VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #1

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Wow dangrs. Trifecta. Good way to start.
Wow dangrs. Trifecta. Good way to start.

Will make it four then.

Yes, this horrorcore music is truly shocking.

There's a band, they've written music sympathizing with the devil. They even have an entire album about their dedication to Satan. And they madea a movie with hidden occult symbolism.

They call themselves: The Rolling Stones.

And there is this other band, the lead singer says he's more famous than Jesus...
It's these sort of typos that are making an already complex timeline hard to follow:

Friday, September 18th between 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Shrim (rapper) calls police and tells them that a friend of McCroskey from California said he got a call from McCroskey on Thursday, September 16th in the afternoon saying he had killed one or more people. McCroskey's friend says McCroskey was "upset" on the phone. Farmville police identify McCroskey as their suspect.,0,6154563.story

Okay so did the WIR guy get a call from Sam on Wednesday, September 16th or Thursday, September 17?

If it was Thursday afternoon then I'm wondering if it was after Sam killed the pastor. Maybe the fourth murder made him realize that he was not going to get away with this horrific crime.

I think I believe this article more so because it's local news, I always notice local news to where the stuff happens has more accurate info. Probably because they have more access to the police officers involved.
I find this somewhat disgusting! I can't find any other words at the moment, so I'll just say disgusting pretty much sums it up.
Making money on other peoples mental illnesses, Bravo, *advertiser censored**holes!
I'm sorry if that's out of line, if so it can be deleted!
When i saw this i have to say that i was disgusted myself and these ppl WERE my friends......
Sick and Raz say they arent really Satanists, they are "occultists"

I did an interview with them in April if anyone wants to listen to find out more about them

I no longer associate myself with them or the scene. This murder has disturbed me so bad i cant bear to listen to the lyrics, they just make me wanna cry.
When i saw this i have to say that i was disgusted myself and these ppl WERE my friends......
Sick and Raz say they arent really Satanists, they are "occultists"

I did an interview with them in April if anyone wants to listen to find out more about them

I no longer associate myself with them or the scene. This murder has disturbed me so bad i cant bear to listen to the lyrics, they just make me wanna cry.
I think you're a very smart girl, Pixy. I am so sorry for everything that you're going through. I know all of this must be really hard for you. When I hear the music all I can think about are those poor people who got murdered.
I have been having problems with the timeline as well. I spoke to Raz Friday evening and from 5pm EST to 10pm she was freaking out, trying to find out what happpened to Emma and Mel.
I dont understand that if say Sick had called the police alerting them to the bodies which were found around 3pm that day, why would she be IMing me asking me if i have heard from them. Around Midnite after i had heard about there were 4 dead bodies and Sam no where to be found i got an IM from Raz and i said i hear they are all dead and Sam is no where to be seen and she said "i have known about it since this morning and if EVERYONE would just SFTU maybe we wont get in trouble"
Get in trouble about what?

This has been disturbing me ALOT since then.
Why would Sick lie on his blog to when he called the police if that is the case? Why would he call Mel's parents instead of the police ESP since they werent sure of who was in that house. What right do the police have to give him any info regarding an open police investigation esp since he could be a possible witness during a trial since he had alerted the police either to the bodies or who could have killed them?
None of this makes any sense to me and they have my address/phone number too from purchases made which kinda freaks me out.

Razakel (12:09:15 AM): we've known about everything since this morning Razakel (12:09:22 AM): detectives should be here any sec Razakel (12:09:33 AM): if everyone would just shut thier *advertiser censored*ing mouths Razakel (12:09:37 AM): maybe we all wont get in trouble Razakel (12:09:51 AM): cuz we know more than the media right now Razakel (12:09:56 AM): so PLZ
piXy (12:10:01 AM): what did he say, why would he do this Razakelx(12:10:02 AM): out of *advertiser censored*** respect Razakelx (12:10:06 AM): dont talk about it anywhere Razakel (12:10:13 AM): its no ones business right now Razakel (12:10:17 AM): we aint saying sh** before the cops Razakelx(12:10:19 AM): SO PLZ
piXy...I am so glad to hear you are distancing yourself from these people/music. I'm so sorry for your pain and I send cyber hugs to you.

