’t really speak a name because of the case, but the information is simple. The kid that we all know and love, we always wave to him, she saw him. I mean, they saw each other and then he brought to the police that at 2 o’clock he saw her pass by again. His words are “driving with purpose” and “not herself.” Those are his words, not our words. He went to the police on his own accord and he struggled with it. He came out later than he should have because he didn’t know she was missing to begin, and we didn’t report her until the next day since we didn’t know what to do exactly. Now 2 o’clock is the last physical sighting of her driving the red drunk back towards the house.
Last week when the info about the alleged "stalker" and "suspicious" text came to light our local news was all over it. Commercial lead in's , FB, Twitter. WH was right their providing pictures, witnesses and searching a random area for her cell phone. Now there are two POI's, interrogations and her found jacket, by LE, HIDDEN IN A HOUSE! Local Media..............LE statement?

Also, re: WH and working, his boss noted in one of his infamous comments, that one reason the online fundraising account was needed was to help when WH was out of work...he couldn't work when all of this was going on with his daughter's disappearance. But here he's saying he was not only working but OUT OF TOWN working an hour away??

I was unaware of that comment but if that's the case then..... yet another hmmm.
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