VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #8

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Did you go down Station Rd?

No. When I looked down it and saw the open ground I had to pass AND go past two houses, I discounted it. If I was going to dispose of something - or someone - going down a dead end road across open ground where the occupants can see me just screams suspicious. Especially at night. I don't know who lives there. They could be retired and home all day. They could work a night shift somewhere and have just gotten home or be coming home. Or someone with insomnia and sitting out on a dark porch at night sipping wine. No, thinking like someone who wants to get rid of something the area behind the intersection of Battlefield and Chesapeake Espressway gives me the chills when I look at it.
Another thing!!!! Its says "we just want her home safe" make me wonder if they know maybe she is being held by someone. But idk! Agh its so frustrating!

Yikes and with the balloon release. :(
I don't know if anyone has suggested this, but could AJ be in that storage unit? If so could she still be alive? I hope someone has checked it out.

Yes, someone on WS called this tip in when it was discussed earlier.
*comes out of lurking*

Maybe WH's 'revenge' he had time to plan was a little less murder-y and a little more . . . Woody Allen. When that didn't go well, either by refusal or *shudder* by force and he realized the soon to be consequences, he panicked and acted impulsively. Then all this.


Well that's one way to come out lurk-dom, for sure :) I can assure you, you're not the first one to suspect a little Woody Allen-ish kind of stuff going on. I did before WH ever mentioned it in his jailhouse interview.
It is possible, through a mixture of his mental issues and drugs or alcohol to black out or have a major dissociative event. I.e. he could have launched into a blind rage and not remember details, or be so traumatised by what happened that he can't remember details (even if he caused them to happen).

only problem with this idea is, WH drops clues in everything he says ---- telling LE where to search, not finding the gun, etc...


Yes. Jen and Wes were separated about three weeks before AJ came home from school. She had kicked him out of the house because he went back on drugs and she did not want the kids around that.

Thank you. So, if Wes knew AJ was home alone and decided to go in...would AJ let him in the house or get pissed? (In your opinion).
sorry guys playing catch up from today. i love your points made above, couldn't agree more.
can you please clarify what i bolded?? thought we had no details regarding texts.

The poster is just talking about the text conversation between AJ and her cousin. It's a conversation from before she went missing. :)
I don't know if anyone has suggested this, but could AJ be in that storage unit? If so could she still be alive? I hope someone has checked it out.

Thats why when I first realized WH's "business" used a storage unit for an address I was wanting someone to double check. Zach did say he notified police shortly thereafter.
Gotcha there is Northwest River Park which is down gall bush then right on Indian creek rd ( I believe that is the name of the rd) but again blocked off after sundown. I cannot think of any other places that if you were caught you could explain unless he went to the bridge on tulls creek rd. there is actually two...oh wow just thought of something. know once you get into NC - moyock to be exact. Unless someone saw you (nosey neighbor) and with no street lights. You could possibly get away with anything. we are not a huge city. Just a county and the police presence around here is slim. i am of course just thinking of places near the area where the clothes were found. If we go beyond that there are tons. he did mention border station in his wavy interview there is a pond right behind that. Someone years ago dumped a suv in it that wasn't found for quite awhile.

That's why I was thinking going down Backwoods Rd (off Ballahack) to South Mills Rd. There are better spots in there. That was where I saw my first black bear in this area. Dead, but just off the side of the road where we were bike riding.
I'm sure LE already knew about that storage unit. I mean, if I could find it, any idiot could find it. Still, doesn't hurt to call in anything that might be of some real value.
But that's just it. No new searches. Kicking the media off her yard and calling the police on them. No "heartfelt" pleading in front of the camera. No temporary reconciliation with AJ's first step-father, the one who raised her and STILL HAS JOINT CUSTODY, at least for the purposes of finding her, and instead undermining and blocking him. Photographing the ODU game instead of doing something, ANYTHING else to find AJ.

This is not the behavior of a desperate parent. In fact, this is the kind of effort I'd give to find our dog, not my daughter (literally meaning me and mine).