I have been wondering...there sure are a lot of pics of Razakel and the two girls. In one video from sftw I believe Raz at one point singles Emma out and sings to her. Are they that "close" to ALL of their fans? I read somewhere Raz did Mel's hair that night. It almost seems like Emma and Mel were singled out by Raz in particular to form some sort of "relationship." Strange to me. I've known local artists many times over and they don't get that "close" to their "fans." IMO
When i saw this i have to say that i was disgusted myself and these ppl WERE my friends......
Sick and Raz say they arent really Satanists, they are "occultists"

I did an interview with them in April if anyone wants to listen to find out more about them

I no longer associate myself with them or the scene. This murder has disturbed me so bad i cant bear to listen to the lyrics, they just make me wanna cry.

I am sorry that you have to be burdened with these horrible feelings, piXy, but it is refreshing to see that someone (either in the scene or formerly in the scene) has been genuinely effected but this senseless tragedy. I don't see how anyone who was truly friends of the deceased or even the murderer, could continue to support Horrorcore, let alone write and perform, and perpetuate the evil and ugliness of it all.

On a personal note, I just found out the other day that I am going to be a father. Really makes me think about the choices I will make to insure that my kid(s) never go down this path or have to suffer the same kind of loss that you and your friends have. Just puts the fragility of the circle of life into perspective.
piXy...I am so glad to hear you are distancing yourself from these people/music. I'm so sorry for your pain and I send cyber hugs to you.

I have been wondering...there sure are a lot of pics of Razakel and the two girls. In one video from sftw I believe Raz at one point singles Emma out and sings to her. Are they that "close" to ALL of their fans? I read somewhere Raz did Mel's hair that night. It almost seems like Emma and Mel were singled out by Raz in particular to form some sort of "relationship." Strange to me. I've known local artists many times over and they don't get that "close" to their "fans." IMO
She sings to them in her song where she says these lyrics
i'm in the grotto preforming FREE ABORTIONS pulling fetuses throw em up against the wall, hold em close their my living dead RAGDOLLS

I personally always thought it was weird she was so close to ragdoll bc she is so young, Mel is young too. I talked to these girls but on a level of like Little sisters, she seemed to be more involved with them esp to put their myspace names in a lyric of her song.
She also has a song called Abortion Party {BYOB} where she shouts out FREE ABORTIONS FOR ALL! over and over which is a melanie reference.
I was always pretty close to raz too before all this started. I spoke to the media and started questioning the SKR timeline and promptly got kicked off the Apostles team but i was on the verge on quitting anyways, i didnt wanna associate myself with them anymore.
Andy and Raz were so nice at SFTW, even found me a ride home and made sure i got home ok. which is something a friend does and not just someone that you came to their show ya know.
I have been having problems with the timeline as well. I spoke to Raz Friday evening and from 5pm EST to 10pm she was freaking out, trying to find out what happpened to Emma and Mel.
I dont understand that if say Sick had called the police alerting them to the bodies which were found around 3pm that day, why would she be IMing me asking me if i have heard from them. Around Midnite after i had heard about there were 4 dead bodies and Sam no where to be found i got an IM from Raz and i said i hear they are all dead and Sam is no where to be seen and she said "i have known about it since this morning and if EVERYONE would just SFTU maybe we wont get in trouble"
Get in trouble about what?

This has been disturbing me ALOT since then.
Why would Sick lie on his blog to when he called the police if that is the case? Why would he call Mel's parents instead of the police ESP since they werent sure of who was in that house. What right do the police have to give him any info regarding an open police investigation esp since he could be a possible witness during a trial since he had alerted the police either to the bodies or who could have killed them?
None of this makes any sense to me and they have my address/phone number too from purchases made which kinda freaks me out.

Razakel (12:09:15 AM): we've known about everything since this morning Razakel (12:09:22 AM): detectives should be here any sec Razakel (12:09:33 AM): if everyone would just shut thier *advertiser censored*ing mouths Razakel (12:09:37 AM): maybe we all wont get in trouble Razakel (12:09:51 AM): cuz we know more than the media right now Razakel (12:09:56 AM): so PLZ
piXy (12:10:01 AM): what did he say, why would he do this Razakelx(12:10:02 AM): out of *advertiser censored*** respect Razakelx (12:10:06 AM): dont talk about it anywhere Razakel (12:10:13 AM): its no ones business right now Razakel (12:10:17 AM): we aint saying sh** before the cops Razakelx(12:10:19 AM): SO PLZ

So she's saying he did it out of respect? WTF? Respect for who?
Raz hardly seems like a motherly figure...

Apparently, those girls looked up to Raz - sigh.

Today is Emma and her mom's services. Just breaks my heart.
I think she was telling me out of respect not to say anything to anyone... im not sure, i was so confused with that whole conversation

Oh, yeah it seems pretty confusing. Pixy, I think I just added you on myspace.....i hope i got the right one....haha
I'm about 30, i remember the start of horrorcore, before it was all the wanna be rock bands like twizted, backwhen ICP only rapped and you had real artists like gravediggaz, knight ridaz, the first bone thugs & harmony, the old 3 6 mafia.. Back when some of these "artists" actually had talent.. The metal kids invaded, turned it into the trashy scene it is today..

That is the only comparable about punk besides its strive to be "underground" which it not anymore, horrorcore was underground in the early to mid 90's.. These days its just suburban kids who didnt think the metal scene cool enough for them, and they wanted to rap.. Its full of emo.
When i saw this i have to say that i was disgusted myself and these ppl WERE my friends......
Sick and Raz say they arent really Satanists, they are "occultists"

I did an interview with them in April if anyone wants to listen to find out more about them

I no longer associate myself with them or the scene. This murder has disturbed me so bad i cant bear to listen to the lyrics, they just make me wanna cry.

Hi Pixy
I really feel for you. What you have to remember is that you have done nothing wrong. You were a friend for Emma and that says alot. I do think that the group is not healthy. It is about money for the organizers and it is not healthy for you or the other participants. I think it is smart to take a break, get some distance from everything and clear your head about everything for a while. Don't let your thoughts go too deep right now and overanalyze what is happening. Time will heal all. One or two months from now it will all make more sense and you will feel alot better than you do today.
Hi there, usually a huge lurker, just wanted to say that I applaud piXy for standing up to these people. I'm not gonna lie, these people scare me I can't imagine how it would feel leaving their inner circle. The thing to remember is that they rely on all those people to feed their self worth, you dont' need them to know yours. Stand up for whats right and it all will work out in the end.

Thanks to everyone keeping us updated on this thread, it's much appreciated by this lurker!!!

ps - absynthminded1, congrats and good luck to you!
When i saw this i have to say that i was disgusted myself and these ppl WERE my friends......
Sick and Raz say they arent really Satanists, they are "occultists"

I did an interview with them in April if anyone wants to listen to find out more about them

I no longer associate myself with them or the scene. This murder has disturbed me so bad i cant bear to listen to the lyrics, they just make me wanna cry.


Which brings to mind an angle that seems to have been missed by everyone. Unlike a lot of the so called "satanic" music that has been blamed for various ills over the years, this music actually contains purposely hidden messages. What are they? According to his MySpace blog, apart from the overtly violent lyrics, SickTanick's music contains hidden messages encoded in the form of "gematria" which is a numerological form encryption used originally by Jewish mystics. See link

I compile all doctrines by using the hebrew system of Gematria (this is how it is decided what track numbers are which, how many verses / bars a song has, Gematria is the science of taking words and giving them occult numerical value, this system has been used since ancient times, every number has a root occult reference and significance.