Something else that struck me, and this is REALLY far fetched. What if this whole thing is an act, something concocted to get WH back in jail and out of JH's house and life? Follow the logic here---AJ goes "missing." WH springs in to action, doing all he can, following up on leads, intimidating witnesses, B&E, etc, just being the predictable WH the family all knows him to be. They know he's been using, they know he's got a gun(s) and ammo, and they know that once the police get involved he's in some serious trouble. This might explain any of WH's legitimate concern for AJ, expressed in all his interviews. His "inconsistencies," his apprehension at answering questions, his double-talk, is a somewhat weak attempt to prevent self-incrimination, and all the things he does admit to he feels he should get a pass on because it's all about finding AJ.

The rub here with my WILD theory is that JH never expected it to blow up like it has. She can act like there's nothing wrong because in reality, she KNOWS AJ is ok. Meanwhile, everyone who is in on it continues to throw WH under the bus, knowing full well the public is going to buy it because of his past. Evidence is planted, but it's planted for WH's benefit. The "army" of AJ's friends who continue to hang out at the house are the same army of people who helped to find this evidence....

NPD still hasn't released that WH is a POI. He hasn't been charged with kidnapping. And while the statement "NPD has not ruled out foul play," they've also maintained that there's no evidence of foul play. Why? Because, to date, there really is NO evidence of foul play.

I know it's crazy, like something out of a mystery novel, but it's plausible. In my mind it is a way to explain quite a bit of the "weirdness" of this case. It's been on my mind over the past couple days, felt like I could finally organize it a bit to type it. Would really like to know how far off base people think it is?

only big problem with this theory IMO is that JH felt comfortable enough to be separated from WH.... we don't know to what degree, but they weren't living together. if she felt comfortable enough to be coexisting while separated, why "stage" a disappearance??? why worry family members, community, friends?
Now this photo shows the area where the search party last Saturday congregated. now keep in mind that the lot is now clear of all the debris in the photo. This area is pitch black at night and is where I believe the shorts were found because of the way he described driving in the interview to wavy

View attachment 71844

And that's the area I was talking about near the intersection of Battlefield and the Expressway!
That's why I was thinking going down Backwoods Rd (off Ballahack) to South Mills Rd. There are better spots in there. That was where I saw my first black bear in this area. Dead, but just off the side of the road where we were bike riding.

That's because one of the largest black bear population in the area is in dismal swamp not far from there!!! We saw a couple when we went there before. That's what scares me about that being the area where she believed to be, spring bears waking up hungry!
That's because one of the largest black bear population in the area is in dismal swamp not far from there!!! We saw a couple when we went there before. That's what scares me about that being the area where she believed to be, spring bears waking up hungry!

Oh dear lord!:tantrum:
only big problem with this theory IMO is that JH felt comfortable enough to be separated from WH.... we don't know to what degree, but they weren't living together. if she felt comfortable enough to be coexisting while separated, why "stage" a disappearance??? why worry family members, community, friends?
I don't think they staged it but if so they are doing one heck of a good job. And WH dug his own grave by putting himself as #1 prime suspect.
I'm sure LE already knew about that storage unit. I mean, if I could find it, any idiot could find it. Still, doesn't hurt to call in anything that might be of some real value.

I think a lot of people think that way and just assume either LE already knows or someone else called it in. In this case, I think they might have had a flood of "storage unit" tips all around the same time ;)

It's always better to err on the side of caution than to do nothing at all, and just assume LE already know. They might actually NOT know something we uncover here at WS. It's happened before, and it's also happened that missing women are found in rented storage units. Too stinking often, in fact.

Anyone notice in the last week since WH has been in jail there's been a rather obvious lack of tips and evidence uncovered in the area? Hmm...
Another thing!!!! Its says "we just want her home safe" make me wonder if they know maybe she is being held by someone. But idk! Agh its so frustrating!

I agree, it is highly frustrating. I also think JH knows something, but still do not think she was actually involved in any way. I am not ready to crucify her over her behavior and the BAJH page, because I still feel there might be a deeper reason behind that.

Not that I think she is mother of the year for bringing a felon with a repeated violent history into her home with her children. I am just not sure whether her current hush hush behavior is because she still feels/is being threatened.

But at times I am on the fence...

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