Now that you know there is MUCH MORE than what you see and hear at face value, i encourage you to study my albums "Premanitions" & "Chapter One : Doctrines Of The Damned" TRUE DECIPLES OF THE WATCH Will Study and EARN the knowledge i address in these (what i like to call) "Audio Grimoires".

Im one to believe the occult is SACRED, not just ANYONE should be able to be involved or be able to practice it, that is why i have HIDDEN this knowledge within my Audio Grimoires, the musick will choose its TRUE listener and the listener will LEARN from the Audio Grimoire rather than just "Listen To It Cause Its Cool" This is why i DO throw elements of "Shock" value and "Entertainment" in my musick.

Its NOT intended to reach out and just touch anyone, its intended for a practitioner of the occult.
The publication of such a book would be the best thing that ever happened to SKR.

Your post consists of 100% unsupported speculation and unsubstantiated accusations. Not very useful.

I'm sorry, could you direct me to the part of my post where I said I was posting based on absolute facts...

The few known facts in this case are reiterated on a daily basis. What I do is profile and think outside of the box.

I might add a book won't do him a damn bit of good when it lands him behind bars....

It's NOT speculation that he parties with minors and sells music without parental advisory labels. (If you really want me to play a game of unsubstantiated accusations, wonder how many minors he and his trashy girlfriend have slept with?)
I'm about 30, i remember the start of horrorcore, before it was all the wanna be rock bands like twizted, backwhen ICP only rapped and you had real artists like gravediggaz, knight ridaz, the first bone thugs & harmony, the old 3 6 mafia.. Back when some of these "artists" actually had talent.. The metal kids invaded, turned it into the trashy scene it is today..

That is the only comparable about punk besides its strive to be "underground" which it not anymore, horrorcore was underground in the early to mid 90's.. These days its just suburban kids who didnt think the metal scene cool enough for them, and they wanted to rap.. Its full of emo.

And interestingly, no one pays attention until some white suburban kids get killed. How surprising.

Some of the similarities I see to the early punk culture that I experienced in the 70s and 80s...

- Harsh "non-musical" music, rejected by many people at the time as being "bad" music
- Socially offensive lyrics attacking accepted social institutions, religion, etc.
- Altering of appearance to shock or disturb "normal" people
- Violence in lyrics, musical sound, band names (i.e. The Dead Kennedys), and at concerts (the mosh pit wasn't invented until the late 70s...)
- Drug use often to extreme excess (See also Barrington Hall at UCB)
- Evidence of self injury, i.e. SickTanick bashes himself with his microphone...
- DIY attitude, the audience is not just listening to the music but is an active participant in the experience of it, and often is part of the creation of the music.

I could go on.
I'm sorry, could you direct me to the part of my post where I said I was posting based on absolute facts...

The few known facts in this case are reiterated on a daily basis. What I do is profile and think outside of the box.

I might add a book won't do him a damn bit of doors when it lands him behind bars....

It's NOT speculation that he parties with minors and sells music without parental advisory labels. (If you really want me to play a game of unsubstantiated accusations, wonder how many minors he and his trashy girlfriend have slept with?)

Your opinions are fine, but they aren't based on anything but your pre-existing beliefs and biases. I'm sorry maybe we don't use the word the same way, but to me statements made in the absence of evidence are called speculation. There's no evidence that SickTanick did anything inappropriate with a minor, i..e having sex or consuming drugs, that I've seen here. I see some evidence that Razakel may have been drinking with the girls in a bathroom, but again we can't confirm that for sure from the presented photograph.

As far as parental advisory labels, that's a voluntary system created by the music industry to avoid litigation An independently published artist has no obligation to attach these to their works. See
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